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Frombillboards, busdisplaysand posterstoradio and tvspots, peopleentering Lynchburg were always informed aboutgame days. Messageboards, paintedsheets, aspirit rock, posters, articulated redcupsin the fence,thunder sticksand asea offansclad in red met thosearrivingon campus. These unique attractions helped build and fosterexcitement and participation fromstudents, fansand the community on game days Discussingthe progressionof athletics, Allen Sparks, athletics marketingassistant, said "I thinkthefan base hereis phenonmenal."Average attendance atany givenfootball game reflected nearly70 percent oftheresidential studentpopulation "Attendance lastyear was blowing the competition's attendancein theconference outofthewater," Sparkssaid.
SeveralplayersfromtheDlhockeyteamtakeakneeonthelakeatFalwell'sfarm, waitingfortheirnextdrilltobegin CoachKirkHandysurprisedtheteambyholdingpractice atthetake "OurplayersLovedit,"hesaid "Itmadeyoufeellikealittlekidagain."
^ Tobreak up theshoving, wallsmacking,ragingtempersand commotion thataretypicallyseen throughou thethreeperiodsofthehockev aame,thesynchronized skating team added some gracetotheiceduringhalf-time, , * kU „,„,*,u,dr threeminute longcompetition program orafunroutine Founder ofthe ^> team and seniorKristerRiordansaid, "Syncronizeclskating isagroupofskatersskating tomusic e ? together. They make differentformationswithfootwork tointerpretthemusic."
^ The skatersfaced an ongoing challengeofstayingin stepand keeping up withthemusicwhilemaintaining balanceon the ^ ice "We rehearseat6:30 a.m on Tuesdaysand Thursday morningstopracticeskatingand thenspend an hour and ahalf i^n on Thursday eveningsdoing aerobics, stretchingand stepping through theprogram toprepareourroutines," Riordansaid.
Hree Hockey Teams Focus On Chris
Junior and goalie Brad Wittingstall reachei hishockey career thisseason during a game against the University of Delaware With 35 saves inthe game and finishing with a 4-0 victory, Whittingstall acquired his first shutout of the season
"Towards the end ofthe game. I started to get excited, Whittingstall said "Ifelta sense oftrue accomplishment when I realized I had my firstshut-out inmy Dlcareer."
Whittingstall was thankful forthisgame,but there was a lotof hard work that led up to thismoment. He grew up inOntario Canada where he started playing hockey in firs grade.Whittingstall found hisposition inmiddle school.
"The firsttime I played goalie I actually said I willnever play itagain because I was so bad," Whittingstall said. "A couple ofyears later I tried itagain, and I played pretty well.The coach was impressed,and I ended up playing goalie the whole year."
He continued playing hockey through hishigh school career, and decided he wanted to play incollege aswell two ofthe spring CFAWS because there was a hockey camp," Whittingstall said "Idecided I liked itdown here because I got to play hockey,and ithad a Christian atmosphere."
Hisfreshman year, Whittingstall tried out forthe Dl team,but due to the number ofseniors he started for the Dll hockey team instead Sophomore year came and he tried out again,but did not make the Dlteam. Still persevering,Whittingstall tried out forthe team his junior year and succeeded.
"Whittingstall isa very determined guy who doesn't seem to letanything get to him,"Joe Smith, sophomore Dl hockey player, said. "Situations and circumstances that may not be inhisfavor have never seemed toaffect him in any way."
Goalie Coach Mike Binnie said, "By moving up the ranks ofour hockey teams.Brad isproof that hard work truly pays off He isa hard working goalie who uses his skills and assets very well."
Freshman BrentBoschman breaksawaywiththe puckandheadstowardthegoal Boschman scoredin thegame againstStonyBrookUniversity,whichhelped leadtheteam toa6-2victory.Manystudentscame tothegame tocheerontheirfriends."I lovewatching hockeygames becausethegamesaresointense,and oneoftheplayersisaclosefriendofmine,"Omar Adams,junior,said "LukeAitkenisafellowprayerleader onmy hall,and he'saterrificguy My hallgoestocheer himoneveryweekend." JuniorBradWhittingstall stretchingwithallhismighttostoptheincoming puck. Whittingstallhad 28savesagainstStonyBrook University,agame whichtheflameswon.TheDlteam wasnottheonlyteam doingwell,theDill team had agreatyearaswell "Iadmireallthreeofthehockey teams, butthisyearIadmiremosttheDillteamthe most,"BeccaLarson,alumnus,said "Theyaredoingan exceptionaljobintheirfirstofficialyearoftheprogram
SeniorKyleOhman fakesouthis Clemson opponentand headstowardthebasket Despite theireffort,the team losttoClemson79-39 Fansenjoyedsupportingour team,nomatter the outcome "Sportsatour schoolare alwaysa blast,"JeffDickinson,seniorsaid. FreshmanCarter McMastersprotectsthebasketballashelooks for apassoropen lane. ESPN televisedthe game againstClemson,and8,143studentspackedthe VinesCenter "Thebasketballgamesaregreat and Ialwaysenjoygoingwithmy friends," Bryce McClowsky,sophomore,said "Gamesare much morefun when youwatchthem withyourfriends."
Freshman PatrickKonan jumpstowardtherim, gettingreadytodeliveraslamdunk. Although Konanscoredsevenpointsand hadsix rebounds againstCoastal Carolina,our team wasdefeated and lostthe game73-58 "Basketballgamesareso fullofaction,"SocheathaJim,junior,said "I really likewhen theycall differentpeopledown tothe courttoshootsome hoopsduring halftime."
"Iattend the games because I'm apretty bigsportsfan and schoolfan Also, I lovethe atmosphere, especially when we score, and I lovethemusic."
"The games are a lotoffun. The playersallhavea lot ofcharacter, and work really hard and leave it allonthecourt when theyplay My favoritepart ofthe game isovertime or whenever thescore is reallycloseand someone scores to win it The fansgetreally intoitandit's funtowatch."
-Lauren Hedrick, SO
"Ienjoythe game of basketball and havea few friendswho play on theteam My favoritepart ofthegame is the beginning ofthe game and theplayer introductions."
"A close game makes itsoexciting especiallyatthe end because you cheerfor theteam alot more,whileon theedge ofyour seator most likelystanding."
-Joseph Lovitt,SO
"My most memorable moment from a basketball game waslast yearwhen our school beat George Masonin overtime."
-Evan Huhtala,SO