PAYING HOMAGE TO THE ARTS The production of Jedermann was staged in the famous Cathedral Square in Salzburg for the first time in 1920. The play about the death of a rich man was directed by Max Reinhardt who, along with the play’s author Hugo von Hofmannsthal, was a co-founder of the Salzburg Festival. The character of Jedermann was played by the most famous actor of the time in the German-speaking world, Alexander Moissi, while Jedermann’s lover Buhlschaft was played by Johanna Terwin, Moissi’s wife in real life. Over the last
100 years, there have only been a handful of occasions when Jedermann has not been performed at the Salzburg Festival. From the very beginning, the event has included operatic productions and concerts, and this programme has expanded every year since. The main highlight is definitely still the traditional rendering of Jedermann, which was based on several medieval mystery plays. To see it enacted on the steps in front of the cathedral, or in the festival hall during bad weather, never fails to be an unforgettable experience.
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