Life in the Overflow Magazine - Spring 2017

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Life in the Overflow Magazine




BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017






Cover Feature Read the interview with S.H.E. by Schericka CEO, Schericka Gee.. Learn more about the brand and the mission to empower women from all walks of life.

Life in the Overflow Magazine






Life in the Overflow Staff


S.H.E. by Schericka CEO gets in the FLOW

14 ARISE AND BE OF GOOD COURAGE Life in the Overflow Staff

14 UTTERANCES Shanica Bell

16 EYES WIDE SHUT Shanica Bell


07 NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER Be sure to read Moments in the Flow from Editor-in-Chief, Shanica LaShay


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

THIS IS YOUR YEAR of Victory! -Life in the Overflow Mag

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Life in the Overflow Enterprise, LLC EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Shanica LaShay


Bella Creative Consulting


P. Dillard Life in the Overflow Staff Shanica Bell

Life in the Overflow Magazine is published quarterly by Life in the Overflow Enterprise, LLC. The models photographed or used in this publication are for illustrative purposes only. Life in the Overflow Magazine does not suggest that the models actually engage in the conduct discussed in the articles or stories they illustrate.

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BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

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MOMENTS IN THE FLOW THE PETRICHOR “And Elijah said to Ahab, Go uo up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundamce of rain.” I King 18:41 The abundamce of rain has a sound that carried through the spirit into the ears of the Prophet Elijah. It wasn’t long ago that I sat in my room on a winter’s evening right at the cusp of spring, and I smelled rain in the spirit. It was a fresh rain. I wondered at that momemt what that smell was that we all have experienced at some time or another after an outpour. The Petrichor Scent Petrichor is defined as the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. It is a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period f warm dry weather. So what we are smelling in fact is not the rain at all, it is a scent that is produced when rain falls after a drought. Amen. The smell of abundance of rain. I smelled the Petrichor.

Some of us have been in a dry pace for a long time and we have endured drought, some of us famine. We have been in a dry place in many areas of our lives, finance, relationships, family, ministry and more. But just as Elijah heard the sound of the abundance of rain today I smelled the latter rain. It was strong, as if rain had fallen on the dry places of the Earth for the first time after a season of drought. You know how sometimes you wouldn’t even know that it had rained if it had not been for the petrichor. I want to encurage you in your dry places - you are about to experience the outpour. “It’s only going to rain in spots.” Everyone won’t experience this outpour. Those who are not part of this outpour will know who it has fell upon though. How? By the smell that will linger. They will say, “It smelled like it rained”. The fragrance of the outpour... When they arrive the only evidence will be the smell of abundance on you! Your dry places shall be watered and ever fruitful. Your spring season is nigh. A season of pleasance and a season of rain. You’ve been in the valley of dry bones for too long. It’s time for an outpouring of the latter rain after this drought. Inhale...that’s the scent of the petrichor.

Minister Shanica LaShay M I N IS T ER SHAN I C A L A SHAY Fo un d e r/ Edi to r- in - Chi e f

Life in the Overflow Magazine


We Make Brands Beautiful 8

BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017


Don’t Have Sex With Him Ladies!

Contributed by P. Dillard


on’t have sex with him ladies, unless you want to create an ungodly soul tie. One that is hard to get rid of. The bible says if you feel you must have sex, you should marry. Ladies, when you give yourself to having sex in a relationship outside of a God ordained, equally yoked marriage; you are opening yourself up to sin, and then to all kinds of maladies. You can know and feel “something in missing”. That something is God in the midst. Sex is meant to be a loving encounter between you and your husband. A lot of today’s women say, “Well, I’ve got to have it, I can’t do without it, it’s only for one night, I’ll use him because I’ve been used. Or, okay I’ll please myself inyour own sight. Love your temple that God has blessed you with instead of hurting and abusing it. ICor 6:19; What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Diseases, aches, and pains, etc. are some of a whole myriad of complaints that will have you wondering, why is this happening to me? Sure, those things happen when you are married also, but it will not be because of a non-spiritual bond. In this society, virgins are made to feel “out of step with reality”. Do not fall for it ladies, Do you realize how many women wished that they had waited? The “real man” will want to respect you, especially when he sees that you respect yourself. Give him something to wonder about, something to look forward to, you know, anticipation. Don’t let loneliness cause you to make a decision you otherwise would not make. Know that God desires an intimate relationship with you first. So honey, do not give away your “honey” to just anyone. I say all that to say this, ladies do not have sex with him, unless you want an ungodly soul tie that you alone cannot untie. Life in the Overflow Magazine



BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017


Risen HE HAS


he season is approaching when Easter eggs are painted and hidden. Children anticipate Easter Parades; dressed in cute outfits to recite Easter speeches. We can’t forget the Easter Bunny, and Easter baskets filled with delicious treats. Please don’t allow the commercialization of Easter to overshadow the true meaning of The Resurrection Celebration. But God, Who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved - Ephesians 2:4, 5). Jesus went to the Cross, taking our sins, sicknesses, sorrow, diseases into His Body, becoming sin in our stead. It was an Unfair Exchange at Calvary. He took our sins, and gave us salvation, taking our diseases, infirmities giving us healing, health, and cure. He endured our chastisement so that we might have His peace. He shed His precious blood so that we could be cleansed of all unrighteousness. At

Is He Risen in your heart? Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.


Calvary, He paid the price for our sanctification, deliverance, justification, redemption, everything was purchased at the Cross. It was settled and Finished there. Read Luke chapter 24 in its entirety. Envision His Majestic Deity. Please read the entire 6th chapter of Romans. Reckon yourself dead to sin. Believe the same Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead, now lives on the inside of your bodies. It is in Him that we live, move and have our very being. It is in us that He lives, moves and has His very being (existence). But God is the Holy One, Pure, Truth, Worthy of all Glory and Honor. Is He Risen in your heart? Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Arise, shine for thy Light has come and the glory of the Lord is Risen upon you. Has He Risen in your prayer life? Has He Risen, and taken authority over your thoughts? Has He arisen in your finances? Is He in complete control of you? Is He truly Lord, Master, Commander in Chief of your soul, spirit, mind, will? If so, that means we are mindful of what we

watch, read, say; how we perform our everyday tasks, how we treat everyone, from the least to the greatest. Are we submitted to the authority of our spiritual leadership? Are we doing our best to be our best for God in every area of our lives? Does Jesus reign as your Lord and King; is He your Sovereign Savior? Behold His Majesty, His Holiness, see Him Risen. No matter what you face day to day, see the Risen Savior arise in your attitude. Always remember, you are the only person that you can control. Please don’t give another person power over your will. Let Christ arise in your mind, your marriage, your responsibility as a parent, allow Him to Arise in your character, displaying Love, Joy, Peace, Humility, Meekness, Kindness, Mercy, Grace, all of Who He is to arise in your. When you know With God, All things are Possible. You too can relate to, But God. No matter how it looks, sounds, feels, But God always keeps His promises. There is Nothing too Hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:27). But God is always faithful and true.

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Shericka Gee: Well my name is Shericka Gee: Gee and I actually am the owner of S.H.E. by Schericka Shericka which is a female empowerment. It initially started off as an apparel brand but we are kind of branching out a little bit more and bringing some new things for 2017. So we just like to call ourselves a brand in general and not kind of go into one area and get ourselves isolated. S.H.E started back in January of 2016 so we’re just over our 1 year anniversary and it’s something that, like I said I didn’t start out set a brand and I didn’t know this was going to happen it was really one of those things. And when they say God actually gives you something I can say without a shadow of a doubt he gave me S.H.E and that’s why I think I do go so hard and I do it with so much passion because when you know God gives you something you do not want to fail at it. You do not want to do it a disservice, you know you put everything that you have into it. So I think that’s why I do look at the brand and look at, I like to call it more of a sisterhood because it got away from being a brand to really it’s kind of doing its own thing to where it’s joining us together as women. So to see that taking place and knowing that it started from something simple as t-shirts. I’m happy to say that I’m a part of it and I don’t look at myself as being in the fore front I say to my S.H.E sisters that I stand alongside you. I don’t stand in front of you even though my name may be on the brand, to me it’s not about that it’s about knowing that as it’s growing, and as we’re maturing that we are not only building the brand but we’re strengthening our relationship as women. So I’m just happy to be a part of that but I had this call myself on a nutshell just a girl that’s chasing the dream I guess you would say and it just happens to be a brand and I’m just letting God do what he does. Shanica LaShay: Amen, amen. Congratulations on your one year mark and meeting that endurance such grace. Now how did you, how did that – you’re welcome. How did God give you the vision, what was the vision that he gave you exactly? Shericka Gee: Well it started out, actually it was in another business, and I also have an event planning brand. So initially that’s kind of what I was doing my thing in a little over a year ago. I kind of got off and my heart wasn’t in it I could do it but it wasn’t anything that I would say passionate about. And then I kind of began to just kind of get on Facebook and I got on Facebook for the purposes of building that brand. That was the whole way of being able to meet people because I’m not what you would call somebody who is kind of out and about all the time. So that was the purpose of even getting on social media. Like out on social media I began to see just a fellowship that people say social media is so bad and I say social media is bad if you let it be bad. But it’s also something that could turn things into greater things.


