Chandler FEBRUARY 2015
Food is the Way to the
Romantic Valentine’s Day Recipes Await Donate and Eat Your Art Out Story Books and Cooking Come Together
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Editor’s Letter
ood is something I absolutely love. Not only do I appreciate its nutritional value, but I also just enjoy it. Some of my favorite foods include grilled chicken, salmon, broccoli, pizza and tacos. Oh, I definitely have room for sweets, too. I think cookies take the lead in that arena. My friends and I have a funny saying: “We work out so we can eat more.” And although there is a certain truth to this saying, I do know the importance of eating a well balanced diet. The food we put into our bodies plays a vital role in how our bodies operate and our brains function. So while eating those “not so healthy” meals is fun sometimes, don’t neglect the significance of those veggies. Cynthia Giroux saw a need and did something about it. After retiring, she started Storybook Kitchen where kids learn not only how to cook, but also improve reading skills and more. This after-school program is a great opportunity for kids of all ages, even toddlers, to learn their way around the kitchen. Jake Jacobs and his family discovered that certain dyes in the food they were eating were causing some strange behavior. With a few simple, yet drastic modifications, the Jacobs family shares their journey to a whole foods diet. Not only has this discovery changed their lives, but also the Jacobs are now using what they now know to encourage and inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle. Eat You Art Out comes to Chandler once again. For the fourth time, local restaurants and food-loving people join together to support Chandler Center for the Arts. Participating restaurants donate a percentage of their sales to support the program. These donations support education and outreach opportunities. Since 1989 Chandler Center for the Arts has made both visual and performing arts available to the entire Chandler community. This event helps to ensure that continues to happen. I am always looking for a fun and romantic meal to cook for Valentine’s Day. In our What’s Cooking column, some amazing recipes are waiting that are sure to make this Valentine’s Day one to remember. In the American society, eating food is what we all do to have a good time. It brings friends and family together. Food has a certain way of warming the soul and giving the body strength. I thank God every single day for the food I have in front of me. Remember that not everyone always has a full plate. Eat healthy, enjoy life, don’t be wasteful, and be thankful for even the simplest of things in front of you.
FEBRUARY 2015 publisher Steven Schowengerdt sales director Eric Williams |
Moriah Schowengerdt |
contributing writers Meghann Finn Sepulveda, Erica Forst, Kathleen Blair, Michelle Guerrero, Suzette Zara, Denise Snodell, Kory Kilmer, Tom Strongman
contributing photographers Getty Images, Joy Reynolds Published monthly, subscriptions are available: 1 year for $22 or 2 years for $39. Details at
corporate team chief executive officer | Steven Schowengerdt chief sales officer | Matthew Perry chief financial officer | DeLand Shore production director | Christina Sandberg director of marketing | Brad Broockerd art director | Sara Minor ad coordinators | Cyndi Vreeland, Samantha Engel layout designer | Liesl Poet copy editor | Kendra Mathewson executive assistant | Lori Cunningham application architect | Michael O’Connell it director | Randy Aufderheide
Happy Hearts and Full Tummies,
Moriah Schowengerdt, Editor by Community ™
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Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
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Chandler Lifestyle™ is published monthly by Lifestyle Publications LLC. It is distributed via the US Postal Service to some of Chandler’s most affluent neighborhoods. Articles and advertisements do not necessarily reflect Lifestyle Publications’ opinions. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written consent. Lifestyle Publications does not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. Information in Chandler Lifestyle™ is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed.
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February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
February 2015
Departments 8
Good Times
Healthy Lifestyle
Food & Wine
20 Hot Spot 22
What’s Cooking?
Giving Back
Family Feature
30 Lifestyle Calendar 34
Parting Thoughts
12 Sprouted Grains are In
Discover their importance in your everyday diet.
18 The Storybook Kitchen
A place where stories are read and cooking is explored.
24 Eat Your Art Out in Chandler
Restaurants donate to the Chandler Center for the Arts.
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Good Times
6th Annual 12K’s of Christmas
Freestone Park hosted 1,800 participants for the race that included 20 animal rescue groups who were a part of Purina’s Santa’s Pet Village. Dogs also joined in the fun wearing festive outfits.
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Ballet Etudes Nutcracker
Sugar plum fairies, whirling snowflakes, and the Mouse King were all a part of the Christmas celebration at the Chandler Center for the Arts.
