Life in the Overflow - Fall 2017

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Life in the Overflow Magazine



BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

RobynGORDON pg20

COVER FEATURE Life in the Overflow Magazine interviews teen author, Robyn Gordon about her book ‘Stop Bullying’ (Gordon Publishing).

Life in the Overflow Magazine




Rise of the Deliverers by D’Andrea Bolden


Red Carpet coverage from the Treva & Kevin Show by Treva R Gordon


Prophetic Children: Train Them Up by Shanica L. Bell


Traits of Prophetic Children

by D’Andrea Bolden


Overcoming the Fear to Change by Shanica Bell


6 Ways to Cure Work from Home Blues by Life in the Overflow Staff

23 F.L.O.W. FOODS & RECIPES Garlic Shrimp

IN EACH ISSUE 07 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Be sure to read Moments in the Flow from Editor-in-Chief, Shanica LaShay Bell

15 AUTHOR/ARTIST SPOTLIGHT In our spotlight in this issue, Author Kevin Davis , shares his new book Be Healed

20 COVER FEATURE COVER FEATURE: Robyn Gordon shares her book “Stop Bullying” and her message to youth and adults



BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Life in the Overflow Enterprise, LLC EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Treva R. Gordon


Bella Creative Consulting


Shanica . Bell D’Andrea Bolden Treva R. Gordon Life in the Overflow Magazine is published quarterly by Life in the Overflow Enterprise, LLC. The models photographed or used in this publication are for illustrative purposes only. Life in the Overflow Magazine does not suggest that the models actually engage in the conduct discussed in the articles or stories they illustrate.

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BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

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MOMENTS IN THE FLOW I love the season of summer, but slowly the fall is becoming my most favorite season. This year, unlike so many others, I am so happy about the season of fall. Of course, it’s a beautiful season in the Midwest to perceive. But, there is a falling away of some old things and the ushering in of new things that happens visibly right before our eyes. The color of change, the winds of change and the visual change that happens right before our eyes is a beautiful experience. There is change in the atmosphere and everything is changing around us, but do we stop and pay attention to the spiritual climate? The change that is happening in the spirit realm and our inner man? Can we discern what the Lord is doing? One thing that we must continue through the changing seasons of our lives is prayer and fasting. We must continue to have a clear channel to God so that we are sensitive to the spiritual climate in the spirit. We must discern the season that we are in. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.You must know what spiritual season you are in. You must keep your ear to the voice of God telling you to move, be still, release and let go or embrace and grab hold to. Whatever season you’re in, in every season there is a purpose. Remember there is a reason for your season. This season we celebrate the new thing we are doing, giving special thanks to our corresponding partners at the Treva and Kevin Show, for providing us with special red carpet media coverage at the 48th GMA Dove Awards in Nashville, TN. Be sure to check that out as well as our first teen interview and feature with author Robyn Gordon.

Minister Shanica LaShay Bell M I N IS T ER SHAN I C A L A SHAY B ELL Fo un d e r/ Edi to r- in - Chi e f

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BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017


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Contributed by D’Andrea Bolden

Kings Rise and Fall! Leaders Rise and Fall! Kingdom Rise and Fall! Nations Rise and Fall!


istory and the bible has shown us that kings, kingdoms, leaders and even nations FALL!! Many of the aforementioned believed they were invincible and that they would remain in their position of power/authority or influence for an indefinite amount of time. They became lifted up with pride and were too arrogant to realize that they were caught up in their; strength, notoriety, influence, power, and riches. Nothing is more sobering than knowing that God can take platforms, riches, wealth, anointing, strength, influence, and power from one and hand it over to another. Pride is one of the main reasons for kings, kingdoms, leaders and nations will fall. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18

they themselves have benefited greatly from this. God’s people have been manipulated by celebrity preachers, false prophets, spiritualists and money hungry leaders so long that they are accustomed to this type of behavior in the church. God is calling His sheep back to Him in this hour! The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? 3 You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. 4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 6 My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them. 7 “‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because my flock lacks a shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared for themselves rather than for my flock, 9 therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 10 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them. - Ezekiel 34:1-10

