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Ministry Sudents Living Double Lives
The culprits of this feature live as studious college students on weekdays.Butwhen theweekend hitsornightfalls, they show theirtrue colors. Seminary Student Daniel Floyd emerges inFredericksburg asthe pastor ofa contemporary service. Brady Rose heads north on Wednesday nights-destination:Amherst BaptistChurch Youth Group tolead young people inworship and BibleStudy.PhillipKelly spends sleeplessnightsin a parsonage near LevelBaptistChurch."Double lives"however,may not be an accurate description forthese three students who involve themselves inalmost every group orevent thatthey can handle.
Rose, Kelly, and Floyd are "indemand" asfarasthe ministryfield is concerned and they aregetting acrash course inthe toolsofthe trade and how touse them.Opportunities areboundless with theirvalued experience. Theirfutureswillbe bright and hopeful.