Life Is Short Magazine issue 2

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Nov/Dec 14 #2


Life Is Short


.Live It.

A Magazine For People Who Are Unique How To Sell The Words of Your Passion

The Single Mom Nomad The Thing from the Compost Heap Changed Our Lives

Yoga Saved My Life

Forever Life Inspiring Magazine Be. Have. Go. See. Do Inspiring Your Desiring

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Life Is Short Magazine™ Published by Rosie Chic Productions Copyright ©2013. Please do not publish or copy any part of this magazine without the permission of the editor. Contact:

Life Is Short Magazine. For People Who Want to Do Life. Differently.

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Fear of Fears Fear of ‘what-ifs’ that may never happen hold us back from following our dreams. What if I have no money, what if something goes wrong? It is how the insurance/assurance industry makes billions every year: from people’s fears of things that never happen. In this issue I talk to two women who did not let fear get in their way of overhauling their lives completely. Sharon left the corporate world, started her own business and moved her family to Tuscany. While Lainie closed her own struggling business and took to nomadic living with her then 9-year-old son. James Swanwick did not let the fear of ‘What if they say no?’ get in the way of his dream career as a celebrity journalist in LA. Instead he lifted the phone and started making some calls – two weeks later he was in LA doing a one-to-one interview with Jack Nicholson. My fear is illness. I’m healthy, my family are healthy but the ‘what-ifs’ hold me back – they make me feel insecure. Talking to amazing people, like Yulady in this issue who has overcome so much, shows me that if illness does happen, it is not the end of your world. My fears of the ‘what-ifs’ are fading, freeing me to think differently. What are your fears? Are they stopping you living the life you really want? I hope this issue helps.

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inside ... Grabbing Life By The Goolies #2: THE THING ON THE COMPOST HEAP Sharon Kilby tells how a thing on a compost heap changed her life direction which led to her relocating her family from the UK to Tuscany.

Passion Fruit #2: SELLING THE WORDS OF YOUR PASSION Celebrity journalist James Swanwick explains how you don’t need a degree to be a journalist.

When Life Throws You A Clanger #2: YOGA SAVED MY LIFE Yulady Saluti is a 32-year-old yoga teacher and mother to six children. When recovering from her 20th corrective surgery to a procedure that went wrong, Yulady was told she had Stage II breast cancer. Instead of going under she came out on top.

Don’t List It, Do It #2: TO DO: A SKYDIVE Whether you jump out over the upper thermosphere or at a mere 5,000 metres, the ground tends to stay where it is, with no sensation of falling. So if it’s something you feel the need to do, here’s how.

Outside The Box #2: SINGLE MOM NOMAD When her business went under in 2008, single mom, Lainie Liberti, decided to take her 9-year-old son on an adventure. Five years on the duo are still living a nomadic idyllic possession-free lifestyle.

Gallery #2: INSPIRATIONAL GARB FOR YOUR WALLS Throughout the magazine there are lush pictures, prints and photos you can click and buy (framed or unframed) for your walls. As Christmas approaches the gallery focuses on vintage fairytales.

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Grabbing Life By The Goolies Inspiration from people who did a complete life makeover

This Issue: Who: Sharon Kilby What: Relocated to Tuscany

The essential

thing in changing your lifestyle for the

better is to

recognise your ‘energy thieves’ – in other words what really drags

you down. - Sharon Kilby Life Is Short Magazine Issue #2

The Thing In The Compost Heap

Sharon Kilby talks about relocating from the UK to Tuscany

Sharon’s decision to change her life started on a compost heap in Devon, UK. She and her husband, Gary had made it – they had the careers, the big incomes, all the stuff money can buy. They lived in their ideal house in the

country. The only problem was their rubbish collection was unreliable, so to cut down on waste Sharon started a compost heap. Then some ‘thing’ began to grow on top of it. This Thing changed their lives.

Our journey into downshifting started very appropriately on a compost heap about 15 years ago in deepest Devon. As a then twenty-something couple on hefty incomes we were about as blasé as you could get when it came to spending big bucks on unnecessary tat and spaceabsorbing stuff. I had always loved the countryside and never strayed too close to suburban living and back then Gary and I were enjoying life in a tumbledown cottage just outside Exeter. With a very casual interest in being self-sufficient and a rather unreliable rubbish collection service we started up a compost heap in the back garden. Sometime in the early summer I spotted something odd growing on the heap. I thought it must be something horribly poisonous, but as weeks passed a very large and very beautiful squash-type thing developed. It became clear

that we should do something with it, so one night after a horrible day in a stuffy office I bravely sacrificed the globe-like squash and roasted it in the Rayburn. Gary came home from work and we ate home-grown, all be it accidentally, squash with yoghurt and mint sauce and some rice, it was fantastic and it was cheap, nearly free in fact. We were hooked. So what next? We both hated our jobs in marketing and were always secretly looking for something better or different. Over time our lifestyles became less wasteful and more productive – we grew vegetables, we preserved food, collected kindling, made and drank wine, sloe gin and damson vodka, shopped locally where possible and generally lived a fairly ‘good life’ so to speak.

