Life in the Overflow - Fall 2016

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Design for multipurpose magazine




08 PROSPEROUS SOUL: MEN & BREAST CANCER Why men need to know the symptoms and the signs

10 FLOW TOGETHER: A SERVANT’S HEART A look at King David and a healthy heart of a servant


An introduction on single woman and their charge not to awaken love.


What’s keeping you from achieving your health and fitness dreams? Tyrell Starks shares how you can get back on track




04 NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER Be sure to read Moments in the Flow from Founder/Publisher Shanica L. Bell



Author Tenisha Bibbs shares her cosmetology journey and her profession as a Trichologist for hair restoration


REDEEMED shares his sound and his inspiration


Poet and Lyricist, Edward Goodloe III, shares a new piece in the #HealthisWealth issue




ith the Holiday Season fastly approaching, many people are making plans to spend time with their families, reminisce about the old times, and of course what would times like this be without those traditional meals enjoyed by loved ones. We all indulge in our favorite dishes, whether store bought or homemade during the holiday season. You know, it just wouldn’t be right without your favorite pie.Then as soon as the season ends, when the eating is over and after the crowds are gone, we look forward to the new year with resolutions, promises and weight loss goals. We know that by the Spring, most of our goals have been put on the back burner. Well, before the Holiday season comes around (it’s just weeks away!), we wanted to share with you a healthy regimen that you can start now. In the Health is Wealth issue, we invite you to take on your exercise goals, your healthy eating and shopping habits with Fitness Guru, Tyrell Starks. Tyrell was named one of People Magazine’s Weight Loss Success Story which covered people who lost weight without surgery or gimmicks. Simply amazing! Be sure to check out this article and more in the Health is Wealth issue!

Shanica LaShay Bell Founder/Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Life in the Overflow Magazine

ShanicaL.Bell Facebook: @lifeintheoverflowmag Twitter: @lifeoverflowmag Instagram: @lifeintheoverflowmag YouTube@LifeintheOverflowMagTVRadio Web:










What signs should you look for?


When you hear about breast cancer, society where women are at the forefront •

you instantly think about a woman. With the month of October being breast cancer awareness month, we hear so many stories of women surviving their journeys, we hear of many losses as family and friends celebrate the lives of a woman they knew who fought a good fight until she couldn’t anymore. We turn on our televisions and we can’t forget as the color pink stands out in commercials and marketing campaigns; even our preseason football games make their marks in joining in on the fight, as the athletes represent with their color pink during on the field. We all continue to stress how women need to get yearly mammograms as we stand to join Susan G. Komen and other women like her who are dedicated to finding a cure.

of breast cancer awareness with early detection exercises and mammograms, men have been left out and are not taught to check their breasts.

Contrary to what you may believe, breast cancer is not gender specific. Although this is a touchy subject among men, men must also understand that they have breasts too. They have breast tissue just as a women does, only much less. In a

The truth is, men account for 1% if all breast cancer cases each year and although that percent may appear small, 450 men die annually from breast cancer. That’s right, we are losing men to breast cancer as too! The American Cancer Society reports 2000 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in men each year. Men must be educated on how to check their breast for signs and learn what to look for. Most Men ignore early signs:

• • •

Abnormal lumps, swelling, breast, nipple, or chest muscle Skin dimpling or puckering Nipple retraction (turning inward) Redness or scaling of the nipple of breast skin


Nipple discharge

If you are a man or know of a man that may be experiencing abnormalities in his breasts, such as one or more of the symptoms listed above - don’t hesitate to consult your physician. Seek medical care as soon as possible. If you do not have insurance, find a free clinic in your area to service you or simply go to the ER. Breast cancer awareness must be taught to our young men as well. As they grow and go through puberty, swelling and tenderness is to be expected. Even in young girls benign cysts may grow and resemble lumps in the breast. It is important that education begins at home and that early detection is taught among our men and our women. If you or another male that you know may be experiencing one or more of the symptoms related to this article, please seek immediate attention or advice from a medical professional.



