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Is it naïve to think you can influence your baby’s birth?
You’re pregnant. You know that one way or another your baby will be born, but is it ridiculous to think that you personally can impact how that happens?
Perhaps you are dreaming of a water birth with quiet music playing and experiencing all contractions with ease. Or maybe you’re dreading the birth but expecting to clench your teeth and push through (one of the worst things you can do!).
Have you considered that you are influencing every minute of every day through your thoughts, actions and attitude? You are influencing every second to support what you do or do not want. When we feel fear we breathe less effectively, and during labour that has a negative impact that can make labour more painful.
Whilst no-one (sadly me included) can guarantee you your dream birth, acting in a deliberate, intentional way can massively stack the odds of a better birth in your favour.
Here are five ways you can influence your birth:
1. Create a birthing space that feels safe and secure (dim lights, soft music).
2. Know your options so if you do need to deviate from a straightforward vaginal birth you’re still the one making the decisions.
3. Routinely practice all breathing techniques in the weeks leading up to birth.
4. Actively imagine birth going the way you want it to and always see yourself acting in a resourceful way. Olympic athletes swear by this type of mental rehearsal.
5. Stay as calm and relaxed as possible so that you are giving your body all the resources it needs to birth with greater ease.
These things make a massive difference. Whatever kind of birth you want there is plenty that you can do to steer it in the direction you want it to go. You are always moving towards or away from the type of birth you want.
Birth preparation and planning (even if it all goes out the window) can support you to feel calm, relaxed and confident before, during and after labour. Don’t leave it to chance.
Sophia Hanson is a prenatal yoga and hypnobirthing teacher based in the Highlands. She runs an online sanctuary, The Prenatal Snug, so you can prepare for the best birth possible (sophiahanson.com/services).