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Bateslistenstotheheartbeatofa$20,000electronic infant Nursingstudentslearnedhowtobalancetheirbusy schedulesofclassesandclinicals "Thebiggestchallengefor anursingmajoristimemanagement,"Annie Owusu-Duah, senior,said."I haveover200hoursofclinicaland16class creditsthissemester."

The nursing program wa s committed to placing students in the hospital setting as muc h as possible. According to Professor Frederick B. Kail, upon graduation nursing students have finished over 80 0 hours of hands-on practice.

"Some schools would not put you intheclinical situation until maybe halfway through yourjunior year,we're going to put you there as sophomores," Kathryn Miller, registered nurse and simulation lab coordinator,said in a promotional video.

The clinical hours helped nursing graduates to gain jobs inthier field. According to the department's website,"Nursing students enjoy 99 percent job placement once they graduate."

Several nursing students spent a semester serving at St Mary's Hospital in Richmond to cover their clinical hours This opportunity was called the Richmond Experience.

"Itwas an awesome opportunity to get into a bigger hospital with a wider range ofdiagnoses," Lauren Nichols,senior nursing major,said

This program allowed nursing students to complete classes inseven weeks,then proceed to Richmond's St Mary's hospital At the hospital they worked fivedays a week inthe pediatric ward

"Working on the pediatric floorallowed me to comfort the kids and just be that playful guy they could trust,"Joe Billet, senior nursing major, said "It also helped shape my people skills through interacting with the kids' parents."

Nichols said,"Itwas a real-lifeexperience, rather than being in school during the week and doing clinicalson the weekends." She added, "We even got to help abused children and see [drug addicted] kids pullthrough."

The time spent inRichmond taught the nursing students how to work ina hospital ina life-likesituation. The knowledge and practice they received helped intheirtraining.

"Even though the classes were tough,we were taught well." Janelle Simpson, senior nursing major,said."This experience was well worthit."

1 Students Share Aboul ' ;ine Favorit

1 tryto take advantageof thelargevariety Ifit's anormal day 1 lookfor a hamburger,ifI'm tryingto class itupabit 1 will checkoutthe main dishand if1 need something safeI'll gowith asalad." -Josh Wood, SR

1like goingto thekeyhole because itis convenientand subconnection because 1just loveit.1 also like Docs[Diner] because it's likegoing to a real restaurant butgettingto usemy meal points, which is great." -Jessica Baughman, SR

"1would havet say [Founders Food Court] on north campus becauseofthe varietyoffood. Itbasicallyhas all thedifferent kindoffood on campus in one location It's onestopeating." -Andrew Patterson,SR alfredosauce on it,then1 get a chickenpatty and cutitup and putit on thepasta. Then 1 caneven usethe bun forbread."

-Jonathan Hornickel,SR

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"1enjoygoing totheKey Hole because its right nearmy dorm and it's always convenient when 1 want aquickbite to eat." -Alydia Miller, FR

"1 maketaco saladevery night consistingofcorn chips, lettuce meat, cheese and adollop of sourcream."

-Leighanne Harper,FR

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"Jazzmans is nicebecauseit isalwaysgood togetacaffeine pick-me-up in between classes."-Allie Aizcorbe.JR rniently located and Doc'sis notonlycheap butithasgreat food." -Josh Christensen,SR M.

"1alwayslook forwardtothe SesameChicke from the WOK section." -Josh Fish,GS

Acoupleof studentsenjoyfoodandfellowshipovera meal at the dininghall Thiswasoneof manyvenuesoncampus wherestudentswentto hangoutwithfriendsandeat "Ilike the opportunityto hangoutwithfriendsandto socialize,"Cindy Harrison,senior,said."TheReber-ThomasDiningHallhas a greatatmosphere. Astudentstudieshis notesat atable adjacentto the saladstation Studentswerealsothankful for the smilesSodexocashiersgreetedthemwitheveryday "Ithinkthatthe peoplewhoswipeyourcardsare so nice," KatieNewhall,freshman,said "Theyare alwayssofriendly."

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