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WE aCCEPT OvEr 30 DiffErENT iNSuraNCE PlaNS PrOfESSiONal aND COllEgiaTE SPOrTS | aThlETiC TraiNiNg | PrEvENTaTivE MEDiCiNE iN-CliNiC ThEraPy SErviCES | hOME OuTPaTiENT ThEraPy | MaSSagE ThEraPy | Dry NEEDliNg February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Around Town SYLVIA/HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE REPERTORY Greg and Kate, a couple who has finished raising their children in the suburbs, move to the city. Greg brings home what will soon create a battle of wits, a dog named Sylvia. With the couple’s relationship on the rocks, Greg and Kate discover the real meaning of unconditional love through their new pet. Paula Vogel’s Pulitzer Prize-winning story is heavy, heartwarming and humorous. The show will take place from February 4th through February 22nd at Mesa Arts Center, 1 East Main Street. To learn more about the show, visit
POTTED POTTER How long would it take to get through seven Harry Potter Books? If you guessed 75 minutes, you’re right! Playful costumes, props and fun songs help BBC’s Dan and Jeff tell Hogwart’s tales. A scary fire-breathing dragon, the characters you’ve come to love, and a game of Quidditch are all a part of this comical show. Potted Potter will be showing from February 18th to February 22nd at Mesa Arts Center, 1 East Main Street. To learn more about Potted Potter, visit
Black History Month in Chandler
BURNING IN THE NIGHT: A HOBO’S SONG Based on the experiences of a hobo, this intriguing story tells the tale of a man in the 1930’s who rides trains throughout America. This hobo is Dale Wasserman, who turns out to be the famous playwright of One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and Man Of La Mancha. The show will include a Chandler-based band performing American folk songs. Burning In The Night: A Hobo’s Song will be showing February 7th to February 8th at the Mesa Arts Center located on the corners of East Main Street and South Center Street. To learn more about the show, visit
36TH ANNUAL CONTEMPORARY CRAFTS Mesa Contemporary Arts’ Annual Contemporary Crafts exhibition is finally here. Some of the finest crafts from across the country will be on display at Mesa Arts Center. The innovative art will include various mediums, including fibers, metals, jewelry, ceramics, basketry, glass, wood, book arts and papermaking. Come see some of the finest contemporary crafts at this year’s show. The exhibit will be showing from February 13th through April 5th. For more information about the exhibit, visit
12th ANNUAL CHANDLER SPORTS HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE CEREMONY The Chandler Sports Hall of Fame honors the rich history of Chandler athletics by giving awards to athletes, teams, coaches and administrators at this ceremony. Those honored have brought recognition to Chandler through their athletic accomplishments. 10
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
The Hall of Fame is a community-based committee that will recognize these new inductees on February 7th. Inductees include: Dominique Lamb (Volleyball), Breanna Leslie (Track & Field), and Coach Eric Richardson. The 12th Annual Chandler Sports Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony will take place on February 7th at 11 a.m. at the Chandler Center for the Arts, 250 North Arizona Avenue. To learn more about the Ceremony, visit or call 480.782.2751.
Black History Month is an opportunity for the community to learn about African American history and culture. Residents come together to enjoy dancing, singing and tasty treats. Last year’s activities included a performance showcasing the history of blues music, a family picnic and celebrations of the contributions of African Americans to the community. This year promises to be even more of a festivity. To learn more about the events during Black History Month, visit or call 480.782.2735.
CLASSIC CAR & HOT ROD SHOW Get your motor running, head out on the highway, and drive over to the Classic Car & Hot Rod Show. Historic Downtown Chandler will be booming with different makes and models of cars, including 250 pre-1980 cars and hot rods. There will also be some specialty vehicles. The event is family-friendly and free. Along with the hot rods, there will be live music, food booths, vendors, a Beer Garden, and arts and crafts. The Car Show takes place on February 28th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about vendors, vehicle registration, and sponsors, visit or call 480.389.7709.
CHANDLER’S SCIENCE SPECTACULAR It’s February and that means it’s time for Chandler’s Science Spectacular. The event will showcase the community’s students,
artists, and innovators, and give an unparalleled opportunity for residents to explore local science and discovery. The weekend of science starts with A Night Of Art & Science on Friday at 6 to 10 p.m. Downtown Chandler transforms its regular Third Friday Art Walk bringing art and technology together. The night will take a look at the science behind beauty, art, food and drink, and invention. The second day covers Chandler’s Science Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This session will focus on ‘sneaky science’ to explain how science affects daily life. There will be interactive demonstrations by local technology companies, UofA, ASU and TechShop. Also on Saturday will be E.P.I.C. (Explore Play Imagine Create) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This new session will focus on the maker culture, which consists of engineers, hobbyists, tinkerers and programmers using new technologies and DIY styles to create original work, prototypes and projects. The Science Spectacular starts on Friday, February 20th and runs through Saturday, February 21st. To learn about the science-filled weekend, visit
their journey as they show behind-the-scene photos and tell you the humorous and dangerous tale of their adventure that is published in the September 2013 National Geographic. Mishaps on the trip include nearly getting handled by tornado-like force winds and a failed snow kite experiment. The exhibit will be show on February 4that Mesa Arts Center. Mesa Arts Center is located south of Main Street and east of South Country Club Drive. To learn more about Untamed Antarctica, visit
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: UNTAMED ANTARCTICA The elusive Bertha’s Tower is at the forefront of Cory Richards and Mike Libecki’s tale of their journey through Antarctica. The 2,000-foot spire in Antarctica’s Wohlthat Range is nearly inaccessible and almost impossible to cross. Libecki, a photographer, and Richards, a climbing veteran, took the Tower as a challenge, so they set off on an expedition. The two risk takers will take you along on
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February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
Unlocking Sprouted Grains A Healthy New Addition to Your Diet Article Family Features Photography Getty Images
prouted grains have been popular among health food junkies for years, but they’ve only recently hit the mainstream, popping up everywhere from breads and cereals to restaurant menus. This hot new healthy ingredient has loads of nutritional benefits and is increasingly easy to find. But what exactly are sprouted grains? A sprouted grain is the beginning of a grain seed’s life cycle, before it becomes a mature plant. Given just the right temperature and moisture conditions, the outer layer will split open and a young shoot will sprout out of the grain, releasing vital nutrients and enzymes stored inside. Grain seeds are similar to long-term storage packages, designed to keep their goodness locked inside until conditions are right to grow a new plant. According to the Whole Grains Council, the sprouting process can increase the amount and availability of some vitamins (notably vitamin C) and minerals, making sprouted grains a potential nutrition powerhouse. “With the attention paid to gluten-free, a dark cloud has been surrounding whole grains for several years,” said registered dietitian, Kashi nutrition partner and author, Toby Amidor. “Unless you have celiac disease or other individual needs, whole grains — including sprouted grains — are an important part of a healthy diet.” “Sprouted grains are a delicious way to add fiber and essential minerals such as iron, zinc or magnesium to your diet,” continued Amidor. “They aren’t just for the serious health food aficionados anymore — many new packaged foods feature these unique and nutritious grains.” Eating real, pure foods is at the core of a healthy lifestyle. By taking a closer look at packaging while at the grocery store, you can find items made with wholesome ingredients and positive benefits. These days, many grocery stores carry a variety of nutritious options on their shelves as well. “People don’t always check the nutrition label while they’re shopping,” says Amidor. “Take a moment to pause and read the labels to
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
get the full picture and really understand the foods that are going into your grocery basket and onto the family table.” The scoop on whole grains
What are whole grains and what makes them so healthy? Simply put, they are small, edible seeds that come from grasses such as wheat and barley. Whole grains can be ground, cracked, or flaked, and still retain their benefits. Here are three ways whole grains have a positive impact: • Healthy Weight: Packed with nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and fiber, whole grains contain some of the best elements to keep you on track when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. Research supports the notion that eating healthy amounts of fiber, which are found naturally in whole grains, helps people manage their weight. • Happy Heart: Consuming more plant foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, has been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease. • Positive Energy: Because whole grains are complex carbohydrates and they naturally contain fiber, they give you more nutrients per calorie than refined carbohydrates. It’s a better way to fuel your day! Sprouted grains in your diet
The daily recommended intake of whole grains is 48 grams, and the nutritional advantages of sprouted grains make them a great option to achieve this daily goal. Here are some ways to incorporate sprouted grains into your positive eating routine: • Sprinkle them into salads or stir fries. • Check grocery aisles for products with sprouted grains, like Kashi’s new Organic Promise Sprouted Grains cereal. • Use sprouted grain flours in your favorite baked goods or homemade pasta.
