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he Classical sounds of Mc sounds ofBrahms and Bee

Contemporary sounds of Copf o other ensemble oncampus makes use

)avid Holsinger were used to dis and beauty ofmusic by the Liberty Symphony Orchestra [LSO].The orchestra provided an outlet students toshow theirlovefor music to others.

Iinstrumental groups ranging fromviolins, ellosand bass,towoodwinds,brass and percussion,"Dr. Armenio Suzano, director ofthe symphony orchestra, said e happy conductor,Dr. Armenio Suzano, W' hestra's director nergy

The LSO performed on and offcampus, where students aswellasthecommunity had the chance totake partofa passionate arrangement ofmusic. The orchestra consisted of45 student artists who practiced together afew hours per week and more on theirown time.

"It's important tocome prepared to rehearsals," Jessica Moore,seniorviolinplayer and strings section leader, said. "Knowing your partahead of time facilitatesinhaving aproductive rehearsal and makes forahappy conductor and ensemble."

O,"Justin Sandling,graduate iss player said. "Hisinspiration

•iDhony help inspireother ¥ A is selection otmusical repertoire classtoput forth moreeffort." a was small atfirst, but over the s increased With more musicians song selections, the orchestra reputation and according to a shared dream to play at Carnegie future." enior bassoon player Lacey Wilkerson said, "There have been more people added tothe orchestra each year which helps keep the blend of the instruments more unified insound."

The LSO not only brought together different instruments, but avaried selection ofpeople as well. Students who had chosen elementary education, criminaljustice, music or business asamajor were united due totheirloveofmusic.

"The orchestra is an amazing mix ofstudents from all across campus who areall going different directionsacademically,but come together twice a week to make beautiful music inservicetoour Lord^ and Savior as an act ofworship to Him," biga Gordon,sophomore celloplayersaid

Sophomore ChelseaWetherhillglancesdown athernotes duringaperformance forthestudents. TheSymphony Orchestra was ledbyanew directorthisyear, Dr. ArmenioSuzano."Dr. members oftheorchestra." KierslenClark,sophomore orchestra member,said "Icannotwaittodiscoverwhatsurpriseshehasup hissleevefor theremainderofmy timehere." Seniorfluteplayer

Emmie McLoughlin and senioroboe playerTiffanyHetzlein add theirsound tothe performance. Members oftheorchestra enjoyed performing asagroupratherthanasoloperformance. "A greatpartofbeing inorchestraismaking atotallydifferenlgenre offriends," RachaelChastain, freshman wind player,said Junior celloplayerJonathan Henderson entertainstheaudience along withtherestoftheWorship Orchestra Thegroupisbasedoutof Theworshiporchestra isapivotalgroup in t department becauseitexpandsthemusicalhor oncampus,"JasonOtt,sophomore

Freshman Kimberly Ray and juniorKellyWakefield createbeautifulmusic withtheirviolins. The ;tra wa s mad e up of man y talented musicians .vim a commo n IOVI cated group of muscians wh o love to play and member s take thei m for the glory of God." Jennifer Francois, senior wind player, said

Orchestra is rharartei to

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