Design for multipurpose magazine
Life in the Overflow Magazine
06 08
11 18
Summer 2015
FEATURES 06 FLOW TOGETHER: Respect in the Marriage Author Dominique L. Watson touches on wives submitting to their husbands and the roles in a marriage
08 JOINTLY FIT: You Are a Walking Powerhouse
Dr. Carolyn Hall, Life Coach encourages us to tap into our superpowers and be walking powerhouses
12 ABUNDANT LIVING: Using Your Creativity
STAFF WRITER Dominique L. Watson
Life in the Overflow CEO, Shanica L. Bell shares ways we can use what we have to live our dreams now.
14 PROSPEROUS SOUL: 10 Ways to Increase Energy
ART DIRECTOR MediaBurst Designs
Health Coach, Shanica L. Bell gives us the Top 10 Ways to Increase Your Energy
DESIGNER Shanica L. Bell
18 COVER STORY: Ron McAllister ChicagoWest Advertising Owner and Photographer shares his life and legacy as a pillar in business on Chicago’s Northshore
CONTRIBUTORS Ron McAllister Shanica L. Bell Sharice Bell Dominique L. Watson Trina Brewer Dr. Carolyn Hall
IN EACH ISSUE 04 NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER Be sure to read Moments in the Flow from Founder/Publisher Shanica L. Bell
Dominique L. Watson and her new book Conceited Betrayal. Learn more about her and Part 3: Harmony
Someone you should know, Verna Wilson: A Woman Who is Paying It Forward in Her Community
11 ABUNDANT LIVING: BROKERGIRL CHRONICLES Real Estate Broker, Trina Brewer shares tips on how to repair your credit and prepare to buy your new home!
16 COFFEE: STRONG WORDS FOR STRONG MINDS Ron McAllister shares his Coffee blog: Confounded Women
17 HEALTH & BEAUTY: Editor’s Beauty Picks
See what beauty products made the top of our Editor’s list for the Summer!
20 ARTIST APOTLIGHT: MUSIC THAT MINISTERS EXZavier, Chicago Christian Hip-Hop artist
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Note From Publisher You cannot finish a work of the Lord and NOT experience the Overflow in your own house. If you build God’s house, He will build yours. All Solomon asked God for was wisdom and knowledge, to know how he should go out and come in before the people of Israel (2 Chronicles 1:10). His heart was set to build a house for the Lord, and a house for his kingdom. (2 Chron 7:11) “Thus Solomon finished the house of the Lord and the king’s house: and all that came into Solomon’s heart to make in the house if the Lord: and in his own house, he prosperously effected.” Solomon had a blueprint for the Lord’s house (2 Chron 3, 4). He had detailed the design, the fabrics, the color and decor, instructions given to him by God. He sought out skilled men to employ Facebook: @shanicabellministries Instagram: @shanicabell Twitter@shanicalbell
to assist him in finishing the job (2 Chron 2:7). He became a businessman; buying, distributing, employing, and managing. His company’s mission was to build a house for the Lord, and a house for his kingdom.
your own house, business, ministry and life? What has God given you instructions for? Whatever assignment, work, or plan the Lord has put on your heart to do – do it. Do it and don’t quit. There is no reward in giving up or quitting. Finish it, there is a blessing in it. The Bible tells us that Solomon’s Your house will be prosperously own house was prosperously ef- effected! fected. I choose to believe that Solomon not only had detailed blueprints for God’s house, but Try my new iDreambook Journal for also his own. While you are plan- those dreams, plans and blueprint that ning for those things of God, make the Lord has given you. Visit my website sure you plan for yourself. You to learn how you can get a FREE downcannot finish a work of the Lord load now. and NOT experience the Overflow in your own house. If you build God’s house, He will build yours. What’s on your blueprint? Have you created one for yourself and
Minister Shanica L. Bell Founder/CEO Life in the Overflow Enterprises, LLC
Summer 2015
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Respect in the Marriage: Knowing your Role by Dominique L. Watson Ladies, your husband is suppose to be your rock, your supporter, the man God created just for you. He is suppose to protect his family and provide for his family. Any Godly woman respects that man’s position and lets him lead.
