Life in the Overflow - Fall 2015

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Life in the Overflow Magazine

FALL 2015




Life in the Overflow Magazine

FALL 2015





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FALL 2015


FEATURES 08 FLOW TOGETHER: BEING AN INDIVIDUAL... Dominique L. Watson shares why it is imporatnt to know yourself before you marry





Kenosha Wisconsin resident Treva Clarke calls for a Prayer Challenge. Learn more about Treva and her mission.

Dr. Carolyn Hall, Life Coach encourages us to tap into our superpowers and be walking powerhouses.

15 ABUNDANT LIVING: LONELY FOR THE HOLIDAYS 6 Ways to Fight Loneliness for the Holidays. Leearn what you can do to combat the holdiay blues.

16 COVER STORY: J. Santana

STAFF WRITER Dominique L. Watson Tenisha Bibbs ART DESIGN DIRECTOR MediaBurst Designs

Gospel recording artist and Minister of the Gospel, J. Santana shares his troubled youth and the life changing decision to carry on his sister’s legacy through his life and music.

CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Carolyn Hall Dominique L. Watson Tenisha Bibbs Shanica L. Bell Trina Brewer

IN EACH ISSUE 06 NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER Be sure to read Moments in the Flow from Founder/Publisher Shanica L. Bell


Someone you should know, P413 Foundation for sickle cell with Lewis and Ms. Nakia Asbury

12 P413 Foundation for Sickle Cell


Learn more about sickle cell warrior, Ms. Nakia Asbury & P413


Real Estate Broker, Trina Brewer shares Do It Yourself DIY space saving tips for the home

18 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: RYTHM AND REASON J Santana, Detroit Christian Gospel Recording Artist


Dr. Carolyn Hall, Spelman College professor shares her Playbook for the Empowering of Women

21 Beauty: The #1 Makeup Mistake

Lady Tenisha Bibbs, Stylist and Owner of Destyni Cosmetics shares the #1 Makeup Mistake





Life in the Overflow Magazine

Note From Publisher Awareness leads to early detection and early detection saves lives. Awareness is cure and key in any fight to save a life - yours or someone elses. Blessings in the Overflow! One of my favorite seasons is upon us. The beautiful season of Autumn or Fall and with that it brings me great joy to bring you the Fall 2015 issue of Life in the Overflow Magazine. The month of September is Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month and in this issue we were divinely set up by no one other than Yahweh (God) Hinself! With the launch of Life in the OverflowTV, we were connected to one of our features, which we also had the privledge of sitting down with, P413 Foundation for Sickle Cell. With the taping of our premiere show, the testimony of Lewis and Ms. Nakia Asbury, who lost her brother to Sickle Cell, the connection could not have been more timely. Our cover feature, Minister J. Santana of J. Santana Ministries joined us during an IN THE FLOW LIVE RADIO inter-

view, in which we learned that his music ministry began with a Sickle Cell and the loss of his sister. Read about their passion and their purpose, also watch the premiere interview with P413 Foundation and listen to the radio broadcast of our interview with J. Santana. October Breast Cancer Awareness Month hits home to me. Not only is my mother a survivor, but her two sisters are also breast cancer survivors all surviving a consecutive year diagnosis - going through chemo and radiation during the same season at times. I have also had my awareness bouts, having a reoccuring issue with my own breast. Being so close in my geneology I had to undergo regular mammograms, and with my reoccuring type of mastitis I was told that part of my breast had to be removed earlier this year. I went into my ‘War Room’ and the Holy Spirit showed me the cause of my problem. I told the doctor I would

Facebook: @shanicabellministries Instagram: @shanicabell Twitter@shanicalbell Web:

not be cut on and I wanted off of my birth control, which I used to regulate heavy cycles. Needless to say, almost a year later - I have not had to go back to see the surgeon. After stopping what the Holy Spirit showed me was the issue, I was healed. I was having an adverse effect. The church won’t talk about these issues - they’ll just tell us Jehovah Rapha heals. And he does, but we need to know there are things out there that our awareness alone can heal. Although I’ve known for years that in the fine print women over the age of 35 are warned about certain types of birth control, but it wasn’t until then that I became aware of it. Awareness leads to early detection and early detection saves lives. Awareness is cure and key in any fight to save a life - yours or someone elses.


