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educated heal

educated heal

Skill s fo r savin g live s an d soul s

Joshua Vagueiro, freshman and pre-med student, posted flyers around campus alertingstudentsto takeadvantage ofCPR and First Aid certification classeshe was providing The knowledge obtained in thecourseswould equip studentswith life saving skills necessary tohelpthem recognize symptoms and treatstrangers, friendsor loved ones,remain calm during an emergency oreven gaina competitive advantage in obtaining a job.

Vagueiro'spassion formedicine developed as a young child. Reading kid'shuman body books, watching medical shows on televisionand lying on his grandfather'sstomach tolisten tohisheartbeat and breathing were experiences thatbegan to instill Vagueiro'scuriosityand interestin medicine.

"IbelieveGod kept putting medicine on my heart," Vagueiro said. Afterhis grandfather died ofa massive heartattack, "Iknew thatmedicine was my calling."

Pursuing hispassion, Vagueiro became an instructorfortheAmerican HeartAssociation, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)inNew Jersey and Virginiaand completed a second certification atCentralVirginiaCommunity Collegeasan EMTEnhanced.Additionalvolunteertime in ambulances and hospitalsamong doctors, nursesand patients gave him theexperience he needed toteach CPR and First Aid

Looking tothefuture, Vagueiroanticipated attending medical schooltobecome an emergency room physicianall in an effort tocreateaChristian healthcaresystem Eventually, he would like to attain a shipand convert itintoafloating hospitalthat could providefreemedical attentiontothe most impoverished nationsand disasterstricken areas.

Following thecallin James 2:14-17, which asks believerstoputtheir faithintoaction, Vagueiro wanted his futuretobe a livingtestimony of these verses.

"Ihave a heartforhurting people, their spiritual need first and then theirphysical needs,"Vagueiro said "Ihope touse my knowledge training and experiencetodo impossiblethingsforGod.I say impossible because in reality, nothing ispossible without God."

Storyby Lindsay Washabaugh

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