5 minute read
Brett Hastie Editor in Chief
Learn: Nothing can beat working with and leading a successful team Being EIC has taught m e ho w to integrate both concept and application in addition to a whole heap of life lessons in leadership and in the detail and organization necessary to coordinate a publication. I enjoy implementing consistency via small design elements. Obvious queues are great but it's the eye for detail that plans to have various levels of meaning and application.
To read something for the 100th time and still find deeper meaning in a work to m e is exciting Relate: Life happens Wave s rise high and the struggle to keep your eyes on Jesus become s a battle of will Howeve r knowing that all of the trials of this life are not accidental and that there is in fact a purpose bigger than myself and life's situations serves as m y motivation to tread with anticipation of God's work Quote: "Yeah, w e have an XI you can probably squeeze."-Jordan
Dave Poore Photography Editor
Learn: Being a part of the Selah yearbook staff has given m e the mos t real world experience throughout m y college years I have learned wha t it is like to wor k in an ongoing publication that has real deadlines It is so different than a class project and has prepared m e for a possible career at a publication
Relate: Go d has formed m e since before I wa s brought into this world H e led m e to our school with certain expectations, goals, interests an d plans Through being here, Go d has been showing m e and allowing m e to follow m y interests to pursue a career in photography and design.
Quote. "W e are comm a sluts! I mea n w e are...we use the m all the time!"- Carrie "IF": If I could think of a question to write for this...I would b e happy
"IF": If it wa s possible to send a shout out in this paragraph I would send it to: m y family in Jersey Love you guys! We've definitely learned to "ski with our knees bent" and I would not have missed being a part of that :) / This year's staff....your "A" gam e wa s AWESOM E and we've got the product to prove it!!!!
Yo u all will b e missed.. 3 Th e Worcester crewcounting dow n the days! Boston beware..
Kathleen Ostrom Design Editor
Lindsay Washabaugh Managing Editor
Learn: After spending tw o years as Managing Editor, I have been equipped with necessary skills that are vital to mos t real world work environments, such as teamwork, cooperation and effective communication I have seen ho w important it is to b e able to share ideas and as a group discuss and collaborate in order to develop the best ideas or solutions Th e skills I acquired from this experience will enable m e to kno w ho w to better relate and adapt in future realworld work settings
Learn: A s a designer and as a person, I have found that it is very important to have confidence in myself, m y work, and everything that I do I must believe in what I do, or no on e else will either I have always lived a life that is full of hard work, and I a m not know n to b e a quitter I have been reassured through this year that these qualities are going to b e valuable in helping m e reach m y goals in life.
Relate:" Forme d for a purpose" is a loaded concept that defines m e in so man y ways I believe with all m y heart that there is a purpose for m y life that no on e else on this earth can fulfill. I have been formed to inspire and to b e inspired, to create and to enjoy the created, to b e filled with joy and to share that joy I could write a 10 pag e paper o n ho w this concept defines m e but I will spare us both. :)
Quote: Me : "...Blizzarding.
Brett: "Blizzardine, what is that?"
Me : "It's whe n it is snowing and the wind is blowing so hard you can't see Like that act of a blizzard."
Brett: "What ? That is NO T a word.'
Me : "If you've ever been to Nebraska it is.' "IF": If I could d o anything tomorro w I would set u p a free lemonad e stand
Christine Avery Castillo Copy Intern
Learn: Writing Captions wa s on e of the hardest things I've had to d o in all m y writing years but through the experience of being on the yearbook I wa s able to overcom e som e of m y fear of trying ne w things
Relate: I wa s able to mold m y writing even mor e by reaching out past m y boundaries of writing stories M y passion for writing helped m e take challenges I thought I would not b e able to do.
Quote: "You're sick again?" -B H :)
"IF": If I could accomplish something within the next tw o years I would get over m y fears of succeeding I would write full time for a fashion magazine or National Geographic Magazine and enjoy it I would love to study photography or get m y masters
Re/ate: I have seen Go d ope n doors whe n it appeared impossible This past summe r H e provided an opportunity for m e to d o an internship, only after it felt like the paperwork would never get completed on time Through the waiting process, Go d provided everything at exactly the right time After completing the internship, I wa s offered a full time position It is truly evident that Go d provided this opportunity for a reason and I a m so excited to follow in His path and see exactly wha t H e has in store
Quote: "Look guys w e just got a tree from Herff Jones in the mail! An d whe n w e finish proofs w e can even g o plant it." -Brett "IF": If I could ask Go d on e question I would ask him exactly ho w H e cam e to be
Stephanie Heverly Copy Editor
Learn: Being part of the Selah Staff wa s mor e than being part of a production team, it wa s being part of a group of friends wh o challenged and pushed me I learned ho w muc h I hated writing captions, that headlines are mor e of Kathleen's thing and ho w golf can b e a slightly overused and memorize d caption Fro m playing the Office Trivia Gam e o n Rachel's last day to getting the sweetest posters, pins and pens from Herff Jones, working on this staff never had a boring day
Relate: It wa s such a privilege to b e the copy editor for this book I got teary eyed whe n I worked o n the story about sexually exploited wome n in Thailand or read about the pain and heartache soldiers experienced overseas I laughed during the interview with Dr Marcus Ross about his sweet ride and with the 100 % Natural Goo d Tim e Family Band, during their practice. It's these kinds of moment s that remind m e wh y I love writing. It's being able to hear people's stories and capture the m in word s to sho w the rest of the world.
Quote: "You kno w you wan t one Bu y a yearbook," - Herff Jones sticker
"IF": If I could visit any country in the world, I would g o to either Japan or Italy. They are both a hug e part of m y background and they both have amazing food!