Heart of a Servant by Shanica Bell


When you talk about the heart of a servant, you think of King David. The Bible describes him as a man after God’s own heart as he was singlemindedly committed to God. We witness his love for the Lord through his heart psalms and beautiful poetic passages (Zavada, 2016). We learn that he is less than perfect and did some things that were not after God’s own heart, but we know that God’s love for him was reciprocated. I’ve often wondered about this person after God’s own heart. What does that mean to be a person after God’s heart? Does it give us greater insight into the heart of the servant whose main goal is to know and strive after the heart of God? Could it be that the one, who is after God’s heart, has the heart of a servant? What is the heart of a servant? Before one can know the heart of the servant, we must understand who the servant is and what the servant stands for. The word servant can best be described as one that serves another. It is derived from the word servo, meaning to keep hold, properly one that waits, that is, stops, holds, attends, or one that is bound. A servant can be a person, man or woman that attends to another person at a subjective level. A servant must not be confused with a slave, who is described in scripture as a bondman; or one that is purchased for money, and compelled to serve under a term of years (KJV Dictionary Online, 2016). So, it is clear that a servant is not a slave. A servant is not some place against his will. A servant is usually hired, to perform duties in a home or for a person (Miriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2016). Every slave is a servant, but every servant is not a slave. Throughout the Bible we have references of servants (Strong’s Concordance H5650 ‘ebed) as slaves, man-servants, worshippers of God, the prophets, and the Levites. We have references of Moses as the servant of the Lord (Joshua 1:13); Daniel, servant of the living God (Daniel 6:21); and Christ as the servant of Jehovah (Isaiah 42); and even the saints are called servants of God or of righteousness. Our greatest example of a servant and the condition of his heart is Jesus. Throughout Isaiah 42 we are given characteristics of a true servant of the Lord and his heart. Christ himself was a servant. Let’s take a look at the heart of the servant Christ Jesus in Isaiah 42:1; “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. The heart of the servant is anointed and a carrier of God’s spirit and his glory. His only intention is to carry out the assignment of God. Isaiah 42:2, “He shall not cry, nor lift


up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. The heart of the servant is not interested in being heard. His heart is directed in doing everything in the name of the Lord, not for fortune or fame. Jesus told everyone that He came in the name of His Father and that it was not his own will, but His Father’s will that would be done. It wasn’t about Jesus, but all about His Master. Jesus was a servant to God’s will. Like King David, who served God singlemindedly; the scriptures tells us that one of the responsibilities of the servants are to obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers, but in singleness of heart (Colossians 3:22). I call this not having a double heart. You know, that double mindedness, when you’re serving but with ulterior motives of the heart. Ephesians 5:6 also tells us that servants are obedient to their masters serving in singleness of heart, not with eyeservice as menpleasers. There it is again. This is an important characteristic of the heart of the servant. “And whatsoever you do, do it heartily” (Colossians 3:23). While you are serving, you must put your heart into it, with warmth and sincerity, genuinely without restraint. Let God always be your Master. Whatever you do in service, be genuine, knowing your reward is coming from the Lord. The servant’s heart knows that his reward is coming from the Master in Heaven, and while serving he is making certain that things are done that are pleasing in the Lord’s sight. The model servant described in 1 Thessalonians, is noted as one allowed by God to be put in trust with the gospel, and to speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which tries the heart. The heart of servant is tried by God (1 Thessalonians 2:4).

References: Blue Letter Bible. cfm?strongs=H5650&t=KJV KJV Dictionary. The King James Bible Page. http://av1611. com/kjbp/kjv-dictionary/servant.html Miriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2016. Servant : http:// Zavada, Jack. 2016. King David, A Man After God’s Own Heart. oldtestamentpeople/a/King-David.htm



