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Globetrotting initiatedjunior Kevin Manguiob's lovefor photography After visiting countries such as Guatemala,the Philippines, South Korea and Japan,Manguiob wished he could have photographed those moments His mother bought him his firstDigitalSLR camera lastChristmas that began hisobsession with photography.
"I love photography, because it enables meto show people how I see the world and everything init," Manguiob said "Wherever I traveled,I wished that I could pause time forthat specific moment Through photography, I am now able todothat and show others what I see."
Manguiob decided to pursue a finance major,and he hoped to open hisown photography business with the help ofthis degree. Since photography was not part ofhismajor,Manguiob took photographs on the weekends and while on vacations.Hisfavorite styleofshooting was popularly known as street photography
"I like to dostreet photography which involves capturing candid photos ofrandom people on the street,"Manguiob said "Itis great for mesince I liveinNew York City, and there are agreat amount of individuals inthe city. I feellikea lotofemotion emulates from thiskind of photography."
Balancing Act
Senior Jennifer Erdman was a busy student who was double majoring innursing and graphic design with aminor instudio art.Inthe pastyear, she had alsostarted aphotography business called Paper Napkin Photo and had gotten hired asan internforSabrena Deal ofS CarterStudios "Business-wise,making time forphotography has been alittle more difficult, because I'vehad to book sessions around clinicals, weekly 20-page papers,lab hours and many other school assignments," Erdman said. "It took mea little while toget balanced and to be ableto appropriately handle scheduling and editing times,but I'vegotten better."
Erdman made time tostop her hectic life and enjoy capturing moments inlife through the lensof her camera "I love being ableto capture people,notjusttheirfaces,but theiremotions and theirhearts,"Erdman said "I love being able to look atsomething likea smile from amother to her bulging tummy, aglance between acouple who's been married forforever and agroom's firstlook at hisbride, and see amoment that can be preserved and passed down forgenerations to come."
TheMusic "Seen"
Sophomore Ryan Feisterdeveloped apassion forcapturing bands intheirunique essence and showcasing the music creativity ofsound and music through photography
"I'vebeen involved inthe music scene sincethe beginning of high school, with bands or artists, and the goal is to be unique,"Feister said. "That quality can be shown from the band name, lyrics, music and graphics."
Feister decided totakes pictures ofbands forfun that were out ofthe ordinary and different He expanded hiscreativity with the pictures while editing them through Photoshop
After checking out graphics and website photos online, Feisterdiscovered hislove fordesign His goal was to design websites and graphics forbands aswell as coordinating and executing theirphotoshoots.
"I think that photographing bands is something that has no boundaries whatsoever," Feistersaid. "The more unique and interesting the picture, the better theyare."
Globally Minded
The love of photography all started in elementary school for junior Kelly Reece. A classmate of hers had done a final class project on pinhole photography and Reece was intrigued
"I thought to myself, 'I want to do something like that,'" Reece said. "From that momen t on, I decided I wanted to becom e a photographer, and as I learned more about photography, I becom e more interested in it."
After taking basic photography classes at her local community college and several more classes at Corcoran College of Art and Design, she developed a passion for catching the world through her lens
"I get inspiration from the world around me," Reece said "There is so muc h that goes on locally and internationally to catch in a photograph."
After finishing her degree, Reece hoped to have started a job in photojournalism on the mission field
"What I love about photography is the ability to tell a story visually," Reece said "People can view the world simply by looking at a picture or video, and that is something that truly interests me."
Capturing the Moment
Upon his 2007 graduation, graduate student Reggie Leonard's parents presented him with a Canon PowerShot S3 camera that would change his life After receiving the present, Leonard was so excited and he immersed himself into playing with his new gift
"Being the innate nerd that I am, I did all the research that I could about m y specific camera and about photography in general," Leonard said "When I began to see what I could do with a camera, I knew that I had found m y hobby."
Leonard cam e to our school to attain a counseling degree to help people, and his love for photography turned into a way to reach out to others as well He wanted to pursue photography on a freelance basis by offering his services to people wh o could not afford professional photography
"I really hate to see Christian ministries and artists that have horrible marketing and photography, simply because they cannot afford it," Leonard [ said, "I would love to be able to provide low-cost, professional services to individuals wh o would not otherwise be able to afford photography."
He also decided to use his camera to catch the things most people miss every day
"It's so easy to get caught up in all of our responsibilities that w e miss the I simple moment s in life," Leonard said. "Photography is a great medium to I capture these precious, comical, random, fearful and magnificent moments."
Photographing Love
Sophomore Chelsea Courtney grew up loving to draw and paint, but she did not get involved with photography until she took a class her junior year of high school
"My art teacher saw that I had an eye for photography and pushed m e to pursue the art even more," Courtney said "She still encourages m e to this day about m y work, and when I've felt like giving up, she tells m e that what I have is special." Courtney found her niche in wedding and engagement pictures She shot over 10 engagements and booked four weddings for the upcoming summer.
"What I love about doing wedding and engagements is meeting people that are in love, and being able to capture their blossoming romance," Courtney said "I always walk away from a shoot feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement."
As for the future, Courtney planned to finish up her studio art degree and continue her love of photography
"I want to continue m y pursuit with wedding and engagement photography," Courtney said. "Later in life, I hope to do something with missions using photography."
Film to Photography
Graduate student Justin Kintzel grew up loving film and video He captured creativity using a video camera and a few years ago he decided to try photography
"I sort of translated that same eye to still images when a couple of friends of mine asked m e to take pictures of them for their album," Kintzel said "I just borrowed a camera and tried it out."
Kintzel enjoyed the complexity of photography
"I thrive off the of the feeling of capturing that one shot that can't be captured in a million years," he said Kintzel planned to always take photos but he was not going to rely on it as his main source of income
"I really enoy taking photos for bands and artsists and would like to continue doing so in the future as a side job," he said Kintzel's passion drove him to utilize various forms of creativity in his life
"I've always wanted to be somebody wh o creates excellent things no matter what I'm doing to represent Christ and show creativity as a form of worship." Kintzel said "I think that is what has always driven me, and probably always will."