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Food & Wine
Winter & Wine W
inter is a great time to experiment with new culinary creations that incorporate the bold flavors of wine for delicious results. Nothing pleases the senses quite like a comfort food dish on a chilly evening. If you’re planning a menu for just you and your mate, a small group of close friends or a full-blown dinner party, stock up on great wine selections to complete the menu. Smoky Chili and Murphy-Goode Homefront Red Just as a robust chili calls for a blend of signature ingredients, so does the perfect wine to complement it. The smoky flavors of seasoned steak cubes and dried chili pods will please the palate when united with Murphy-Goode Homefront Red — a blend of syrah, merlot, petite sirah and zinfandel. This wine is comfort food friendly and fruit forward, chock full of flavors of black cherry and raspberry, vanilla and toast. Plus, for every bottle sold, the winery donates fifty cents to Operation Homefront, a national nonprofit that provides assistance to service members and their families.
Classic Roast Chicken and La Crema Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Fresh oregano, fragrant garlic and buttery Castelvetrano olives star in this traditional chicken dish which pairs wonderfully with vibrant La Crema Sonoma Coast Chardonnay. Just as in the Burgundy region of France, these vineyards offer an unusually long, cool growing season, so grapes develop complex flavors. The Sonoma Coast Chardonnay is beautifully aromatic, with an intriguing interplay of lively citrus and subtle toasted oak, laced with just a kiss of butterscotch. Toasted S’mores and Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Pinot Noir Take the traditional fireside treat to a new, gooey level with homemade, wine-infused marshmallows served with a glass of Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Pinot Noir. Handcrafted from the top seven percent of all the winery’s lots, with 70 percent sourced from the same vineyard blocks year-to-year, it ensures greater consistency and enhanced complexity with each vintage. Please your
sweet tooth and palate with this pinot noir, with lively berry pie notes defined in wild strawberry and black cherry, with hints of vanilla and earthy aromas. Perfect Winter Pairings
Matanzas Creek Merlot and Beef Bourguignon Bring out the rich and savory flavors of this classic French stew with the notes of dried blueberries and cranberries, bittersweet chocolate and black cardamom in Matanzas Creek Merlot. Freemark Abbey Napa Valley Cabernet and Pot Roast Serve up this braised beef favorite alongside Freemark Abbey Napa Valley Cabernet, with its aromas of dark cherry, ripe plum and black currant. Edmeades Zinfandel and Meatloaf Each meaty bite tastes even more comforting than the last when paired with the lush texture and notes of toasted oak, vanilla and cherry cola in Edmeades Zinfandel. continued >
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
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Food & Wine
Chili with Pepato Cheese Recipe created by Dirk Yeaton on Servings: 10–12 6 dried chili pods, seeds and stems removed Salt and pepper, to taste 1 1/2 pounds top round cut into cubes 1 1/2 pounds chuck steak cut into cubes 1 cup vegetable oil 1 medium onion, chopped 3 small cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 ounces chili powder 1 tablespoon paprika 3 tablespoons cumin 2 tablespoons oregano steeped in 1 cup of red wine 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder 2 cups beef broth 10 ounces stewed tomatoes 1/2 cup grated Pepato cheese
heavy bottom pot until it begins to smoke. Carefully place beef into pan and brown on all sides until moisture cooks out and light brown film forms on bottom of pan. Reduce heat to medium. Drain meat of oil and fat. Add onions and garlic, cooking until soft. Add chili powder, paprika and cumin. Cook until fragrant. Add reserved chopped chilies and rest of ingredients (except for cheese) and stir well with wooden spoon, scraping browned bits off bottom of pot. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour, occasionally stirring. To serve, place in bowl and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Toast dried chilies over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add 2 cups of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain out chilies to cool, then chop and reserve. Season meat liberally with salt. Heat oil over high heat in large,
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Storybook Kitchen
Teaches Life Skills to Young Chefs
Chandler-based program incorporates learning, hands-on experience. Article Meghann Finn Sepulveda | Photography Provided
nly months after retiring as an elementary school principal and longtime educator in September 2007, Cynthia Giroux was inspired to combine her love for reading and passion for cooking with her grandchildren by turning it into an opportunity for kids and parents who share the same interest. Storybook Kitchen not only promotes literacy, language development, math, science and social skills, but also gets kids excited about creating their own nutritious meals. Cooking at a Young Age
Giroux remembers helping her grandmother in the kitchen as a young girl. She upheld the family tradition and introduced her two grandchildren to cooking at a very young age. “Children as little as 2-years-old can help in the kitchen by washing fruit and vegetables, measuring, pouring and stirring, and counting silverware,” says Giroux. “Kids who are picky eaters will likely eat food if they were a participant during the preparation.” 18
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
Giroux promotes cooking with fresh, healthy and whole foods. “It’s important for kids to know where their food comes from,” Giroux says. Enrichment Experiences
Storybook Kitchen, now in its eighth year, was initially launched to fill a gap in the need for high quality after-school programs. “When I introduced Storybook Kitchen, I had not seen any cooking programs for kids,” Giroux says. Every class begins with a story, centered on themes written by favorite authors, which become the focus of the food children will prepare in class. “Our menu changes each week and includes French cooking, pasta and sauces, salads and dressing and frozen delights,” Giroux says. “We do special projects too, like making the recipes from the Harry Potter books.”
