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Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

in a seven-message series for the Spring Semester's Spiritual Emphasis Week evangelist Larry Grays tried to teach students some life lessons. Grays began speaking Sunday morning before the superbowland spokeeverynightthroughWednesday.To end theweek, Christian artist, Clay Crosseperformed inconvocation and at campus church on Wednesday night.

In the Secret

Regardless of all dynamic spiritual events, memorable fun times,and rigorous academic demands,many studentswould agreethatthe time they treasure most is their personal fellowship with God. Indeed those who learn to prioritize their time with the Creator and Saviour are those who leave this University most fulfilledand most directed. At any given time, on any day, devoted students can be found seeking God in a variety oflocations, both on and offCampus. The purpose ofthis school willcertainly be preserved, as long as themen and women who attendherepayclose attention toChrist.

... in the quiet of your dorm .

Blessed is the man who walks notinthecounsel ofthe ungodly, norstands in the way ofsinners, nor sitsinthe seatofscomers;buthisdelightisinthe law ofthe Lord on which he mediates dayandnight.

Psalm 1:1-2

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