Moving house to be near Gary’s new job marked a pivotal and pretty low point in our effort to live greener. Life was hectic and spending even more so, time was non-existent and we barely saw each other in order to keep payments up to date on our burdensome credit cards which had amassed over the

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years. Archie was in nursery and therefore in expensive disposable nappies. I had a three-hour round trip to work each day – somewhere along the line we had lost sight of what crucially mattered in life. We had to change and get things back on track, and so we did. Read more ...

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wrote down lists of

aims, ideals and plans, we identified ways of

earning money in a more family-friendly way, and most of all we read.

Sharon and Gary Kilby




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Yulady Saluti

When Life Throws You A Clanger Sometimes life is shit and throws you a clanger. Inspiration from people who dug their way through the crap, how you can do the same and come out smiling.

This Issue: Who: Yulady Saluti What: Breast Cancer Survivor, Mum of 6 and Yoga Instructor.

Yulady Saluti - Before

Yulady Saluti - During

Yulady Saluti - After

It was when she awoke from her 20th colon rectal surgery, and following the reversal of her four-year colostomy bag, which all resulted from a massive infection caused by a botched-up biopsy 10 years previous, that Yulady Saluti, a 32-year-old yoga instructor and mother of six, was told she had Stage II breast cancer. Read More ...

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To Do: Check Your Boobies

s y a D 7 t x e N n i h t i W : n e Wh

Don’t Let The Fear of The ‘What-Ifs’ Eat Your Dreams. - Life Is Short Magazine

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Passion Fruit People making money from their passion - how they did it and how you can do it too

Who: James Swanwick What: Celebrity Journalist

Two weeks later I found

myself at the L’Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills


Jack Nicholson.”

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James Swanwick

Selling the Words of Your Passion Have you a passion that you would love to write about and get paid by magazines and newspapers to do so? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to be a celebrity journalist interviewing Hollywood stars such as George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, and Jennifer Aniston? James Swanwick, creator of ‘Insider Journalism Secrets’, set his sights on

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being a celebrity journalist and with just a phone directory as his contact list he was sitting in a hotel room in LA with Jack Nicholson interviewing him for one of the UK’s topselling magazines. Two weeks after that he was interviewing Arnold Schwarzenegger. It developed into a five-year career.

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“It’s really


know what your passion is, know what

that you

your area of interest is, know what

you are most

knowledgeable about and promote that aspect

of you.”

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Have you a passion in life that you would like to share with the world and make money from? Owning your own magazine gives you the power to do that.

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Don’t List It, Do It Places to Go and Things to Experience Before You Die

This Issue: To Do: A Sky Dive Where: The Best Places

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Out of the Box Inspiration from those who decided to do an element of their life differently ... an event, family stuff, their home. A beacon of light on paths less travelled.

In This Issue: Who: Lainie Liberti & Miro What: A 47-year-old Single Mom who gave up corporate life, discovered unschooling and has been living a nomadic lifestyle with her son for the last 4 years.

The Single Mom Nomad

When Lainie Liberti, a 42-yearold single mom in California, said goodbye to her staff and closed the doors of her office for the Christmas holidays in 2008 she knew she wouldn’t be opening them again. The recession had hit her business hard and she had lost clients by the dozen. Other small boutique consultancies across the world were suffering the same fate. Branding, PR and other ‘additional’ consultancy services were the first to be let go as bigger businesses struggled against the recessional tide. Sitting at home and sighing about how good things used to be and worrying about the debts that had to be paid was one option, but Lainie decided to think outside the box. She decided to do what she had done for so many businesses

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over her 18-year career – to rebrand. To rebrand her life. “I decided to be the change instead of the victim. Miro, my son, was growing up and I wanted to have stress-free quality time with him. I said to my son, ‘What if we got rid of all our stuff and went on an adventure?’ He said, ‘Yes’, and when I told him he wouldn’t have to go to school he said, ‘OH YES!” Rather than be a dictating mom, Lainie took Miro on as a partner – for every decision they were in it together. “The plan was to spend a year traveling and to reach Argentina by the end of the year.” Four years and 14 countries later, Lainie and Miro have not yet reached Argentina. Read More ...

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Johnstown Castle Ireland Voted The MOST Romantic Wedding Ceremony Venue In the World

.... Until Issue 3.

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