Kingdom DNA - Travis Hall

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Travis Hall








Travis Hall

Copyright ©2019 by Travis Hall ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published by Lifetogether Ministries Copyright and use of the curriculum template is retained by Brett Eastman. Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quotes are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 and 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Interior design by Rodney Bissell Written in partnership with Theresa White ISBN 978-1-950007-50-9 Printed in the United States of America. First printing September 2019

CONTENTS Using This Workbook (Read This First)


Introduction by Travis & Tina Hall


Outline of Each Session




























Frequently Asked Questions Small Group Agreement Group Calendar Spiritual Partner’s Check-in Memory Verse Cards (Clip and Review)

SMALL GROUP LEADERS Small Group Roster Prayer and Praise Report Hosting an Open House Leading for the First Time Leadership Training 101 Notes


Before We Get Started 4

Using This Workbook (Tools to Help You Have a Great Small Group Experience!)


Notice in the Table of Contents there are three sections: (1) Sessions; (2) Appendices; and (3) Small Group Leaders. Familiarize yourself with the Appendices. Some of them will be used in the sessions themselves.


If you are facilitating/leading or co-leading a small group, the section Small Group Leaders will give you some tips from experiences of others that will encourage you and help you avoid many common obstacles to effective small group leadership.


Use this workbook as a guide, not a straight-jacket. If the group responds to the lesson in an unexpected but honest way, go with that. If you think of a better question than the next one in the lesson, ask it. Take to heart the insights included in the Frequently Asked Questions pages and the Small Group Leaders section.


Enjoy your Small Group experience.


Pray before each session—for your group members, for your time together, for wisdom and insights.


Read the Outline for Each Session on the next pages so that you understand how the sessions will flow.



Introduction Every living organism contains DNA. It’s the genetic code designed by our Creator to determine everything about us including our height, eye color, skin tone, and all of the other physical characteristics of our body - it’s part of what makes us unique. What’s true of our bodies physically is also true spiritually. The Bible teaches us that you and I (and every other follower of Jesus) together make up the church and that the church is actually called the “... body of Christ...” (1 Corinthians 12:27). When we’re born again, spiritually speaking, we get new DNA. Just as each individual has a unique, one-of-akind DNA, each local gathering of believers (a.k.a. the church) also carries a unique strand of Kingdom DNA that determines what people encounter when they experience us. It shapes our uniqueness and how we contribute to the body of Christ. In this series we’re going to learn about 8 powerful and unique attributes of Kingdom DNA that make up Life Church International. Things like (1) Jesus and His Presence, (2) Lost People, (3) Forward Thinking, (4) Honor, (5) Excellence, (6) Diversity, (7) Big Dreams, and (8) Generosity. With each of these unique characteristics we’re going to answer questions like: • Why is it important? • What will it require of us? • What does it look like at LCI and in my life personally? • What’s at stake? When embraced, this DNA not only unlocks our potential corporately but will make an eternal impact on our lives individually. We’re convinced that the next 8 weeks are going to be exponentially transformational, and we’re honored to have you on this journey with us. Pastors Travis & Tina Hall



Pastors Travis & Tina Hall

Outline of Each Session

Outline of Each Session A typical group session for the Kingdom DNA study will include the following sections. Read through this to get a clear idea of how each group meeting will be structured: WEEKLY MEMORY VERSES. Each session opens with a Memory Verse that emphasizes an important truth from the session. This is an optional exercise, but we believe that memorizing scripture can be a vital part of filling our minds with God’s will for our lives. We encourage you to give this important habit a try. The verses for our eight sessions are also listed in the appendix.

INTRODUCTION. Each lesson opens with a brief thought that will help you prepare for the session and get you thinking about the particular subject you will explore with your group. Make it a practice to read these before the session. You may want to have the group read them aloud.

LET’S GET STARTED. The foundation for spiritual growth is an intimate connection with God and His family. To help build that connection, this section includes some simple questions to get your group talking and thinking about the material to come.

LET’S LEARN. In this section, you’ll watch the DVD teaching segment. Group members will have space where they can jot down notes, questions, and comments. You won’t focus on accumulating information but on how you should live in light of the Word of God. We want to help you apply the insights from scripture practically and creatively, from your heart as well as your head. At the end of the day, allowing the timeless truths from God’s Word to transform your life in Christ should be your greatest aim.

STUDY NOTES. This brief section provides additional commentary, background or insights on the passage you’ll study in the Hear God’s Story section.



LET’S TALK. God wants His truths to transform our lives. In this section you will read a passage of scripture and discuss both the DVD teaching and the text. In addition to grappling with the ideas that have been set forth, you’ll consider your life in light of the material presented and the challenges issued. This is where the Bible’s instruction to be doers of the Word, not just hearers (James 1:22) comes into play. Many people skip over this aspect of the Christian life because they find it scary, awkward, or simply too much work.

LET’S GO DEEPER. If you have time and want to dig deeper into more Bible passages about the topic at hand, we’ve provided additional passages and questions which you can use either during the meeting or as homework. Your group may choose to read and prepare before each meeting in order to cover more biblical material, or group members can use the additional study section during the week after the meeting. If you prefer not to do study homework, this section will provide you with plenty to discuss within the group. These options allow individuals or the whole group to expand their study while still accommodating those who can’t do homework or are new to your group.

