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Sdenf awaittheirturntoquench theirthirst

sophomore Abby Wilson headed tothe Reber-Thomas Dining Hall, otherwiseknown asthe"Rot," alone Aftergathering herfood, shescanned thetables, franticallylooking for someone she knew Disappointed, Wilson shuffled over to the nearest bar stool.

"I thought people were going to wonder why Iwas sitting by myself,so Itried to read a book," Wilson said."Then Ifigured, I don't want to read while I'm eating.So,Ipicked up the phone and called my friend."

That was the lasttime Wilson ventured to the dining hall by herself.She was not the only girlopposed to dining alone. Many girlsavoided going to the Rot unless others accompanied them.

"There's one time Iwent by myself, and it was pretty awkward," Kristen Lowe, freshman,said."Some people are definitely more uncomfortable with themselves than others. It's a selfesteem problem."

Guys had no problem going to the Rot without friends."I'm usually on the go,so going to the Rot alone doesn't bother me," Allen Ancheril,senior,said."It'snot a big deal,and there are other places to socialize besides the Rot."

Senior Julie McMillian shared her opinion of why guys and girls differed on this issue "Girls are made different than guys Guys are more isolated individuals,but girls liketo have a group of friends with them, since they are more relationally based," McMillian said.

Whether it was because of low self-esteem or relationally based psychology, most girlsavoided going anywhere without companions.

"It'skind of likewhy girlswon't go to the bathrooms by themselves," Wilson said."I don't know why, we'rejust weird like that."


1cupsinhand,thirstystudentswaitpatientlyinlinetodispensetheir beverageofchoiceatthemaindrinkstationatReber Onand offcampus studentschosedifferentmealplansaccordingtotheirneed and desirefor eatingon campus."Themealplanisconvenientand alreadypaidforwithmy housingand diningplan,"Amanda Daugherty,junior,said."Thedininghall generallyhasagood selectionoffood."

"Thefontthat I created,called "Points",was moreofadecorativefont.The mainthingwith thefontisthat ithasno curves inany ofthe letters, numbers orsymbolsthat's why I called it Points. Havinga non-curvedfont, though, isoutof theordinary; it's unique,definitely what I was going for." -Michael Martin,JR r"Imade afont called"Olive." I thoughtthe0 looked likean oliveand it's pimentoorpit, soIjustgotthe restofthefont togoalongwith it" -Jordan Chen,SR

"Ihave titledthefont "Cosmography." My firstpointof inspirationfor thisfontwasactuallythetexton abottleofMountainDew Live Wire.Thetextof "LiveWire"had dynamic and selectiveserifs quitesimilarto mine."-Michael Stidham,JR

During the graduation ceremonies atWhite Pine'sCollege,God spoke to Professor Edward Edman as he watched hisstudents clothedin theircaps and gowns find theirseats "I was inthe middle ofgraduation atthe college I was teaching atand God said it's time to go," Edman said. "I didn't know exactly whereI was going,but Istarted praying about it."

God revealed Hisplan forEdman inan advertisement inWorld Magazine The ad displayed our school's need forfaculty in the Communication Department

"I saw the ad, and Iresponded tothead," Edman said "I did a telephone interviewin May, did a regular interview in June andI signed my contract inJuly, rightbefore the new schoolyear."

"I'm reallyglad he came here [toour school], because Ibenefitted a lotfrom histeaching and reallife experiences,"Amy Hunt,senior, said

According toseniorJordan Dunn, Edman brought with him a huge professional background and was the most knowledgeable graphic design teacher he had studied under

"I have learned more from him than any book," Dunn said "He teaches you how to improve and defend your pieces from his real world experiences."

Edman's background included jobs withItek Graphics,Compugraphics and TypeSolutions, Inc. At these businesses,he worked and created typefaces.

He shared thatchoosing a font on a computer required little effort, but the process ofcreating those typefaces involved days,weeks or even months ofwork. Edman designed fontssuch as Caslon 76, Geometric and Wanted. He alsoworked on fonts like Times New Roman.

"You could take an old book offthe shelf, and if it was printed by ItekorCompugraphics, it was probably type that Ihave worked on at some time,"Edman said

"To say thatyou designed professionalfonts thatpeople actually use, is pretty big in the design world" Dunn said.

Trading typefaces forteaching,Edman told ofthe happiness he received from educating students

"You have to be called towhat you're doing,"Edman said "If you're not called, then you're not going to be happy.God can callyou todo a lotofthings,but I'm definitelycalledto teach," withprofessoredman

Whatareyourmost wellknownorinterestingfontdesigns?

More recently, TheTrinity

Forum (Washington,D.C.)has used severalofmy original fontsfor theirquarterlyreadings I didone calledCaslon 76, which was based on thetypeused duringthe American Revolution That one was used (and credited) in"ForYou They Signed: LivesoftheSignersofthe DeclarationofIndepen- dence"thatwas released in thebeginningof2009

Wherehaveyour fontsbeendisplayed inpublications?

When I was workingfor phototypecompaniesin the 70sand 80s, I worked on fontsthatyou probably still seein olderbookstoday. Dur- ingthattime,I redrew Times Roman and Helveticaat least fourtimes.My company did some more work on itforthe Microsoftversioneveryone usesnow

Whichisyour favoritefont?