Toddlers and preschoolers along with their parents make simpler dishes that appeal to younger children such as fruit kabobs, applesauce, cupcakes and French toast. All students go home with a book list and each recipe.
Camps are held during summer and school breaks and includes a more in-depth instruction three days a week. Past themes have included backyard camping, planting
and eating foods from a home garden, baking bread, making jam, and preparing international meals. Community Partnerships
All weekly preschool and after-school programs are held at the City of Chandler’s Tumbleweed Recreation Center, equipped with a kitchen. “By offering classes through the City of Chandler’s Recreation Program, we can make the program accessible and affordable to more families,” Giroux says. Giroux and her staff – all comprised of classroom teachers with a gift for teaching – also offer programs at the Chandler Public Libraries for special food and reading events. Additional classes are available on a monthly basis at Whole Foods Market in Chandler, where children of all ages can participate in making a variety of healthy food such as smoothies and pancakes. These events are free to the public. Storybook Kitchen is also available to scout troops, churches, charter schools, neighborhood moms groups and cooking clubs.
To sign-up for a class or to learn about upcoming programs and camps, visit or register through Break Time at Franchise Opportunities
Giroux is looking for storytellers to carry on the tradition, who love children and have a passion for cooking to become franchise business owners both locally and nationally. More information can be found at
Honing Life Skills
In addition to learning how to cook, kids are exposed to other educational lessons. “They learn math by weighing, measuring and keeping time,” Giroux says. “If a recipe doesn’t turn out well, we use science to investigate what went wrong.” Children utilize technology such as an iPad to watch the technique used to successfully create certain recipes. “We cook like a family,” Giroux adds. “Our after-school program ranges in ages from kindergarten to 8th grade so we encourage the older kids to help the younger ones but not do it for them.” Together, the group works together to successfully create the dish. “It’s marvelous to watch that happen,” Giroux says. Programs and Classes
Classes are typically held weekly for 45 to 60 minutes on Tuesdays for toddler, preschool and in the evenings for schoolaged children at Tumbleweed Recreation Center. Cost is approximately $80 per month and includes a supply fee. Birthday parties and private events that create a unique cooking experience are also available.
Kid-friendly recipe
Zucchini Pinwheels 3 zucchini, trimmed and sliced 1/4 inch thick, lengthwise 3 oz. soft cream cheese 1 teaspoon garlic salt 3 teaspoons lemon juice ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon parsley flakes 3 oz. Prosciutto or thinly sliced ham 1/2 cup baby spinach Toothpicks Wash zucchini and trim off the ends. Slice the zucchini lengthwise in thin strips about ¼ inches thick. Set the strips aside. Mix softened cream cheese with garlic salt, pepper, lemon juice and parsley flakes until well blended. Pat each zucchini strip dry, and then spread with the cream cheese mixture. Top each zucchini strip with prosciutto or thinly sliced ham, and spinach leaves and roll up into a pinwheel and fasten with a toothpick until ready to serve. Source: Storybook Kitchen
February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Hot Spot
Shula’s Steak House The Winning Edge Article Kathleen Blair | Photography Provided
hen it comes to winning, legendary coach Don Shula certainly has set the bar high. He’s taken the same level of perfection he expected from his players on the football field and applied them to restaurants that bear his name. His track record of creating high standards, mixed with dedication, spells success. Striving For the Best This legendary Hall of Fame coach was approached by the Graham family from Miami Lakes, Florida, to put his name on the original Shula’s Steak House back in 1989. Shula had moved to Miami Lakes in 1970 to coach the Dolphins and was familiar with the reputation of this family’s business. So, he confidently decided to get into the restaurant business. Doing so brought another set of standards, as he wanted to provide a high quality restaurant experience for the diner’s. To do so, he desired to ensure his restaurants offered the finest meats available. So, he started to breed registered Angus cattle and produce the finest beef served in his restaurant that would exceed the USDA choice standards. The result of these high standards created the Shula Cut® which Coach Shula says is “the best steak money can buy.” Only 1 percent of all beef makes the Shula Cut®. Their criteria is listed on their website, coupled with a detailed comparison is shown of the Shula Cut® to USDA Prime and USDA Choice. The Steak House Comes to Arizona On October 30, 2009, Shula’s Steak House opened its first restaurant in Arizona, and the west coast. The Shula’s Steak House is themed after the Miami Dolphins undefeated season in 1972. Footballs with the opposing team’s name and game score grace the walls of the restaurant along with game photos. The restaurant is tastefully designed with dark wood and seats 144. There is a private dining room which seats 36 and a Coach’s Table where Shula sits when he visits so he can watch the lobby and dining room. Both are available for reservations. Chef Eric Arechiga has been a chef for the last 13 years, and started when the restaurant opened at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino. It’s the only Shula restaurant located in a casino. Chef Eric 20
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
started cooking at a young age for his family and continues to be passionate about food and creating new recipes. He graduated from the Scottsdale Culinary Institute, now known as Le Cordon Blue College of Culinary Arts. He started with Shula’s Steak House as a cook and has worked his way up to executive chef. “I love being a Shula’s Steak House Chef because of the high standards that we are held to,” Arechiga says. “It keeps me humble which makes me work hard every day, and I love working the fast pace casino life.” Valentine’s Day Dinner What a perfect, romantic place to celebrate the Valentine’s Day with that someone special. Chef Eric has created a delicious menu for the evening and I was fortunate to sample the menu beforehand. You definitely are in for a treat. For an appetizer you can choose from the Shellfish Trio with chunks of lobster tail, gulf shrimp, jumbo lump crab or Lobster Bisque for two. I sampled the Shellfish Trio and if you like Shellfish, this is a must. The portions were generous and very succulent. Next, you have a choice from two salads: the Spinach Salad with candied pecans, dried cranberries, fresh strawberries, and goat
tle or the Grand Marnier Crème Brulee. I sampled the Grand Marnier Crème Brulee and it was creamier in texture than most I’ve had and one of the best I’ve tasted! I did get to sample a piece of the Almond Brittle, and it was very good.