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

You never have to buy anything, the fact that you’re connecting and that you are becoming a part of who we are...

Schericka Gee, C.E.O./DESIGNER So as I got on Facebook and I began to you know fellowship and chit chat with this female, she lived in California, and she is in New York and you start developing all this relationships with people that you really don’t even know. You’re going off on personality, going off of just what you are reading on the timeline and you’re connecting with people in that way. As that began to happen that I think people kind of, I kind of like had my own little take on fashion so I kind of just sporadically just did you know post here and there and you know writing those posts so it kind of like became my staple. So it kind of did its own little thing and I said hey I like clothing, you know I think I had on a shirt one day and someone asked was it mine and I’m like no, I like the brand and who its by but it’s not mine. So that’s kind of where the whole thought process of a t-shirt came about and I’m like you know even if I do this what I’m I going to call it like I don’t – I’m not like a fashion guru and I don’t know anything about design and all that kind of stuff but I knew it was something that was manifesting. So I kind of had to go with that and I said okay God is this what is going to happen I don’t know what to call it but I need for you to show me you know what it’s supposed to be. And I – like what I’m doing right now, I was having a conversation with someone on the telephone you know just chit chatting and everybody knows me and I’m religious with having a legal pad and a pen. Everywhere I go that’s kind of my thing, I always keep paper and pencil with me all the time. So as I was talking on the telephone I began

to just scribble and scribble and after the phone conversation ended and I kind of hung up and I was doing my own thing I looked down at the notepad and it said S.H.E. I said okay S.H.E, what is S.H.E? And that’s when it kind of tied back to okay your telling me a brand I know now this is what it’s supposed to be but I didn’t know what it was supposed to represent. I knew there was a name but I didn’t know how to make the connection between the name and what God was showing me. So I kind of sat on it for a while you know I was like okay this is S.H.E, what is S.H.E? I knew that I loved talking to females, I knew I loved you know posting and being inspirational and trying to be motivational. I knew that was my thing and that’s how I was connecting with people just in the beginning. So I asked them to tell me, and fast forward a couple of weeks he told me what it was. He said S.H.E is supposed to be strength humility and excellence so that kind of went and did its own thing, okay this is S.H.E, this is what it means, I know it’s for female empowerment so I kind of got on Facebook and I knew that I wanted to announce it, I didn’t really have any design yet but I kind of took what I learned and what kind of struck a nerve with me and that’s where I wanted to run. So I began to reach out to different illustrators and different artistes in my local area and said okay look I know this is supposed to be something that I want to be universal. I don’t want it to be anything that’s saying S.H.E is all black, S.H.E is all white, S.H.E is all Hispanic I want S.H.E to be something that is universal so the initial design, it was a hook or design called hustlers in heels where you know hustlers it can be taken in a bad connotation if we don’t really explain it to people when we say the word hustler. So I didn’t want to be misleading and when I said that and when they put the name hustlers in heels with that particular design and when the design came about I knew I wanted it to be something that was universal so when the artist did the illustration and he did the heels and he did them in all different colors.