LET’S WALK WITH GOD THROUGHOUT THE WEEK (DAILY DEVOTIONS). Each week we provide scriptures to read and reflect on between sessions. This provides you with a chance to slow down, read just a small portion of scripture each day, and reflect and pray through it. You’ll then have a chance to journal your response to what you’ve read. Use this section to seek God on your own throughout the week. This time at home should begin and end with prayer. Don’t get in a hurry; take enough time to hear God’s direction.





Jesus and His Presence SESSION 1

MEMORY VERSE Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” — Exodus 33:15-16 (NIV)



Welcome to Kingdom DNA and into a group that is exploring the DNA of God’s Kingdom at Life Church International. Our sovereign God has brought your group together for these eight weeks and is inviting each of us to learn together what traits characterize the people in his Kingdom. People in a family have a common set of DNA that manifests in visible ways. They have characteristics and traits in common. As God’s people, sharing His Kingdom DNA, we value certain things that others might not and do things in a certain way because we seek to live out the family traits of our Father and King. In this study, we will be looking at eight traits that we want to display as members of God’s family at Life Church . . . eight strands of the Kingdom DNA.



Let’s Get Started Each of us has a story. The events of our life— good, bad, wonderful or challenging— have shaped who we are. God knows your story, and He intends to redeem it—to use every struggle and every joy to ultimately bring you to Himself. When we share our stories with others, we give them the opportunity to see God at work. When we share our stories, we also realize we are not alone—that we have common experiences and thoughts, and that others can understand what we are going through. Your story can encourage someone else, and telling it can lead to a path of freedom for you and for those with whom you share. Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. Before you start this first meeting, get contact information for every participant. Take time to pass around a copy of the Small Group Roster on page 140 and sheet of paper, or one of you can pass your Study Guide, opened to the Small Group Roster. Ask someone to make copies or type up a list with everyone’s information and email it to the group during the week.



Then, begin your time together by using the following questions and activities to get people talking. • What brought you here? What do you hope to get out of this group? • You can often recognize a person’s character and priorities based on how they act. When you think of people who seem to be really following God, what traits stand out to you from how they live? • The first strand of Kingdom DNA we will be talking about is Jesus and His presence. God is always present everywhere, but we aren’t always conscious of His presence. Describe a time when you felt God’s presence particularly strongly. What was it like? What significance did that have for you? • Whether your group is new or ongoing, it’s always important to reflect on and review your values together. On page 133 is a Small Group Agreement with the values we’ve found most useful in sustaining healthy, balanced groups. We recommend that you choose one or two values—ones you haven’t previously focused on or that you have room to grow in—to emphasize during this study. Choose ones that will take your group to the next stage of intimacy and spiritual health. • If your group is new, welcome newcomers. Introduce everyone—you may even want to have name tags for your first meeting. • We recommend you rotate host homes on a regular basis and let the hosts lead the meeting. Studies show that healthy groups rotate leadership. This helps to develop every member’s ability to shepherd a few people in a safe environment. Even Jesus gave others the opportunity to serve alongside Him (Mark 6:30-44). Look at the FAQs in the Appendix for additional information about hosting or leading the group. • The Small Group Calendar on page 135 is a tool for planning who will host and lead each meeting. Take a few minutes to plan hosts and leaders for your remaining meetings. Don’t skip this important step! It will revolutionize your group.



Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided here and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Before we get into unpacking the video, let’s look at the memory verse for this week. Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” Exodus 33:15-16 (NIV)

Moses knew that only one important thing set God’s people apart from everyone else in the world: God’s presence with His people. That is how everyone would know God was pleased with His people. In the same way, without Jesus and His presence, we as the church are no different from any other group of good people in the world. God’s felt presence with us, the kind that heals, comforts, convicts, and ultimately transforms, is what sets us apart as followers of Jesus. Because Jesus died on the cross and ushered us into the new covenant of grace, you already have God’s presence with you. It is part of your new Kingdom DNA. But there are things you can do to better experience that transforming, healing, and restoring presence. Let’s dive into what we learned about that from the video. JESUS AND HIS PRESENCE


Let’s Talk The video pointed out that experiencing God’s presence will require some things from us. It requires humility and true worship. Both personal humility and lives surrendered to God in worship are challenging things for us to do. We naturally want to make much of ourselves and pursue our own desires instead of God’s. • Pastor Travis said that worship isn’t about music style, song selections, or personal preferences. If someone were to ask you what worship is, how would you define it? The video quickly unpacked what experiencing Jesus’ presence in our lives looks like: 1. Worshiping 2. Praying 3. Engaging with God’s Word 4. Gathering in large and small groups • In which of these spiritual practices do you most easily experience God’s presence? • Which do you struggle to do regularly, or which seems less meaningful?



Pastor Travis warned of what is at stake when we don’t fully express this strand of Kingdom DNA: 1. Freedom from sin, fear, condemnation, insecurities, and purposelessness 2. Intimacy with the King who longs to be known by His people 3. Wisdom that can only come from God 4. Joy and strength that sustain our souls • Which of these things most resonates with your heart’s desire today? • What specifically do you want to do to increase your experience of Jesus and His presence? • What is one practice you can take on to remind yourself of just how precious is the gift of God’s presence with you?

