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Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

were able to get her to ahospital where she was said to beincritical condition Thankfully,the Lord saw fit to spare my Mom's life She is alivetoday because of Him

When I was 12, my cousins and I were playing hide and seek behind our house.Unfortunately,itwas myturnto'seek'. I counted to ten, and when I opened myeyes therewas agun pointed atmy head. Icouldn't speak orbreathe All Icould do was tremble and repeat Jesus' name inmymind.I hardly remember how I ranaway from there, but I am reminded there is power inthe name ofJesus.

The miracles I have seen are countless.I have seen numerous people shot and killed asa war raged allaround my house InJuly, 2001, we leftforAmerica,only 4 hours before our home was riddled with bullets

Ipray forpeace given by the Prince ofPeace .Jesus!

Things that most people don't know : He usuallyappearstobe ashy person, but once people gettoknow him they discover how funnny he really is.

oohananit h DOB-°ctober8<1980

From: Cambodia

Major: Business M.I.S. Wh y Liberty? His sinsconvincedhim i attend Libety after students there.

Hobbies: Listeningto Khmer music, playing intramuralsoccer, and usingthecomputer

,s that most people don't know: .ike tosee more missionariescometo . inety-fivepercentofits inhabitants an Buddhist There isastrong need forevangelism in his country

BornonApril28,1972in Houston,Texas,PatrickAndrews grew upattending church on a regularbasis.It was not untilAugust 1,1990thathe became a bom-again Christian. Whilevisiting youth camp in Dallas,he recalls the speaker discussing the importanceofhaving a personal relationshipwithJesusChrist, as opposed to simply being a "nice guy". This allowed him to realize what he had been missing inhis life.

In 1993, Patrick made the decision to attend Liberty Universityafterbeinginvitedtovisitthecollegebyhisroommate ChrisEvans, a relativeofMack Evans, member ofThomas Road BaptistChurch.As a resultofthisvisit, he decidedtoenroll as a full-time student inspring of1994.

During spring break ofhisfirst semester here,Partick's relaxingbreak and entirelife was interrupted by aterrible car accident. Afterthe accident, he was forced to undergo years of mentaland physicaltherapyin order to sustain a full recovery. Looking back at the accident has given Patricka new appreciationforbeing alivetoday. Because ofhis triumph, Patrickwas given a full scholarship from Dr. Falwell in 1998. He acknowledges Dr. Falwell as the main reason he is atLibertytoday. After graduating from the Liberty Bilble Institute in May of 2003 he plans on majoring in speech communication at Liberty. His current interests include photography,and reading books by John Grisham and John McCarther. Every Liberty student knows who Patrick is because of his habit of wearing bright hunter's orange. He began wearingorangeinJanuaryof 1998 after purchasing his first orangeshirtfromthecommunity box of LBI.He sewed a button on the collarso he could wear a tiewith it and remain indresscode. He feels thatorangeisavibrant, eye-catching colorthatcorresponds wellwithhis outgoing personality.

Students perform askiton stagebeforedoing a dance routine to aJustinTimberlake song

A student practices backstage before performing for the crowd of over 2,000 students.

The host, Nic Carver, asks the audience for volunteers forhisgame where students had to name what famous movies certain lines were from.

After reminding students of the true meaning of Christmas, Matt Butterfield sings solo with his

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