He did them in a Burgundy, in a turquoise, in a gold, in a white. And what the image was supposed to depict, what hustlers and heels we are all multiversity, we are all from different geographic lcations, different economic statuses, different races, and different religions. So the heels represented us as women coming from all our diversity but still being universal at the same time and saying no matter how different we are we all can be go getters we all can be driven, we all can be motivators, we all can be spiritual. So I kind of wanted it to be something that was universal and that’s kind of how the first image came about and when that image came out and everyone connected with it that’s kind of like how S.H.E was born. Because somebody asked me if we’re in a club and I said no, I said we’re women you know it’s a sisterhood to me wanting them to understand that if truth be told some of us that are a part of S.H.E now are sisters and one time didn’t talk to one another, didn’t like one another, we couldn’t you know bond with one another but to see now every day we are calling one another sistergirl and girl-friend and hey boo and you know it’s the camaraderie and I tell them all the time. I say if I call you sis, sissy, sister-girl that’s just my way of telling you girl I love you. That’s how I connect and I don’t want to be a brand that buy a shirt oh youire S.H.E, I want you to understand that if you’re someone that never has bought a shirt, if you’re on Facebook and you’re watching the videos and you’re watching the live and you’re looking at the quotes that’s enough for me. You never have to buy anything, the fact that you’re connecting and that you are becoming a part of who we are and that you don’t feel that you’re anything less because you’re not someone that’s purchased anything because that’s far from what I even really care about at all.

Life in the Overflow Magazine




as the Lord ever counseled you to do something that took more than faith to accomplish? Ezra had prayed and confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God (Ezra 10:1) and Shechaniah had received the counsel from the Lord to put away their strange wives. 3 Now let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the (strange) wives, as such as are born of them, according to the the counsel of my lord, and of those that tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law. Sometimes we receive the counsel of the Lord, but it is the encouragement from our peers, family, and friends that just may give us that nudge that we need to step out on faith. Yes, we must have faith - as we know without it, it is impossible to please God. But what about courage to step out on faith? What about those things that may take a little bit more than faith? Shechaniah said to Ezra, “be of good courage, and do it.” Let’s look at the scripture: (Matthew 14:25 NIV) Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Even Jesus told the disciples to take courage! 29 Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

to move mountains. How could that be when Jesus said “You of little faith” to Peter who began to sink. Peter had a ‘little’ faith and still could not walk on water. So, what is this? Does it really take more than ‘a little faith’? In Peter’s case, he saw the wind and fear came over him causing him to sink. Fear and doubt can decrease your faith; taking your eyes off of the Source of your faith can also cause you to fall; so we must be careful that we always take good courage in everything that we do. Sometimes courage comes from the encouragement of others and oftentimes you may not have anyone to encourage you. This is why it is important to surround yourself with people that will be of an encouragement to you. Those that will help push you into your destiny. Shechaniah said to Ezra, “Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it.” He told Ezra, this is something that you have to do. However, I will be with you to support you and encourage you along the way. Be encouraged and do it”. Shechaniah encouraged Ezra. Jesus encouraged Peter, but David encouraged himself in the Lord. Today, I encourage you to Get up! Arise and go back to what God told you to do, be of good courage and do it. Seek the counsel and the wisdom of God, your Pastor or anyone else that can encourage you to arise and keep moving forward in the things of God and pray for you in the interim.

Encourage yourself if you have to. Place post-it notes around your house that will keep you focused and motivated to pursue your promise, sing hymns, and pray without ceasing. Remember, you can have a little faith and fear will trump it out! A mustard seed of faith won’t keep Many people will preach that all it you from sinking if you’re still operating takes is faith the size of a mustard seed in fear. “Faith without works is dead; but it is courage that will cause you to keep your faith alive.”


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

Utterances “..Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” - Heb 12:28-29 The Lord has been ministering to me about his all consuming fire. He is the all devouring, consuming, and destructive fire. That REFINING, PURIFYING, removing the dross from the silver FIRE! He is that type of fire that burns up everything in its path and leaves nothing but ash in its wake. But, the point that God kept me focusing on was not just the fire and the affects of it, but he had me focus in on THE SOUND OF FIRE. Have you ever heard the SOUND OF FIRE? Yes! There is a sound that accompanies fire! The crackling sound that comes from the heat and the intensity of the fire can be heard. If that consuming fire is confined the SOUND OF FIRE can be tremendous. As gases begin to build up, the hissing of the fire can be compared to a screeching train in a distance. There is sound! A sound that will be accompanied with the fire that is in your belly! Open your mouth and release the sound. Release the fire! Either the SOUND OF FIRE released from your belly through your mouth will consume everything or it will purify and refine it! There is a worship! A worship of fire! A SOUND OF FIRE!

