1 minute read
Revealing God's Promises &c&ujer*i
Convocation is a meeting of the University population.It builds harmony within the Liberty neighborhood. It provides forums for the communal issues of our time and other enlightening topics of varied concern for the assistance ofstudents, faculty and staff members. Visitingspeakersfrom theprofessionalworld along with gifted staff members are showcased. Music followed by a message from our Chancellor or Presidenthelp make Convocation an inspirational and uplifting experience. Convocation serves to expand university accord,spread knowledge, and challenge students religiously, socially,ethically and rationally.
An d I will give them one heart, and I will put a ne w spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of theirflesh,and will give them an heart offlesh:That they ma y walk in m y statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be m y people, and I will be their God.
Ezekial 11:19-20 •
Sounds of Liberty.
Emily Borneman. Resident Director
Currently inGraduate program. Fro m Bell-air, MD.
Bor n inBaltimore, MD .
Likes canoeing, hiking, reading, and drinking coffee. Plays violinand can shoot ablack powder muzzle loading rifle. Listens to Celticand jazz music. Pretends she's a princesswhen know one is around.