cheese or you can choose the Wedge Salad with iceberg lettuce, ripe tomatoes, applewood bacon, red and green onions and blue cheese dressing. I thoroughly enjoyed the Wedge Salad. The combination of bacon, onions and blue cheese together offered a wonderful flavor in each bite. For the entrée, it’s going to be a difficult choice to make because the five offered all sound amazing. You can select from the Filet Mignon Medallions Oscar; an 8 oz. Shula Cut® Filet Mignon with Lobster Mac and Cheese; the Tenderloin Medallions and Lobster Tail; a 16 oz. Shula Cut® New York Strip or the Twin Lobster Tails. I had the Shula Cut® Filet with the Lobster Mac and Cheese and it was outstanding. The meat was very tender and cooked perfectly. It was easy for me to recognize that the cut was a higher Shula’s Steak House grade of beef. Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casio For dessert, you can 5040 W. Wild Horse Pass Blvd. choose from a CheeseChandler, AZ 85226 cake with Caramelized 520.796.7300 Bananas; the Chantilly Cream and Almond Brit-
Recognition Awards Open Table has listed Shula’s Steak Horse at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino as one of the top 100 Steak Houses in America. Wine Spectator magazine presented them the Best of Excellence Award with their selection of 3,750 wines and 315 labels. Shula’s has six different restaurant concepts and in multiple states. The Shula’s 347 Grill, offers chicken, steak and seafood; the Shula’s 2, is an upscale sports restaurant; the Shula Burger; Shula’s on the Beach, offers steak and seafood; Shula’s Bar & Grill and Shula’s Steak House. For more information on the different locations, please visit their website. Shula’s Steak House offers a 48 oz. Shula Cut® steak and in 1989 a club was formed, called the 48 oz. Club, for true beef lovers of America. In order to be inducted into this exclusive steak lover’s club, you have to finish the Shula Cut® 48 oz. steak in one sitting. In the past 25 years, 39,719 people have been inducted. One gentleman, Taft Parker, has eaten more than 175 of the 48 oz. steaks. Will you be next? Hours:
Sunday – Thursday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Friday – Saturday 5 p.m. - 11 p.m.
For more information on the Valentine’s Day dinner, please visit their website.
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(480) 626-8925 3210 S Gilbert Rd. Suite #2, Chandler, AZ February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
What’s Cooking?
Low-Fat Love Easy Romantic Recipes Article Suzette Zara | Photography Joy Reynolds
omance is in the air. One of the best ways to show your love is to whip up a romantic dinner for your sweetheart, packed with aphrodisiac foods. From an entrée of spicy salmon to a decadent chocolate mousse dessert, these easy recipes will impress your Valentine, without adding excessive fat. According to Greek myth, love goddess Aphrodite came down from the heavens on a scallop’s shell. Ever since, scallops have been an aphrodisiac food by association. There is, however, scientific evidence from a 2005 study of its effect. Our skinny stuffed scallops recipe is mildly spicy with a savory breading; serving it in a perfect Aphrodite shell pumps up the romance quotient and makes any cook look like a gourmet chef! Best of all, all these recipes are quick to prepare, leaving plenty of time for a romantic evening. So, thrill your sweetheart with this romantic Valentine’s dinner, sure to satisfy the palate and heat up the night. Skinny Stuffed Scallops As pretty as they are delicious, these tasty appetizers in a shell are easy enough to prepare after work on a weekday, yet special enough to serve as an impressive Valentine’s Day treat. They can be stuffed ahead of time and popped in the oven, allowing more time to spend with your guests or sweetheart.
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
Ingredients: 6 scallop shells 18 scallops 2 cups panko breadcrumbs 2 tablespoons low-fat butter substitute 1 fresh lime 1 tablespoon garlic-infused oil 2 tablespoons grated parmesan 2 teaspoons chili powder 2 teaspoons chopped parsley (optional) Salt & pepper Instructions: Preheat oven to 475°. Rinse and dry scallop shells; arrange them on ungreased baking sheet. Place the 18 scallops in medium bowl, and sprinkle breadcrumbs over top. Toss scallops in crumbs until well-coated. Place 3 breaded scallops in each shell; sprinkle any remaining breadcrumbs over top of scallops. Top each filled shell with 1 teaspoon of butter substitute, a squeeze of lime, ½ teaspoon of garlic oil, 1 teaspoon parmesan, salt & pepper to taste, a touch of chopped parsley (optional) and a sprinkle of chili powder. Bake scallops for 15-20 minutes, until edges are golden brown.