#RELEASE #SOUNDOFFIRE - Minister Shanica

Life in the Overflow Magazine




hat would happen if you were blindfolded and placed in a room of men claiming to be your father? How would you be able to know who your real father was without the use of a DNA test? You’re blindfolded and cannot see any faces and the only sense you are able to use is your hearing. The only way you have to choose your father is by the sound of his voice. For those that do not know or have a relationship with their father, this could be a problem. You wouldn’t know who he was if he walked into a crowded room and yelled out your name. Even in this case, if you were blindfolded and did not know him – you wouldn’t be able to choose the right one. This can be true for our spiritual relationship with God, as well as our natural relationships with our father. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. John 10:27-28 Through relationship I will not only know the sound of his voice, I will know his laugh, how he sounds when he whispers, and I will respond to that special nickname that my daddy gave to only me. And he will know me…in that blindfolded situation, he will say to himself, “She will choose me. I will call her that special name that only I call her and she will know that it is me”. Through relationship, He will call my name and I will say – “Yes, Abba Father, it is You daddy.” And guess what, I will even know His chastening, as well as His comfort. I will discern the spirit of another man who has claimed me as his own. This is why it is so important for God’s people to diligently work after their relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. We have to remember that small, still voice that called us out of the mess of our life and into the message of Grace. We must be careful not to get too caught up in every word, prophecy, and idea that comes out of the mouths of people. Through relationship, we will be able to confirm those words, prophecies and ideas with what God has spoken to us during our time of intimacy. We are living in a time where many will proclaim they are of God, but they really are not. The word tells us that we will know them by their fruits. Don’t get caught up in the beauty of the Chinaberry tree and forget about its poison if consumed! Continued on page 18


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017


Life in the Overflow Magazine


Eyes Wide Shut - Continued from page 16

For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 The very elect are almost deceived by this end time spirit. The verse says – ‘if it were possible’. That means through relationship it is impossible to fool you! You will know who abide in the vine and who do not (John 15). Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15 Continue to work on your relationship with the Lord, by reading His word and continuing to pray for a clean heart and a renewed/ right spirit. All of these issues are matters of the heart. A misplaced or wrongfully positioned heart anchored in pride will only lead to a fall. This matter of the heart will also cause your vision and hearing to fail. This is what has happened to those who dress in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. Their heart has strayed away from God, and God has given them over to a reprobate mind, meaning he has given them over to believing their own lies (Romans 1:28). This is why we have to be careful with the position of our heart because we will also lose focus of the TRUTH. For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily, I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Matthew 13:15-17 True relationship with Christ will keep your eyes with 20/20 vision in the spirit and keep your ears hearing only the voice of God and any other voice that comes into your ear gates that is unfamiliar in this season. Any other voice will dull your hearing and close your eyes to the TRUTH. Do you know what happens when your ears stop hearing and your eyes close to the TRUTH? Run for your life! It’s okay to run for your life, lest you’re prepared to be devoured by ravenous wolves in sheep clothing. Discern the fruits of the tree to see if they are earnestly grafted in the True Vine (John 15). But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. Matthew 13:16


