1 minute read
rThe candles were lit, the stage was set and the lights were dimmed.StudentsarrivedattheOmni Hotel in Charlottesville,VA, adorned in their best for the evening. Many had planned months inadvanced forthe Junior/Senior banquet; flowers, hair appointments, tuxedo rentalsand formal gowns were all a part ofthe preparations.
Behind the scenes,the Junior and Senior class officers alsobegan meeting inthefall tobe ready intime forthe banquet in April.
The evening offered a catered dinner,followed by a special power point presentation dedicated totheClass of2003.SGA Vice President, Brian Fraser, offered a toast to the graduating seniors, followed by words of encouragement from SGA President,Zach Gautier,and then Chancellor,Dr.Jerry Falwell.
Comedian MichaelJoinertopped offthe eveningwitha hilarious comedic and improvisational routine. The selfproclaimed "God's smart-aleck"had thecrowd of400students, staff and administration rollingwithlaughter.
The theme ofthe evening,Mosaic,"Comprised ofmany lives, encompassed by one purpose", was evolved from theideathatwe all fulfill a differentroleto make up the entirebody ofChrist. Justlike the many piecesofa mosaic, each one ofus is a smallpartthat makes upthe whole.
Friday Night. Classes erer. TRhat are we geing te dt?
#1 - Barmes aad N«ble jjfe - Fxiebee gelf @ Peak's Vie w Paric
#3 - M«Ties 10
#U - Wal-Mart
#5 - Dr«w»y P«et
It's Fridaynight, classes arefinished, andyou'rethanking God forthenext2daysofnoalarm clocks, noconvocation and no dress code.Butbefore you breathe thatsatisfying sigh ofrelief, your peaceful thoughts are interrupted by your roommate'svoice, "What areyougoingtodotonight?"Immediately yourmind istakenfrom hopeful tranquility tothediscouraging reality, "Ilivein Lynchburg,VA. "And youwouldn't be thefirst person toask,"What is there to do in Lynchburg?" Sowe decided toanswer that question forposterity.Amidst this quaint,old city, Liberty Students have developed acollege town with enough discounthangouts tokeep them athome herewhile keeping, at least, most ofthem out ofbankruptcy.
araes a*d Ntble
Josh Smith making a messwith books at Barnes and Noble. Everynightfinds thechairsand tables full ofstudents who seek to escape the on campus atmosphere.
Peak's View Par
Stephen Edwards slams in another eagle during his frisbee golf game. Thesport hasgained popularityin recent years, asithas made its way into many city parks,and still remains freeof cost.
Menes 10
Libertystudentsform longlines to get intowatch their favorite movie at Movies 10. Tuesdays attractanenormous crowd as students canseemoviesfor $.50.
Students always enjoy their shopping time at the 24-hour Wal-Mart acrossthestreetfrom the campus. Nearly every day the store ispacked likeit's the Christmas season.
Drewsy Peet
Always buzzing with activity, the Drowsy Poet isa popular place to enjoy friends, do schoolwork, and sip on a good cup of coffee.