While Adam is Sleeping


nd the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.” Genesis 2:21

Somewhere in this world there is an Adam that is asleep in the spirit and His Creator has His hand upon him. While he sleeps under divine anesthesia, woman is being removed from his side. She’s being formed, and while she’s being formed, she’s being prepared to be positioned, and if he is awakened too early it could harm him, his purpose with woman, and her purpose with him. While Adam is sleeping, she is being created for him, from the part of his bone structure that protects his vital organs and provides support to his shape and frame. We know that she is formed from the ribs. During this sleep, God is extracting his perfect helpmate for him. She will only be presented to Adam after he is ready to receive her and not a moment before he awakens. She will only be revealed when he is ready for a helpmate and when she is ready to be a helpmate and not a moment before. She will only be escorted to Adam after he has his assignment for life and is in need of help as he dwells in dominion on Earth. There is a process that Adam had to go through while God prepared his woman. Adam had to undergo surgery and God was his Surgeon. I have pondered the thought and have concluded that some of us are not allowing God to finish this process in our Adam or ourselves before trying to experience love and matrimony. There are so many of us trying to be the one to awaken Adam from his deep sleep while his eyes are closed to us during this process. His senses are not fully aware of us because God is still performing surgery on him and preparing him for this woman who will be escorted to him. Before Adam is awakened, God keeps him unconscious during the woman’s process as well. It isn’t until she is whole and he is whole, that God launches his escort service to bring her to the man (and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man Genesis 2:22). You say, escort service? You can’t wait on that? I know, I know – you said that by this year you would be married. You absolutely must get married this year, besides you’re

almost 40 and have never been married. Yes, I even understand that you want to have children with your husband and time may not be on your side anymore. I’ve seen many women out there, who are tapping the potential Adam on his shoulders, shaking him up out of his sleep. You know how we do ladies. We do things to get his attention. We do things to make sure Adam notices us by the way we dress, trying to get him to see us, saying things to get Adam to hear us, and even in this day and age of technology we want to make sure we post something on social media to get him to acknowledge us. Stop it! When it’s time, he’ll notice you. He will see you. There is no way, that you looking for your husband or pursuing a man openly before he acknowledges you in that way will result in anything fulfilling to your soul. If we look back at the scripture, the woman didn’t do anything but allow herself to be escorted to Adam. Let God escort you to your Adam when both of you are ready to receive each other in the midst of the purpose for your lives. If you are an unmarried woman living in singleness, I am here to impress upon you through the words of this book, to allow God to finish what He’s doing in Adam. And while he is doing what needs to be done in your Adam while Adam is sleeping, most importantly allow God to finish what he is doing in you. In order to be the best helpmate for your Adam, you must be the best woman that you can be before you are presented to him as a wife. An excerpt from the forthcoming book, “While Adam is Sleeping” by Author/Publisher Shanica L. Bell. For more information about the book visit,

FALL 2016 | LIFE IN THE OVERFLOW MAG Meet Tenisha Bibbs. After earning money at the age of ten from braiding hair, she started her cosmetology career at the young at of twelve as a shampoo assistant at a beauty shop in Waukgan, Illinois. She went on to earning her certification and license as a beautician continuing to define her craft and learning her niche in the beauty industry. Tenisha would launch Destyni Cosmetics, named after her daughter and other ventures that would change the lives of women around the world. She tells more about her testimony and her journey in her forthcoming book, “Life After Beauty School”. As a Trichologist, Tenisha deals with many sensitive issues concerning the hair and offers resolutions to hair loss such as non-surgical hair replacement and prosthesis cranial wigs. She offers virtual consultations for her clients with convenience.

TENISHA BIBBS: Okay, well my name is Tenisha Bibbs, I am a Trichologist I’m also a Hair Cosmetologist. I’ve been in the Beauty Industry over 25 years, I absolutely love the Industry and I’m not leaving it sometime soon. I started at the age of 10 and I started braiding hair for the young girls in the community, at the age of 12 I got introduced by my mom to the principal, and the principal said I see your daughter is great with hair, and I have a good friend that I think that, you know, your daughter can work in her Salon as an Shampoo Assistant. And that changed the course of my life because as I started working – yes, I worked there, 12 years old. And I stood there from 12 years old to 17 years old in a Salon as a Shampoo Assistant, and I’ve learned so much, I mean, from relaxers to shampoo, to the different types of shampoo to use and all of that. So, that’s how I pretty much got my start, and I’m here today. I’m still in the Beauty Industry. LITO MAG: That is awesome. Now, so from the age of 12 to 17, you learned a lot, you saw a lot; so let’s kind of patch forward to where you are owning your own Cosmetic-line – let’s just stop here, let’s talk how that came about.

