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Through The Woods

Our Campus offered many opportunities for studentstoengage in, butsome ventured outtoexperiencetheLynchburg "city life."

Coffee shops intown presented students thedaily combination ofcaffeine,a calming atmosphere anda community toidentifywith.

The Drowsy Poet, home ofthe Milton milkshake, "isa relaxing jazzcafe that allows onetokick back andenjoy," Cody Bechtold,senior, said Senior Lindsey Ramirez said,"I liketo go totheWhite Heart Cafe,because Icango there tochillorto do homework while Idrink greatcoffee."

The section ofWards Road adjacent to the university, home toover 50 restaurants and retailshops, was considered theshop and eat hubofLynchburg. These restaurants catered tostudents by offering discounts likeTuesday's 50 cent Wing Night at Buffalo Wild Wings, Monday's College Night at Chick-fil-A orthe 10percent discount offered atplaces such asMcDonalds orSubway.

Senior Paulo Gomez said,"I love to go toBuffalo Wild Wings because the football games are on It's a great time where the guys come together,bond and eatwings."

"Igo toChick-fil-A on college night because Truett Cathy isa genius and hisfood inspires me to do great things with my life, especially when itis half off,"

Svein Stabby,junior, said

For outdoor activities, students embarked on hiking tripstolocations only miles away.They packed their gear and faced the obstacles that awaited them.

"Iliketo hike at Peaks ofOtter orDevil's Marble Yard," Brandon Bateman-Craun,junior, said."[Those hikes] are not tootricky, they've gotsome great viewsand they're good for pictures."

Students explored and engaged inactivitiesall over Lynchburg They embarked on tripsto restaurants, climbed up mountains,chilled at cofee shopsand experienced many other activitiesaround the city "Iam an offcampus-student,andalthough Lynchburg may besmall, there are many exciting things to do," Bechtold said.

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SeniorsLindsayWashabaugh,LeslieHuntandJenniferPittmansmilefora snapshotbeforejumpingintotheirraftandfloatingtheirwaydownthe Gauley Rivertowardsthe whitewaterthrillstheyhopedto experience Studentskept lifeinterestingandexcitingbothinandout ofthe citylimits.Regardingatripthat StudentActivitiesprovidedtoWashingtonD.C., MartinGranda,senior,said"I likedthe factthatStudentActivitiesprovidedthe transportationexpensesatnocost."Having successfullycompletedthe intensehiketothe top, guysfromEast19 (3& 4)and theladiesfromtheirsisterdorm East8(3& 4)enjoysnacks,candidshots,and goodfellowshipatthe summitofSharpTop Off campusactivitiesofferedstudents abreatherfromclassesandtimeawayfromthe rigorsofacademia "I likehangingout atthe park,orevengoingtoPeaksofOtter,"CatherineSmith,senior,said "Ienjoy goingoffcampusandgettingawayfromhomeworkandbusynessoncampus."Three ofthe ladiesfromEast8(3&4) posefor aphotoas the photographerworksto frameandcapturethe incredibleviewinthe background.Studentswereableto enjoythe surroundingsof Lynchburgwhetheritwasahikeoralatenightdinner "Igo offcampustoeat when the cafeteriaisclosed,usuallylatenights,"JoshBell,senior, said Studentsfloattheirraftstowardsthe shoreafterthe finalrapidofthe Gauley RivertripinWestVirginia Studentspreferringtoremaindryintheirfreetimefound alternativeadventuresofalessdaringsort."I lovetoeat ChinesefoodatKing House, especiallytheirGeneralTso'schicken,"PauravGupta,senior,said."Ialsoliketowatch movies, becauseyouseethingsthatyoucan'tdoinreal life."Brotherandsister dormmatesfromEast19 andEast8laughandjokeamongstthemselves,enjoying afewmoremomentsatthe topbeforestartingtheirdescentbackdownthe trail When not enjoyingoutdoorpastimesandbeingactive,manystudentsenjoyed comfychairs,mellowjazz,andflavorfulscentsinthevariouslocationsthatcomposed thelocalcoffeeshopscene "Iam abigfan ofthe coffeeshopsinLynchburg,the MuseandtheWhiteHartparticularly,"AbiVanKampen.sophomore,said."It'sjust reallynicetoget off campusandget aroundpeoplewhodon'tgotoour school."

Studentsshareabouttheirfavorite offcampusexcursions

"Ihaveenjoyed a lot of the outdoorevents sponsored by StudentActivities. Every month there aredifferent tripsoffered: anything from excursionsto Washington D.C. toacanoetrip on the James Riverorawhitewaterrafting tripin West Virginia These eventsalloffer a greatway to make lasting memorieswith friendsandallow theopportunityto meet new friends with common interests."

-Christine Pettit, SR

"Ofallthewhite waterrafting trips I'vetaken, theGauleyRiver containsbyfar themost intense andexciting rapids. Itwas amazing facing theseventh most dangerousrapids intheworldand second intheUS. Student Activitiesdoesagreat jobmaking the entireweekend memorable." -


"White water rafting[onthe Lower New River] was oneof thebestevents theschool has eversponsored. I had agreat time.I especially likedthatthey incorporateda devotionalin between the rapids."-Lauren


"Ilovetogo and hang out inWyndhurst. Ithasa little bit ofeverything. A relaxingcoffee shop,good food,great viewsforanice run, andjust a wonderful atmosphere withquaint shops Nothing likethehustle and bustleof campuslife."

-Allison Braun, SO

"I go to the Starbuck'son Timberlake Rd. with myfriends. Sometimeswe go tojusthang outand get coffee, other timeswe sit and do homework forhoursata time Itisnot busyatall,which is why we go thererather thantheone on Wards Rd The atmosphere is great."-Kristina


"Iliketogo and getaway to my friends' houses off campus We normallyjust hang out by watching movies or making dinner, anything thatis relaxing. Itisalwaysgreat togetaway from campus because thingsaren'tas crazyand itisa breakfrom the schoolroutine."

-Janice Bilger, SR

Acoupletriesamove asotherswatchand learnsalsadancingfrom aninstructor.GraduatestudentDaniel Klockwasoneofthesalsainstructorswho taughtothershow todance. Healsodecidedtobecomeaswingdance instructoraswell."Theideaforswingdancing inLynchburgstartedoutasafundraiserformissions,"Klocksaid.He added,"ThereasonI loveswingdancingthemostisthreefold,themusic,thefunand themoves."

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