When a fall comes for one king, kingdom, leader or nation another one rises up. We are in a season where God is removing and pulling down leaders, platforms, circles of influence, and even ministries and will raise up another to replace it. As this shift and transformation takes place God is releasing and raising up deliverers. These delivers have the anointing and grace to bring masses of people out of bondage. For many of God’s people have been stifled by deception, manipulation and confusion and some leaders have taken advantage of this instead of trying to deliver Most deliverers that God is about to release have endured extreme God’s people out of bondage. hardship and opposition. When a real deliverer hits the earth the kingdom of darkness gets in a panic. This is why when Jesus and Sadly, there are false leaders in the body of Christ across the Moses were infants they had to be hidden. The enemy always globe that have abused God’s sheep in everywhere possible. tries to kill deliverers when they are infants or in a very vulnerThey have benefited off the frailty, ignorance and vulnerability able state. Moses was a deliverer that brought the people out of of God’s sheep. But the Lord has heard and seen this travesty captivity and bondage and Jesus was a deliverer that removed the and is releasing deliverers with the anointing and grace to snatch captivity out of the people (casting out devils). Some deliverers His people out the place of spiritual sickness and bondage. God’s will preach a Kingdom message that will bring people out of the deliverers will preach the gospel of the Kingdom and it will break place of captivity and bondage (religion, cults, false ministries) the power of the enemy. Many will be free from religious spirits and others will minister deliverance to remove bondage out of and systems that have held them captive for many years and the lives of God’s people and some will do both. hindered their Kingdom assignment in the earth. The Lord is not pleased with leaders that have intentionally left His sheep sick, wounded, broken, unfed, lost, confused, poor and bound while


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”[a] 16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. - Matthew 2:14-16 Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, 2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. 3 But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket[a] for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. 4 His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. 5 Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it.- Exodus 2:1-5 Many fallen leaders went from being called to be deliverers to operating as Pharaohs oppressing, abusing and controlling God’s people. It is sad when leaders are keeping people bound more than the devil himself. There is mass bondage in the body of Christ and God’s solution is to raise up and release deliverers in the earth to bring His people out of bondage and get them to a place they can be free and no longer hindered. The time has come for many deliverers that have been in waiting to go forth and fulfill their assignment. No longer hidden, no longer overlooked but God’s deliverers are being unveiled and uncovered for such a time as this. Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will be the LORD’s. - Obadiah 1:21

D’Andrea Bolden is the founder of D’Andrea Bolden Ministries Global (DBM Global) which has a mandate and mission to reach the emerging leaders of today by ministering to the total man, and by equipping and training through strong biblical teaching and demonstration. The vision of (DBM Global) is to edify the body and to reach lost souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the expression of His love.

Life in the Overflow Magazine


48th GMA Dove Awards

Contributed by The Treva and Kevin Show

Life in the Overflow Magazine is pleased to share with our supporters these photos received from our corresponding partners at The Treva and Kevin Show for the 48th Annual GMA Dove Awatds held in Nashville,m TN on October 17th at Lipscomb’s University Allen Arena. Treva and Kevin were reporting from the red carpet. Be sure to check out the Treva and Kevin Show, the inspirational television talk show that airs every Wednesday morning at 7:30a.m. throughout TN, KY, and upper AL on WUXP MY TV30.


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

Check out all photos online at Life in the Overflow Magazine





Contributed by Shanica L. Bell, Editor



re you the parent of a child that says things and dreams things that seem to happen? Does your child spend a lot of time alone at times in introspect, not wanting to interact socially with others or exhibiting behavior that doesn’t seem inclusive of others? Is your child naturally drawn to the things of God? Your child may be prophetic. Does your child seem harder to discipline with a myriad of emotions? Is your child sensitive to the hurt, pain, and injustices of friends, animals, or things in the world? Your child may be prophetic. In the world that we live in today, many children may exhibit behaviors of what is considered outside of the norm and these behaviors may go misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses and the child is given medication to curve these things, when the parent just doesn’t understand that their child may be prophetic. IDENTIFYING YOUR CHILD’S SPIRITUAL GIFTS Children can hear the voice of God. In fact, the ears of a child may be a little more in tune with the voice of God. In the story about Samuel, God spoke to the young boy in time when the word of the Lord was not a common thing and people were not having many prophetic dreams. He spoke to the child in the midst of an elder, who could not hear the voice of the Lord. 1 Samuel 3:1-2 The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions. One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. 3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the LORD, where the ark of God was. 4 Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” 5 And he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” But Eli said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down. TRAIN THEM UP Again the voice of the Lord would call out to Samuel and he would believe that it was Eli speaking, because he did not yet know the voice of God. The glory of it all, is that Samuel was in the midst of a guardian that knew God and realized that it was