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. - Isaiah 40:8

ABUNDANT LIVING S.H.E. Interview- Continued from page 13 Shanica LaShay: Wow, that is so powerful and I don’t know, I’m feeling, I’m really not trying to tap in but you know time to time I do but I’m feeling this – a travelling speaking thing for you behind this. So I don’t know what’s coming up for you in the future but I definitely feel that strong on you...travelling and speaking. Shericka Gee: It’s kind of confirmation for me on something else, so Thank God for that. And everybody know me, I’m just someone I love to talk, I love to engage, I love to get into your heart space. But as I was saying sometimes we miss the opportunity to make an impact whether it’s for a 5 minute conversation or whether it’s to have you know a 30min chat at the local dinner it doesn’t matter. We miss opportunities every day to connect with people, and I think for me I don’t want it to be a brand that is so much on the sale. I want it to be a brand that we’re based on family and we’re based on connecting, and we’re based on you know growing together because I think you know you find someone that buys the shirt, I want you to love that S.H.E shirt so much that you wear it until the threads start coming out. I want you to be that connected to it to where you don’t want to let it go because I want it to mean more to you than just a pretty image. I want it to be more of when you look at those three letters that it makes you proud to wear them and not just something that you just put on just to be cute um, that’s not what is about for me – it’s about, if I come to you on the street and I see you have on S.H.E and I call you and say girl tell me what S.H.E mean and you never know am the one that started it and I ask you what it means for you to be able to tell me what it is – that’s when I know my work is being done, that you make the connection and not just look at it if though oh, I bought a shirt from S.H.E, let me take a picture and let me tag Shericka Gee in it, that’s not what is about to me, it’s far greater, it’s far greater than that. Shanica LaShay: Yes, definitely a greater message and as it says here, Iam looking at your website that she was created to empower women by encouraging them to go after their dreams wholeheartedly and as we see you went for your dreams and as we know it’s not always easy, there is obstacles, there’s trials. Shericka Gee: Mmhh – oh yeah! Shanica LaShay: Can you encourage somebody? Tell them maybe of a trial when maybe you felt like giving up on S.H.E or explain something that you’ve gone through to encourage another woman who may be looking...Giving her some encouragement. Shericka Gee: The advice that I have to give to anyone is saying, be authentically you and when you do that and operating in your truth and operating in your emotion and operating in your realness, that’s when God begins to do the work because it’s not about self, it’s about understanding that you need to be truthful with self -

Mental health issues are becoming more prevalent in the community of faith. With the alarming suicide rate amongst church leadership on the rise, it is time that the body of Christ take its rightful position, by breaking the CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE and DESTROYING YOKES OF BONDAGE. God’s people deserve freedom and total healing from the inside out. In This Book You Will Discover: · The Definition of Mental Illness · The Need for Spirit-Filled Counselors · The Importance of Integrated Counseling · Deliverance - A Part of the Healing Process · and so much more...

D’Andrea Bolden is the founder of D’Andrea Bolden Ministries Global (DBM Global) which has a mandate and mission to reach the emerging leaders of today by ministering to the total man, and by equipping and training through strong biblical teaching and demonstration.

Continued on page 22

Life in the Overflow Magazine



BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

Life in the Overflow Magazine


S.H.E. Interview- Continued from page 19 but understanding two different times self still has to fall back in order for him to shine through, so God had to sit me down really for Him to rise up in me and I couldn’t understand that at that particular time – I thought I was being punished, how can you take something given to me now it’s falling apart and I didn’t enjoy about for six months and – you know I felt like God was taking it away from me – it’s not that He was taking it away, He was understanding the fact that at the time I really wasn’t appreciating it, the way that I should be appreciating it, so He had to take it with – sounds like He put me in a time out if that makes sense. He put me in that time out and He said okay, am going to take this away from you and until you can act in it and do in it what it is that I’m telling you do and not what it is that you wish to do for yourself, I have to take this thing away from you because this thing that I’m giving you and this reward that am giving you, you’re not appreciating it – so I had to understand it in that even though I was doing good on the outside to the outside people everybody thought I was killing it, everybody thought I was slaying, but to me I was not working at all in the capabilities really, that God wanted me to work in, I was just really just on the tip of the ice berg in what I was doing – And now everything that I operate in now with the S.H.E, if it does not feel right, even if it’s not led by God, I do not do it – that means I’m going to sell a shirt for a month. I would rather not sell that shirt in month operating in my truth than try to be forceful in it just to make a sale because God has told me in this process and in this work, that if you continue to be on the path that I set before you and if you continue to do what it is that I am telling you to do, there is not a need, your hands will not go lacking anything, and this is what He has spoken to me – so in this season of my life and knowing what she represents and knowing what God is doing, that why am able to say to every sister girl, no matter what race they are, no matter what back they come from, they can be stripping in the night club or they can be the girl that sings in the choir – nobody looks any different to me. My thought process and my word to you is to say, if you are sitting on a dream, no matter what obstacles may come your way, no matter what you may be lacking, no matter what someone has told you in your ear that you cannot do, it’s between you and God, that’s it.



BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Life in the Overflow Magazine


BE the FLOW! | Spring 2017

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