Ofmy own fonts, I likeCaslon 76becauseitwasfunto researchand draw

ProfessorEdward Edman critiquesstudentprojects,lendinghis opinionandinsightto his attentivestudents Edman,knownfor his successincreatingfontssuchas Caslon76andWanted,helpedhis studentsto exceedas graphicdesigners. "Hedoesn'tgivecompliments often,sowhenhedoes,youknowyoudeserveit,"RachelKaz, senior,said. "Hecantellyouthatyourworkisthe worstthinghe's everseenwitha smileandsuchcleverphrasing,thatyoualmostforgotthatyourproiect wasanepicfail." ProfessorEdman looksat aVari-Typerphotosetter diskusedfor producingheadlinetype Thisdiskwasusedfor the Championyearsago, andastudentgaveitto Edman as anappreciation present Manystudentsappreciatedthisprofessorgreatly "Throughout my yearshere,Edman hashelpedme growsignifigantlyas anartist,"Janine Gleason,senior,said."His passionfor the art isevidentbythe way he teaches,whichmakeshis classesauniqueandchallengingenvironment."


Elmer Towns

Inadditiontobeing theco-founderofthe school Dr Townshad authored130books and co-authored another30books

His best-sellingbook FastingforSpiritual Breakthrough.

1996. hassoldover 350.000copies

"Whereto begin with a man who'sfavorite pie iscake,wholoves hiswife,andloves thisschoolandthe studentshere With analmostendless supplyof knowledge aboutthebible,a surplusofstories and anecdotes,and an ear to listen whenever you need, Elmer Townsisoneman you donotwantto miss in yourtimehere," Dave Steele,junior,said.

Jean Tweedy

Captain Geo

After33yearsspent in amarine uniform, Robert F Ritchiebecame ageography professor Ritchiealways had afeelingthatGodwanted him atourschoolone way oranother Asatank commander in thedesert Ritchielosthishearing Acoupleyearslaterhefound hisplaceasaprofessor Ritchiecredited Dr Roger Schultzand Dr. David Snead.forhelping him tobecome abetterteacherand abetterperson. "Dr. David Snead hashelped mesmooth my rough edges asaprofessor." said Ritchie "He[Ritchie] is averyentertainingteacher He caresabout hisstudentsand healwaystries tomake whatever we'relearning relevant Hegivespeople nicknames We callhim Captain Geo."Tony Jennings,junior, said

English Professor's character gains respect from students

Studentsappreciatedthetransparentmoralsand blunthonesty thatleftlittletoquestionaboutthetrue feelingsofEnglishProfessorJeanTweedy Besidesherhumorous personalitystudentsappreciated herhelpfulness and authenticChristianwalk.

"Shegivestheclasssomething from Scriptureeveryday. Anotherthing I reallylike isthefactthatasa professorsheisstraightforward withtheassignmentsshe givesand even inhervalues." Brandon Milks,senior,said.

"Shefollowed theLordand becauseofthatHehasblessed her She hasagreattestimonyand afterfour semestersofbeing in herclassesI nevergettiredoflisteningtoit Mrs Tweedy issopassionateabout what sheteaches She doesagreatjobofhelping herstudentsgrab hold ofthesubjectand finditenjoyable."

W ' ProfessorMatthewsreceivednationalrecognitionbyplacingthirdonthelist oftoptenprofessorsinAmerica,accordingtostudentreviewsonratemyproffessors.com. Highratingsintheareasofeasiness,helpfulnessandclarity,earnedMatthewsa47 outof5inhisoverallqualityscore

Matthew'sdaughterandseniorKellieMatthewssharedinhisexcitement,"WhenDad toldmethenews,Iwasbeyondecstatic He'sworkedsohardtogettowhereheistoday, soIwasgladtoseehishardworkrecognized Fromthebeginning,Dadhasalwaysbeen aboutthestudents,andhelovestalkingtothemanytime,anywhere Hehasalways lovedteaching,andhisjoycomesthroughineveryclassheteachesandwitheach studentheencounters NodaughtercouldeverbemoreproudofherfatherthanIam."

Common ratingsconsistedofcommentssuchasthefollowing:

"Hewasoneofmyfavoriteteachers.Heiswonderful.I lovedgoingtoclass eventhoughitwasearly,healwaysleftyoulaughingandinagoodmood."

"Hereallybringslifetothebooks.Iwill neverinmy lifeforgethimactingoutwhat happenedbetweenEster,KingXerxesandHaman I learnedsomuchinhisclass."


With asuave Hungarian accent and a collectionofamusing phrases, Communications Professor Kornel Gerstner captured the attentionof hisstudents.

"Professor Gerstner's accent wasthegreatest," Isaiah Luce, junior, said "He would speak,I would respond inthesame kindofaccent and then hewould give me afunny look back.He would also getexcited aboutcertainsubjects,and hisaccentgotheavierwhen thathappened."

SeniorAlisonYoung said, "Atthe beginning ofclass, Gerstneralways announced,'It is 45,unfortunately [concerning thetimeclassstarted].' The way hesaid itsounded sofunny due tohisaccent."

ElmerTowns' Top Five Favorite Books

Believe and Live: The Gospel ofJohn uos, 3

Tfe Ten Largest


Praying the Lord's Prayer

Stories From the FrontPorch

C Teaching Teens

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