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

God that was speaking to the child and gave him instruction on how to proceed. Prophetic children need instruction on how to receive the word of the Lord and what to do with it. They have to be taught the posture of the prophetic and how to respond to the pull of the prophetic. A third time the LORD called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” 1 Samuel 3:8-9 Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. 9 So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. Eli gave instruction to Samuel so that he would not miss the word of the Lord. Eli knew that from that moment Samuel was prophetic. 1 Samuel 3:17 “What was it that he said to you?” Eli asked. And as Samuel grew up the Lord was with him. This is an important point that prophetic parents must understand, God is with our children. They will continue to grow and God will be with them. He has purpose for their lives. We have to continue to guide them, instruct them, and teach them to always be in a posture to receive the voice of God. Samuel also was taught to give the word of God, no matter who it may hurt or offend. The word he was given was for Eli! In the last days God said that he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters would prophesy (Acts 2:17). We all know that we are definitely in the last days. We must embrace that fact that our sons and our daughters will prophesy too. We are not the last prophetic generation. If you feel that your child may be prophetic, it is important that the right counsel is available for your child. If you are not spiritual or do not have a relationship with God, it is also equally important that you become knowledgeable in the things of God so that you know how to train up your child.



rophetically gifted children are born with a special combination of gifts, talents and abilities that make them some of the most unique, creative, and innovative individuals. The supernatural grace on their life allows their innate talents and abilities to become exceptional and above average.

Counseling for example is a strong area where prophetically gifted people seem to thrive. Many prophetically gifted children later in life usually make great counselors and advisors. This is biblically true as some of the prophets of old would prophesy and release the Word of the Lord and His counsel to the kings and people would inquire of the prophets and seers because of their supernatural insight. It is not a coincidence that many prophetically gifted people have studied psychology and are counselors.

Prophetically gifted children many times are also very gifted in the arts and sciences and have an innate ability to excel in these areas beyond the average person. So it is not shocking that some of the world’s greatest scientists, poets, artists, dancers, musicians, songwriters, playwrights, authors and singers are prophetically gifted. Many prophetic children are innovators by nature and some of the most profound inventions, songs, medical breakthroughs, scientific theories, technological concepts, and ingenious ideas have been revealed to prophetically gifted people through dreams and visions. The creativity, wisdom and insight given to prophetically gifted children is astounding as it has helped to continuously progress the spheres of influence in the earth. The fact many people do not recognize these gifts and abilities in themselves let alone their children does not negate the fact that they exist. These supernaturally gifted individuals have a divine purpose and plan that is ordained by God. But sadly both in and out of the church many of these individuals have been mislabeled, mishandled and overlooked. Being rejected and called weird and crazy happens to far too many prophetically gifted people. They are filling up the mental wards because no one around them can understand why they are wired a bit different than everyone else. Many of them are plagued early on by frightening dreams and visions and demonic attacks especially at night. These happenings are not things a person will grow out of but as the door to fear is opened in many cases they can intensify and occur more frequently. Prophetically gifted people are also naturally drawn to the supernatural but sadly the spirit of religion has killed the supernatural in the church leaving no genuine outlet for many prophetic people. This is why many inadvertently fall into occult practices to feed their natural craving of supernatural manifestations and phenomena. For more information on prophetically gifted children please visit - Traits of Prophetic Children, D’Andrea Bolden (Raising, January 31, 2017)