At Life Church International, we’re intentional about cultivating and protecting an environment where people can experience the life-giving presence of God. • Here are some simple ways to experience Jesus’ presence at a deeper level. Tell the group which ones you plan to try this week, and don’t forget to talk about your progress and challenges when you meet next time. • Prayer. Commit to personal prayer and daily connection with God. You may find it helpful to write your prayers in a journal. • Daily Devotions. The Daily Devotions provided in each session offer an opportunity to read a short Bible passage five days a week during the course of our study. In our hurry-up world, we often move too quickly through everything—even reading God’s Word! Slow down. Don’t just skim, but take time to read carefully and reflect on the passage. Write down your insights on what you read each day. Copy a portion of scripture on a card and tape it somewhere in your line of sight, such as your car’s dashboard or the bathroom mirror. Or text it to yourself! Think about it when you sit at red lights or while you’re eating a meal. Reflect on what God is saying to you through these words. On the sixth day summarize what God has shown you throughout the week. • Doing Life with a Spiritual Partner. Jesus promises to be present whenever two or more believers gather in His name (Matthew 18:20). If you want to experience more of Jesus’ presence in your life, consider someone—in this group or outside it—that you can begin going deeper with in an intentional way. This might be your mom or dad, a cousin, an aunt or uncle, a roommate, a college buddy, or a neighbor. Choose someone who might be open to “doing life” with you at a deeper level, and pray about that opportunity. • Ask, “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. • Close your meeting with prayer.



Let’s Go Deeper If you feel God nudging you to go deeper, take some time before the next meeting to dig into His Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own and jot your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. A great way to gain insight on a passage is to read it in several different translations. You may want to use a Bible app or website to compare translations.


Revelation 3:14-22 • This church had become stale and stagnant, neither refreshing like a mountain brook nor soothing like a hot spring. What have they come to place their confidence in?

• What is one thing you are tempted to put your confidence in or that you allow to distract you from your relationship with God?

• Jesus is knocking at this church door, longing to share the kind of friendship you have around a dinner table. Do you ever struggle to realize that Jesus wants you to know Him intimately? Why?

• Do you ever take for granted that the Jesus who desires this intimate relationship is also the enthroned Lord reigning over the universe?



Acts 4:23-31 • In the first official legal persecution of the newborn church, Peter and John were arrested and put on trial for preaching and healing in Jesus’ name. What did God’s people do in response to the challenges they were facing?

• What attributes and actions of God did they focus on in verses 24-28?

• What need did they recognize and ask God for?

• How did God answer their prayer?

• How did God’s people experience the manifestation of His presence?

• Do you currently feel like you are in a precarious situation and you need God’s emboldening presence? How does God’s presence with His people in their time of trial reassure you this week?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11 (NIV) Respond: How have you experienced in the past, or do you want to experience now, a sustaining joy in God’s presence? Express that desire to God in prayer.

Day 2 For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20 (NLT) Respond: Jesus promises to be present whenever His followers gather together in His name. Think of one person you could intentionally gather with at the beginning or end of your group gathering to go deeper in your pursuit of Jesus’ presence together.



Day 3 Now as they obser ved the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 (NASB) Respond: Have you ever been surprised by the wisdom of a mature believer that goes beyond life experience and could only come from spending time in the company of Jesus? Who was it?

Day 4 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 (ESV) Respond: What does Paul say is part of worship? What would it look like to live your entire life as a sacrifice honoring God today?



Day 5 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.� James 4:6 (NASB) Respond: We cannot appreciate the excellence of God when we are promoting our own excellence. How has your pride kept you from valuing God rightly this week?

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Lost People SESSION 2

MEMORY VERSE Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. — Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the second strand of Kingdom DNA, share any new thoughts about the first strand, which was Jesus and His Presence, that came to mind after the opening session or as you considered the daily Bible verses this week. Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion.



Let’s Get Started The second strand of Kingdom DNA is the core value of loving and reaching people who haven’t discovered the transforming and saving presence of Jesus in their lives. As we said last week, when we share our stories with others, we give them the opportunity to see God at work. Do you remember before you had experienced Jesus’ presence in your life? Share your story of how you first experienced Jesus in your life. • Who or what was influential in fostering that encounter? • Were you in a crowd at an evangelistic event, a congregation on a Sunday, a smaller class, a conversation with another person, or by yourself? • What most attracted you to want to know more about Jesus or want to follow Him?



One of the challenges at the end of last week’s session was to consider finding a spiritual partner to do life with. As you start this week, we invite you to pair up with someone in your group. (We suggest that men partner with men and women with women.) This person will be your spiritual partner for the rest of this study. He or she doesn’t have to be your best friend. Instead, this person will simply encourage you to complete the goals you set for yourself during this study. Following through on a resolution is tough when you’re on your own; it makes all the difference to have a partner to cheer you on.



Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Before we get into unpacking the video, let’s look at the memory verse again. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)

Jesus’ last instruction to His followers was an invitation and command to make disciples who enter into relationship with Jesus and learn to follow Him. This command reflects what is valuable in God’s Kingdom. It highlights what characteristics should flow out of the Kingdom DNA. This isn’t just for a special few of Jesus’ followers. It is for every one of us. Let’s dive into what we learned about this second strand of Kingdom DNA from the video. LOST PEOPLE


Let’s Talk

Increasing our care for lost people looks like: 1. Witnessing. Share the story of your own spiritual journey with others

In this section, talk about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned from the teaching and Bible study. Then think about practical steps you can take in the coming week to live out what you’ve learned. Valuing lost people requires selflessness and teachability. If we cling to our own preferences and comfort, or refuse to adapt in order to love and relate to others, we do not value their souls as dearly as God does. • What are some examples of preconceived notions people have about what church is supposed to look like? • We can only communicate God’s love in a way that reaches people if we keep learning how to speak language they understand. What kinds of changes have you seen in recent years that have made some things that used to be normal now rare? How have you personally had to adapt to these new realities? • Pastor Travis said, “As long as it’s not unbiblical, immoral, unethical, or illegal, we’ll do everything we can to reach and love people who are far from God.” What was your reaction to that statement?