arriage today is different from the way it used to be. People jump in and out of marriages so fast. They’re not understanding how serious and important it is. That’s why you must take it to heart when considering marriage. You must think of every angle and leave nothing out. It’s very, very important. In Ephesians 5:22-23 the bible says “wives submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the hus-
The husband is to be the head of the household. He leads. A lot of times women want to be the husband and the wife.
band is head over the wife, as also Christ is head of the church: and He is the savior of the body.” The husband is head of the wife. A lot of women look at that sentence as control. The husband has power over the wife. It’s nothing like that. It doesn’t give the husband authority to miss treat their wife or belittle them. It’s the complete opposite. It means the husband is a priority. He comes before all friends and family, even your parents and he is due a certain amount of respect. You are to give him that respect. Don’t get me wrong, the husband is entitled to treat us the same but we are not talking about them were talking about us, the wives and our roles and how to know your role and understand it.
he husband is to be the head of the household. He leads. A lot of times women want to be the husband and the wife. The husband goes out and makes the money and you want to tell him where to spend it. Granted husbands and wives are a team and it’s “Our money” “Our Profits.” continued on next page
Meet Harmony: the Goddaughter of Zora Young. Harmony is a single mother of two and the product of rape… Harmony has seen many trials and tribulations but through it all and through the guidance and direction of her grandmother, she’s been able to see her way through. At the tender age of twenty-four, Harmony is forced to take on the troubles of her mother, deal with family issues, and still be strong for her children. Gail, Harmony’s mother, is involved with a married man. Making it very clear that Harmony doesn’t want to have anything to do with him or the situation, drama comes knocking at her door not giving her a choice. A man from her past decides he won’t stay away causing Harmony to deal with something she promised herself she never would. And just when things couldn’t get any worse, Harmony comes face to face with the man that destroyed her mother…her father. Take a ride with Harmony as she learns a big lesson on forgiveness, family, and tomorrow never being promised.
GET YOUR COPY TODAY! Paperback link:
Summer 2015
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Dominique Watson is a published author/entrepreneur. Dominique has published twelve books in the genres of poetry, inspiration and urban Christian fiction, including her most popular series, Concealed Betrayal and Secrets and Deception Series
But you have to allow him to be the man God has created him to be. In the old days and a lot of people still live by this rule, the man is suppose to go out and work while the woman stays home and takes care of the kids and house. I know things have changed and we as women are much more independent now but it has always been intended for the man to be the head of the house. Even if you work ladies, and he doesn’t, he is still supposed to be the man of the house. How you all work out the rules is your own business in your own house but you must understand God wants the man to be the head of the house. That is very important in marriage. The man is to lead. You can’t wear the skirt and the pants. You can’t do it all and if you feel that way then marriage is not for you. But if you are going to obey God, live His will and become one under God you must let your husband lead. One thing I don’t like is that women think they have power over men just because their a “woman” You want a man to come and change and adapt to your world. This is why a lot of women end up alone. You want someone in your life but you want to be in control and on top of that you don’t want to change. Constantly saying I deserve better because he won’t change into the man you want him to be. Ladies, marriage is serious. It means becoming one with your partner, compromising, changing and communication. The list goes on. You have become one in front of God. Let God run your marriage. If change and respect is something you have to do well then guess what? You have to do it. It’s what marriage is all about. In my marriage, respect plays a big part. I respect my husband’s feelings, his decisions and opinions. There are certain things that my husband feels is not lady like for a woman to do. I don’t agree but I respect his feelings. Now it’s different if your husband is trying to change you but respecting his feelings, that is what “the husband is the head of the wife” means. Respect. You see, I vowed on our wedding day to honor, respect and obey. I knew exactly what I was getting into and that’s why I said “I do” I was knowledgeable of the situation. That’s why I say marriage is serious. A child of God obeys God’s feelings no matter what. You listen to His word and you follow it. If there are some things that come with marriage that you can’t handle, don’t step into that world. You can be a good Christian without marrying. As long as you are loyal to your Father you are ok.
