Issue 3 Life Is Short Magazine

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Issue #3


Life Is Short


.Live It.

Ice is Hot!

Working in the Antarctic

New Spoke in the Wheel of Womanhood: Why 50s are the new 20s

The Secret First Step To Doing Anything New Life Inspiring Magazine Be. Have. Go. See. Do Inspiring Your Desiring

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Around The World in 80 Minutes Technology is amazing. When I started in journalism over 20 years ago, my first assignment was to interview a boxer for a local paper. It took me a ton of callbox phone calls over a week to track down his schedule to a sponsored skipathon. It then took two buse journies of three hours each way, a few hours of transcribing from a crackly Dictaphone and deciphering my crappy shorthand all for one column inch that cost me more than I got paid for the piece. I do my interviews for Life Is Short Magazine in my sitting room, on my laptop somewhere or sometimes in bed, as I skip from time zone to time zone at the click of a button. For this issue alone I spoke with Jo in Japan, Deb while she was on the beach in Cambodia, Tracey in London and Heather in Antarctica (and later in Peru). I conducted three interviews within 80 minutes of each other and didn’t spend a single cent on bus fares or in a call box. That’s why I love technology: it helps me to time travel.

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inside ... Passion Fruit #3: DIRECTOR OF HAPPINESS IN ANTARCTICA Heather Thorkelson is employed to keep travellers (and penguins!) happy on exploration trips to the ice continent. She talks to Life Is Short Magazine about how to make your dreams happen and how to start a location-independent business.

Grabbing Life By The Goolies #3: A NEW SPOKE IN WOMANHOOD Inspirational coach Deb Lange (in Cambodia) explains how 50s are the new 20s and are a new exciting era in women’s lives both personally and financially.

When Life Throws You A Clanger #3: DON’T GET BITTER, MAKE LEMONADE! Author Tracey West talks about International Downshifting Week, getting published and her two new books about getting through divorce with humour.

RE# Your Life #3: FIRST STEP TO ANYTHING Rosie chats with Jo Ebisujima in Japan about how decluttering is the first step to any project whether it be a complete life makeover or simply a new fitness plan.

Gallery #3: INSPIRATIONAL GARB FOR YOUR WALLS Throughout the magazine there are lush pictures, prints and photos you can click and buy (framed or unframed) for your walls. This issue’s theme is Love and Ice.

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Passion Fruit People making money from their passion – how they did it and how you can do it too

This Issue:

Who: Heather Thorkelson What: Director of Happiness in Antarctica

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Ice Queen Heather Thorkelson personifies solidified dreams. For seven years she worked in sales for a pharmaceutical company, her passion was travel and one of her big dreams was to spend time in Antarctica. After a chance meeting on the Amazon River (yes, you read that correctly), Heather’s dream came true and she is now a Happiness Director for an adventure company in Antarctica.

“I’m a get-things-done type of girl ... mark my word, I probably will end up in space one day!” While working in her corporate job Heather used her earnings to fund her passion for travel and regularly went on trips and expeditions to places like the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon. “Travel was something I always prioritised even when I had no money I always wanted to be mobile. I stuck with my corporate job for seven years as it offered a fellowship abroad. So I got to go to Africa for six months and work with pregnant women who had HIV and when I returned I knew I had do work that was meaningful for me, where I could be a service to other people. “I had no idea what that would be. I had some savings so I took a year off and started doing creative things like knit and sew and started focusing

on things that gave me energy and along the way I discovered life-coaching. “But I realised my real strength was helping people who wanted to be location independent, build online businesses and so my business Republic of Freedom was developed.” Heather has been to all seven continents and has experienced 40 different countries. Early travel experiences were thanks to her father’s career as an airline pilot. “I spent a lot of time in school being very jet lagged! Since I was a kid I always wanted to go to places no one else goes and was convinced I’d end up in space one day; that’s how broad my horizons are.”

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Heather went on a chance trip to Antarctica with her boyfriend. “I hate the cold but Antarctica is absolutely spectacular, you leave changed forever ... I said to him, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to come and work here, for like, six months?’. He thought I was crazy, as it is really difficult to get into expedition work. You have to be really specialised, like have a PHD in penguins or glaciology! I was a sales person in a pharmaceutical

company, so I didn’t know how it could happen.” “Then a guy, whom I had met on the Amazon River eight years previous, contacted me out of the blue. He was starting an adventure company to Antarctica and he asked if I would be interested in a passenger support role to make sure everyone had a wonderful time. I was like, ‘Are you serious? Where do I sign?!’”