INTERVIEW WITH TENISHA BIBBS ON IN THE FLOW LIVE TENISHA BIBBS: So, with the Cosmetic line is called Destyni Cosmetics. Destyni Cosmetics is named after my daughter. Destyni is diagnosed with Grammafesure and also Dulce-Syndrome. Which is a weird seizure condition. And when my daughter – before then, you know, the name was Destyni Cosmetics, but we should start the experiencing the seizures and things like that, it meant more to me than the name stayed Destyni Cosmetics, because will fall back and forward if I want to change the name, or if I want to keep it, is it a global name? but it meant more to me now than anything else because of the fact that my daughter – you know, it represent her and I want it to be able to keep this legacy, you know, with her. So that’s how Destyni Cosmetics came about. And yes, I’m CEO of Destyni Cosmetics. I’m now kind of transitioning into, you know, having people work in Destyni Cosmetics to push the Brand. LITO MAG: Tell us a little bit more of being a Trichologist and a Hair loss Practitioner. CONTINUED ON PAGE 21




You’ve seen him in the People Magazine, Celebrity Weight Loss: Half Their Size issue in 2006 and again in 2014, in a feature that covered people who had successful weight loss without surgery or gimmicks. Chicago/ Atlanta-based fitness guru, Tyrell Starks gets in the flow and shares his regimen on finding the time to workout, to eating healthy affordably and meal prep in the Health is Wealth issue of Life in the Overflow Magazine! Photo: People Magazine




o many times I have met people who can tell me all about their family’s health issues and most times they have begun to accept those “family” health issues as their own. Let’s try to battle some of those situations and excuses together!!! There are two main reasons that I have consistently heard over the years from people as to why they are not living healthier lives: “I JUST DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WORKOUT.” & “EATING HEALTHY IS TOO EXPENSIVE.” I feel like these reasons are fear of the unknown for a lot of people and that’s why I am here to help you overcome some of that fear and start to change your life TODAY! HOW CAN I FIND THE TIME TO WORKOUT? How many times have you heard someone say “I just don’t have time to work out.”? Although we all have and live the exact same 24 hours each and every day our situations are what make us completely different. Since we all have different situations going on, why would you dare compare yourself to someone else who has taken time out of their day to get a workout and then beat yourself up because you don’t have that same amount of time in your day? YOU ARE DIFFERENT! So, you have to approach the change you need in your life in order to take control and utilize the time you have by using proper time management strategies. Let’s face it, most of us have become so comfortable with our daily routine of waking up for the day, preparing ourselves (and children) in a hurry because we have slept until the very last possible minute just to fight traffic and make it to work/school on time or 5 minutes late. We work, then on our way home from work we stop at some fast food spot so we don’t have to cook, we get home, turn on the television, drop down on the sofa and think about how crazy the day has been right before we go to bed and do it all over again the next day. Does anybody see what’s wrong with that picture? I DO!!!! You should have spotted at least two opportunities of available time to get a workout in. First opportunity was in the morning. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and do a short 10-15 minute workout. For example: 20 squats (if you have balance or knee issues that may cause you not to squat properly, you can grab a chair to sit down then stand up 20 times), jog in place for 60 seconds with your knees as high as you can get them, grab a couple cans from the pantry and do some can-curls (bicep curls), and if you have a set of stairs, you can walk/jog up and down the stairs for 60-90 seconds. Then repeat this circuit a few times. If you’re not a morning person or prefer not to wake up to a workout, you can also workout after work to avoid the wasted time of sitting in traffic (which creates more stress) until the roads clear up. If you have children, get your children involved in your workout by doing some kind of outdoor activity like family kickball or softball games. If the weather is bad you could engage your children with games like dancing together, hallway bowling, or even sock skating. Those are just a very few exercises ideas that can be done with no equipment or gym membership in the comfort of your own home. If you prefer to workout in a gym atmosphere, there are lots of gym facilities that offer child care services. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



Example Exercise Regimen: Cardio: Burn 500 or more calories daily by walking, jogging, or running Strength Training: Do an exercise circuit of bicep curls, squats, lunges and ab crunches Exercise Sets: 4 sets of each exercise Reps: 15-20 reps in each set Q: How do I know how much weight to use? A: When deciding what weight is best, you should begin to feel your muscle tighten up, finding it hard to complete the set by rep 9 or 10. If you are able to complete 15-20 easily, you should increase the amount of weight you are working with. (If you have concerns about bulking up, you should increase the number of reps you complete by 5-10 reps.) HOW CAN I AFFORD TO EAT HEALTHY? I’m sure at some point you’ve also heard or maybe even you have said “Eating healthy is too expensive.” It’s true that eating better for your body may cost more but only by a couple of dollars unless you’re planning to eat ALL ORGANIC which tends to be a little pricey for the average family budget. The only thing that changing your way of eating is expensive on is the price of your time, but we just discussed