Minister Shanica L. Bell Founder/Publisher Life in the Overflow Enterprises, LLC

FALL 2015




Life in the Overflow Magazine


Being an Individual So You Can Be One by Dominique L. Watson

If you start out as an individual, you will know just who you are. You won’t spend a lifetime inside of a marriage trying to find yourself when this is something you should have done a long time ago.


n marriage, many people don’t understand that in order to be one you have to be an individual. Marriage is 50/50. A husband cannot do all of the work and a wife cannot do all of the work. Each person’s effort must be 50/50. Which means, that in a marriage, we each bring a little something to the table. This is a stepping stone to being an individual so you can be one. Before we are married, we are considered single. We are considerate of just one person and only one person is a priority in our life. Us. Our home is built Before we are married, we are considered single. We are considerate of just one person and only one person is a priority in our life.

for us, our jobs is made for us and our lifestyle is made for us. We are individuals. In this stage of life, we should be praying for God to make and mold us so that when the time is right, we can take all of us that God has molded into his liking and join it with another in holy matrimony. But if we enter into a marriage with a damaged soul, extra baggage, then all of this negativity will be the 50% of the 100% to make a marriage work. So it is important to become an individual before you become a one. We must understand that whatever we sow into a marriage we will reap. Many people marry for all of the wrong reasons and then wonder why things didn’t work out. We can’t step into this holy place and expect things to be of bliss when we as individuals are bringing nothing but turmoil into the marriage. We have to check ourselves! continued on page 10

Meet Harmony: the Goddaughter of Zora Young. Harmony is a single mother of two and the product of rape… Harmony has seen many trials and tribulations but through it all and through the guidance and direction of her grandmother, she’s been able to see her way through. At the tender age of twenty-four, Harmony is forced to take on the troubles of her mother, deal with family issues, and still be strong for her children. Gail, Harmony’s mother, is involved with a married man. Making it very clear that Harmony doesn’t want to have anything to do with him or the situation, drama comes knocking at her door not giving her a choice. A man from her past decides he won’t stay away causing Harmony to deal with something she promised herself she never would. And just when things couldn’t get any worse, Harmony comes face to face with the man that destroyed her mother…her father. Take a ride with Harmony as she learns a big lesson on forgiveness, family, and tomorrow never being promised.

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FALL 2015



Life in the Overflow Magazine


continued from page 8 Now, this may seem like a difficult task to do, but I’m telling you, it isn’t. The first thing you need to do is check yourself. I see a lot of people praying for a husband, “Lord give me a man to marry” But are you ready for that man? Are you ready for all of the ups and downs that come with a marriage? Better yet, are you ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for a person you are supposed to live the rest of your life with? Are you ready? This is why it is so important to make sure you check yourself, fix yourself before you enter into marriage. Make sure that you have a wonderful relationship with God as a single man/woman so that when God is ready to make you one with someone else, you are bringing something into the marriage that no other man/woman can take away. It is within you and your spouse that will bring the strength to withstand any storm. The single life should give you the time to get yourself together so that when God says here is your wife, here is your husband, you, your mind body and soul, is ready to accept him/her. You also have to be able to stand on your own two feet. Have a sense of strength that shows you are able to standalone but are even better with your spouse. Marriage is not a one-person deal. It takes two to tango and every bit of you is important in the marriage and the same is true with your spouse. Sometimes in marriage, we have to step back and do a selfassessment. If you are single now, do a self-assessment now. Read your word. Expand your relationship with God. Get one on one time with him. One of the biggest problems in marriage is arguments that blame faults. It’s natural to see all of the negative and wrong things our spouses do. It’ easy to place blame. But it’s extremely hard to see what you have done wrong, especially if you have been hurt or mistreated. That’s why if you start out as an individual, you will know just who you are. You won’t spend a lifetime inside of a marriage trying to find yourself when this is something you should have done a long time ago. Trust me, it’s better to start a marriage making sure that you have examined inside and out so that when it comes time to say I do, you’ve released anything that was keeping you from your blessing, and you can start your happily ever in true happiness and bliss. Helpful Scriptures for this issues article: 1 Corinthians 7: 1-17 1 Peter 3:1-7

