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nts, TL EDUC
Deptartment: Education
Hobbies:I make baskets. At Christmas time I make costumes for my 15grandchildren for ourfamilyplay.
Favorite Liberty memory? Graduations. My husband and I gettoseeourstudents graduate.
Junior Sarah Williams
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Madison Heights, VA
Who inspired you topursueyour major? The children. I want toteach togive children the opportunity to do anything they want to do. To fill their minds with information thatwillhelp them inthejobsthey choose, butalso intheirown lives.
Senior Cara Woody
Major: Elementary Education s* •*
Advice for future Education students? Do whatyou love andlove what you do.W e have no greater gift than that of children.Learn something neweveryday because your students will ask you something new everyday.Finally, you have been calledtothisfield fora purpose and you willbeblessed beyond beliefby the lives you impact.
Department: Math