how to identify more time within our days and how to use some time management skills to put a few minutes or hours back into your day. Now, let us look at the problem of eating on a budget. First let’s say that you don’t have time to eat breakfast (which is the MOST important meal of the day, but that’s for another time...) so you don’t spend any money on breakfast. Next time most of us will eat will be around lunch time, where we will spend on average $10 for just one meal. Let’s say that you spend that same amount each day on lunch... that’s already $50 just for one week, and if you have a family with kids that take their lunch to school you should multiply that by 2. So now you’re at $100 just for one week of eating lunch.

Now, let us look ahead to dinner. On average, a family in America spends $12 per person on dinner according to some financial studies. That means if you’re just preparing dinner for yourself that is at least another $60 per week, but most families have at least 1 other person so let’s kick that up to $120 per week. Those numbers are based on just 5 days (typically Monday thru Friday). I won’t touch your weekend “fun” money because you should definitely reward yourself at some point during the week for your nutritional and monetary sacrifice. Lots of people have a “CHEAT DAY” as a reward for all their hard work, which is a good positive reinforcement tool. “Cheat days” are necessary for your body to rest and restart itself by making your metabolism burn faster to get rid of the extra calories you may intake on the day you treat yourself a little bit. On average most people will spend a total of $150-$200 eating out each week. Why not cut that wasted money in half and take yourself out for that really nice, guilt-free dinner that you have always been wanting but could never find the time or money to make it happen! Now, let us look ahead to dinner. On average, a family in America spends $12 per person on dinner according to some financial studies. That means if you’re just preparing dinner for yourself that is at least another $60 per week, but most families have at least 1 other person so let’s kick that up to $120 per week. Those numbers are based on just 5 days (typically Monday thru Friday). I won’t touch your weekend “fun” money because you should definitely reward yourself at some point during the week for your nutritional and monetary sacrifice.




Lots of people have a “CHEAT DAY” as a reward for all their hard work, which is a good positive reinforcement tool. “Cheat days” are necessary for your body to rest and restart itself by making your metabolism burn faster to get rid of the extra calories you may intake on the day you treat yourself a little bit. On average most people will spend a total of $150$200 eating out each week. Why not cut that wasted money in half and take yourself out for that really nice, guilt-free dinner that you have always been wanting but could never find the time or money to make it happen! Now, let me try to give you some ideas of how to tackle that waste of money while helping you lead a healthier nutritional life. You have to be realistic with yourself about your actual budget versus what you waste on eating out each week. Of the money wasted you can take $40-$50 of that and put it towards a weekly meal plan that will give you breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks. Once you have figured out your budget for spending on food you can do your meal prep two different ways: (1) Prepare, package, and store the food on your own; or (2) Join or start your own meal prep group. When starting a meal prep group you should always allow people into the group that are dependable, and you have to hold each other accountable for following the meal plan throughout the whole week. Planning is a huge part to the success. One of my college professors once told me “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” That short statement can apply to every aspect of your life, but today we are applying it to making sure your meal prep is a success both financially and nutritionally. If you decide to do a meal prep group, you can designate each person in the group to buy in bulk so that everyone in the group has enough of each item to last them for the entire week. But if you decide to meal prep alone, you will have to make a grocery list and follow exactly what is on your list to ensure you stay within your budget.

First you have to designate a day to do all of your cooking because just like we discussed previously, time management is where it all begins. Then, you have to decide how much time and what day you have time to complete your meal prep. The initial meal preparation will seem like it will be time consuming and even a little frustrating, but I have been meal prepping for some time now and it has become so much easier than the first time. It is now so second nature that it has even become part of my regular Sunday routine to start my week off strong. And if you really want to kick things up a notch, consider doing a detox before getting started! I will usually do a GREEN juice or smoothie detox before I start any new nutritional regimen just because my body has to have time to clean out an release the toxins that have been gathering over time. These meal prep ideas are designed to minimize your salt intake while still giving you the flavor you are used to tasting when you’re cooking so you are more likely to stick to it and ultimately begin to shed those extra pounds,