Dominique is also the Founder and Owner of Diamond M’press Publications. She spends a lot of time mentoring authors and writers through Literary Career Moves, which can be found at Dominique was voted as AAMBC Author of the Year in 2014. She’s the owner of PEN’Ashe Literary Magazine Dominique can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Instagram. For more about the dynamic Dominique Watson, check her out at:
Ladies, your husband is suppose to be your rock, your supporter, the man God created just for you. He is suppose to protect his family and provide for his family. Any Godly woman respects that man’s position and lets him lead. Any Godly woman stands behind her man and submits to her husband. It’s time for us to change the current ways of marriage and do it the way God intended us to. Helpful Scriptures 1 Corinthians 7:4, 34; 1 Peter 3:1-12; Ephesians 5:22-33; Mark 10:5-9; Proverbs 14:1
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Your SUPERPOWERS CAN AND WILL CHANGE THE WORLD and you in the process. - Dr. Carolyn Hall
We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7)
am POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE; but then again, SO ARE YOU. The power is not because of some special magic or hoodoo, but because of the GOD ON THE INSIDE. That’s right…We, who love God and stand on His Word, are walking around with POWER SO GREAT THAT IT CAN CHANGE, SHIFT, and IGNITE ATMOSPHERES. However, many of us don’t activate or utilize that power. In fact, quite a few believers have mistakenly let the environment dictate their mood (I have been guilty of that). For example, many of us have gone into places where the mood was somber or hostile and al-
lowed that “climate” to dictate our “feelings.” But, guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way. We are SUPERHUMAN or superheroes if you like. Remember, God’s “GRACE” is HIS SUPER ATTACHED TO OUR NATURAL that enables us to do things that we could not do of our own strength and might. Consequently, WE HAVE A SUPERNATURAL, SUPERHUMAN, SUPER HEROIC POWER, which equips and allows us to DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS. In fact, the story of “SUPERMAN” is a wonderful illustration of our POWER. Think about this: Superman’s power was not from this planet. He lived among everyday common folk, but his job was to bring hope, relief, and compassion to those he was in the midst of. Who does that sound like? US (the sons and daughters of God). The word of God CONFIRMS OUR SUPERPOWERS in several places: 1. “but we have this [power of God] in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the
power may be of God, not of us” (2 Cor 4:7); In other words, there is potential and capability on the inside of you that exceeds what is normal or ordinary. STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT YOU CANT DO and know that YOU ARE CAPABLE OF GREATNESS UNTHOUGHT OF… 2. “…the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4): in spite of what things look like or how they may be happening around you, the God of the universe lives in you and works through you. Thus, there is no reason for you to be afraid. In fact, the greater [I.E. POWER] IN YOU is all the more reason for you to BE BOLD and REACT IN A MANNER THAT SHOWS GOD (i.e. show love, compassion, giving heart, gentleness, thoughtfulness, etc) to those who may be in need. 3. “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and
Summer 2015
WHO IS DR. CAROLYN HALL Dr. Carolyn Hall is the founder of B.O.S.S. CHICKS EMPOWERMENT COACHES, which was birthed in October 2013. By profession, Dr. Hall is a professor, a motivational speaker, an empowerment coach, a professional blogger and an author. Currently, she is the author of three books, I Can Do Anything With the Right Pair of Shoes (Mar 2013), New Beginnings : 40 Days of Mind Renewing Teachings (April 2014), and THE B.O.S.S.CHICKS PLAYBOOK: A MODERN GIRL’S GUIDE TO PURPOSE AND PLENTY (October 2014).
