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Programming Student Circuitry
Department: Computer Science
Favorite Liberty Memory : Seeingthefirstgroup ofstudentsthatI had for fouryears graduate. Wh y Liberty? The opportunity toprepare young peopleto live and make aliving in away that I wanted someone to influence my own children, when theywere this age.
Senior Benscribner
Major: Computer Science
Wha t d o you like about your major? Small classes, easy to getto know the computer science majors, and it is reallyfun gettingto know how computers work.
Wh o or wha t inspired yo u to pursue this field? Justspending many hours playing around with my own computer and tryingtofix all ofits problems.
Enior Davidsantos
Major: Computer Science
Hometown : Ocean City, NJ
Wh o or what inspired you to pursue your field? The dream that one day I will beable to create 3-D animationorvideogamesthathaveChristian values instilledin them for thekids to watch andplay.
Senior Garrett Chambers
Major : History
Wher e d o yo u see yourself in 1 0 years? Married with a Ph.D. in Japanese History working on a second Doctorate inThird Reich History. Advic e for future History students? Find your favorite part of history and live,breath,eat,sleep thattime period and culture, so when you do write about it, it willbe hard forpeople to criticizeyou.
Senior Levi Miller
Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? Attending Kansas StateUniversityafter graduation toreceivea Master's in History. Hopefully having the opportunity tobe a professorincollege.And ofcoursemarriedwithno more than 10kids!
Wha t advice do you have for future students in History? TakeDr. Blassforanyclassyou can, because hehas been my favoriteprofessorthroughout my yearsat Liberty.