your blood pressure, and maybe even control other health issues! Just as any new regimen, be sure to consult your primary physician for their recommendations and approval first. I have put a 1200 calorie meal plan example, juice detox information, as well as links to my Live Well With Tyrell Smoothie Detox on www.livewellwithtyrell.wix. com/home if you are having a hard time figuring out where to begin. At the end of the day it all comes down to choices. Some people make the choice to allow their excuses and circumstances to control their life. On the other hand, some people decide to control their situation by making better choices and creating better habits so they can live their most healthy and abundant life. Which do you choose? I hope that I have helped convince you that it’s possible to make a few key changes in your life so that you no longer have to be one of the people who is letting their situation to dictate the final outcome of your health and fitness!







LITO MAG: Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you are from. REDEEMED: Well I’m a Christian Rapper born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I am the son of a pastor but I am also youth and young adult pastor at my dad’s church also in Brooklyn. I am a college graduate of Adelphi University class of 2011...SHOUT OUT TO AAAAUUUUUUU!! I received my Bachelor’s degree in of the greatest accomplishments of my life. I’m a lover of people, husband to ONE WIFE, father, and friend of God. LITO MAG: How did your music ministry journey begin? REDEEMED: I don’t really know where all the music started to be honest. I just remember at a really young age being intrigued by rap but I didn’t know of a lot of Christian rappers. So I used to sneak and take my allowance at like 10 and 11 years old and buy bootleg Mase tapes...and Jay Z and the Lox and Camron. I remember my dad finding my Walkman and I got in a lot of trouble when he heard what I was listening to. I didnt know how to explain at such a young age that I wasn’t being negatively affected by the music, I was just trying to learn the craft. Of course he wasnt having that! Then at the age of 12 I started writing my own stuff and realized I was pretty good. It started off as secular stuff and in my young teenage years I use to battle rap at lunch with other students and used to battle on my block. Then one summer when I was about 16 the voice of Lord woke me and told me He would make me successful in His sight if I gave my gift over to Him completely. And that was all she wrote after that. I gave away all my secular rhyme books to a friend so I could get rid of them and wouldn’t be too tempted to write the old way again haha. LITO MAG: How would you describe yourself as a gospel artist? REDEEMED: Well to be honest my music reflects a lot of my reality, something that is lacking in the gospel industry. I deal a lot with issues that people go through and address a lot of current topics that the Body of Christ seems to veer away from. Sometimes we hear gospel songs and they almost eliminate some of life’s realest and pragmatic issues. They don’t sing or rap about Jesus in a way that’s relatable to an audience that doesn’t know Him. And I believe that’s where my ministry comes in...God has gifted me to rap in a way that uplifts and encourages people from any walk of life. LITO: Who are some of your musical influences, secular or gospel and why? REDEEMED: Da’ Truth is definitely my favorite gospel rapper! He is THE MOST LYRICAL gospel rapper I know. His music showed me how to be crafty and witty with our punchlines and metaphors and still get the Gospel across. Something we don’t see a lot. Kirk Franklin is another really big influence. What he has done to pioneer the gospel industry and have it on rotation to touch souls we usually could never reach is really big for the influence of my career. I also like cats like Mali Music...he’s so eclectic his style is something that encourages you to be yourself in your music and take risks. I love Tye Tribbett!! One of the best and his band’s musicianship helps me take musical risks with my music as well. From the secular side I would have to say right now, Kendrick Lamar. What he’s doing for rap is refreshing!!! LITO: What new music projects can we expect from you in the near future? REDEEMED: Right now I have my single out entitled Crown of Glory. Available on all digital stores and media outlets. (Amazon, google play, itunes, apple music, spotify) so I hope the readers can check it out. I’ve been rapping for a while but this single is special because it’s my first official single that I’ve released. I’m trying to definitely let more and more people hear this joint. I’m also working on my debut project entitled “Say So”...album title was influenced by Psalm 107:2. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so”. That project should be finished before the year is out.




