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Liberty singing those childrenreally
For Libertystudents,Sandra and Liza Del Cid, this d did much ofthetranslatingforthe team.
Through theirlong daysofministry, thegroupwas
Most students look forward to spring break planning lazydays by the beach and fun inthesun.
But fora group ofstudents and staff with LightMinistrT spring break was anything but a typical"vacation".
This group spent theirbreak inHonduras,ministering through music, drama and relationships. Students worked inchurches, schools and orphanages,sharing the gospel with hundreds ofpeople.
For seniorJoy George,mission tripsare not a new experience. She has spent her fouryearsat with Light Ministries and going on mission tripsevery year. But thistripwas anything but a typicalexperience. helped giveme an ideaofhow blessed we trulyare-and how,no matterwhere we are, we areunited in Christ," was more thanjust a mission trip, it was a chance togo home. The sisters arefrom Honduras abletocome away from this experience knowing they had invested theirpreciousdaysof"break"intothelives ofothers
Ifmy people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turnfrom their wicked ways, then I willhearfrom heaven and I willhealtheir land.
1 Chronicles 7:14
Students and citizens gathered from all overcentralVirginiain LibetyUniversity's Vines center for a nationally televised recognitionoftheNationalDay ofprayer. One ofonly three locations withthe privilege,thousands of people packed the auditorium for music, fellowship, special speakers,and of course fervent prayerforthecondition ofthenation and guidance ofits leadership. Eventslikethis powerfullyremind America thatthis isstill one nation under God.