2. Serving. Use the time and talents God has gifted you with to serve others

3. Saturating our community. Get the message out of the church and into the community

4. Praying. Ask God to work in the hearts and lives of the lost

5. Creating. Make environments that help lost people connect with the Gospel

6. Loving. Demonstrate and embody God’s unconditional love for others



• Which of these practices do you find easiest to do? Which do you struggle to do regularly or seems less natural? • What is one story of an instance where you got to see one of these things having a real impact in someone’s life (including your own!)? • What is one concrete way you as an individual or your group together could love and reach the people around you in the next month? • How prepared are you to share your spiritual story with someone? Let’s find out! Take 5 minutes to write out your spiritual story the way you would tell someone with no church background: here’s who I was before Jesus came into my life, here’s where and how Jesus came into my life, and this is who I am now after Jesus came into my life. Aim to be able to tell your story in less than 2 minutes. Then get into groups of 2 or 3 and practice sharing your story with each other. Give each other feedback on what resonated, what was confusing, or what church language slipped into your story. If we don’t express this strand of Kingdom DNA that values lost people, the eternal destiny of those who don’t know Jesus is at stake. • Do you ever struggle to believe that people’s souls are at stake? What makes it hard to accept? • What specifically do you want to do to increase your care for lost people? What is one practice you can take on to remind yourself of just how precious these souls are? At LCI we do ministry to reach people, not please people, because reached people reach people and loved people love people. • Take a look at the Circles of Life diagram on the next page and write the names of two or three people you know who need to know Christ. Commit to praying for God’s guidance and an opportunity to share with each of them. Perhaps they would be open to joining the group? Share your lists with the group so you can all be praying for the people you’ve identified.



• Ask, “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142.

• Close your meeting with prayer.



Let’s Go Deeper If you feel God is nudging you to go deeper, take some time between now and our next meeting to dig into His Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own, jotting your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. ‘Want to go deeper? Select a few verses and try paraphrasing them: writing them in your own words. If you like, share them with the group the next time you meet.


1 Corinthians 9:19-23 • What was Paul’s top priority?

• What things was Paul willing to adjust from his own preferences and habits in pursuit of his main goal?

• What was he unwilling to compromise for anything, including the pressures of the world around him and even his own preferences?

• What are some things our church or our group must not compromise to keep people happy? What preferences must we be willing to sacrifice if they are getting in the way of lost people encountering Jesus?



1 John 4:7-12, 20-21 • How does God demonstrate His love?

• What is the appropriate response from us to receiving this love?

• Why is any other response to God’s love incompatible?

• Love is a noun and a verb. Can you love someone that you don’t know or don’t like very much? What might that look like?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that ever yone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NLT) Respond: Read this familiar verse with fresh eyes today. God values lost people so highly that He gave up something more precious than we can imagine. Reflect on what this verse means for you and the people around you.

Day 2 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 (NASB) Respond: In what way does this verse make you feel uncomfortable that there is a condition for entering God’s Kingdom? In what way does it make you feel valued that God has made a way for people to enter His Kingdom? Pray your response back to God.



Day 3 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8 (ESV) Respond: Witnesses simply tell people what they have seen. They don’t have to have a polished presentation or persuasive rhetoric. What have you seen Jesus do in your life? Who have you told?

Day 4 Then he said to his disciples, “The har vest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the har vest, therefore, to send out workers into his har vest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 Respond: Jesus didn’t tell his disciples that God needed more skilled teachers or qualified leaders to work in His fields, just more simple manual laborers. What expertise or qualifications do you tend to think you need before God can use you?



Day 5 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to ser ve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT) Respond: What special talents, abilities, or passions has God given you? How can you use them to serve the church or share God’s love with the lost?

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Forward Thinking SESSION 3

MEMORY VERSE For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God — Hebrews 11:10 (NIV)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the third strand of Kingdom DNA, share anything you did this last week to live out the second strand of Kingdom DNA to love and reach Lost People.



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The third strand of Kingdom DNA is the core value of Forward Thinking. God is always leading His people forward. That means we need to follow God’s leading and prepare for what God is calling us to do in the future. • What is the most recent thing you knew was coming and you prepared for it (saving money for a big purchase, setting up a nursery for a new baby, cleaning house for a guest, planning a vacation itinerary)? • Are you the kind of person who finds it exciting or stressful to envision the future and prepare for it? • What is your favorite story in the Bible of someone who acted on God’s directions before seeing any results? • In the last session we asked you to write some names in the Circles of Life diagram. Who did you identify as the people in your life who need to meet Jesus? Go back to the Circles of Life diagram on page 35 to help you think of various people you come in contact with on a regular basis; people who need to know Jesus more deeply. Consider ideas for action and make a plan to follow through on one of them this week. • Sit with your spiritual partner. If your partner is absent or you are new to the group, join with another pair or someone who doesn’t yet have a partner. If you haven’t established your spiritual partnership yet, do it now.