Dominique L. Watson, author of twelve books. Purchase her newest book today “The Ultimate Art of Deception” Literary Mentor


lthough she grew up in a Christian home and after high school graduation she attended a Christian college, it wasn’t until Spiritual Emphasis Week during college when Treva Clarke was led to give her life to Christ. She soon discovered that prayer was a brand new avenue for her to not only talk to God, but have Him talk back. Today, a Kenosha, WI resident, Treva Clarke is still passionate about prayer awakens every morning like clockwork. She has her time of prayer with God at 6:15a.m. in which she prayersdaily for the world, our country, family and others. Treva says that it is necessary for us to pray as we have other people in our colleges and government that do not take a stand for Jesus. Treva has called a Monthly Prayer Challenge, as she says 2 Chronicles 7:14 is where we are. “His people need to come forth now. Prayer does change things.” Join Ms. Treva Clarke on October 10, 2015 at New Hope Church in Kenosha, WI for her Prayer Challenge from 10-2pm. at 6127 Greenbay Rd. Ste 101. For more information call Treva at 262694-0382. All are welcome.



FALL 2015




of thinking is this, THERE CAN BE NO PARTIAL TRUTH.


lmost everyone has either heard of the concept of “theology” (the study of God and /or religious beliefs). In contrast, while many may be avid practitioners, few are familiar with the term “MEOLOGY”. I want to use the term, MEology, to explain this very real and growing tendency that many of us have in creating our own “religion’ by studying only what we like or think holds immediate value to our present situation; more aptly put, it is the religion of self-gratification (what makes us feel good)… Many of us practice “MEOLOGY” when we decide to pick and choose what we will or wont believe based upon its’ “right now value” to our lives. So when someone makes us mad, many of us feel vindication when we utter “well,[the offender] will reap what [the offender] sows.” But, truthfully, how many of us apply that same sentiment to our lives? Do we apply that same belief to the right/wrong actions that we take, the people that we have hurt, the things that we have sown or are sowing into (be they good or bad)? Not likely… If the truth be told, many “Christian/Believers think/ say/believe that they don’t have to adhere to certain parts of the bible. Their rationale: the bible was written a long time ago and those things no longer apply. Well, the problem with that sort

2. Witty ideas and inventions: “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions ” (Proverbs 8:12). In other words, creativity, knowledge, innovation, and genius are all gifts from God that are intrinsically associated with His wisdom. When we learn to love and apply wisdom for good uses , they are God’s gifts; and they are given to men and for men where wisdom is exalted.” Every major idea that I have had was given in my quiet time with God. And, because I knew GOD GAVE IT to me, I could MOVE FORWARD CONFIDENTLY.

WE EITHER BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE (basic instructions before leaving earth) IS THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD or an antiquated story book with a few good lessons. If you believe the latter, those lessons are only partial truths. THE FULL TRUTH is that we either believe God’s word or we don’t: “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other!” (Revelations 3:15). Why is this important? Because many of us have been walking around quoting mantras/half truths and disappointed that we Our ability to receive FROM have seen no results. GOD is going to be in direct proportion with OUR FAITH IN The TRUTH IS that if WE WANT HIS FULL TRUTH. In that FULL MANIFESTATION, we MUST TRUTH lies the MANIFESTAKNOW AND BELIEVE THE TION OF THE PROMISES GOD FULL WORD OF GOD: “So will DECLARES FOR HIS PEOPLE . My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return Get your copy of NEW BEGINto Me empty, Without accom- NINGS DEVOTIONAL: 40 plishing what I desire, And with- DAYS OF MIND RENEWING out succeeding in the matter for TEACHINGS at which I sent it” (Isiah 55:11). So, and check out my website at www. whatever your believing for, need, or desirous of is in that WORD. In fact, THE FULL WORD ACCOMPANIED WITH YOUR FAITH offers 1. Wisdom: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James 1:5). Seeking God through His word and prayer open us up for DIVINE WISDOM AND COUNSEL. When you get familiar with the WORD OF GOD, you will become FAMILIAR WITH THE VOICE OF GOD which will provide you with invaluable insight and direction for daily living and difficult situations.

