At the Hollmann Beletage you feel more like you’re visiting a close acquaintance than staying at a hotel. 26 rooms furnished with lovely details are arranged around a lounge-like lobby with piano, fireplace, sofa and library on the piano nobile of a turn of the century house. In the rooms and suites, guests will find all modern comforts, contemporary design and surprising details. The garden terrace and the sauna area on the piano nobile offer a retreat from the bustle of the big city, as well as a small hotel cinema with eight restored theatre seats which provides guests a glimpse into Austrian and Viennese film. The owner of the establishment, Robert Hollmann, is a hotelier, chef and actor. Guests at his hotels receive innovative accommodation that goes beyond the conventional hotel experience – comfort and exclusive service second to none.
177 H O L L M A N N B E L E TA G E | V I E N N A | A U S T R I A