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Distance Learning Prngram
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Clockwise Dr. Homer Massey, Mr.AlFuhr, Dr Tim Mink, Dr. Rick Rasberry, Dr. Scott Phillips, Mr. Don Love, and JeremyMink.
Photosnot available: Mr. Alain MaasheMengueme and Mr. Wayne Patton
IntheDistance Learning Program (DLP)thegoal is simple: toprovide studentswith qualityinstruction thathelpsreach individualacademic andcareergoals. Instruction is provided tothestudentonvideotapesand onlinesoastudentcan work through thecourse athis or herown pace.Libertyalsoprovidesthelatestin hightech advances in theform ofextensiveonlineservicesforDistance Learning Program students. An exceptional amount ofstudents have earned theirdegreesthrough DLP. Asacompletely accredited organization, Liberty's DLP is aplacewhere lives arechanged onedegree atatime, in thecomfort oftheir homes,byhelpingstudents attain theiracademic and career goals.
Dr.H.L. Wilmington is thefounder and Dean ofthe Liberty Bible Institute. Hiswife,Sue, is Co-founder of the LBIwhere they both teach courses. Dr. "Wilmington teaches Old Testament Survey aswell * as, Theology Survey. Mrs. Willmington teachesfour levels of ChristianWomanhood.They haveoneson, -Dr. Matthew Wilmington, who now lives inGeorgia Rafter also being a professor atLiberty. AtLiberty BibleInstitute (LBI) each oftheseteaching programs includes 60 credit hours. The program canbe .finished in two years and offers a wonderful [alternative tostudentswho choose not to pursuea 'four yeardegree.
Afterfinishingthetwo-yearpastoralinstructionand in-serviceteaching at LBI,thestudent will be completely trained, both Biblicallyand practically,in the areas of pastoral ministry.A substantial number of LBIgraduatesareservingtheLord in new careersaftergraduatingfrom LBI. During aportfolioprocedure up to48 credithourscan becredited from LBI toLiberty University,which isa great opportunity for LBI graduateswho intend towork toward aBachelor'sdegree.
Mr.Rick Buck is Associate Dean of Liberty Bible Institute. Heteaches Hermeneutics I andII, Homiletics I and II, andthe study ofthe book of Hebrews.