You can also find her on Twitter (@carolhall1913),, Facebook (B.O.S.S.CHICKS EMPOWERMENT COACHING), Blog ( and Instagram (@bosschicksempower).

the Overflow Magazine F12L Life O inW I N S P I R A T I O N S



FALL 2015


ince the age of 3, Ms. Nakia Asbury has been living with sickle cell disease, a disease that affects the red blood cells in the body. Normal blood cells are round in shape and when Ms. Nakia is having a crisis, she describes her blood cells as having a crescent shape which causes blockage in her arteries, pain and leads to hospitalization from time to time. She says it is something that she has had to deal with and despite a gloomy prognosis early in life her life has been good and she has been blessed. Married to Lewis Asbury and a mother of 5 children, Ms. Nakia was given a time limit, not expected to live long after her mother first received Nakia’s diagnosis at the age of 3. With Sickle Cell being a heredity disease in which both parents who carry the sickle cell trait pass it on to their children, Ms. Nakia’s brother Walter B. Gaines passed away from his sickle cell complications; and she and her husband decided to raise awareness and hope to assist in the

movement to find a cure. Now at the age of 40, Ms. Nakia and her husband are the Founders and active participants of P413 Foundation for Sickle Cell. P413 is derived from the biblical verse Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. Through P413, the legacy of Walter Bernard Gaines and her own jouney, Ms. Nakia and her husband share the mission to bring public awareness, contribute to the research and cure of sickle cell by engaging the public in sickle cell rallies and events. This fall on September 26th, P413 Foundation for Sickle Cell is hosting CODE: RED FASHION SHOW FOR SICKLE CELL in Gurnee, Illinois.


and her mother have been her support system. She has questioned God for the reason why she had to deal with the disease. Through hospitalizations and major surgeries, she says although she is tired, she prays alot and God continues to push her through her pain episodes. Being away from her children is the hardest part to deal with, but it gives her a testimony to share with another Sickle Cell Warror. As a national advocate, P413 Foundation will continue to share Awareness is Cure and Ms. Nakia continues to encourage others to never give up and to continue to fight the disease, she says you have it for a reason and to keep fighting.

To learn more about P413 Foundation and their Sickle Cell AwareWith having children who also ness initiatives log on to www. carry the trait, their awareness starts at home. Ms. Nakia and her husband also speak at religious organizations, high schools, and other initiatives to continue to raise awareness. Her faith, her husband,


Life in the Overflow Magazine


The Space Crunch

Easy DIY Options for Small Spaces by Trina Brewer Most of us don’t have 1200sq ft of living space to work with so finding storage for some of life’s simple things may come as a challenge. So here are a few space saver ideas that may make small spaces a lot more useable. Not only are these ideas simple but they are truly inexpensive NO seriously depending on your own needs these ideas will cost you less then $40. Below I have put together just a few of these DIY’s.

Great Bathroom Ideas The use of Wine racksuse wine racks to hold towels, hand-towels ash cloths Storage baskets-Another space saver, use baskets to save space by hanging on the wall, or even by using hooks to hang the basket on the towel bar. Desk Organizer- A great idea for us ladies, use a desk organizer to store makeup. Of course this simple idea will save space and keep you well organized, as well keep you looking good. Trina Brewer is a real estate professional in the Chicagoland area. She is the creator of “ChiTown Spaces” coming to Life in the Overflow TV soon!


