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three roommate s sharing on e territory 7.052

• on-campus students gave the Housing Officean intricatechallenge tosolvethisyear. With every room filled, there were still students without ahousing assignment The Housing Officecollaborated and decided toadd a third person tothe "B"Rooms on Campus East

Students received an e-mailconcerning the Housing Office'sdecision, and voiced theirinitial concerns

"Itwas shocking,"Lindsay Winokurzew,senior, said. "Iwas wondering where the other bed and desk were going to go."

Housing anticipated the students' qualms and worked out furnituredetailsbefore thedecision was made

"We actually went and setup amodel room with allthe furnituretripled,"DirectorofHousing Betty Saunders said, "We looked atitand made sure itwould work,and concluded that itwould."

Having three people in a bedroom is something you would expect on Main Campus not East," Danielle Douglas said.

Students expressed otherconcerns.

"Having three people ina bedroom issomething you would expect on Main Campus not East,"DanielleDouglas, senior, said.

The Housing Office discounted the dorm feeforstudents who were scheduled to liveinthe newly packed "B"room

"The discount was about $617 dollars, which isroughly the difference between what they pay forthesemester forEast compared to Main Campus,"Saunders said.

Despitean initial negative outlook, students were optimistic about thesituation.

"The situation islivableforrightnow,"Douglas said "We'll see how the restofthesemester goes."

"Idon't mind the housing situation, because therearethree people who pitch infortoiletpaper and soap,"Mahalia Dailey, senior, said "We alsoget a discount I cannot be mad aboutthat."

According toSaunders,the Housing Office plannedon redistributing students before spring semester toopen beds around campus toaccommodate everyone ascomfortably as possible "Who knows,they might end up wanting tostay together because they likeit," Saunderssaid.


"Itwasabitoverwhelming Itisa reallybigcampus butatthesame timeyouoftenrunintothesame people,whichhelpsgiveitasmall atmosphere." -Megan Gillis,FR

"TheonlythingthatI wasafraid ofwas my mom cryinginfront ofmy peersbecausethese guysweregoingtobemy new friends."-Drew Canning, FR

"My initial reactionwasthis is bigand youdon'treally knowhow tomakefriends, itjustkindofhappens."

-Diamond Allen, FR

"I wassoexcited. Istartedskippingupstairsand I almoststartedcrying,that'show happy I was,I wascompletelyshocked when Isaw my room becauseIthought it wasgoingtobesomesmallcubbyhole. My mom and I werejumpingupand down becauseI wassoexcitedtobehereand moving in I was latertoldthatmy excitement had thewholehall pumped up.Itwassofuntomove in.'-Danette Pelt,FR

"I wasoverwhelmed becauseitwas prettybig. Iwent toboardingschoolin KenyasoI wasusedtodorm life. Itwaschallengingtorealizethatdespiteallthe opportunitiestogetinvolved, Iwasgoingtohaveto practicetimemanagement.'-Rebekah Chapman,FR

"I came from a really small charter "It was really exciting and very schoolsoithasbeenoverwhelming, busy Youcouldfeel theanticipation I usedtoknoweveryoneand now I aspeoplewerepreparingforthe am tryingtomeetnew people." beginningoftheupcomingschool

-ClaytonKnight,FR year." -JoannaKelley,FR

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