POWER and SUIT UP : over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 1:26): When God created you, He fashioned you in His likeness and gave you POWER and AUTHORITY. There are many, many more references to this POWER in the bible. Nevertheless, THE LEVEL OF POWER THAT YOU OPERATE IN WILL BE IN PROPORTION TO THE TIME YOU SPEND WITH GOD (reading your word, praying, meditating). Your “POWER” is real and IT IS NECESSARY. You must begin to EXERCISE YOUR POWER in the world. Just like SUPERMAN, THE WORLD NEEDS YOU. There are people who are miserable, hurting, and in NEED OF YOUR POWER. So, next time you get ready to walk into a place, ACTIVATE YOUR SUPER-
” … be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places”.… (Ephesians 6: 10-12) Your SUPERPOWERS’ CAN AND WILL CHANGE THE WORLD and you in the process. Make sure you get your copy of the book (inspired by Apostles James and Venus Ponder, written by Dr. Carolyn Hall), New Beginnings Devotional: 40 Days of Mind Renewing and Empowering Teachings by going to Check out my website at
Dr. Hall’s desire to empower and motivate are a by-product of her purpose and calling, which she has fine tuned with education. She has both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English from Tennessee State University and a Doctorate of Arts in the Humanities with a concentration in Women’s Studies from Clark Atlanta University. Consequently, she has been teaching at the university level for over 14 years. Along the way, she has mentored countless young women and constantly imparts positivity into the lives of young people. Part of her platform seeks to empowers other women to walk in purpose and become the B.O.S.S. of their lives and avoid fallacious thinking, which suggest that their only desire should be to work for others. Her hometown is Memphis, TN. But, she has been a Georgia Peach for the last 14 years. She is currently working on a number of projects and endeavors to help EXPAND THE B.O.S.S.CHICKS EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT.
Life in the Overflow Magazine
SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW Verna Wilson: A Woman of Faith that Has Overcome Many Obstacles
erna Wilson, a native Chicagoan from humble beginnings acknowledges that it was her parents who taught her the real meaning of perseverance. Her father, a truck driver had a 6th grade education yet managed to get seven children through college. Her mother, worked in Chicago Public Schools serving lunches while attending night school and raising her family. These role models taught her at an early age that life is about keeping the faith and continuing the race despite your circumstances. Verna is proud to be living the dream and following the path her parents paved for her. It took hard work, perseverance, and faith to accumulate 5 degrees while maintaining straight A’s in ALL of her advance degree programs.
That’s phenomenal! Verna Wilson is the quintessential educator passionate about literacy and focused on empowerment. She is “paying is forward” in every aspect of her life by tutoring students, serving on local community boards and by raising her greatest accomplishment, her daughter, Alana. Verna is an active member of the following organizations: International Honor Society, Phi Delta Kappa Honorary Organization, Lake County Steering Committee, The Educator’s Center at University Center, American Association of School Superintendents, National Alliance of Black School Educators, American Association of School Administrators, and a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
Get Yours Now!
Summer 2015
Hey Dolls & Gents, it’s officially summer, long hot days, cool nights, and a lot of real estate signs posted in yards. I am sure some of you are wondering how can I get to the point of putting a “SOLD” on one of those signs. Most individuals are pulling their credit report and seeing a discouraging numbers. Is that you? Now the question is how can I obtain the dream of owning my own home whether it is condo, townhouse or single family, how can I achieve this with such a low credit score? HELP! Well my answer to that question is; start your repair of your LIFE now, yes life not just your credit score or credit in general. The majority of your credit is based off of what you have decided to do with your life. And of course we all know “LIFE HAPPENS”.
