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clubcompetes andcreatescareers
Landing an internship to recruitforcompanies such as 1 Eddie Bauer and Bluefly.com,earning respect from Human Resource [HR]executives and professionals and having company presidents complimenting your knowledge are some of the things senior Jordan McLaughlin experienced after his team won the HR Games
"There have been countless timesthat I have had presidents of companies and HR executives tell me that I have more knowledge about the HR fieldthen they do," McLaughlin said. "While I don't have the practical piece ofthe HR fielddown,knowing that professionals areadmitting that isa greatcompliment, and without the HR competition under my belt I don'tthink that would have ever beensaid."
The SHRM chapter atour school competed inlast year's Virginia State Human Resources [HR]Games.The HR Games offered students the chance tocompete in ajeopardy stylecompetition "tomotivate and prepare students forPHR [Professional inHuman Resources] certification," according tothe SHRM website
"Last year, we won first place in stateand then won again atSouth East regionals," Jordan McLaughlin said. "We competed against teams likeUniversity ofTennessee,University ofNorth Carolina, North Carolina State, Virginia Commonwealth University, James Madison University and others, and our team won."
The team was rewarded with atripto New Orleansfor the annual National SHRM Conference & Exposition. The conference introduced team members to possible internshipsoppurtunities and expanded their networks
After gaining two championship titles, the bar was sethigh for thisyear'steam They started preparing forthe competitionearly
"Those who are interested in competing have already begun to study,"Branden Bosch, seniorand SHRM executive officer, said "They started studying about 4,000 terms in the severalareas of Human Resources."
The terms were related tohuman resource and business issues, such ascompensation,staffing, training and development, finance management,economics and employment laws
"Students practiceand drill theterms and definitionsuntileveryone has mastered the material,"Dr. Colleen McLaughlin, SHRM's advisor and coach, said. "They must master the entirebody ofknowledgefor human resource management to win."
Jordan McLaughlin said, "The competition gave me countless opportunities thatwould have otherwise been extremely hardfor me to pursue on my own.Itopened so many doors toincredible opportunities, I would have never dreamed ofhappening."
Forensics success obtains recognition
Theschool's Forensics team showcased the performancesof14 individualsata van ofcompetitionsup and down theEastCoast. Thisyearstudents selectedand performed worksofliterary merit, which wereeithera two personinterpretationof "HortonHearsaWho" oraprogram of P',! interpretation that asked the aii considertheoverarching valueof life
Otherstudentsprepared platformspeeches based on currenttopics mainlyfocusedon ..i
Somes prepai nents suppor and organize me\, presenl. ig toproper oratoricalform "Inorderto preseiident needstoresearch. evaluate, ui!• i the meritofthe selectioi stance,"AndrewJi best p
Theschoolofferedacarpoolprogramthatwasavailableforallcommuter students. Studentsinneedofarideorwho werelookingtosharethecostof transportation,couldsearchtheonlinecarpoolridefinderforsomeone intheir vicinitywho was interestedacarpooling.Thecarpoolprogram providedan economicaltransportationalternativeforstudents JuniorLindseyHammer found outaboutthecarpoolsystemfroman tUPD officerwhen sheand her roommate registeredtheirvehicles "[Thecarpoolsystem] wasabigmoney saver Also,the parkingspotsaregreat.AfterbeinglatetoclassacoupletimesbecauseI couldn't findaspot, it'snicetoknow Ican pull upand haveonewaitingforme," Hammer said.SeniorDanielleTalbertagreed,"My roommatesand I usedthecarpool program becauseitischeap,wegettoparkcloseand thereisalwaysaspot."
Dr MarcusRosscruisesCandler'sMountainonhissetofwheels "Itisfunbeingabletoplayupthe nerdyprofessor'sthing,"Rosssaid,'let'sfaceit;nothingsaysdweebbetterthanascooter."Rosswasnot theonlyprofessorwho rodetoschoolinstyle,andaccordingtohim,philosophyprofessorDr MichaelJones frequentlydrovehisflashymotorcyclewithaccompanyingsidecartoschoolaswell.
Traksitsystem Expande D
Thisyeartheschool,CornerstonePropertiesandtheGreaterLynchburg TransitCompany partneredtogethertoofferstudentsadirectcommuter servicefortheapartmentcomplex.Thisserviceremainedavailableduringthe weekfrom7a.m- 7p.m "TheCornerstonetransitrouteisveryconvenient Ido nothavetodrivemyroommatetoworkat7a.m.and Icancome back at5p.m when itisbusiestand nothavetoworryabouttraffic Iamable todoworkandstudyformyexamsonthebusand alsointeractand meet new peoplethatliveinmycommunity."RachelSchultz,seniorsaid