Life in the Overflow Magazine


OVERCOMING THE FEAR TO CHANGE Some people fear change more than they fear God. There is disobedience in arrested development. Rebellion is for the unchanged. Many people in the Body of Christ are frustrated and restless in the spirit because they fail to operate in the spirit of faith. They allow fear to cripple them and they fail to operate in their justified faith. We when we fail to operate in a justified faith lifestyle, this causes disobedience. Our disobedience to God’s flow of change and instruction to move forward disrupts our life’s flow. Not doing is synonymous with being disobedient. Fearing change can create a place of bondage. Now faith produces peace with God. (Romans 5:1) Create peace with God by activating your ‘now faith’. It pleases Him. Without it, God goes displeased with your lack of commitment to a justified lifestyle. You have put yourself on the other side of the fence because, no faith equals no peace, and no peace equals no God. Romans 5:4 Tribulations In order to desire change, you have to want change. Desire can be the conduit of change. You have to desire something to be able to hope for it, in order to change to get it. How can one have ‘now faith’ for something that they don’t want? It doesn’t make sense to hope for something that you don’t want, so when we hope for something, it is cultivated by an innermost desire. The hope experience comes only


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

through tribulation and patience. How can one hope for something that they have never had to fight to get? The world tells us that there is no shame in hope. Take your fears today and put them to rest. Overcome your fear by replacing it with faith, hope, and love. Remember who God says you are and believe and trust that whatever assignment is before you, whatever dream or vision you desire to come to past in your life will. If you have given into your fears and lost your desires and hope for nothing, I admonish you to recapture the vision. Write down those things that you desire –no matter how big they are. To help you overcome your fears, here are some scriptures to note and declare during your prayers to hope again, relinquishing all fear to achieve your next level. Scriptures to Overcome Fear (KJV) 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not giv-

en us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Psalm 23:4 I shall fear no evil Psalm 27:1 Whom shall I fear?

Psalm 118:6 I will not be afraid what can man do to me? Psalm 115:11 You who fear him, trust in the Lord, he is their help and shield. Psalm 103:17 The Lord’s love is with those who fear him Psalm 112:1 Blessed to fear the Lord


Deuteronomy 31:6 Don not be afraid or terrified because them, the Lord your God goes with you. I Chronicles 28:20 Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for Psalm 56:3-4 Afraid, I will trust in you What can mortal man do to me? Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. Isaiah 41:13 Do not fear, I will help you Isaiah 54:4 Do not be afraid, You will not suffer shame Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those that kill the body Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the sprirt of sonship, and by him we cry Abba 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith 1 Peter 3:13:14 Do not fear what they fear 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love

Life in the Overflow Magazine





ife in the Overflow Magazine had the joy of attending Prophetically Speaking in Gurnee, Illinois where Prophet Yarber hosted the Saturday meeting while his leader and visionary, Prophet John Veal (Enduring Faith Christian Center, Chicago) was out of town for a ministry engagement.

We had a blessed time in the Lord hearing the message and word of God, and enjoyed the activation sessions with other attendees. It was an awesome time of fellowship, teaching. At the end of service, we learned that Prophet Yarber and his beautiful wife would be hosting the launch of his new ministry, New Fervent Heart Church (Lansing, IL). Their launch weekend with Pastor Walter V. Williams (The Worship Clinic, IN) was explosive with great word, the prophetic and anointed worship. Connect with New Fervent Heart Church on Facebook, YouTube and if you in the Lansing, IL area, service information is as follows: 18420 Burnham Ave Lansing, IL 60438 Service Every Sunday Morning at 10:00 AM


BE the FLOW! | SUMMER 2017

6 Ways to Cure Work from Home Blues


If you are an entrepreneur that works from hom, or one that works from hom for your employer, here are 6 ways to Cure the Work from Home Blues that you may encounter while working your 9-5 from home.

