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Hearts beat and palms sweat as anticipation brewed in the soulsofthose waiting forthegame to begin Then, the music started, and the team emerged.The fanserupted in joy, everyone chimingin together forone event, thefootballgame.
Senior and wide receiverFreddie Brown explained thefootballplayer's mindset before they hit the field "You have a lot ofnervous energy before going out, but you trytostay calm and keep your emotions under control,"Brown said. "Before the game we prepare, say aprayer and come out ready to roll."
As the players ran out on the field, theirparents watched in admiration Cathy Stadler, mother of junioroffensive lineman Alex Stadler, came toevery game she could "I say a prayer before every game toask thatthe boys all stayinjury-free and play tothe best oftheirability," Cathy Stadler said. "I'm so proud ofthose young men, especially my young man,number 62."
The game started asthe cheerleaders on the sidelinesshouted tothefansand football players "The game is so much better being closetothesidelines," Julianne Gaillard, seniorcheerleader, said. "I feel like we can reallycheer thefootballteam and fans on, because they can all hear us better," m-:y
The restofthe noisecame from thefans Alumni Andrew Ostrom was one ofthefans who frequented the bleachers duringa game "I enjoy college football and it is exciting tosee our school grow and succeed," Ostrom said. "There is no otherschool in theworld thathas been able togrow and accomplish what ourschool has in such a short period of time."
Student worker TraciSimone heard the fansfrom her spot in theticketoffice "I enjoy the intensitythefansgiveand the factthat no matter who we play, theygive 100 percent,"Simone said, "If it wasn't for thecrowd,I think our football team wouldn't be as successful."
The footballgame created a unique experience forall "My favoritepart about thefootballgame would have tobe the overallatmosphere,"Gaillard said. "The students going crazy and paintingup, cheering along with usand everyone cheering the team on fora victory brings a smiletomy face."
Sophomore LarryClaiborneandseniorWillQuarlesleadthepackastheteam emerged from the tunnel Fansenjoyed coming tothegamesand rootingfortheir favoriteplayers,suchasformerrunningback RashadJennings."Jenningswasthe momst memorable playerforme ontheourfootballteam,"ChrisLehman,senior, said "Hewasanawesome player,made itintotheNFLand playedalltheyearsIhave attended thisschool." Freshman AldreakisAllenclutchesthefootballtohischest asheweavesdown thefield. Theteam beattheirrivalCoastalCarolina58-13during Homecoming Weekend."Theuniversityhasgrown somuch insolittletime,andI've seenourfootballteam continuetoimproveyearafteryear,"Jonah Guelzo,senior,said.
"I know oneday peoplewill mentionourschool'sfootballteamjustaseasilyasone would mention NotreDame "Sophomore MikeBrown headsdown thefield,gaining asmany yardsashecan Theteam pushed onthroughthegame,winning35-10 againstNorthCarolinaCentral Thefootballplayersjuggledtimespentpracticingand playinggamesand keepingupwiththeirschoolwork."IadmireMatthew Bevinsforhis highacademicstandardsand hisworkethic,"Chelsea Dawson,sophomore,said."Heis dedicatedtotheteam and staysfocused towhatneedstobeaccomplished."
The football season started offwith ahard fought but disappointing lossagainst the West Virginia Mountaineers, 20-33.As aDivision l-AA school, theirabilitytocompete and hold theirown against West Virginia's Division l-A football team was impressive, according to Coach Rocco's post game press conference.
This game setthetone forthe restofthe season. According toquarterback and sophomore Mike Brown,"At the beginning ofthe season weneeded time to mature,but everybody is starting toget game experience and working together asateam."
The Flames losta few key veteran playersthisseason, such as quarterback Brock Smith and running back Rashad Jennings.The team was left with some pretty big shoes to fill Coach Danny Rocco shared hisfeelingsabout the quarterback position during apre-season interview."Iknew atquarterback,wewould be doing fine,"Rocco said "We had two guys that I knew could do thejob, Tommy Beecher and Mike Brown."
As forthe running back position, therewas alot of competition Freshman Aldreakis Allen showed potential Coach Rocco compared him toJennings inaweekly press conference.
"When I watch thefilm I'm astonished atthesimilarities." Rocco said. "They both have the abilityto run insidewith power, and they both have theabilitytotakethe balltothe edge."
The football squad was dominated by younger playerslike Allen "There's alot ofyouth out there inthoseskilled positions," Coach Rocco said during aFlames News Network interview "I thinkthey're reallystarting togain theirconfidence and understanding ofthe offense and theirproductivity is increasing."
"A lotofthe young guys have gotten some great experience,"Tommy Beecher,senior quarterback,said "Whi they'reyoung,they are still talented and they'regetting better,"
The team finished the season with an 8-3 record overall and 5-1 record in the Big South. They won the Big South Conference Titleforthe third consecutiveyear
^ "I thinkfrom beginning toend,it was a reallygreat season for us,"Rocco said during avideo interview "Starting up at West Virginia and playing thatleveloffootball thatwe played was very exciting, and it's a realstatement ofhow farour program has come. After that, our abilitytogo on asixgame winning streak atthetail end,which put us in aposition toshare tha conference title was a very good thing."