Single For the Holidays: 6 Ways to Avoid Loneliness


single. You’ll be surprised how he Thanksgiving season and fast the night goes by when you’re Christmas season are fastly drinking eggnog and playing chaapproaching! It’s the time of rades. year to be thankful, love our family members and celebrate the birth of #2 – Choose a different day to celeour Lord and Savior. But, for many brate the holiday with your children people the holiday season isn’t a before they leave for visitation. Ditime of happiness, family and to- vorced and separated families can getherness, but a time of loneli- create their own ‘special holidates’. ness, depression, and sadness. As a single mother, recent widow, a par- #3 – Plan your vacation or a trip out ent who lost their child or divorcée of town around the holidays. Get (man or woman), the holiday sea- away from the norm, the reminders, son can cause extreme depression, the nostalgia! Create a new holiday the desire to isolate and not interact space. with anyone, hoping that the season passes over. If you are single or #4 – Celebrate you! Take yourself alone during the holidays, there are out, get yourself a gift, pamper things that can be done to fight the yourself, make this holiday a memanxieties of loneliness and depres- orable one for yourself. sion that may come with the seasons. For couples who share time #5 – Attend, host, or organize a with their children after a divorce or ‘Single For the Holidays’ group, separation, I’m sure when they first dinner, club, or conference for othmarried and had children that they ers in your church or community. never imagined spending a holiday without their children. For those #6 – Stay busy and work! Perhaps who are dealing with losing loved there is overtime available on your ones to death, any day can be trying job, write a few chapters to your – not just holidays. new book or blog about your experiences; also plan what you’re going What are some things that you can to do differently next year! do to curve your loneliness and depression during the holidays? Many There are so many other things that things! Alot of things! Here are 6 can be added to this list, but for ways Life in the Overflow Maga- the most part – just have fun! Enzine came up with to combat loneli- joy your Holidays whether you are ness during the holidays. single, alone, dating or married. Life on this side of Heaven can be #1- Celebrate with other family shortlived. members or friends who are also

FALL 2015



Life in the Overflow Magazine


by Shanica L. Bell

J. Santana sits down with Shanica Bell during a segment of In the Flow LIVE Radio and shares his life as we take a look behind how it all started and why he does what he does


Gospel recording artist J. Santana of J. Santana Ministries talks about his life as a minister, recording artist, husband, father, life coach and humble servant.


“That was a breaking point for me. When my sister passed, I felt like my sister had to leave in order to save my life.”

- J. Santana

rowing up in a home where his mother kept him, his brothers and his sister in the church, Jeremy “J. Santana” Brown can remember singing as far back as he recalls as ‘knee high’. His mother would tell him him how he would entertain her company and they would tell her that he would grow up and be into music. Like most teens, J. Santana began to hang around the wrong crowds growing up on Detroit’s 6 Mile Rd. He recalls a time where he represented among gangs and violence, which became an everyday norm for him; experiencing everything that you could think of while living a life of gang violence. He knew that he had to change his lifestyle after having a near death experience. The 7 Mile gang had unleashed gunfire upon him and the 6 Mile gang, as he fled for his life.

J. Santana recalls feeling the bullets from a 7 Mile Rd. rival gang’s gun pass his face. “That really woke me up. But what really woke me up was I had an older sister who was a gospel artist in Detroit. She had sickle cell disease and she passed away in 1998 at the age of 31. That really broke my heart. Being that she was my only sister and she was a singer as well and she was trying to pursue a career in gospel music as well, but she didn’t get a chance because she passed away. That was a breaking point for me. When my sister passed, I felt like my sister had to leave in order to save my life.” Before the passing of his sister, J .Santana was always in church. As the drummer and active in service at his home church in Detroit, he was continued on next page