So, here we go, pull your credit report off of the 3 bureaus, read all three reports in full, when your credit report is pulled from the three bureaus there will be names, & phone numbers of the debt collection agencies on full detailed reports. USE them, call the creditors and try making a deal to reduce the interest on the amount or request to just pay the principle. I would also start off by paying the small amounts first, then work my way to the larger amounts. Again the key to helping your score is to talk to the creditors and discuss reducing the amount to completely remove it off the report which in turn will begin to increase your score. Also if you know that you have
paid a creditor in full but the loan is still showing on your report call them and request that they report your zero balance paid in full to all three credit bureau that the debt has been paid , so again this will be reflected on your report and show in your score. Don’t be fooled this for some of us may take some time to get through every single debt that is showing on your report, however it will be well worth it come next fall, next winter(one if the best times purchase by the way) and of course next spring & summer. Oh, just in case you were wondering if you should try one of those credit repair companies or individuals-My thoughts: Don’t pay a credit repair company to do what you can do yourself, when it comes to your credit you OWN it, don’t spend more money on fixing your money mistakes or money issues , the time it will take for you to fix and delete and credit paid debt, will also allow you to understand your credit, know where you stand in the credit world and be better at making credit decisions. Educate yourself on your credit standings. I hope this bit of information helped, and if you have any questions or what me to focus on a particular real estate subject contact me at: or on facebookLet’s keep in touch, and until next time, LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH & buy real estate.
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Using Your Creativity to Produce a Brand That Pays Life in the Overflow Magazine’s, Founder shares how your creativity can produce a brand that can earn you a residual income while you sleep.
ou can say that I am a big dreamer, always thinking and always working on my ‘next project’. For me it never ends. In the midst of my day, well my life, my mental space is filled with business. I can’t help it. My Creator created me a creative soul. Definitely in His image and in His likeness and I am okay with that. But what I am not okay with is not seeing a return on my investment. Has that ever happened to you dreamer? You feel that you have that next business idea that’s going to make the difference in your bank account, but after you invest your time, money, sweat and tears you are still only left with a few coins in the bank. How do you usher in the overflow in your business? How do you make residual income while you sleep? How do you push past the blur of your ‘next project’ in order to get to ‘the project’ that is going to change your life?
onsult Your Creator. The first thing that you must do is consult with your Creator. If you are a creative, brilliant mind then you have a lot of things processing on a daily basis. You must get still and seek God about those things that are necessary for you to succeed, so you can focus on them and not other things that are distractors and time stealers. You want to focus on what is going to produce a profit. Don’t let anyone tell you that it isn’t about the money. It’s going to take money (an investment) for you to get to where you want to be and for you to see a great return. Your Creator gives you the power to obtain wealth. The world says that knowledge is power, therefore something that you know can assist you in obtaining wealth. You may be saying well, I don’t know anything. I challenge you today to tap into your attributes.
ap into Your Superpowers. What are those attributes that you have that may be different than others? What’s your superpower? Not just your pow-
What are those attributes that you have that may be different than others? What’s your superpower?
My Creator created me a creative soul. Definitely in His image and in His likeness and I am okay with that. - Shanica L. Bell
Summer 2015
VISIT ONLINE: WWW.SHANICABELL.COM er, but your superpower that God gave you? Everyone has a superpower that they can tap into in order to obtain wealth. What do you do? Do you write? Do you sing? Do you love to draw or do you love fashion? There is a way for you to create residual income or cause the overflow to come in. Using your superpowers to generate multiple streams of income isn’t difficult, but it will take dedication and faith.
hange Your Mindset. Once you are ready to make an investment to use your superpowers to create a brand that can generate multiple streams of income, you must change your mindset about business, and if you are a business owner trying to yield fruit higher up on the tree, you must change the way you have been thinking within your business-mind. You must take on the brlliant mindset. It’s okay to cater to the clients that are lower on the tree, but eventually you want to go to the next level and in order to get there you have to think like a millionaire. Some of your products and services should be catered to a certain market and it’s okay for those that feel your products don’t fit into their budget. Those clients may not be for you.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!
