How to Deal with Negative Feedback

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How to Handle Negative Feedback

Business Coach Roberto Lico

Pause first. Don’t react. When receiving negative feedback, it’s natural to want to defend yourself immediately. However, no matter how negative the comment was, you have a choice in your reaction. Reacting defensively tells more about you as a person than about the comment itself. Remaining calm and composed helps you deal with the feedback better.

Understand what the person’s concerns are. Every feedback, whether negative or positive, comes from somewhere. Something you said or did made the person react this way. You can choose to ignore the feedback, but then you’ll never know what was it that triggered the person.

Assess if the feedback is true. Evaluate the feedback objectively. Do you agree on the feedback? Is there any truth behind it, and would this be an alternate perspective you missed out originally? Is it something you should look into?

Reply to the person in kindness. Since the person took time to share his/her feedback with you, you should take time out to give a proper reply.

Recognize receiving negative feedback is a positive thing. Negative feedback also tells us our opportunities for growth. No matter where we are in life, all of us will have blind spots we don’t know about. While negative feedback may not be pleasant to receive, they give us a different perspective to consider.

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