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educated heal
Student Motivated To Bring Healing In The Holy Land
LUO student Samueleis Moshe shared hisfirstaccount story about hiscountry Israeland how he prepared to help hispeople by seeking an education atourschool
Itwas amarvelous day with blue skiesand the sweet song of birdssinging on the Mount ofOlives A horrifying sound ofan exploding bomb shook the peaceful streets ofJerusalem below The holy places were mute while lamentations from victims were wrapped with fire, blood, body parts, glass,stones,nails, twisted metal and smoke
At the sound ofthe sirens,Israelichildren had seven seconds to put on amask and injectthemselves overtheir clothing while running to take refuge inthe bunkers. They ran with the realization thata terroristhad attacked
Among the innocent victimswas ayoung soldierfriend of mine Stillinmy memories are hiskindness and loveof God
The September 11thsyndrome happens every day in Israel, a country approximately the sizeof New Jersey There are 21 recognized Arab countries, and they have 50 times as many people as Israel, 800 times as much land and extensive oilreserves.
InIsraelitwas not uncommon to see two siblingsgoing to the same school onadifferent bus. Why? Terrorism wasso unpredictable it can occur any time Inthismanner parents avoid losing all theirchildren atonce.Parents,while leaving home, donot know if they willsee each other for dinner
I am atraditionalJewish person, and I learned about thisuniversity whilewatching CNN one day. They were covering the Liberty School of Law's defense ofthe Ten Commandments inacourthouse. I became interestedin the philosophy ofthisschool which allowed and actually required students to integratetheirfaith inGod withtheir chosen profession, byrespecting theirown beliefs. Once I found thisschool offered apsychology and counseling degree,I applied forthe program,and have been very blessed by the curriculum's focus on how God and science work together to restore healing tothe inner being of clients
Itismy intention to work with Jewish orphan victims impacted by terrorism and clientswith post-traumatic stresssyndrome,such as individuals impacted by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, descendants ofJewish Holocaust survivors and politicaland religiousrefugees.I have been given the toolsto be an effective counselor inthe Holy Land from my studies.
On some occasions,the counselors are murdered by terrorists, and who isleft to help these children?Asa prospective counselor searching away to help thisworld, especially my people,nothing can be betterthan an education Thisschool's philosophy seems to be more realisticand practical than programs I have found inother universities student Osei Kwadwo Adae koh grew up with a passion to receive the best education.He finished
Israeltoday isfighting forits survival, threatened by the fanatic IslamicArabs and the speedy nuclear armament of Iran, Their newly elected president, MahmoudAhmadinegad,York stood atthe United Nations General Assembly's podium,claiming thatthe Jewish Holocaust was a lie,but days before swore toerase Israelfrom the map, under the silencefrom the United Nations.W e desperately need counselors to deal with the traumatic effectsof terrorism afflictingJewish families.Mygoal istooffer a freecounseling clinicwith volunteers who arewillingto work in Israel.
Q hisfoundational schooling inhis home land Ghana but he was not satisfied. Inpursuit of hisdream, Amoakoh attended Westminster Kingsway College inLondon and finished his two-year business and finance degree
"Right after completing my two-year degree and making preparation to enter an honors degree program,out ofthe blue a significant life changing ent manifested itself," Amoakoh aid "The British authorities decided turn down my application fora permanent residence status and ibsequently went ahead to remov e from the UK and Iwent back i Ghana."
Amoakoh was crushed and thought hishopes forattaining a higher ucation were gone In1999 God ened a door and he went to merica on a work visa Seven years laterhe got married.
"The same permanent residence status that was refused me inthe UK, God made possible inthe United States of America," Amoakoh said. Inthe summer of2007,he enrolled at our school.He expected to graduate is spring yp, Thisschoolhas
The Word of God says where there eem to be no way,God Himself will make a way," Amoakoh said."God indeed has made a way and I know with profound certainty that He will continue to make a way for me."