reate Marketing Materials that Appeal to Clients. Set the stage for the law of attraction to produce results for you. Make sure your logo, website and social media networks are in place and streamlined across all platforms. You want your Twitter account to bare the same online presence and language as your Facebook. Make sure your business name explains what the nature of your business is! If I can’t tell by the name of your business what you do, go back to the naming game. Make sure your business cards are also cohesive with your brand. Once you have launched your business, you can start working on ways to make more money. Within your brand, create products and services that speak to your target clients and generate income while you sleep! Stay consistent, stay relevant and updated on technology and new social leveraging angles. Get out there and market your brand. Whatever you need to do to keep things in order for you to stay on top of your game - do it. Even if that means hiring a virtual assistant, using a calendared to-do list to keep you focused, implementing a system or a program that keeps you accountable. You may even want to get a mentor or a life coach that can assist you with your accountability. The best thing you can give to start your business is a “Yes!”. What are
you waiting for, you’ve got a lot of work to do. Try my new iDreambook Write the Vision Journal as my FREE gift to you. Get started on journaling about your creative brand! Log online:
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Top 10 Ways to
Increase Your Energy If you’re looking for ways to increase your energy, here is a list compiled by Elite Balance, Life Coach Sharice Bell.
1 2
Reduce or eliminate caffeine. The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration and blood sugar ups and downs, making mood swings more frequent.
Drink water. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated. Before you go to sugar or caffeine, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see what happens. Caution: Soft drinks are now America’s number one source of added sugar.
Eat dark leafy green vegetables. Green is associated with spring, the time of renewal and refreshing, vital energy.Greens are full of vitamins and nutrients and great for improving circulation, lifting the spirit, purifying the blood and strengthening the immune system. Broccoli, collards, bok choy, kale, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, arugula and dandelion greens are some of the many to choose from.
4 5
Use gentle sweets. Avoid sugar and chemical artificial sweeteners. Use gentle sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, and stevia. Eat sweet vegetables such as yams, carrots, and beets. Get physical activity. Start with simple activities, like walking or yoga—start with 10 minutes a day and increase.
Get more sleep and rest and relaxation. When you are tired or stressed, your body will crave energy. These cravings are often a result of being sleep-deprived, going to bed late, and waking up early for months and years on end.
7 8 9 10
Evaluate the amount of animal food you eat.Eating too much meat, dairy, chicken, and eggs can lead to low energy. So can eating too little! Experiment. Respect your body’s individuality.
Take time for yourself.Find activities that restore your energy, such as a walk, a bath, a museum, a movie, or whatever you enjoy and schedule a weekly date with yourself to do these things! Get in touch with your spirituality. We are spiritual beings in a physical world. Find ways to get in touch with your spiritual side, be it meditating, dancing, drawing, going to church or temple, or being in nature. Get rid of relationships that drain you. People can drain you of your energy. It doesn’t mean that they are bad, but it is good to notice who drains you and why.
I work with clients to incorporate diet and lifestyle changes that boost immunity, increase energy, detox the body, eliminate cravings, and reduce stress. I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. Email: Website: Intergrative Nutrition (c)
Summer 2015
oxic relationships be just downright draining and it coud very well be possible that the other person doesn’t know that they are draining you. Have you ever been in the presence of a person and feel tired, lethargic, or sleepy? When this person leaves, you suddenly gain your energy back? Contrary to what some people may believe, this is a spirit. It’s important to identify those people in your llife that are energy stealers. Could it be that friend who calls you to gossip all the time about other people all the time? Have you ever answered the phone and the person on the other end immediately began to pour out all of their problems on you? It may even be that depressed friend that is also a “Negative Nancy” or a “Doubtful Dan”, always down in the dumps and spewing negativity about any and every thing. It may be best for you to make a decision to transition out of that type of relationship, not just for your own energy, but for your own sanity! Make sure that you’re in relationships that are whole. An uneven yoke is not beneficial to the life of the relationship if one person is whole and the other is not. Yoking with a person that is not whole will cause them to pull on you as you carry the weight of the relationship on your shoulders. During times where you may be weak, the other person will not be able to pour into you, undergird, or support you emotionally. Again, this is draining and can steal your energy and happiness. Continue to surround yourself with those people who have your best interest at heart, one that compliments who you are, and doesn’t mind undergirding you when you’re in need.