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biggest rule in

life is always to move

towards what gives you energy; it’s a constant shift and as long as you follow what gives you energy you will always be energised by what you are doing.” – Heather Thorkelson Life Is Short Magazine Issue #3

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Grabbing Life By The Goolies Inspiration from people who did a complete life makeover

This Issue: Who: Deb Lange What: Turned Her 50s into her 20s

A New Spoke in the Wheel of Womanhood

Inspirational coach Deb Lange talks about living an inspired life and how your 50s are your new 20s

“Every single emotion we can learn from.

I help people connect with their own spiritual guidance.” A woman’s life used to be split into three parts: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Melancholy Old Woman.

reality, illness and the ups and downs. And they have come through the other side a bit bruised but not beaten.

However, there is a new spoke in the wheel that interjects stages two and three and for many women this new stage is turning out to be the most inspiring and profitable part of their lives.

The last stage used to kick in just when the bruises of life were healing and things were getting easier.

They have done the fun, frivolous bit of being young, maybe even reckless, and finding a career and a partner. They have done the child rearing, career development, bill paying and faced the unexpected hurdles life has thrown at them – tragedy,

This was seen as a lonely time: the kids leaving the nest, being widowed or divorced, parents passing away. It was a time when a woman would start thinking about sitting by the window and living for her grandchildren’s visits, or reading the death notices in the paper and waiting for the

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day when their name appeared. However, this final spoke of the wheel of life has been intercepted by a whole new stage that women now look forward to rather than dread. Thanks to a lifetime of better diet (think about it, our parents were brought up on ration books and ‘old cures’), better education and better healthcare,

the goal posts of being physically ‘past it’ or ‘unable’ have moved by 20 to 30 years. More than ever, women in their 50s and 60s are now travelling solo and starting indie style online businesses, passing on the wisdom they have learnt through one or more of their life experiences to help steer other women through their life path.

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“Just because you get older doesn’t mean YOU

get your feet in the sand and really immerse can’t

yourself into life; there is so much to live, so many

great people to meet.

Every moment is something new and


– Deb Lange Life Is Short Magazine Issue #3

When Life Throws You A Clanger Sometimes life is shit and throws you a clanger. Inspiration from people who dug their way through the crap, how you can do the same and come out smiling

This Issue: Who: Tracey West What: Writing To Get Through Divorce

When Life Gives You Lemons, Write. Tracey West is founder of International Downshifting Week and author of The Book of Rubbish Ideas and the Diary of Divorce: for Women and Men. She tells Life Is Short Magazine about how to ‘found a week’, getting published, getting through divorce and lots more. Life has thrown Tracey a few lemons including a painful divorce. But instead of letting bitterness seep in, Tracey has used humour and writing to make lemonade from her life lemons (so to speak!). “Writing was my predominate coping mechanism. It was wonderful. My fingers would just itch to get a big long story out of my head. When it was done I could go asleep; it was great and it turned into a book and I realised if it’s helping me it will help someone else.”

Diary of Divorce: for Women and Men is a practical therapy journal that helps you through the difficult times while offering practical support. There are practical pages where you fill out the details of your solicitor, counsellor, doctor for easy re f e re n c e , t h e n t h e re a re memory pages where you recall the good times and the bad and then there are the humorous pages such as ‘Draw your ex naked and then add spots and boils to all the places you would like them to erupt!’

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“We can go through our lives as either a survivor or as a victim. We all struggle with stuff. You have to reach out to other sources and get yourself back on track and then find the

chink of light in it and use it to help other people. It is about spinning your

perception of whatever has happened to you on its head and saying ‘You know what,

I’m not going to let it beat me’.” – Tracey West Life Is Short Magazine Issue #3

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Re# Your Life Little things you can do now to work towards changing your life

This Issue: Who: Jo Ebisujima To Do: Clear Clutter

When you are getting ready to start something new, whether it be a business, fitness routine, or you just want to get motivated, the first step is to declutter. Most people have no idea how much their clutter affects them. It is only when you start clearing it out that you realise how much better you feel without it. Jo Ebisujima of My Organised Chaos runs online courses to help people declutter and organise their chaos. Listen to the Life Is Short Magazine podcast interview with Jo or view the interview on YouTube and get your new project off to a flying start!

Listen/Read/Watch Full interview just click! Five Reasons To Clear Your Clutter Chaos: 1. Clutter causes tiredness and lethargy, blocking the energy flow in your home and body. Clearing it releases new vitality in your home, office and body. 2. Clutter can keep you in the past and stop you moving forward with a project. Clearing it makes room for a better start. 3. Clutter is a distraction. It encourages procrastination and causes confusion. Clearing clutter helps you to focus and get things done faster. 4. Clutter can make your body and mind stagnant and less motivated, so it can contribute to weight gain! 5. Junk can make you feel ashamed and less open to allowing new positive people into your life, as it can make you feel reluctant to invite new clients into your office or friends into your home. So clearing clutter can help your self-esteem.

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.... Until Issue 4.

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