Yield: 6 servings. Per serving: Calories: 136; Fat 5.4g; Carbs: 7.3g; Protein 15.6g. Cost Per Serving: $1.79. Easy Spicy Tuna Rolls No special sushi skills are required for this easy recipe! These spicy tuna rolls are delectably easy to prepare and impressive to serve. Quick to create, just a few simple ingredients like cucumber, scallions, rice and spicy mayo come together to create a visually appealing meal which will stimulate all the senses! Ingredients: 2 sheets nori (dried seaweed) 2 cups cooked sushi rice 1 cup tuna fillet (sushi grade) ½ cup cucumber, seeded and sliced ¼ cup scallions 2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise 2 teaspoons Sriracha sauce Serve with sushi ginger & wasabi (spicy Asian mustard) Instructions: Place nori, shiny side down, and spread rice over nori. Put tuna, cucumber and scallions on top of rice along edge of nori. Fold edge of nori sheet over tuna filling, pressing firmly to start a tight roll. Roll to close. Slice roll into 4 pieces. To make spicy mayonnaise, stir together the mayo and Sriracha. Arrange roll on plate; garnish with spicy mayonnaise, ginger and wasabi. Yield: 2 servings (4 pieces each). Per serving: Calories: 360; Fat 6g; Carbs: 55g; Protein 19g. Cost Per Serving: $2.21
anti-inflammatory nutrients and “healthy” fat packed with vitamins B6 and folic acid. Ingredients: 4 large avocado, very ripe – peeled and pitted ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder (raw, organic preferred) ½ cup agave 1/3 cup almond milk (more or less to desired thickness) 1 tablespoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon sea salt 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds for garnish 2 tablespoons shredded coconut (optional garnish) Instructions: Melt chocolate in microwave safe bowl, or melt in small bowl over saucepan of simmering water. Stir until chocolate is smooth, about 2-3 minutes. Allow chocolate to cool completely. Place melted chocolate, avocados, cocoa powder, agave, almond milk, vanilla and salt in food processor or blender. Blend until smooth, scraping bowl often. Spoon mousse into serving glasses; refrigerate for 4 hours. Can be prepared up to 24 hours in advance. Garnish with pomegranate seeds when ready to serve. Yield: 4 servings. Per serving: Calories 86; Fat 6.9g; Carbs: 7.2g; Protein 2.4g. Cost Per Serving: $1.11. Suzette Zara is a food journalist, nutritionist, creator of “Devil’s Salsa” ( and frequent speaker on low-fat healthy cooking. For more great recipes and nutrition tips, visit her website
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February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Giving Back
Eat Your Art Out Local Restaurants And Foodies Support Chandler Center For The Arts Article Michelle Guerrero | Photography Provided
estaurants, such as The Living Room Wine Café and Lounge, are gearing up for the fourth annual citywide event, Eat Your Art Out Chandler, in support of Chandler Center for the Arts (CCA). Restaurant goers who eat at one of the participating restaurants on February 24th partake in a delicious meal and leave knowing that a portion of their restaurant tab will be donated to CCA. The restaurants tally their sales receipts at the end of the day and donate a minimum of 25 percent of those sales to the center. Guests don’t have to announce they are participating in the event, they just need to come and order a meal. “The Living Room is a part of the community and giving back is at the very core of our existence. We love Chandler and feel honored to give back to this community,” says Ryan Watson, general manager. Annually, The Living Room supports between eight to 10 charities, programs and individuals in need, such as first responders, teachers and school athletic programs. They also participate in community events that benefit kids. “Our restaurants have historically been supported by the neighborhoods we serve and for that we are grateful and choose to keep our giving close to home,” says Watson. “It’s a moral boosting experience for employees to participate as a group, in helping others. The last few years have been tough for community non-profits when it comes to raising money. It feels good to make even the slightest difference by offering support or space to hold events, and helping charities 24
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
get the word out about their organization.” The Living Room has been participating in Eat Your Art Out Chandler since 2012. “Guests that dine with us and meet friends, appreciate knowing a portion of their check is going directly to Eat Your Art Out,” says Watson. “The Ambassadors involved with Chandler Center for the Arts greet guests and are available to answer any questions about the organization and collect donations.” The ambassadors are volunteers who have signed up through CCA to be a restaurant host ambassador or a table host. Table hosts commit to bringing three to six of their friends, colleagues or family members together to dine on the event day. If guests visit one of the participating restaurant and they aren’t a part of a party, they are greeted by one of the restaurant host ambassadors. Envelopes are passed around to gather information so guests can enter a free raffle. If they want to donate a few dollars to the cause, they can put it in the raffle envelope at that time. Donations are always welcome, but not mandatory. “Our volunteer arts ambassadors are extremely important to the success of the event. We’d love to get as many ambassadors as we can get,” says Judi Johnson, marketing coordinator. “Eat Your Art Out Chandler was inspired by the opportunity to go beyond the walls of the Chandler Center for the Arts and expand our strong partnerships with restaurants in the community to provide a win-win day for Chandler. Everyone can participate by just eating out.
The restaurants win by bringing new customers into their establishments on a slower day of the week. The Community wins by having arts programs for children and headline performances.” The funding from Eat Your Art Out Chandler supports education and outreach programs at CCA, which serves over 4,500 youth each year. It also supports their free summer concert series, which serves over 4,000 patrons each summer. The CCA is jointly owned and utilized by the City of Chandler and the Chandler Unified School District, and the cost of operation and center maintenance is shared by the both the city and school district. “While we are a City of Chandler and Chandler Unified School District building, our artistic and outreach programs are privately supported. The Chandler Center for the Arts receives no direct appropriations for artistic programming. Our appropriations must be applied only to the maintenance and operation of the actual building,” says Johnson. Ticket sales and other earned income covers only part of their programming expenses, which means they rely on donations in order to deliver quality arts programs at an affordable cost to the public. The CCA has been around since 1989 and their mission is to make visual and performing arts available to the entire Chandler population; to become a creative force and an educational resource for the community; and to harness the economic vitality of the arts. “The Chandler Center for the Arts is a terrific local venue that brings world-class entertainment to the community and supports creative kids programs,” says Watson.