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided below and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes As we have done the previous two weeks, let’s look at the memory verse before we get into unpacking the video. The author of Hebrews wants to explain what it looks like not just to have faith but to live like we really believe what God has told us. One person out of the list of examples he gives is Abraham, who obeyed God’s call to leave his homeland and family and go to a new place that God promised to give him as an inheritance. Hebrews 11:10 explains why this made sense to Abraham through the eyes of faith. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Hebrews 11:10 (NIV)

As Abraham looked forward in faith, he knew God was establishing something far more wonderful and reliable than the familiar life God was asking him to leave behind, and he wanted to be a part of that! Now let’s dive into what we learned about that kind of Forward Thinking from the video.



Let’s Talk Valuing Forward Thinking requires us to put our faith into action, reject fear, and remain flexible in order to move forward into the future God has for us. • How do we listen for and discern where God is taking us? What can we already know about His will from His promises? • It is often said that courage is not the absence of fear but the decision to act in spite of fear. What is one fear that makes you reluctant to prepare boldly for where God is leading you next? What do you think is one fear that holds back our church? • Pastor Travis said, “If we’re not careful, we’ll fall in love with the old pattern of Christ rather than the person of Christ and forget that we serve a forward-moving God.” What was your reaction to that statement?



Increasing our Forward Thinking means that we live by faith, invest by faith, give by faith, and embrace change. • What is a particularly vivid example of an instance where you did one of these things in your own life? • Practice forward thinking right now. What is one area in your neighborhood, church, or lives of your friends that you can see is poised for God to work? What is one concrete way you as an individual or your group together could move in the direction where God is working in the next month?

If we are not forward-looking, we can miss out on opportunities God wants to give us. We can also forget that Jesus is coming back, and there are still lives to be reached with the Gospel before then. • When have you looked back and realized that you missed a wonderful opportunity because you weren’t prepared? At LCI, we keep getting ready in order to stay ready. We continually develop leaders and structure LCI for where we’re going rather than where we are. • Ask, “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. • Close your meeting with prayer.



Let’s Go Deeper Take some time between now and our next meeting to dig into God’s Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own. Jot down your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. You may even want to use a Bible website or app to look up commentary on these passages. If you like, share what you learn with the group the next time you meet.


Hebrews 11 • The chapter that this week’s memory verse comes from talks about how God’s people lived out the Kingdom DNA not just by thinking about the future but by acting on their faith. What kinds of things did people have faith about? What kinds of future things did they look forward to?

• How did that faith affect how they lived and what they did? What difference would it have made if they had not looked forward and prepared in faith?

• From what you know of their stories, how much of what they trusted God to accomplish did they get to see immediately? Later?

• How have we been able to see God fulfill His promises to them that they never saw in their lifetimes?

• What would it look like to act in faith like they did, trusting what you know God has promised you?



Romans 8:18-25 • In addition to looking forward to what God will do in our present lives, Paul encourages believers to look forward to the ultimate goal toward which all of creation is moving. How does holding on to this eternal perspective change the way we perceive current struggles and setbacks?

• God has planned a future glory not just for each of us but also for the rest of creation. What is creation looking forward to? What do we look forward to?

• By definition, hope is focused on things that are not yet the reality of our experience. What does Paul say we should do in the meantime? What does that look like in practice in your own life?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be bursting at the seams‌ Isaiah 54:2-3a (NLT) Respond: God advises His people to prepare for what He is about to do. Reflect on how you can begin preparing this week for where God wants to take you next.

Day 2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside ever y weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV) Respond: What did Jesus look forward to in faith? What does His example invite us to do? Think about one area of your life where you need this encouragement to persevere.



Day 3 Let us not become wear y in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a har vest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV) Respond: Paul reminds us not to lose faith and burn out just because we don’t see results yet. What is a God-honoring goal you have been looking forward to for a long time that you have become weary of pursuing? Pray for God to energize you and renew your vision of what He wants to accomplish.

Day 4 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preser ved. Matthew 9:17 (NLT) Respond: In what ways have you felt new strategies, new ideas, and new directions putting pressure on areas where you are inflexible? What is at stake if you were to stretch and adapt to these changes? What is at stake if you don’t?



Day 5 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 (NASB) Respond: Have you ever had a moment when you realized you were in exactly the right place at the right time for God to use you to do the right thing? Thank God for the ways He prepared you for that moment, and ask Him to open your eyes to ways you can be prepared for the next God-directed moment.

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.






MEMORY VERSE Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. — Romans 12:10 (ESV)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the fourth strand of Kingdom DNA, share any new thoughts about the third strand, Forward Thinking, that came to mind this week after the previous session or as you considered the daily Bible verses.



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The fourth strand of Kingdom DNA is Honor. In God’s Kingdom, our relationships should be characterized by honoring others. If we don’t honor God and others, we limit the intimacy and benefits that we could receive from those relationships. As we have said in previous lessons, sharing our personal stories builds deeper connections among group members. Your story may be exactly what another person needs to hear! Your listening to others’ stories is an act of love and is honoring to them. Begin your time together by using the following questions to get people talking. • What do you think of when you hear the word “honor”? • How do we honor people? • Who do we consider worthy of honor as a society? As a church? • When is a time that you felt especially honored?





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided below and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Once again, let’s look at this week’s memory verse. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10 (ESV) The image in this verse is almost of a competition where everyone is working his hardest to see who can love, defer to, and give honor away to the others more. Imagine if someone were this anxious to lift you up and value you! That is what the entire church looks like when it lives out the Kingdom DNA of Honor. Let’s dive into what we learned about this kind of Honor from the video.



