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Discoverinu Future Leaders
Department: Government
D o you have a favorite or memorabl e experience at LU? Well, probably themost memorable experience would bein1985when PresidentGeorge Bush,while President,came and spokeatcommencement in May. Wha t make s you want to be here? I came herein the firstplace because I wanted to teach students how Christ relatesto learning and I still want to do thateven after 18 years. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that.
Juniortara Edwards
Major: Government/ Pre-Law
Hometown : Charleston, SC
Advice for future Governmen t students? 18credits ofupper levelgovernment classes-in one semester-is horrible!
Wh o inspired yo u to pursue your major? Politics justseemed like fun. It looks likeagreatcareer and one that I'd really enjoy all-around. Well, Elizabeth Dole definitely influenced me.
Sophomore Justin Davenport
Major: Government
Hometown : VirginiaBeach, VA
Advice for future Government students? The most importantadvice I havetoofferis togetyour name out. Meet candidates by volunteering,and getto know politiciansasoftenas possible. Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? I seemyself asachaplain inthe Navy, orpossibly apolitician in thestateofVirginia.