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Fall Festivities

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MemebersofSHRM carvepumpkins,compete inatugofwar,paintfaces,and roastmarshmallowsoverafirepitastheyparticipateintheir fall festival at PeaksViewPark Asidefromthegroupactivitiesofferedbythehuman resourceacademicgroup,studentschosethemajorbasedon a passionforhuman interaction. "I chosethismajorbecauseI reallyenjoyworkingwithpeopleandmakingsurethingsareorganizedin abusiness," Kim Johnson,junior,said "Thebestwaytoputthosetogetherisin humanresources I reallyenjoyedlearningaboutcompensationtraining [Inthefuture] I may becomeacompensationspecialistorat leastanHR generalistwhereI canworkwiththatorhelppeoplewithtraining."

Debate topic discussed this year: "ShouldtheUnitedStates Federal Governmentreducethe roleormissionsof its nuclearweaponsarsenal?"

Debaters Take a Stance

Sigma Tau

Incredible Preparation - m

Senior Stephanie Dillard shared the secrets for success of the debate team: 1

Extensive researchto predictpotential issues tworkethic +\ forarguments / f andcounter- j mm m arguments *•

Strategy sessionswith coaches 5

Practicedebates againstother members

DeltaInternationalEnglishHonorSociety RecievesAccoladesforWriting

Students talkabout theirwriting

How was it challenging and rewarding?

SarahPorter,SR: It was rewardingto receivefeedback about mythesis.

The challenging partwas readinga ten-page paperout loud infront of strangers

KatiOverbey,SR: I hadnever been to a literaryconference;therefore, I did not reallyknow what toexpect.However, it was rewarding tohearother people's perspectivesonliterarytopicsand be abletodiscuss them

How much time did you spend on your paper?

I had atleasteightresources, and spent about a month working onthe paper,I would say that I spent atleast 30 hoursworking onthis essay. I spent many hoursinreading the novel,researching thehistorical contextand finding scholarlyarticles tosupport my research. Much time was alsospent inpreparation and writing.

What was your paper about and how did you go about choosing the topic?

My paper was entitled, "Death of a Flower:Zenobia inThe Blithedale

Romance." I wrote thispaper asa seminar paper foranEnglishclass inwhich we read "The Blithedale Romance." I chose Zenobia for a characteranalysisbecause ofher intriguing rolein thenovel

My paper was onJohn Kennedy Joole's"AConfederacy ofDunces." I illustratedhow Tooleused his novelto critiquetheAmericansocietyduringthe 1950'sand 1960's. Hischaractersand writingstronglyimplyhisdisgustwith theAmerican standard andideals.

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