Let’s Talk Valuing honor requires us to: 1. Look for the best in each other since each person bears the image of God 2. Use words to heal not hurt, speaking life to one another 3. Have hearts that are gracious and forgiving toward others 4. Be humble, looking for ways to respect and honor others 5. Honor out of our own standards not based on what others deserve Ask, “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. • Close your meeting with prayer.



• Why does it make a difference that we believe God created every individual in His image? Does this mean everything a person does reflects God’s heart in some way? Why or why not?

• What is one of your hot buttons that tends to get you offended and that you find hard to overlook or forgive?

• Pastor Travis said, “As an act of Honor, we love people the most when it seems that they deserve it the least.” What was your reaction to that statement?

• How is it hard to honor people who don’t deserve it? What is one situation in the last few days when you were tempted not to honor someone because of something they did or said?



Let’s Go Deeper Take some time between now and our next meeting to dig into God’s Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own. Jot down your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. You may even want to use a Bible website or app to look up commentary on these passages. If you like, share what you learn with the group the next time you meet.


Mark 6:1-6 • How did the people in Jesus’ hometown react to Him and His teaching? Does their reaction surprise you?

• How does Jesus describe their reaction in verse 4? How would you react if someone you watched grow up or interacted with every day suddenly became famous?

• What was the result of their failure to honor Jesus according to verses 5-6?

• A person who does not have honor for God has a seriously limited relationship with God. What benefits can people miss out on if they compromise their relationship with God by failing to honor Him?



Philippians 2:1-11 • Paul reminds the believers of ways that Jesus changed their lives individually and collectively in verse 1. How would you put these in your own words?

• What things does Paul ask them to do in their relationship with each other in verses 2-4?

• Humility means you proactively look for ways to honor others. What opportunities do you have to honor others this week in your family? Your workplace? Your basic interactions?

• Paul points to Jesus’ example of laying down His own rights for the benefit of others. What might it cost you to put someone else’s honor above your own?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 Respect ever yone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king. 1 Peter 2:17 (NLT) Respond: Who are we to show respect and honor to? Think of the people you will interact with this week. Who do you find easiest to show honor to? Who do you find hardest to respect? Pray that God would help you intentionally honor these people this week.

Day 2 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angr y. James 1:19 (NLT) Respond: Honoring people should affect the way we converse with them. How can you cultivate these habits? Be conscious of how you do this in your conversations today.



Day 3 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) Respond: When, where, or with whom is this a struggle for you? What circumstances around you or within your heart make it easy for you to build others up with your words?

Day 4 I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NLT) Respond: What does it look like to be united in purpose with coworkers or teammates? What would it look like for you to be of one mind, united in purpose with the people in your household, your small group, your church?



Day 5 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) Respond: Believers can still hurt and offend each other. How does loving each other minimize this? How does it change the response to offense? Pray that God would increase your love for the people who get under your skin.

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Excellence SESSION 5

MEMORY VERSE Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are ser ving is Christ. — Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the fifth strand of Kingdom DNA, share how last week’s exploration of Honor affected your interactions with people this week.



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The fifth strand of Kingdom DNA is Excellence. • How would you define excellence?

• What kinds of accomplishments do you look at and think of excellence (in sports, art, business, etc.)?

• Share one accomplishment in your life that you feel you did with excellence.





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided here and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Let’s look at this week’s memory verse. Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are ser ving is Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT) Paul was writing to explain how Christians should look at their work and human interactions differently. They should always pursue excellence, not just to gain the favor of the people who saw their efforts, but because everything they did was a service offered to the Lord. It doesn’t matter who else is watching when your primary goal is to please God by giving Him your very best. Let’s dive into what we learned about Excellence from the video.



Let’s Talk Living out our Kingdom DNA of Excellence requires us to: 1. Be prepared so that we can give God our best when the moment arrives 2. Submit to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance 3. Cultivate an attitude of excellence that gives our best instead of grumbling 4. Be teachable with a heart humble enough to learn and grow in excellence 5. Be flexible to prioritize people over rigid processes 6. Be committed 7. Be consistent, not pursuing excellence only when we feel like it 8. Communicate with each other effectively 9. Walk with integrity of motive rooted in the other strands of Kingdom DNA



• What is one area that is most challenging for you? Why?

• Which of these have you seen our church doing particularly well? In what way?

• What is one particularly vivid example of how you have seen one of these areas done well, or not?

• Pastor Travis said, “Excellence isn’t just about doing things the right way; it’s about doing the right things for the right reasons.” What was your reaction to that statement? How would you describe that distinction in your own words?

At LCI, Excellence looks like: We prepare for company so we are ready to serve others well. We show up and follow through on commitments. We give and receive life-giving instruction in order to grow in excellence. We evaluate everything and are willing to change to align with our Kingdom DNA. We invest in people because that is who God works through. • How could you individually or together as a group partner with the church in doing one of these things?

• What do you have in place (or could you put in place) to make unexpected visitors feel more welcome in your space (home, office, car)?

• We have looked at several strands of Kingdom DNA so far. How can you use them as a measuring tool to evaluate things in your life, your group, your area of service, or the church as a whole?

• Look around your group. How is each person in your group loving and serving people, whether in ministry, work, family, or some other space? What is one way your group could support and invest in each person to help him pursue that service with excellence?





If Excellence is missing from our Kingdom DNA, we will not be giving God what He is due and will miss out on opportunities for greater impact. God is worthy of our very best in all things. When we serve with excellence in small things, He will entrust us with greater things. • When you think about how God gave His very best for us and for our salvation, what area of your life do you want to pursue with greater excellence this week?