1 – Get out of the house Take a break from your work flow and get out of the house. Take a walk, a drive, or a bike ride. One of the luxuries of working from home is not having to be tied to a desk and computer for 8 hours with only a break and a lunch throughout an 8 hour day. You can take time away from your work as many times as you desire. 2 – Change work locations If you can, create a mobile office at least once a week. Give yourself a new creative space and atmosphere to get work done. If your business allows – meet clients at the library, a local coffee house, or even in a park. 3 – Spend time away from home After a long work week, many people usually anticipate spending time at home with family or friends. For the person that works at home, you may need to get away from the house. Balancing your life is important. You can’t spend your work week at home and then spend the entire weekend indoors without going out week after week. This can lead to depression and you ultimately getting burned out with what was once a love and passion for you. 4 – Deactivate You may have to disengage from people. It is okay and don’t let anyone tell you that it is not. It is quite healthy to de-tech yourself and unplug from all devices that keep you connected and accessible to people. Create a space for you to have some downtime (up to 24 hours) where the focus is on no one but you and your family. You may have to disconnect from social media, cell phones and other things that pull you back in to work and other things that will have your mind back in a ‘work mode’ instead of relax mode. 5 – Maintain Balance It is important to maintain a life of balance. Attend church, have prayer, meditate about good things. If your work is of spiritual nature, keep a natural balance. Go out and enjoy life and do things like go to the movies, attend a play or concert, see a live band at a lounge, enjoy your friends and peers. 6 – Travel Travel often and get away from your norm at least once a year if you can. A short road trip or booking a nice vacation is great options, but it doesn’t have to be a lengthy extended trip. Plan a weekend get away to the city for a retreat. Rent a hotel and enjoy the attractions of the city. If you are a city slicker, then you may want to retreat to the country or maybe even out of the country.

Life in the Overflow Magazine


COVER FEATURE Interview by Shanica L. Bell

Robyn Gordon is a Stellar Award Nominee (2016), Author, and Speaker. In 2016, she published her first book titled STOP BULLYING. She is also a motivational speaker. This year alone she has spoken to more than 3,500 youth and adults about her anti-bullying message and continues to reach out to her peers to inspire them to achieve. LITO MAG: At the age 11 you wrote your first book “Stop Bullying”, what is the book about? ROBYN GORDON: Yes, at the age of 11, I wrote my 1st book called “Stop Bullying” because I was first bullied in the 1st grade on the school bus. The book is about a boy named Robbie who experiences bullying at school by a boy named Steve and how he overcomes his situation. LITO MAG: What was your inspiration to write a book about Anti-Bullying? Why is the subject of bullying important to you? ROBYN GORDON: My inspiration for writing this book goes back to myself being bullied in the first grade. The subject of bullying is important to me because I have seen many youth who have experienced bullying and I wanted to help them. I have been to many places to speak, and as an anti-bullying advocate, I will continue to stand up for others who cannot stand up for themselves. LITO MAG: Being a teen yourself, as well as a pastor’s daughter; what has been one of your greatest challenges with facing your own peers or having your peers as your audience when delivering such a sensitive message? ROBYN GORDON: The greatest challenges faced when speaking to other youth and adults is hearing them share their own personal stories about bullying and how it has affected them. I once met a boy named Chris, who is my age, who moved 4 states because the bullying was so bad. It made me feel sad, but hearing my story, helped him and his mother to know that they weren’t the only ones experiencing this situation. LITOMAG: What is your 10-Day course you developed for school age children? ROBYN GORDON: My 10-Day Curriculum helps identify the different types of bullying and how to handle bullying encounters. The curriculum offersseveral activities for students to participate and is made available for school age children. The curriculum has been received by several educators and is greatly enjoyed throughout classrooms.

Continued on page 22


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017




ROBYN GORDON Life in the Overflow Magazine


From left to right, author Robyn Gordon, Tennessee first lady Crissy Haslam and Clarksville Mayor Kim McMillan

I feel that if I would have told someone that I was being bullied, the bullying would have ended. - Robyn Gordon

Cover: Interview with Robyn Gordon- Continued from page 20 LITO MAG: How can teachers across the United States learn more about this curriculum and possibly getting it into their schools. ROBYN GORDON: They can visit my website at for more information or find my on facebook at Robyn Gordon. LITO MAG: What would you recommend or tell a child that is being bullied on a daily basis, but afraid to come forward and tell someone? ROBYN GORDON: I would tell them that if they feel like they cannot talk to their parents, to please tell a friend, a teacher, or another adult and to please not be quiet about their situation. When I first was bullied, I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone, but now looking back on the bullying situation, I feel that if I would have told someone that I was being bullied, the bullying would have ended. But today, I am blessed because I get to share my story and use my platform to inspire thousands of people each year about the dangers of bullying speaking at churches, daycares, and schools. LITO MAG: When you are not speaking, performing, or writing, what are some of your favorite things to do? ROBYN GORDON: I enjoy writing, playing my trumpet, singing, dancing, and hanging out with my friends. I also love science because it is my favorite subject.



