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Name:Meghan Maginnis. Prayer Leader. Currently a SeniorCommunications,AD/PR major. Fro m Woodbridge, VA. Bor n Landstuhl, Germany. Likes scrapbooking,reading,spending timewith her girls. Organizes peoples' lives without them even realizing it. Listens to Christian contemporary music, especially Michael W. Smith. Lives b y "Do notfollowwhere the path amay lead ...Goinstead where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Robert Frost. Constantly looks at watch. Wishe s to have lived during the CivilWar.
"Remember them who have rule over you, whc have spoken unto you the word of God;whose faith follow,considering the outcome of their conversation.
The campus pastors are a dedicated group, accessible to students, faculty and staff. They provide conversation, counseling, support and prayer. The pastors organize events for spiritualimprovementand development, including university convocations, hall Bible studies,campus church,volunteer services and yearly events,such as Spiritual Emphasis Week. Worship is at the center ofcollege life at LU. The Christiandedicationof the faculty, staff and students creates an atmosphere ofpositivepeer influence in which to study,work and live.The contributions of the campus pastors are essential to this atmosphere.
The campus pastors were pleased to welcome Dr. Rob Jackson back to theLiberty family afteratwo-year absence. Dr. Jackson is the SeniorCampus Pastor and VicePresident for SpiritualLife.
left: Dr. RobJackson Proverbs 3:5&6: "Trust inthe Lord with allthineheart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In allthy ways acknowledge Him, and He shalldirectthypaths."
11H left:Pastor Dwayne Carson Philippians 4:6:"Be anxious fornothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,letyour requests be made known unto God."
Aright:Dr Charles Hughes Psalm 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation ofmy heart be acceptable inthy sight, O Lord, my strength,and my redeemer."
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_.it: Dr.Don Fowler
Philippians 3:10: "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship ofHis sufferings His resurre £ l d e con formable unto Hisdeath."