It’s important to identify people in your life that are energy stealers.
Life in the Overflow Magazine
Summer 2015
FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE, NO SHADE... EDITOR’S BEAUTY PICKS FOR HAIR & SKIN Hey Ladies! The Summer is here and as you know it’s important to stay hydrated so that your hair, skin, and nails look fabulous when kissed by the sun! Yes, drinking your 8 glasses of water a day is necessary, but lets not forget about those ways to keep your hair and skin clean, hydrated, and protected. Here are some of my favorite products that I’ve personally tried for the Summer and I must say, I am in love! If you have beauty picks that you’d like to share with Life in the Overflow readers, let us know:
#NaturalHairProduct NATURAL GIRLS! I’m not natural, but I do have to purchase hair products for my daughter’s natural hair journey and so far BEAUTY PROTECTOR PROTECT & DETANGLE has been a favorite of ours. We were pleased with the results of how it keeps her hair manageable while detangling and protecting! 8 oz $21.95
Refreshing! TEMPLESPA PEACE BE STILL, yes that is the name of this awesome calming face & body balm. Use it at any time of the day for a calming aromatic citrus refresher. 6.8 oz $29.00
Try BEAVER PROFESSIONAL Hydro Shampoo & Conditioner for your relaxed or natural hair. Most shampoos leave my hair dry and brittle after a shampoo and may regain a softness after conditioning. This product not only leaves my hair clean and smelling good, but I love the way my hair feels during and after using it! 210 ml $15.00
If you are looking for a good exfoliating face scrub look no further! VASANTI Brighten Up! is filled with dermatologist micrograde crystals that gently exfoliates and cleanses with aloe vera, coconut, and pantenol. 4.23 oz $34
Life in the Overflow Magazine
by Shanica L. Bell
Ron McAllister sits with Life in the Overflow Magazine and shares his life of favor and how he was graced to begin a legacy that has lasted for generations
Ron McAllister at a community event being photographed doing what he loves to do for ChicagoWest Advertising as a photographer.
I Photo Credit: Ralph Peterson Jr.
Fate would have it that this woman’s husband recruited students from the college for one of the top advertising agencies in Chicago.
f you grew up in North Chicago, Illinois, then you are familiar with McAllister & Sons, a pillar in black-owned business within the community for over 50 years located on the 1700 block of Sheridan Road. Business owner, Ed McAllister went to trade school and taught his sons the trade of advertising, design, and commercial art. Ed McAllister specialized in lettering and after teaching his son Ron the trade, he still desired for Ron to go to college. With the trade taught by his father, Ron McAllister received a 4 year scholarship to the University of Illinois where he majored in advertising design.
uring his junior or senior year in college, Ron remembers his father doing a lettering project for a woman in Lake Bluff, Illinois, and through casual conversation, Ed mentioned Ron going to school for advertising. Fate would have it that this woman’s husband recruited students from the col-
lege for one of the top advertising agencies in Chicago. Through that conversation, and what Ron describes as God’s Providence and Scenarios, Ron McAllister received his first and only interview with Marvin Potts, art director at Foote, Cone, and Belding Communications, Inc. Mr. Potts is widely known for his creation of the Kool Aid Man. Potts gave Ron an open invitation to come and see him at the advertising firm after graduation and Ron McAllister did just that. After graduation, he received a job with the company in the presentation department, where he was responsible for creating flip charts and slides with pictures, slogans, jingles, and ads that could be presented to clients in order to sale the campaign. After a year in that department, Ron felt
Summer 2015 that he was not utilizing his degree, his skillset in lettering, or the college courses he had taken in photography and desired a more challenging role that would allow him to use all of his skills. Ron decided that he would resign from his position and upon doing so, the company would announce a new, in-house photography department and presented Ron with the opportunity to work closely with the art director and copyrighter. In this role, when photographs were needed, the agency would use Ron for preliminary photos. He would also photograph company meetings, parties, and other events. When not working at the agency, Ron explored and developed ideas to further his training in photography, in which he was allowed to use the company’s studio and equipment. During