2 minute read
Dr. Marcus Ross arrived every day on campu s in his sleek black riding jacket, a full-face motorcycle helmet and on a candy red apple ride.
professor takes to the streets
Ross'means oftransportation was builtwith an engine sizeof 250 cubic centimeters,room forone to two passengers,gas mileage of 60 milestothe gallon and atop speed of74 milesper hour.Ross caught the attention ofthe crowd as he dismounted his scooter.
"He must be brave,not being surrounded by metal like the restof us," Jenny Ball, senior, said Courage was needed but Ross alsocreated some safetyrules toabideby.
"Whether you know itornot, everybody istrying to kill you If you drivewith that mentality, then you'regoing to be much safer on a scooter,"Ross said. "Watch out forolder people driving Buicksor Oldsmobiles and anything elsethat is basically a yacht with wheels Stay back,farback."
Ross and hiswifeneeded a vehiclewith low gas mileage and priced around $2,000 "Forthe money thatwe had tospend, a motorcycle orscooter was the best
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1 live in Florida, so1 gethomeb\ planeonlyfor Thanksgiving, winter,spring, and summer breaks. Forthe fall break 1just stayon campus Being14hours away from tome inWeston rloridais hard Juringthefall semesters."
-Natalie 3aeza,JR
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"Mostofthe i time1 drive, butsince1 live in Florida it doesmake it verydifficultto make it home forshorterthree and fourday weekends It takesme about , ninehoursto travelhome and about halfof thetime1 have someoneelse thatistraveling withme."
-Todd Riddick,SR
"Livingonthe Hill makes it quickand easytowalkto classes. Ittakes about15minutes tomake itto North Campus walkingfrom my dorm and about10minutes takingthetransit from Demossto NorthCampus Walking isthe easiest."
-Brittany Fulford,FR ft-
economical option,"Rosssaid.
"I respect his[Ross'] ability tocontinue riding hisscooter through thecold months,"Devin Quesenberry,senior, said. "It is both economical and good for theenvironment."
"It's an absolute blastto be out in the middle ofthe air," Rosssaid. "Sometimes it's really hot out and sometimes it's reallycold, but atthe end ofthe day you still get to put your feetdown tostop.Nobody else gets todothat."
"[1 getaround withouta vehiclebecause] everything on campus is nearbyand my friendsare alwayswilling totake me anywhereelse that1 need."
-Danielle Kelly, JR
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"1 will allow myself togetto class15minutes earlyin orderto sit in thesame spot."
-Bethany Davis, SO
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"Living downtown can reallybeanissue sinceyounever know what is goingon Rt. 29, but1 usually try togivemyself 20-30minutesto getwhere 1 need tobe."
-Aadam Keeley,SR
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"1 givemyself aboutsevenor eightminutesto gettoschool If 1 getthere when classgetsout, 1 canalwaysfind a spot,andusually agood one.But ifyou don'tget thererightthen, you will usually drivearoundfor a while. One day it tookme 20 minutestofind a parkingspotand itwasawful."
-Samantha Marsengill, SO
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"1 live in theVistas Apartments, which is rightoff ofTimberlake Road 1 typically leaveabout10 minutestoget toschool, park and gettoclass Ittakesme four tofive minutes togettothe frontofLahaye if 1 don'tgetany redlights 1 have a commuter premium parking passso1 can parkright in frontofDemoss."
-Taylor McLennan,SR
eniorChristian Rosas had big plansin life thatled him topursue an InternationalRelations major witha specialization inInternationalPoliticsand Policy, a minor in Businessand an internship in Washington D.C.Rosas attained an internshipwith the Peace Corps working with policiessuch asthe Freedom ofInformation Act [FOIA] and PrivacyAct.
As a FOIA intern, Rosas would gatherthe information a citizenrequested. As a PrivacyAct intern, he would make surethatprivateinformation like SocialSecurity Numbers orotherconfidential information was protected.
"Pretty much,Freedom ofInformation Act is about giving knowledge tothepeopleand PrivacyAct is about protecting the people,"Rosassaid.
Rosas had two weeks oftrainingand thenjumped into thejob. He job consisted ofworking on requests, doing initial background checks, searching fortheinformation, writing a review and a response letter and then giving it to his supervisortobe checked
"My internship helped me understand about the importance ofinternationalaffairsand thebenefitsofit," Rosas said. "It showed me how much the Peace Corps, a United Statesagency,hasaccomplished in thepastyears with other nations, but beyond thework itself itshowed me how this helped builda greaternation,"
Working with the Peace Corps helped tofurtherRosas' dream tohelp hishome country, Peru,Itwas therethat