^ made an impact
^ intheacademic, ex professionaland -
^ personalgrowth
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^ Gonzales-White cf- When Hurricane i Ike hit Houston,
2 Texas Gonzalesex White's
2 neighborhood &; lost powerfor
° severalweeks prohibitingher from working on heronline nursing classes "My nursing professors worked with me so1 didnot havetodrop mysubjects," GonzalesWhitesaid "1 didnotfeel alonebecause theschool stood behind me through tough times." Another milestonefor herwasthe spiritual revival sheexperienced whiletaking BIBL104 "The course became morethanan academicstudy butameaningful encounterwith theLord each time1 studied HisWord,"she said "1 have been equipped tobecome aneffective ChristianNurse who is notonly abletoprovide carefor my patient's physical needsbut alsotouch theirsouls."
"When 1 began thisjourneyafter an extended absence and quitting many timesbefore, it wastomake my childrenproud ofme Now it is tomake myself proud Overthe last twoyears, thingsgota littletough.In thattime1 have had adeath in my familyand come through thedissolution ofmy 35year marriage, lam gratefultothe professorsat [thisschool] fortheircare, concernand understanding duringthose rough times."
-Sandra Spencer-White
"During one semester1 was expectingto haveababy and didnothaveto takeoff, 1 was abletohave my childand continue my studiesas usual Theinteraction and support withthestaff and colleagues was amazing duringthattime and throughthe discussionboard everyonewished me blessingas 1 was having my child."
Lastspring,LUO studentBetty
Bakerlost her husband The twoofthem had been married for28yearsand were planning togo backto schooltogether. Bakerdecided tocontinuetheir plansand went toschool
"1 am now anonlinestudent, and 1 know thatGod will helpme to do well," Baker said. "1know thatGod willbe hereforme and my family, and hewill complete what Hestarted."
"What 1 love aboutthis schoolisthat theyincorporate theBibleinjust aboutevery subject, even math It not onlyexpands your knowledge withinyour major, but most ofall, your knowledgeof God." -Janeel
Aftertaking abreakfrom schoolfor ontheheart ofKimberly McComas toenroll in theonline undergraduate programto pursuea doublemajorin educationand
LUO student Myrtle Ward was 26 when she began using cocaine Her ninesiblings encouraged herdrug use, and several years later they introduced herto crack cocaine.Ward became addicted to drugs and alcohol and her life spiraled down
"I lostcustody of my fourchildren, lostcontact with my brothers and sister, lostmany jobs,lostmy husband and finally I lostmy freedom because of incarceration,"Ward said.
God caught Ward's attention in 1997, during a six-month sentence. "While incarcerated,I finallylearned that I had put God on hold when I used,"shesaid.
"I used thattime toget intoreading and studying God's Word,and He mercifully revealed His lovetome."
Ward'sjourney was farfrom over. After leaving jail, she began to driftaway from God and served two more jail sentences.
"Thank God He did not give up on me,"Ward said. "The Lord continued to pursue me through the
Holy Spiritand otherpeople."
After her third incarceration,Ward joined a Biblestudy group, changed acquaintances,locations, everydayactivities and found a Christian sponsor to hold her accountable In2006,Ward became a certified Addictions Professional.She then decided to take online classesatour school inpursuit ofa counseling degree.
"God has given me a heartfor homeless and addicted people,and that is where I intend to work,"shesaid
Ward attained ajob atthe Salvation Army as an Emergency Lodge monitor, where she was able toconduct Bible study groups,pray forPresidents and offercounseling.She also restored her relationship with her children, former employers and hersiblings. Severalof her siblings became sober as aresult
"[God]has taught me so much through these experiences,"Ward said "Ijust want to share thatwith others who aregoing through some ofthe samethings."
LUOstudentTeresaLusksmilesforthecamera left,andherthreechildrenposeforapicture below Lusksharedhow God hadplaced many situationsinherlifethatledhertoHim."Ihave hadsomany 'glorytoGod'moments,"Lusksaid