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Sixty-five cadets intheAirForce Reserve Officer Training Corp (AFROTC) woke upat 6:00 a.m two days every week fortraining. They completed 67 push-ups,58 sit-upsand ran a mile and a half. This training was only the start forAFROTC cadet's preparation to serve intheUnited States AirForce.
"Most ofourtraining helps build leadership skillsand become all around stronger people," Giovanni Cucci,sophomore AFROTC cadet, said. "AFROTC is here todevelop quality leaders fortheAir Force."
Every Tuesday,thecadets headed to the University ofVirginia, where they have a class and leadership lab. The labenabled upperclassmen topractice their leadership training by teaching the underclassmen.
"AFROTC focuses more on organizational leadership,problem-solving, and dealing with situations asa leader,"Brandon Roop,junior Cadet Captain,said."I'mresponsiblefor teaching theunderclassmen how tomarch and do drillmovements."
The summer aftertheir sophomore or junior year,cadets served four weeks in Field
AFROTC cadetspreparetoserve
After training, students moved upto Cadet Officer and were responsible forrunning cadet wings and training
"Field training consisted ofhand-tohand combatives,unittactics,inspections, convoy training, assault rifleand hand gun familiarization and other deployment skills," Sam Morrissey,senior cadet,said.
According to Morrissey,after graduation most cadets arecommitted tofour years of active duty and four years ofinactive duty Junior cadet,Brad Perkins shared how other careers,such aspilot navigators orairbattle managers were required toserve tenyears.
"Despite misconceptions,a very smal percentage ofAir Force officers areactually pilots,"Cucci said "Most cadets in AFROTC are aspiring tobecome intelligence officers, maintenance officers,engineers ora position working with computers."
"Overall,I have learned a lotabout myself and leadership," Roop said."This trainingwil help me tobe a part ofthearmed services and help protect ourcountry."
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