FALL 2015



still hanging around those 6 Mile friends that were living all types of ways. It wasn’t until his sister passed away from complications of sickle cell that he decided to carry his sister’s legacy and pursue his purpose in ministry through his desire to please God and his passion for music. He had received prophetic words that he would minister, preach and even pastor one day. “I’ve always loved music. Before I gave my life to God, I was a hip-hop rapper in Detroit, profanity user and everythng. When my sister passed away, that’s what really changed my entire direction. I threw away all of my secular CDs and tapes and threw all of my vulgar music in the garbage. That was my way of showing God, I’m really serious. It’s not a game. I yielded to God and said yes. Once my sister passed, I began to indulge myself in gospel music. I always loved gospel music, because I grew up around it, my mom used to play it around the house. I forced myself to really listen to the radio and sing along with gospel songs, I always had the gift of song, but I did not always take it seriously. It’s almost like God said since your sister has passed because she couldn’t continue her legacy, why don’t you continue her legacy through you. When I actually yielded to the mandate, God began to give me lyrics and I began to write songs. I sang bacground for a local artist in Detroit and we traveled around the city. I learned the business and made a name for myself as a background singer.” It was during this time that he began to date his wife. He was very interested in how she grew up and always had interest in learning more about the south being from the city. “After a few years, God told me it was time, I stepped away from the

group and became a leader of my own group.” It was at this time J Santana & Endtime was borne through networking on MySpace. He had married his wife and had been considering moving back to her hometown in Atlanta where he felt that he would have more opportunity musically.

Santana. We never should get so caught up in this world that we forget this is not our home. We’re just passing through. All of my music and in each record, is all to glorify God and to let the believers know that God is yet on the throne and that He is yet doing a mighty work in this world and He’s still worthy, and I will forever live for Him. The world is in such a subpar state, the church is in a subpar state and condition. Me being able to travel, I have seen the good, bad, and the ugly when it comes to ministry, business, the church and how people treat you.” J. Santana wants any mark he makes on the earth to be done in the Spirit of Excellence, which is his minitry motto. He desires to outdo the world in the Spirit of Excellence, giving God his very best. He wants to approach everything he does in ministry in the Spirit of Excellence.

After finding it difficult to penetrate a highly competitive gospel scene in Detroit, in 2002, after an open door J. Santana and his wife relocated to Atlanta, Georgia where he says that his music career took off. It was there where J. Santana made his mark in the industy as a gospel artist, sharing his ministry at various venues every weekend. He learned the business and how to value himself as an artist. More doors opened in television such as Atlanta LIVE and as a guest at Bishop Eddie Long’s New Life Church Youth service event. His own personal conviction is continuing to give God the glory. Currently residing in Jacksonville, Florida with his wife and 3 year “As the years go by and all you hear old daughter, J. Santana says at the is you’re hot, you’re dope, man you end of the day he just wants to be can sing, you can blow - and you remembered as a humble servant start getting all of this glory on of Christ, in spite of all the things yourself. You start feeling yourself that God has called him to do at and you forget that it’s not about different times of his life. Without you but it’s about Him. When I God he is just another black man. wrote the song Heaven, I sort of He says he is grateful for God’s had forgot why I did what I did. presence in His life. But I was still singing, still doing shows, but it was still all about J.


Life in the Overflow Magazine



Rhythm and Reason


. Santana grew up in Detroit, Michigan in the church. With R&B roots and gospel music in his background and being a former hip-hop recording artist in his teenage years, this minister of the gospel inspired by the legacy of his late sister, has honed a sound all his own that he describes as Urban Street Gospel. After making his musical mark in Atlanta and moving to Jacksonville, Florida in 2002, J. Santana is cur-


rently gearing up for the release of the video for his 2nd single from the Next Chapter album, enttitled ‘Blows My Mind’. After the success of his 2nd debut single ‘Heaven’ featuring Rachel James, he is back working on his 3rd album, while preparing for its January 2016 release.