this time, Ron photographed the erection of the 1st National Bank in Chicago, as the agency went on to build their roster with clients such as General Motors, Dial Soap, and KimberlyClark, a leader in sustainable products we use in our homes every day. Ron remained with Foote, Cone, and Belding for 3 years, where he says he learned alot about the advertising agency. In 1969, an economic depression hit the nation at the turn of Nixon’s presidency and the agency began to lay off key roles in midmanagement. Ed McAllister impressed upon his son to come and work for him in the family business. That same year Ron became an Entrepreneur, opening an art, fashion, and photography studio. He met alot of aspiring models from Chicago, Waukegan, and North Chicago and his business assisted models with
building their portfolios and creating their composite cards. The RTMcCollection was launched and Ron began to host fashion shows in the local area. In the early 80’s he hosted a big fashion show, ‘StarShow’ at the Old Genesee Theatre creating a platform for local fashion models. In November of 1983, Ron realized there was a need in the black community for a better way of advertising. Instead of various flyers floating around the community promoting events, Ron had an idea to put all advertisements together in a collection, in which he refers to as group advertising. Ron says he called a business meeting in his home, chose a printer and two business partners, Percy L.. Davis (Waukegan, IL) and Sheila Yvonne Heney (Zion, IL). Together they brainstormed Ron’s group advertising idea and came up with an advertiser to be distributed throughout the community. Ron gives all credit to God, who he says gave him the presentation and the business plan. He says it was under divine inspiration that he received it all, even the name down to the dots that outline each cover. The dots are inspired and symbolize the lights of a theatre marquee, advertising in lights. The What’s Happening magazine started in black and white, which was economical in price for advertisers in the community, as well as those smaller small businesses. In 1993, a local business requested color and since then, color covers and pages were made available along with the black and white. Ron recalls the first official cover of What’s Happening being requested by a popular blues singer, Lou Pride and subsequently he has been selling the cover every since.
The What’s Happening magazine continues to be a popular source of advertising among small businesses in the community, as well as successful and the most sought after publication on the Northshore. Models became permanent fixtures in each issue with Beauty of the Month. After stepping out on faith from employed to an entrepreneur, could Ron have known that this idea would create a legacy for him and his children’s children? Could he have known that 30 years later that very idea would still be alive and thriving in the same community he began in? As an entrpreneur he has been a blessing to many businesses in the community and his tenacity and drive for success has inspired many to follow entrepreneurial paths and dreams. His legacy will continue for many years, as he plans to keep the legacy of familyowned, employing Warren and Mary Lyn (Molly) Pitts, owners of Evanston Quick Sign in Evanston, Illinois. Currently, they are the printers of the publication and are prepared to take on the reigns of the vision when Ron is ready to retire. Today, at the age of 78, you can still find Ron McAllister on the 1700 block of Sheridan Road in North Chicago, still doing what he loves to do; publishng the What’s Happening magazine through his ChicagoWest Advertising company. You’ll most likely never see him without a suit on, his camera, or his favorite hat. If you ask him how he keeps going all of these years, he’ll tell you that his secret is eating breakfast every morning.
(l) Ron McAllister showing the inside of a What’s Happening issue. (m) Posing with his current issue and the Summer 2015 of Life in the Overflow (Above) Ron McAllister and Shanica Bell, Life in the Overflow publisher.
Life in the Overflow Magazine
When being a light in a city full of darkness matters most...
Rhyme and Reason
usband, father and Christian Hip-Hop recording artist, EXzavier of The Sound of Providence Management Group, is a dynamic lyricist out of Chicago.
There’s no mistaking the authenticity of his Chicago’s roots. Often compared to Twista, with his quick, versatile Chi-town flow, EXzavier holds a ground of his own - holy ground. It is clear this lyricist reps Jesus Christ to the fullest. Check out the video “Take a Picture” , a single from his sophomore LP Providence: Writings of a Madman.
Summer 2015