At LCI, we continually cultivate a culture of excellence. God gave us His best, so we want to give God our best in everything we do. Excellence isn’t about having the best; it’s about giving our best – in our homes, marriages, friendships, and ministries. • Each of you in the group has different gifts and abilities. And every small group has tasks and roles that need to be done. How could you serve this group with excellence—perhaps with hospitality or prayer, organizing an event, researching or studying a topic, worshiping or inviting new people?

• Ask “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142.

• Close your meeting with prayer.



Let’s Go Deeper Take some time between now and our next meeting to dig into God’s Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own. Jot down your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. You may even want to use a Bible website or app to look up commentary on these passages. If you like, share what you learn with the group the next time you meet.


Matthew 25:14-30 • Why did the master entrust different amounts of gold to his servants?

• What did the servants’ actions reveal about their relationship with their master?

• In the end, did the master care more about their raw ability or their faithfulness? What do the results show us about the excellence God cares about?

• What has God entrusted to you and asked you to put to work?

• What would it look like to bury these things away and never invest them? How could you instead leverage them to the best of your abilities and for the glory of God? What risks are involved in each plan?



Philippians 2:12-16 • What did Paul encourage the believers to do in verses 12-13?

• Paul is not teaching that people can earn salvation by their obedience. So what does he mean when he tells them to “work out your salvation”? Where does this work come from according to verse 13?

• Excellence is not just about good performance but also about having a good attitude. What does Paul say about a believer’s attitude in verses 14-15?

• According to these verses, what causes us to stand out as excellent?

• Think about your own life in a typical week. In what area does your attitude not stand out from the norm the way it should? How does this undermine your Kingdom DNA of excellence?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more. Proverbs 9:9 (NLT) Respond: Everyone can grow in excellence. Carefully examine your heart. How open are you to receive instruction and correction from others?

Day 2 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Romans 8:14 (NIV) Respond: Excellence requires us to be willing to follow the Spirit’s leading. How have you recognized the Spirit’s leading in the past? Where are you seeking His leading now? Pray for God’s clear guidance and wisdom today.



Day 3 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 (NIV) Respond: Think of a time when you put your best efforts into something and then realized that God had actually been asking you to invest in something else. How can you keep watch that your efforts at excellence are in step with the Spirit every day?

Day 4 By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. Hebrews 11:7a (ESV) Respond: Noah built the ark in advance of the flood to be ready not in response to the storm when it would be too late. How is preparation sometimes not only wise but necessary for excellence? How can you prepare now to give God your best when you face storms in your own life?



Day 5 People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed Proverbs 10:9 (NLT) Respond: Pastor Travis defined integrity as doing the right things for the right reasons. Where in your life today does it look from the outside like you are demonstrating excellence, but actually you are doing the right things out of your own self-interest? Confess your wrong motives to God and ask Him to transform your heart so that you can serve with real excellence.

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Diversity SESSION 6

MEMORY VERSE After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from ever y nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. — Revelation 7:9 (NIV)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the sixth strand of Kingdom DNA, share any new thoughts about the fifth strand: Excellence. What stood out to you from the previous session or the daily Bible verses?



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The sixth strand of Kingdom DNA is the core value of Diversity. Diversity has become something of a buzzword used to get a reaction from people more than to communicate something. • What is your first reaction to the word diversity? Is it positive or negative? Why?

• Now let’s think about what diversity actually means. What kinds of things make people diverse?

Humanity is full of diversity. It was part of God’s plan for humans from the beginning to include diversity while being united as one people in relationship with Him. Men and women, young and old. Different occupations and interests. Different geographic regions, lifestyles, and customs. • As you go through the normal patterns of your week, where do you notice the most diversity? The least?





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided here and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Before we get into unpacking the video, let’s look at the memory verse. After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from ever y nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. Revelation 7:9 (NIV) In the apostle John’s vision of heaven, he saw a picture of what God’s Kingdom looks like. God’s Kingdom people are richly multicultural, multinational, multiethnic, and multilingual. Their unique distinctions are not swallowed up into some uniform average, but their differences are secondary to what unites them: They are all worshiping God their Savior. If God’s Kingdom is to be manifested on earth as it is in heaven, diversity is clearly part of the Kingdom DNA. Let’s dive into what we learned about Kingdom Diversity from the video.



Let’s Talk Valuing Diversity requires us to: 1. Honor cultural uniqueness instead of downplaying or ignoring it 2. Pursue God-honoring unity across generations 3. Reject racism and prejudice that divides brothers and sisters whom Jesus died to unite 4. Submit our personal cultures to conform to the culture of God’s Kingdom

• Where have you seen the world attempt to promote unity of diversity in one of these categories? How is it different from the church’s call to diversity?

• Who is one person you can look at who seems to be intentionally working to do well in one of these areas? What does it look like in his/ her life?

• Each of us has our own culture and values that are normal for us, which we have absorbed from our family of origin, life experiences, and surroundings. When you compare your values to the Kingdom DNA that we have explored so far, what aspects of your own culture have you seen that need to be surrendered and conformed to the Kingdom culture?

• Pastor Travis said, “We are not color blind.” What was your reaction to that statement?



Living out this strand of our Kingdom DNA looks like: 1. Intentionally building relationships. We naturally form friendships most easily with people who are like ourselves, but it takes intentional effort to build relationships with people who are different from us.

2. Intentionally reaching people from every demographic who are far from God.

3. Intentionally serving together with diverse people at every level of ministry.

4. Intentionally choosing a diverse sound in our worship together.

• Which of these practices is most appealing to you? Which is challenging?