Subscribe to JSantanaWorld on YouTube to hear more from J Santana Ministries and hear the ‘Heaven’ video! Tune in to IN THE FLOW LIVE RADIO and hear the entire interview with Shanica Bell


FALL 2015



y name is Dr. Carolyn Hall. I am a native of Memphis, Tn. I gained my BA and MA in English from Tennessee State University. I moved to Atlanta, GA in 2000 to begin work on my doctorate in Humanities with a concentration in Women’s Studies. I have been teaching at the university level for about 14 years. rently, I am a professor at Spelman College in Atlanta GA. I started my academic career at Morris Brown College (3 years) and began teaching at Clark Atlanta University (7 years) until my leave for Fort Valley State University where I was an assistant professor of English fr 4 years. Throughout the course of my teaching career, I have mentored, advised and been responsible for thousands of young people. Consequently, I became keenly aware of the innumerable issues that they face-personally and professionally. Because of my experience, I began to sense and understand that the need for empowerment beyond the four walls of my classroom.

Thus, I have written three books (I Can Do Anything with the Right Pair of Shoes (March 2013), New Beginnings: 40 Day Devotional (March 2014) and now the B.O.S.S.CHICKS PLAYBOOK: A Modern Girl’s Guide to Purpose and Plenty. Now, my platform includes an “empowerment coaching group” called B.O.S.S.CHICKS Empowerment Coaches. I have also been able to harness my “empowerment coaching” skills via my radio show, B.O.S.S.CHICKS RADIO. I have also served as the “empowerment coach” and special correspondent for Clear Channel Communications. The entirety of my platform, the books I write and the words that I speak are aimed at empowering young women to find and operate in the purpose that they were created for and also equip them with the skills, know how, and coaching necessary for them to be Bold Outstanding Savvy an Successful. Get Dr. Carolyn’s new book aimed

at empowering women to walk in purpose and become the “b.o.s.s.” of their lives: THE B.O.S.S. CHICKS PLAYBOOK: A MODERN GIRL’S GUIDE TO PURPOSE AND PLENTY. The book for the modern woman who desires to be BOLD, OUTSTANDING, SAVVY and SUCCESSFUL. More importantly, this book is aimed at women who seek not only professional success, but a balanced spiritual and emotional life as they pursue their purpose and prosperity.The book is based upon the tenets outlined in Proverbs 31, which are more than just a description of a “godly woman”, but a compass for all women who want GREATNESS OUT OF THEIR LIVES.

For more information about Dr. Carolyn Hall and B.O.S.S. CHICKS EMPOWERMENT log on today to www.bosschicksempowerment. com

THE B.O.S.S. CHICKS PLAYBOOK is available on Amazon. com THE-B-O-S-S-CHICKS-PLAYTHE B.O.S.S.CHICKS PLAY- BOOK-Purpose-ebook/dp/B00PBOOK provides very practical ad- BV1DKE vice, wisdom, and spiritual pearls that are meant to empower, motivate, and encourage all women to be the B.O.S.S. of their lives.


Life in the Overflow Magazine





ne of the first things you will learn about in cosmetology school is about skin tones and how to work with shades of foundations and color that will enhance those undertones and make you look more vibrant.

Cool toned people tend to look better in silvers, cool blues and purples, blue- reds, and cool citrus colors, while warm toned people look good in golds, browns, reds, oranges, and red purples. When you have warm toned skin and wear cool makeup shades it works against your natural, beautiful coloring and makes you look a little washed out. Same holds true for cool toned skin in warm colors. In fact, if you have cool skin and apply warm colors you

can even look a little sick—this is how makeup artists in film will make someone look older and washed out! Many times we gravitate to colors that we like or that others are wearing that season instead of what looks good on us, or we wear makeup according to stereotypes about black or white skin. What a lot of even celebrity stylists fail to realize is that not all women of color have warm tones and not all white women are cool toned. People whose hair is naturally black or close to black (not brown) tend to be cool toned in skin color. What to take from this is that you can wear any color you like, but make sure that tone works with your skin and hair.

Tenisha Bibbs is a licensed cosmotoglist and the Owner of Destyni Cosmetics and Tenisha Bibbs Custom Wigs. Be sure to get your copy of 7 Mistakes You’re Making with Makeup: Be sure to read more from Tenisha Bibbs in our next issue!

FALL 2015


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