BE the FLOW! | SUMMER 2017

Life in the Overflow Magazine


FOOD & RECIPES EASY GARLIC SHRIMP YIELD: 4PREP TIME:5 MINUTESCOOK TIME:5 MINUTESTOTAL TIME:10 MINUTES A flavorful shrimp dish that can be ready in a few minutes.

INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh lime or lemon juice 6 garlic cloves, grated or minced 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 pound large shrimp, shelled (except for tails) and deveined DIRECTIONS: In a bowl, whisk together olive oil, juice, garlic, cumin, red pepper flakes, salt and black pepper. Add shrimp and toss to coat. Set aside and marinate for 20 minutes.* Preheat oven broiler on high.** Spread shrimp along with marinade in single layer in an oven-proof skillet or baking pan. Place in center of oven and broil for 3 minutes, until pink. *Shrimp may be marinated for longer, up to a day. If marinating longer than 20 minutes, omit lime/lemon juice, then add juice just before cooking. **If needed, shrimp may also be cooked stove top. Cook over medium heat for until done (about 3 minutes), turning halfway through.


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017


“ People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” –Simon Sinek

Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you stand for? What lives have been changed or made better by your involvement? It’s not the time to be “behind your brand”, it’s time to dive in face first and let them know why you’re so dope. Research beyond basic demographics: Where does your audience go for information? What makes them happy? - Create your own content such as, ‘how-tos’, your point of view on politics, products, product reviews or e-books. - Publish blogposts on your websites or public platforms such as linkedin - Promote Yourself! Publicize your social media profiles - Use Twitter’s hastag trend feature for timely news topics “Surround yourself with the best team of advisors and mentors – human capital is the most valuable capital.” – Dawn Dickson

Life in the Overflow Magazine




HEALED By Author Kevin Davis With the availability of modern medicine and the vast knowledge we have of the human body and science many men, including Christians have come to the conclusion that God has no reason to supernaturally heal mankind. It is true that we have created cures and vaccinations for various diseases and we have made great advancements since the days of the Bible. However, even with our advancements people are suffering every day from all manner of sickness and disease. Pastor Kevin Davis embarked on a yearlong journey of studying scriptures concerning healing in the Bible. In his studies, Pastor Kevin searched for answers to common questions like: Does God still heal people today? If so, why does He do it? Do we have a part to play in supernatural healing? Are there barriers to my healing that I need to overcome? Please enjoy this excerpt from “Be Healed” the book written by Pastor Kevin as a result of his studies: In the 23 Psalms, David describes the Lord as “his Shepherd”. In this beautiful writing I became fascinated with this particular section: Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. The rod is twofold, the shepherd would use his rod to fight off predators but he would also use that same rod to correct the sheep that would go astray. The staff, however, was his stick designated for gathering. It had a hook on one end and he would use it to nudge, push and pull the sheep in the proper direction. The rod is the authority of God’s Word. By the Word of God demons are rebuked and children are corrected. But the Shepherd’s staff is the Healing virtue and the manifestation of spiritual gifts. As God pours out His love on us, through healing, He is drawing us towards Himself. In Jeremiah 31:3 God says “With loving kindness have I drawn thee.” He is drawing us to the safe places and to the places of quiet provision. When we are healed and acknowledge the Father for it, our hearts become bound to Him, and we truly become sheep that hear and recognize His voice and the voice of the stranger we will not follow. The same reasons Jesus healed back then are the exact same reasons Jesus desires to heal us today. Jesus still desires to draw those who are lost to Himself. He wants people to hear the message of the Kingdom, acknowledge its validity then turn from their sin and eternal separation from Him. But with so many voices in the land, with so many teachings, and with so many philosophies, a man that cannot discern the Spirit of God needs visible evidence to identify truth. And in fact, the power of God manifested through healing, signs, wonders and miracles serves as that evidence. Many do not believe that God heals His people supernaturally any more, but God is just as compassionate now as He was then. He still identifies with our burdens, and He still wants to intervene for us. He intervenes because He wants us to know that He loves us, and when we know that He loves us we will love Him back. If you would like to read the rest of this book, you can purchase a copy of “Be Healed” at the CreateSpace eStore:


BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

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BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017

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BE the FLOW! | FALL 2017


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.