Lifestyle Magazine November 2023

Page 22


Gift of a Handwritten Letter

Heartwarming Handwritten Words by Sue Burns


ast fall, I was writing with my dear friend

they may be. The ability to text my youngest as he

Barbara about a charming book called Love and

attended college (and now lives out of state) and

Saffron, in which she was the inspiration for one

send photos and memories of my grandchildren to

of the two main characters. It’s the story of Immy,

my daughter without interrupting her work is a

a magazine columnist in Washington state, and

priceless gift. But I do reminisce about growing up

Joan, a young journalist in California. They connect

in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, before emails and texts

in October of 1962, when Joan writes to tell

and FaceTime, when long-distance phone calls

Immy how much she likes her column, and their

were cost-prohibitive, and letters were the way we

friendship is chronicled through the story as

all kept in touch.

they share life’s ups and downs across the miles.

Since drawings appeared on cave walls, we’ve

In one letter, Immy expressed that a handwritten

written to each other. From the days when letters

letter “…takes one’s complete focus and shows

could take months to cross the ocean to the birth

thought and caring for the recipient…with a letter

of overnight delivery, they’ve been mainstays and

I must pay close attention. There is unequaled

lifelines in our lives. We wrote letters to share

satisfaction in composing words on a blank page,

news and happenings; to celebrate milestones; or

sealing them in an envelope, writing an address

just to say hello and send love. When we traveled,

in my own messy hand…it’s like preparing a gift,

postcards were a must, squeezing as many words

and I feel like I receive one when a letter arrives…”

as would fit in the limited open space on the back,

I wrote to Barbara to tell her how much I

detailing where we were adventuring and what we

appreciated Immy’s thoughts, because I feel

had seen, always with a “Wish you were here!”

the same way, and she agreed.

Pre-addressed, stamped stationery was on every

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for today’s

summer camp packing requirements list.

technology that allows me to be in communication

During certain times of hardship, letters were even

with family and friends, wherever in the world

more treasured. In his writings from Europe to my

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