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Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

Professor Janice Delong

Department: English

What didyou do over thesummer? M y husband and I always go toOuter Banks for a few daystorelaxand enjoytheocean.Besides goingtothebeach we alsoco-authored astudy guidefor Progeny Press, aChristianpublishing company thatmarkets study guides for good literaturewith aChristianfocus.

Favorite Liberty memory? Hearing alumni talkingabouthow theyused thebooks I taught inmyclass within theirown classroom.

Senior Brian Fraser

Major: English

Where doyou seeyourselfin 10 years? Attending law school. Then building afamily and careerwhether asa judge,apolitician, lawyer, or inministry. Advice for English students: Love by doing,leadby serving, liveby dying.

Senior Kentwalker

Major: English

What areyour primary activities? I actuallydo nothing butsit inmy room,read boring old books, write papers,and think hard.I am boring, and sois every other English major atany college.

Where do you seeyour selfinten years? Directing theater atahigh school or university and teaching English classes there.


Deptartment: Nursing

Favorite hobbies: Snow skiing,hiking, and photography. Favorite Liberty memory? I donothave one specificdateorevent. Myfavorite timeofyear is graduation. It is excitingtoseethe spiritua and professional growth in thegraduate nurses, it is rewarding.

Seniorautumn Page

Major: Nursing

Hometown: Charlotte,NC

Where doyou seeyourselfin10years? Married tomy fiance, Greg, and servingtheLord in anAfricantown or village

Advice forfuture Nursing students: Keep priorities in order: God,people, schoolwork.IfGod is notfirstthen nursing is notasfulfilling or awesome.

Seniorjeremiah Krieger

Major: Nursing

Hometown: Newaygo, Ml

SWhat is yourfavoritepartabout Nursing? The great friendsI made and thefacultyandstaff. Where do you seeyourself in 10 years? Married, working asamedical missionary toone ofthepoorest countries,andhelping the sick to become physically and spirituallyhealed.

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