Life is Short Magazine Issue 1

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Oct 14 #1


Life Is Short


.Live It.

Quitting the 9-5 and Moving To Costa Rica How To Get Ahead in the Beauty Industry

Yee-haa! go on a Cattle Drive The Oh F**k Moment of Parenthood Life Inspiring Magazine Be. Have. Go. See. Do Inspiring Your Desiring

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Life Is Short Magazine™ Published by Rosie Chic Productions Copyright ©2013. Please do not publish or copy any part of this magazine without the permission of the editor. Contact:

This magazine is like chocolate and wine. A complete self-indulgence. It is filled with inspirational people who are living life around their passion. They are people I would like to have a long, lingering lunch with at an outdoor cafe, in a crooked little town where no one speaks English. They think outside the box. They understand their life is precious. They live it and love it. Their energy is contagious. I hope you catch it.

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inside... Grabbing Life By The Goolies #1: Bestselling Author Nadine Pisani talks frankly about selling everything and moving to Costa Rica.

Passion Fruit #1: Hairstylist of the famous, Lydia O’Carroll gives THE tip of how to get ahead in the Beauty Industry.

When Life Throws You A Clanger #1: Emotional Coach Josephine Bila talks about living with Chronic Illness

Don’t List It, Do It #1: Work A Cattle Drive: Have a City Slicker Style Cattle Ranch Experience.

Re# Your Life™ #1: The ‘Oh F**k’ Moment of Parenthood: How to find yourself again by planning a Me-Time Trip.

Gallery #1: Inspirational Garb To Buy for Your Walls

Outside The Box #1: From Russia With Love. The result of a Russian couple’s decision to do a destination wedding in a country they had never been to before: Ireland.

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Grabbing Life By The Goolies Inspiration from people who did a complete life makeover

This Issue: Who: Nadine Hays Pisani Bestselling Author of Happier Than A Billionaire What: Relocating to Costa Rica

“Rob was hanging upside down cleaning the reef with a toothbrush.

‘Possessions cause suffering’ lightbulb moment sold everything I read aloud.

That was the

. We

we had and moved to Costa Rica. We

live life in the moment ” now


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Happier Than A Billionaire

Who Is She: Nadine Hays Pisani author of Happier Than A Billionaire Who Was She: A chiropractor in USA working 12 hours a day. What She Did: She and her husband retired in their 30s.

When: 6 years ago

How a Couple Quit Their Jobs, Moved to Costa Rica, and Live a Zero-Hour Work Week

Why: They were living the American Dream but quality of everyday life was


Where: To Costa Rica - first living up a mountain

volcano where ash sometimes fell like snowflakes, then they moved to the Pacific Coast. beside a

How: Sold everything they owned in the USA and lived off the proceeds. Sales from her self-published

book now fund their monthly budget.

Click Here To See Nadine’s Interview Nadine Hays Pisani Happier Than A Billionaire Costa Rica.

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stepped away from the rat race this non-stop creative energy bubbled up and needed an outlet. “Once I



wrote a book warts selfpublished No.1 So Nadine

her experience,


and all, and

for $30. It has been a

Bestseller on Amazon for 2 years.

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What I Got From This: The American Dream is not all that it is cracked up to be.

Health and Happiness are worth more than material possessions.

Self-publishing often pays more than the traditional publishing route.


When to a different country accept the differences good and bad. Do not expect to have the same lifestyle or ‘luxuries’. Embrace Things can

the differences.

be expensive in Costa Rica.

Stepping away from the Rat Race allows your creative energy to flourish.

Old Focus: Wealth and Possessions New Focus: Health and Happiness

Passion Fruit People making money from their passion - how they did it and how you can do it too

Who: Lydia O’Carroll What: Hairstylist of the Famous

no contacts

Lydia had . And yet one simple action and persistence got her

working with Kate Moss, Victoria Secret Angels,


McQueen, The Grammys, Fashion Week.

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Want To Get Ahead In The Beauty Industry? Follow Lydia’s tip and maybe it will work for you too.

Listen to the Podcast Interview here

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When Life Throws You A Clanger Sometimes life is shit and throws you a clanger. Inspiration from people who dug their way through the crap, how you can do the same and come out smiling

This Issue: Who: Josephine Bila What: An Inspiring Emotional Coach for people with Chronic Illness.

“I’ve seen

so many things

really horrible, tragic things that most



never see, so it’s made me slow

down step back ,


understand it’s important not obsess over trivial why



things. To

appreciate the little

things in


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Josephine Bila


coach people who are

experiencing a lot of

worries and anxieties around

having an illness, and the

transformations have seen are




, so it’s

kind of cool ” .

To Do

Donate Blood When: Within next 30 days

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Don’t List It, Do It Places to Go and Things to Experience Before You Die

This Issue: To Do: Work On A Cattle Drive To Go: Montana Who: Rosie Meleady

“My overall memory of the trip was not the aching muscles or the realisation I was

rubbish at horseriding. It was the comradeship and

constant ripple of laughing through the camp 24 hours a day and crying

with laughter at least twice a day.�


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Re# Your Life Don’t wait to win the lottery to live a rich life. Changes to make to start to live the life of your aspirations now

In This Issue: The ‘Oh F**k’ Moment of Parenthood. To Do: How to find yourself again by planning a Me-Time Trip. By: Rosie Meleady

5 Tips to Planning A Me-Time Trip Every parent deserves one


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Own Your Own Magazine Have you a passion in life that you would like to share with the world and make money from? Owning your own magazine gives you the power to do that. Rosie, editor of Life Is Short Magazine, can show you how to create your very own online magazine.

For FREE Training and Tips on How To Create Your Own Online Magazine go to

Out of the Box Inspiration from those who decided to do an element of their life differently... an event, family stuff, their home. A beacon of light on paths less travelled.

In This Issue: What: A Destination Wedding with some close friends, 3000 miles away from home, in a country they never visited before Who: Natalia and Nikita A fashion photographer and a paperback writer From: St Petersburg, Russia To: Huntington Castle, Ireland Wedding Planner: Rosie The Wedding Planner Photography: Dmitri Korobtsov ( and Ronan Skelly (

They contacted me from Russia. A


a castle, peony roses, outdoors, in Ireland, candlelit, under trees. Six weeks later I gave them their

Perfect Day. - Rosie The Wedding Planner

Felicity Jones

Felicity Jones type writer

Felicity Jones BiauKai

Our guests say it was the most beautiful and most unusual wedding they have ever been to. You are a great organiser; you got a very good feel for what we wanted and realised it perfectly. It was lovely decor, very beautiful flowers, wonderful catering. Such emotions and memories will last a lifetime! Thank you again! - Natalia and Nikita, Russia

To Have


Johnstown Castle Ireland Voted The MOST Romantic Wedding Ceremony Venue In the World

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