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InterningatRiversideChurch inFt. Myers Floridaoverthe summer between hissophomore and junioryears,Brady experienced the daily routine of a youth pastor. That experience was crucialbecause he was offered thejob of full-time youth pastor at Amherst Baptist Church at the beginning ofthespringsemesterduringhisjunioryear. He speaksregularlyon weekend tripswith LightMinistriesand he has been blessed tosee hundreds ofpeople givetheir lives to the Lord. Brady exemplifies Christian leadership. As the Spriitual LifeDirector on Dorm 10,he runs weekly accountability meetings with students."The drivingforce behind being a leaderis nothingcomplicated, "Bradysaid adding, "You justhave toloveJesusand God willuseyou. God hasdefinitelyused thishumble studentinavarietyof ways. Brady gives a lot. The minsitries with which he is involved arean integralpartofhislife, buthestillfinds time togive hisbesteffortintheclassroom. Not surewhat the futureholds, Brady isjustcontentwithleavingthatinGod's hands