A new movement. by Edward Goodloe III

I want a new way of moving.. The Stagnate ways are steading loosing.. The breath of life isn’t as fresh.. and the stench of death is too far Stretched.. I want a new direction towards the sun.. What God has for me, has truly begun.. a new poll has been taken… Do I cash out on this end or make a new payment.. I see a difference in play.. It’s hard when the wind blows either way.. But where do you plant your seed?? Towards this new found life that's envious and full of greed?? There’s no room for growth..their killing our seeds.. This old plan that’s in play.. It’s too much for heaven’s sake.. God I need you to have you way.. We need a new movement within this day

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PAGE 19 INTERVIEW CONTINUED REDEEMED LITO MAG: If you could summarize, what’s one of your own personal favorites from your latest project and why? REDEEMED: The project that I’m releasing this year is actually my debut project so I don’t have any previous projects for anyone to reference. But definitely look out for a joint called “Looking Little Children”. You can find the non-album version on youtube. Definitely one of my favorites because it deals with a lot of what’s happening with our youth and what the previous generation of parents and artists have done to influence some of the wanton behavior of our young people today. Its a conversational piece of music and a game changer. LITO MAG: Who are some gospel artists that you would love to work with and why? REDEEMED: I would love to collaborate with Christon Gray I think he is dope!! Also a fellow gospel rapper named Swoope out of Ohio, his lyricism and musicianship would make a great collab. I would also like to do a joint with my fave rapper Da’ Truth just because of how much I’ve enjoyed his ministry and how it has influenced me that would be a dream. From a secular side I think me and Kendrick Lamar could come up with some soul stirring and uplifting music. LITO MAG: What encouraging words would you have for an aspiring Christian artists? REDEEMED: I would tell any aspiring Christian artist to appreciate the value of the gospel. Appreciate the privilege of being able to defend Christ and carry the cross. Never lose sight of the needs and concerns of the people and you will never run out of inspiration. Never lose sight of the love of God and you will never run out of material to write and share. I would also encourage any artist to never be ashamed of your story. Be transparent and pour out your heart until love bleeds into your music.


TENISHA BIBBS: Well, you know, as a Trichologist basically as a Cosmetologist, you learn some skills that’s in Trichology. And you have to go further and you have to push into learning more of the scalp disorders and scalp diseases. I deal with that. So when it comes to surgical procedures, like biopsies and I definitely work with Dermatologists, but my scope – my line of work are more non surgical Alopeciaissues. So that’s what I deal with and a lot of times we find out that it has to do with Psychological issues when it comes to hair loss. Because they don’t have answers and we are to find the answers and so, you know, we don’t have. That’s basically what I do, a hair loss Practitioner or Trichologist. LITO MAG: It definitely sounds like something that, now do you find in – that a lot of women of color lose their hair as well, and later changes some life or – you know, that may need the situation? TENISHA BIBBS: I wanted people to start getting custom wigs, because when you get a custom wig, it’s customised to your hair. It’s just not going to the Asian, the Chinese – the beauty supply store and just buying a wig. It’s more to it than that. LITO MAG: And that’s what I was going to say. I would think that if you’re having like traction issues, you would not want to put a wig on your head, but you have a specialised way or method. TENISHA BIBBS: Well with Traction Alopecia, you do – you can wear a wig that’s protecting the


hair with using a wig. The hair will grow back – it isn’t naturally grows back, but some people needs extra, you know, extra help. Some people need – I give, we always called – I talk about, when I was talked about the help – help part a bit – talked about what they are putting in their bodies, what are they doing? And so we deal with a multi-vitamins and things like that. Because they like some things, but also when they are under the hair restoration, which now, you know, all the alternatives such as wearing cranial prostheses wig, and a cranial prostheses wig is made in different ways. You may have - the top may have silicone or lace or silk and then the base may be more of a net or you know something like that. So you have to – you have to customise, it’s not just 1 wig cap, you know what I mean, when you start dealing with 1 wig cap, I would suggest dealing with the mesh wig cap or stretchy wig cap because it won’t cut of the circulation around the perimeter of the hair.

be, did you get a physical? And if they received a physical, then I make sure okay, do you have high blood pressure? Are you Anemic? Are you – you know, are you Vitamin.D deficient? So naturally – okay, when you go to your beautician, I’ll say okay, take up viles or pills or most have vitamins in the pills, right? But what’s happening is, it sits in your system 6 to 4 – 4 to 6 hours before it actually break down into what it’s called vile, also is called isotonic format. So what we do is – we actually break it down already into isotonic format, make it into a formula where you can actually drink it and you can withstand it and when it goes down in your system, 6 minutes after it hit your system, it actually starts to begin to work. It begins to work. So it is a painless situation. It’s nothing surgical or anything, and most people like that because they don’t have to deal with needles and things like that.

