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wome n making a difference

Chairman Beverly LaHaye founded the nation'slargest public policy women's organization 30 yearsago called Concerned Women forAmerica [CWA] She felt that women who have conservative valuesshould have a voice in the politicsofAmerica

"The purpose ofCWA is to protect biblicaland conservative valuesand morals forall citizensand inAmerican government,"Amanda Haas, junior and President ofour chapter ofCWA,said.

A chapter ofCWA was started atour school toget young women on campus involved.There are200 members ofCWA on their Facebook fan page and severaldedicated members who came tostudent government meetings and weekly prayergroups.The group alsospent time ministering tothe girls atthe Godparent home, a local resident home forpregnant unwed girls.

One ofthe main issuesthe CWA chapter atour schoolstoodforwasthepro-lifemovement.Theyheld eventsto promote pro-lifeand even raised money fora pregnancy crisis organization inNew York

"Our goal is tosee students more aware ofwhat is going on inour nation and to be inspired toact," Haassaid

Vice President and juniorCaroline Biggs took her position afterlearning about the vision CWA stood for, a visionto promote conservative values She encouraged women toget involved and "spread conservative values inaChristfocused,prayerfuland hands-on way."

"My favoriteaspect ofCWA is being involved with other young women inmaking a difference forChrist by helping others,spreading patrioticand conservative valuesand being actively involved inmaking a differencefor causes that I careabout,"Biggssaid

Sophomore Sarah Brooks was looking fora group toget involved with and this organization's name impressed her.

"I don't thinkthere'sa woman on this campus thatwouldn't say that she is concerned forAmerica,"Brooks said. "I got involved around the week ofthe pro-lifeconference lastsemester,

MacelFalwellsmilesassherecountsmany happymemoriesshesharedwithherhusband JerryFalwell A decorativereminderofthethosetimeshangsonthewallbehindher Thefirst "FirstLady"ofourschool,Macelstoodbyherhusbandthroughsometoughandjoyoustimes. "Yougainstrength,courage,andconfidencebyeveryexperienceinwhichyoureallystopto lookfearintheface,"EleanorRoosevelt,formerfirstladyoftheWhiteHouse,said.Macelgave testimonythatshegainedallthreeasshesupportedherhusbandthroughtheirlivestogether, butfurthermoreasshefacedhisdeathand thegriefthatfollowed daring and devoted, the lifeof macel falwell;the silent presence at Jerry Falwell Sr.'sside r Jerry Falwellorganized theMoral Majority, began a radioministrycalled Old Time Gospel Hour and founded the Lynchburg ChristianAcademy, Thomas Road BaptistChurch and our university He was a reformerand leaderofaconservativemovementin the politicalrealm and thechurch, a partofAmerican history. During all oftheseaccomplishments he had a supporter who always believed him, aquietbutvery important individualathis side, his wifeMacelFalwell.

Mrs Falwell'sroleatour universitydid not come withan official title, but itresembled thework done ofa "FirstLady."As thefirst "FirstLady"toour school, Mrs. Falwellattended chapels, met students and saw theuniversityblossom,but herbiggest prioritywas lookingafterherhusband and family.

"I backed Jerry in everything he wanted todo;I gave him adviceand I didabsolutelyeverythingthat I thought should be done tohelp him,"shesaid. "He knew thathe could come tome foreverything and anything, and I justmade sureI was availablefor him."

As ayoung child, Mrs Falwellshowed a lovefor art, drawing picturesand painting often. "If I found any pieceofpaper,regardlessofwhat itwas like, I'dgrab itand save itso I could painton it," shesaid.

Along withart, Mrs Falwelldeveloped a lovefor the piano.During herteen yearsshe learned how to play. "We livednextdoor toa church when we were growing up, and every timethejanitors came over tocleanthechurch,I would sneak in and start to playthepiano,"shesaid. "I hadn'ttaken lessons, but I would listentothepianistsatchurch and watchtheir hands, and I started fromthat."

Mrs Falwellwas playingthepianoatherchurch thenightshe met herfuturehusband.Itwas alsothe nightDr Falwelland his friendsbecameChristians

(story continued on page 193) ex C O CO

"Ithinkthemost excitingaspect ofbeingafirst ladywould be thatyougetto know so many studentsand theirdifferent backgrounds. You alsocould beliketheir "mom" away fromhome."

-Hannah Salisbury,SO "Ithinkthemost excitingthing would beall of theopportunities thatwould comewith it, liketheplaces youwouldgo, thepeopleyou would meetand theeventsyou would beapart of -Rebecca Henning,SR

"Beingunder themicroscope allofthetime would bethe mostchallenging aspect, because nothingthefirst ladydoesisever private, personal orunnoticed The mostexciting thingwould be toknow thatas firstlady,one hastheability toinfluence,for good hopefully, issuessheis passionate about."

-Professor StacyCannon, VCAR

"Ithinkthe mostexciting thingwould be knowingthat youmade a difference in students'lives."

-Brittany Fulford,FR "Itwould be difficultforme, becauseIam a journalist My husband would probablyhave totell me that everything was 'offtherecord'."

-Melinda Zosh,SR

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