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Spriritual Emphasis Wee k 2002
While speaking inconvocation,Ragel walked up and down theVines Center. Many enjoyed hishumor ashe preached the Word ofGod. Ragel'stheme fortheweek was honesty, both inrelationshipswith othersand relationshipswith the Lord.
Returning once again to LU, Jamie Ragelwas thespeakerfor winter Spiritual Emphasis Week. He delivered God'sWord through humor and sarcasm,but still got straighttothe point when delivering the message.
Several students respond toan alter call afterconvocation.Decisionsfor salvation and rededication were made The week went sowellthat Ragel agreed to stayone more nightforan extended S.E.W.
"According toJohn"played afew songs offtheiralbum.The band alsoledthe student body in worship.
Ragel'scharacteristic humor included everything from jokesabout his wifeto funnyvoices.
Letthe praisesofour King be known. Allthroughout theVines Center "According toJohn"ledeveryonein praiseand worship