Foodies, this is the time to gather your friends and hit the streets of Chandler to enjoy an excellent meal in one of the participating restaurants. Turn an ordinary Tuesday night into something spectacular with good food, great company and maybe even a glass of wine. Go ahead and Eat Your Art Out Chandler! Learn more about CCA, Eat Your Art Out and the participating restaurants at Submit your favorite nonprofit organization, or a special person involved in the community, for our Giving Back department to
February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Family Feature
The Food Transformation to Health and Wellness One family’s journey to a whole foods diet Article Meghann Finn Sepulveda | Photography Provided
fter a particularly challenging weekend that left them questioning whether the behavior of their 3-year-old son, Jake, was that of a normal healthy child, Holly and Jace Jacobs knew in their hearts something was triggering the behavior. What they learned in 2011 was that Jake had sensitivity to food dye, often found in many packaged and processed foods. His sensitivity was causing him to become overly stimulated, hyperactive and unable to focus. The discovery led the family to take immediate action, implementing significant 26
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
modifications to their diet and lifestyle, which resulted in positive behavioral changes and improved overall wellness. Through research, education and support, the Jacobs are now in control of their health. Early Signs, Symptoms A conversation with another mom about the dangerous side effects of artificial food dyes like Red #40 sparked interest in Holly who went home and begun extensive research. She learned about the Feingold Program, a nationally-recognized diet founded and
created by the late Ben Feingold, M.D., a pediatric allergist. The program, used as a diagnostic tool, determines if certain foods or food additives trigger some or all of the behavior, learning and/or health problems experienced in children and adults. Holly quickly realized that Jake’s allergy medication could be a trigger. “Jake was regularly taking a little pill that contained Red #40,” Holly says. “He also ate Fruit Loops for the first time. It was like a little demon took over his body.” Holly was shocked to learn so many foods contained artificial food dyes, like
Jake making bread crumbs
cial colors, flavors and preservatives from the food they consumed. They began to focus on buying and preparing real foods and creating alternative treats using gluten-free recipes for their children, Jake, now 6, and Daisy, 5. “It made us really reconsider packaged and processed foods and forced us to look at how we could control the ingredients,” says Jace. “We wanted to give our kids food they enjoyed without it being harmful.” With sensitivity to gluten and food chemicals, Holly was aware that her son’s reaction could be hereditary. “I know that I don’t feel good if I eat certain foods,” she says. “All the pieces finally clicked and I thought this could be it. I figured the worse that could happen was that we would all eat better.” Holly became a member of the Feingold Association, and still currently receives quarterly updated electronic food and restaurant shopping guides and joined support groups. “We knew going into this it would be a journey,” says Jace. “We experimented with vegan, vegetarian, and Paleo diets, among others, because we wanted to know how we each felt best, with the foundation always focused on real food. Over the last three years, I’ve taken what I’ve learned and made it my own.” Today the Jacobs eat a diet containing 90 percent organic foods
Daisy making tortillas
yogurt, cereal and even marshmallows. “He was a child in distress,” Holly says. “We felt in our hearts that these triggers were environmental or something that could be controlled. It was our job as parents to figure out how we could help him.” Implementing a New Diet, Lifestyle The Jacobs embraced the Feingold Diet and eliminated artifi-
continued >
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February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
Family Feature
and 10 percent non-GMO. They include some dairy and meat but chose grass-fed beef and free-range chicken. Dining out, while rare, is possible at certain restaurants. “I sat with the owner or chef at various restaurants and they have provided me with their entire recipe book containing every ingredient in the food they prepare,” Holly says. “I can then review the menu and make decisions about the food my family can eat.” They also removed all chemicals in their house such as candles and air fresheners, and use homemade cleaning products.
Natural Approach to Medicine In addition to diet changes, the Jacobs are also advocates of essential oils, an ancient tradition to heal the body and mind to remedy colds and other common health issues. “In the last two years we’ve only been to the doctor for stitches,” Holly says. “We try to avoid medication to treat headaches, ear infections or the flu because we first take a homeopathic approach. We recover quickly with no side effects and have yet to need further medical support.”
Empowering Their Children The Jacobs do everything they can to make sure their children don’t feel out of place. Specifically, when they were younger and in daycare, Holly would take home the weekly menus and reproduce each snack and meal to match what was being served while eliminating added preservatives. She makes dye-free play dough out of turmeric, cocoa and natural coloring using blueberries for the kids’ school and home. “We like to show our kids where food comes from,” Jace says. “When we make smoothies or juice we use organic whole fruits and vegetables.” The Jacobs are well aware that their children are ultimately going to make their own decisions about food when they are outside the home. They hope that by educating and empowering their kids, they will understand how the food choices they make impact how they feel.
Inspiring Others On a quest to share their knowledge and empower others, Holly launched a website and blog at where she shares personal experiences and posts recipes, hoping to reach other moms experiencing what she went through. Last year Jace became a certified transformational nutrition coach and launched a podcast titled “The Good Refresh” where he encourages personal development, removing obstacles and taking action. “We are all unique, yet, we can find comfort in knowing our struggles and victories are sometimes the same,” Jace says. “We are never too old to learn something new and we are never too young to influence others.”
