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mysteriousJivesoftheoppositesex. Bee co-edvisitationisstrictlyprohibitedatLiberty,Open Dorms isa chance foron-campus students to showcase their creativity, it takes place each December, beforeexams, andis an hourand a glimpse intoanotherworld. AtTOpm the guys tothe girls' dorms andareallowed tostayfor one hour. At 11 pm thegirls head overtosee how the guys live. Open Dorms brings out the best (ora least themost unique) aspectsofdorm life. pIPMI
What spectacular sights! Visitors entering Dorm 2 receive 3D glasses and candy. The hallway was litupwithChristmaslights-the 3D glasses made the lightslook like stars.
*Zlf latenights, laughter, tears, movies,Walmart,roadtrips, conversation,memories...
While most student s decorat e their rooms, the students above chose to relax and hang out.
The winter of2002-2003 was one ofthe worst in the history of Virginia. The winter storms that plagued the east coast caused schools all over the state to cancel.Liberty closed its doorsforthesecond timein its history, allowingstudentstodrop theirbooks andenjoy much needed free time. Students could be found using their mattresses,laundry baskets, trash bags,and lunch trays to slide downhills. Classes were cancelled for three days and delayed once.
An hour with a hand in a fire seems like eternity.Anhou spent with a good frienc seems tolast only second. The beauty ofthe Liberi community is exhibitedinth( friendshipsit fosters.
Some ofthese friendswill go ontobecome bridesmaids and groomsmen. Some will remain lifelong pen pals.Others will be forced to go their separate ways, committed to cherish the memories they made together.
Rebel Cry, written and directed by Linda Nell Cooper, becam e the highlight of the year. The play focused on the final days of Petersburg and Richmond in the early spring of 1865. The musical wa s based on the life of Elizabeth Van Lew, a spy for the North during the Civil War. Miss. Van Le w wa s a Southener, living in Richmond. "Rebel Cry is about betrayal, honor and love," Coope r said. "It's not really a musical about North versus South. It's about a community in Richmond which had divided loyalties."