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CSER: exposed HI m u
In recognition of the Scriptural admonition that "faith without works isdead" (James2:17) and in fulfillment of the Great Commission of world evangelization found in Matt. 28:18-20,the Christian Community Service component of the curriculum serves to affirm theChristianworldview and provide a practical expression of God's love for mankind.
"We atLiberty University require Christian/Community Service so that ouryoung people get an action-oriented curriculum.When you goto aChristianUniversityyou need not only to learn the information in theclassroom, but you need totake itoutto the people;outtothe neighborhoods and the communities; the hospitalsandthehomes.Christian Service for us isa part of the Liberty curriculum; a part of the action-oriented curriculum,and it shallever beapart of Liberty."
Jerry Falwell Chancellor
"Iam a student assistantfor a teacher in the Bruckner Learning Center. I get an opportunity tobe helpfulto a teacher who has been helpful to me"
Sarah Ailison
Civic and community services
Communit y improvement
Alleviation of huma n suffering
Assisting the underprivileged and les fortunate
Education and development of children/adults
Educational assistance
Stewardship of the earth below: ResnetCoordinatorDavid Hara and ResnetSpecialistJosh Batesassist DesireeGamage with network troubleshooting
"I work at the Center for Worship for my Christian/ Community Service.Ilike it because I geta chance tosee the singers live what they singon stage, they arereally good Christians and Igetto see that off stage."
Ifeoma Ho choruseswhileothersbreak outthe soda and microwave popcorn. Testimonies are shared. Requests are spoken.Hearts are intertwined, leaders ensure that every student is loved, prayed for,prayed with, and discipled. Of course, it's not all serious. What would Thursday nights be without the occasional pizza or box of Krispy Kreme donuts? All in all, prayer groups are just another example ofhow LibertyUniversityprovidestheperfect environment forfun and fellowshipwith both God and fellow men.
"For this reason we also since the day we heard it did not cease to pray foryou and ask thatyou may be filledwith the knowledge ofHiswillin all wisdom and spiritual understanding;thatyou may walkworthy ofthe Lord, fully pleasing Him,being fruitfulinevery good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with allmight, according to His glorious power, forall patience and longsuffering withjoy." Collossians 1:9-11