1 minute read
Themsel RELG
Deptartment: Religion
What makes you want to beatLiberty? I am hereat Libertybecause God wants mehere. I had many opportunitiestogo elsewhere, and each time I think ofanother school. I realize thatthey do not have the quality of students thatLibertyhas.
What do you loveabout Liberty? What I love aboutLibertyarethestudents. I feel thatwhen Iteach them, my influence is going tobe extended through their lifeastheservethe Lord around theworld.
Graduate Donald Small
Major:M. DIV
What is your favorite part about being inthe M.DIV?
Depth oftheknowledge oftheBiblefrom which we learn.
What advicedo you haveforfuturestudentsinthefield ofM. DIV? You must relyonGodtoshape you. Who inspired you to pursue aM.DIV? God! II ' I i
Amber Mastenbrook
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
What is your favorite partofbeing aReligion major?
Our professorsarereallyawesome, and I likeall ofthem. Who inspired youtopursue your major? If there is any one person who encouraged me inmy majorit would havetobeAmanda Arruda. I was strugglingwith my classes because I was agirl. Amanda, also aBible major,assured me that being a girldoesn't mean you can'tbeaReligion major.