LITO MAG: So, even with the non-surgical, is it painful? Is it laser-treatment?

TENISHA BIBBS: Well legally we tell a client, you know, give us 90 days and anything you do, you should do in 90 day challenge or they hair challenge or healthy hair challenge I call it, but you should do a 90 day challenge. I’d say as early as 2 – 3 weeks, people starting growing hair back

TENISHA BIBBS: Yes, it is a painless practice, so basically let me just give you a legist of what the process is. So once the client sees me, basically what I do is, I get his history of their – basically a history of – you know, the situation. Have they – did they get a diagnosis before? Did they see a Dermatologist? Do they have high blood pressure? Things like that. And that’s our 1st step and then when we found out all of that information, the next step will

LITO MAG: Now how long can you expect to see results after how many of those treatments?

LITO MAG: So you have a book that comes out now, and I don’t want you to give too much away on the book, but tell us about the book. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


TENISHA BIBBS: So Life After Beauty School is a book for again Beauty professionals, Beautypreneurs in the Industry. And I wrote this book because I – 1st of all it started off as a Blog. And I talked about being all your beauty A-game. And what is a beauty A-game? Meaning, that when you’re in the Salon, there is a certain etiquette that you must have as a Beauty Professional. One, hygiene is a must have in the Beauty Industries. So, I’m teaching different strategies all in different skills So what that book is talk about is how to have a hygiene-pack, which you need in your hygiene-pack in case of emergencies like that. And it also talk and touch the basis on the business side of the beauty such as Social Media. How do you advertise your business on Social Media after Beauty School because they don’t teach you that. They don’t teach you that in beauty school. So there is life after Beauty School. Such as how do you cope with your family? How do you cope when you are in a Salon and you have 3 children and a husband? What is some of the things that you can do? So I teach those strategies and also make some of those into videos as well as teach them okay, I have containers, make the kids a meal and take it with you. Use a – you know, there are lots of type of things. So that’s the way the book is actually talking about and it really is – I mean I love the book. I’m so excited about this book here. LITO MAG: Wow, I’m just as excited about it for you, I think it is needed. TENISHA BIBBS: It also gives a portion of my testimony in Cosmetology School. How I talked about when you asked me about – you know, about my history. I talked about me, my experience in the Salon, and I also talked about my experience as a – I started beauty school then I stopped beauty school. I started beauty school and then I stopped beauty school and what that experience was and what made me push to complete beauty school and then finding my niche and how did I find my niche in this industry. And it talks about finding your niche in the industry as well in the book. LITO MAG: That book is going to be good. I’m not even in the Beauty Industry and it is like I want to read it. Seriously it sounded like it’s going to be a good read. Well I am excited for you, Miss Tenisha Bibbs. Maybe some encouragement to someone out there who is struggling and Cosmetology School as you mentioned, maybe they want to drop out and don’t know which way to go forward. Any encouragement for that person? TENISHA BIBBS: Absolutely. You know, I would say that one thing that kept me going was to focus on something

positive in this Industry. And I had to focus on what was my main goal. And my main goal was to get my Hair license and also wants to be able to teach other Beautypreneurs what I learned in this Industry. So I would say focus on something in the Industry that motivates you and when it motivates you, make that your drive and don’t give up and don’t give up until you’ve reached your goal. Okay, until you’ve reached your goal. Do not give up on it. Continue to push and continue to walk into the authority in the Beauty Industry. Because one thing – one thing is that it can get frustrating and it can get – you can get a place in this Industry that you are weary. But if you focus on that one thing, that one thing that is going to take you to the next level, and that all the other stuff, if you focus on that one style that you create and become your niche, if you can focus on that, then that will take you to the level that needed to be reached and to the height that you need to reach in this Industry, and all the other stuff will follow in. That’s my encouraging words. Be sure to listen to IN THE FLOW LIVE RADIO SHOW for the Full Interview.






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