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
Read more about Holly’s blog at and about Jace and The Good Refresh at
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Lifestyle Calendar
February FEBRUARY 1
Before the big game, take part in the Superb Owl Sunday Morning 5K race at Kiwanis Park. It features a special goodie sack, free games, and of course, live owls! For more information, visit
30th Anniversary. Dancers push the boundaries of the art form while still upholding the traditions of flamenco. For more information, visit
Students will learn the secrets of writing a short mystery story in this Vision Kidz Program. Real mystery writer, Laurie Fagen, will teach students the basics of writing and character development. For more information, visit
From Pretty in Pink to The Breakfast Club, Molly Ringwald is one of the most recognized actresses from the 1980’s. This Valentine’s Day, she will use her singing skills to serenade you and your Valentine with songs of love. For more information, visit
See the story of the West’s most famous dentist and his life with Mary Katherine Haroney Cummings. For more information, visit
Discover what you may be missing in your job search. Career Connectors is a non-profit organization connecting professionals to high quality resources. Every event is free and includes professional speakers. Topics include networking, hiring companies, and resume building. For more information, visit or call 480.442.5806.
One of the nation’s premier flamenco and Spanish dance companies celebrates its
The Fresh Beat Band will perform its greatest hits, including “Here We Go” and “Ba-
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
Joining together in 2007, The Midtown Men became the first vocal group to be formed by the principal cast of a high-profile Broadway show. The Jersey Boys veterans bring the songs of the Sixties to the stage. For more information, visit
nanas.” The show will feature Marina, Kiki, and Twist and Shout. For more information, visit
One of America’s favorite comediennes comes to The Valley of the Sun. Lily Tomlin started her career as Ernestine on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In. She is known for her many roles on television, including Murphy Brown, Will and Grace, and The Simpsons. Tomlin visits Chandler to share her observational humor. For more information, visit
With music playing to inspire them, students will learn how to plan colorful abstract work. Christine Sutherland teaches this Glass Bead Abstract Painting class at 10am and 1pm. For more information, visit
Major hit records, like “Tuxedo Junction,” “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” and “Moonlight Seranade” are just some of the songs performed by the Glenn Miller
Orchestra. These and more will be played at the Chandler Center for the Arts. For more information, visit
Arts patrons and Chandler restaurants join together to support the arts. Enjoy delicious food and support various programs by attending this community event. For more information, visit
One of the world’s most celebrated violinists brings his music to Mesa. Along with his talent, Bell will display his passion and charisma on the stage. For more information, visit
“The Grand Prix Best Overall World Champion of Magic,” Jason Latimer, will change your perception of what is possible. Levitating liquids, forming smoke, and animating drawings on his skin will prove his groundbreaking contributions to performance art. For more information, visit
A veteran of the spoken-word scene, Roger Bonair-Agard has been a National Poetry Slam Champion twice. He has also appeared on HBO’s Def Poetry Jam three times. Bonair-Agard will bring his poetry to the Mesa Arts Center. For more information, visit
Test your toughness with this 26.2 mile race. If that’s a little much for you, there is also a half-marathon, as well as a 10K. Participants will all receive a tech shirt and music will be played for runners throughout the course. For more information, visit
February 2015 | Chandler Lifestyle
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Parting Thoughts
You Say Potato, I Say Love at First Bite Words Denise Snodell
ne day, when you least expect it, you might walk into a fine dining establishment and fall in love. It happened to me. There I was, expecting a nice meal, good company and nothing more. The usual suspects were present: Favorite people and all the trappings of a place where you don’t have to struggle with greasy fingers and a ketchup packet. After a dainty glass of wine and some conversation, I found before me a plate of artfully arranged tenderloin medallions, sprigs of pencil-thin asparagus and what looked like ordinary scalloped potatoes. I took one nonchalant taste of the latter dish, and KAPOW, there was no turning back. People. These were no ordinary scalloped potatoes. Let me say here and now, I can’t believe I’m devoting an entire column to a potato experience. I don’t consider myself a foodie, especially when family life gets busy. Sometimes, as the dinner hour approaches, my expletive rolodex spins out of control. I say to myself, “Blankety blank. Why does everybody in this house get hungry every single evening? I just fed them yesterday.” Most of the time, I’m all about short cuts and freezer diving: “Hey guys, what’ll it be? Stouffer’s tartare, or Mrs. Paul’s au poivre?” But then one day, out of nowhere, I find myself swooning over spuds. Unbelievable. Despite it all, even a Zagat rube like me can tell the difference between extruded taters mixed with cream of chicken soup and recently unearthed Yukon Gold baked to a subtle al dente perfection in…what? What exactly were the magical ingredients? I had to know. I just had to know the chef’s secret. All conversations swirling around me turned to background noise. I took more 34
Chandler Lifestyle | February 2015
bites. The dish was heavenly. I knew if I could confirm the cheeses involved, my cooking repertoire would take a new direction. Was that Swiss I tasted? Probably. But I knew there was more, much more than one cheese. It was time to break a rule and go full-out CSI. Love can do that to a person. My husband has always had a thing for potatoes, and suddenly, apparently, I did too. I had to make this dish at home. They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. In this case, cholesterol would clearly be en route to my guy’s ticker as well, but still. I flagged down the waiter and whispered, “Would you mind asking the chef what cheeses he used in the scalloped potatoes?” There might have been a flinch in the waiter’s face, but I didn’t care. My oven back home was already pre-heating in my mind. I was going to make this dish. The waiter kindly, discretely reported back to me, “Swiss and parmesan.” Then, he took off like a thief in the night. I suppose at this point you’d like a special scalloped potato recipe. You are, after all, holding a lifestyle magazine in your hands and patiently tolerating this odd tale of passion. Here it is: Simply Google “scalloped potato/Swiss/parmesan.” That’s it. If you can momentarily block out your cardiologist’s face, you’ll find some nice choices. I picked one that also included heavy cream and garlic. Worked like a charm. Funny. I’ve always known the French call potatoes “pommes de terre,” which translates to “apples of the earth.” But now I understand why.
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