• Where do you see our church either already doing well or getting better at doing one of these things?

• What is one concrete way you as an individual or your group together could adopt one of these intentional practices before the end of this study?

Ask, “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. Close your meeting with prayer.



What is at stake in the area of Diversity is our united strength, impact on the world, authority, reputation and wisdom shared across generations of believers. • How can the church better lead the way for the culture around us in racial and generational reconciliation? • How is the church’s reputation and impact hampered when part of the body of Christ is missing?



Since the Kingdom of God is diverse, we think the church should be also. At LCI we intentionally cultivate a ministr y that is multiethnic, multiracial, and multigenerational.



Let’s Go Deeper Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own, jotting down your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. You may even want to use a Bible website or app to look up commentary on these passages.


Ephesians 2:11-22 • Jew and Gentile were the main divisions in the early church. That line defined who was in and who was out, who were “My people” and who were “those people,” whom God was assumed to favor and whom He was assumed to condemn. What barriers divide us today? • What has changed in these divisions according to this passage? Why has this change happened? • How does the changed relationship with God result in a change with human relationships? • What unifies the two groups? • Where have you seen or experienced barriers breaking down? If you can’t think of anything you have seen, what do you think this would look like in your life experience? • How can you love, value, and pursue this kind of unity of diversity?



1 Corinthians 12:12-26 • We often talk about different parts of the body of Christ in relation to diverse spiritual gifts, but it also applies to honoring and valuing the diversity of people who together make up the church. What kinds of diversity does Paul highlight in verse 13?

• God designed the body to be a diversity of interdependent parts working in harmony. Each person contributes something unique that the church needs in order to fulfill God’s intention for it. Why do people sometimes underestimate their value or belonging to the body? What can’t the church do if those people aren’t around?

• How do some people in the church communicate that they don’t need others? What kinds of people in our church do we think of as weaker, less prestigious, or more embarrassing?

• How have you seen our church suffer together when one member is suffering? How has our church shared in the joy of one member’s success?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over ever y living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:27-28 (NASB) Respond: What diversity do you see designed into humanity from the very beginning by God? How was that diversity necessary for humanity to fulfill its assigned task?

Day 2 And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from ever y tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:9-10 (ESV) Respond: At the end of history, God’s heavenly court praises and worships the Lamb for creating one Kingdom people out of many diverse peoples. Pray that God would stir a longing in your heart for His Kingdom to be manifested on earth, in our church, as it is in heaven.



Day 3 We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders. Psalm 78:4 (NLT) Respond: How many friends do you have who are a decade older or younger than you? Where are you currently in the chain passing on the stories of what God has done from one generation to the next? Who can you tell about what you have seen God do in your life?

Day 4 My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others? James 2:1 (NLT) Respond: Pray that God would open your eyes to how you actually interact with people. Then examine yourself. What kind of people do you tend to give preferential treatment to? Who do you avoid? Who do you consciously try to be on good terms with?



Day 5 Make ever y effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:3 (NLT) Respond: What does it look like to protect and maintain the unity that we already have in the Spirit? What kinds of things threaten this unity? What is the difference between unity and uniformity when it comes to diversity in the church?

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Big Dreams SESSION 7

MEMORY VERSE Now glor y be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. — Ephesians 3:20 (TLB)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the seventh strand of Kingdom DNA, share any new thoughts about the sixth strand of Diversity. How did last week’s study on diversity help you notice, appreciate, and value diversity more this week as you read the daily Bible verses or went through your week?



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The seventh strand of Kingdom DNA is the core value of dreaming Big Dreams. God is honored and His power is displayed when we dream big, beyond what we could accomplish without His help. • Think back to your childhood. What is one big dream you had for your life?

• What big goals do you have for the next year? The next five years?

• Do you still dream impossible dreams? Why or why not?





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided here and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes You know the drill by now. Let’s look at the memory verse! Now glor y be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of— infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Ephesians 3:20 (TLB) Here Paul is recording his prayer for the believers in Ephesus that they would increasingly understand the wonder of God’s great love poured out through Jesus Christ. This love allows those formerly excluded from relationship with God to be welcomed in as full members of His family. As he prays for this, Paul worships God for being able to far exceed our wildest dreams. God has already acted with unimaginable love and power on our behalf, and He is not done yet. So, let’s dive into what we learned from the video about dreaming big.



Let’s Talk

Dreaming big dreams looks like: 1. Celebrating each other’s big dreams

Dreaming big, God-honoring dreams requires us to: 1. Dream by faith in the size of God’s abilities, not our own

3. Helping each other pursue and fulfill God-given dreams

2. Reject fear, and trust God

4. Challenging each other to dream big

3. Remain humble, not letting big dreams turn into a big ego 4. Embrace wise advice, not worry 5. Keep the dream from replacing God in our hearts • Is dreaming God-sized dreams easy or hard for you? Are you more prone to avoid dreaming big or to let big dreams get out of hand? • Which of these five areas is the greatest danger for you right now? • Who do you look to as an example of someone who had the courage to dream a God-sized dream?


2. Encouraging each other’s big dreams


5. Working together to see God’s dream for our church accomplished • When have you been impacted by being on the receiving end of one of these? • When have you been privileged to challenge, encourage, support, or celebrate the accomplishment of someone else’s dreams? • Share with the group or your spiritual partner one big dream you are hesitant to dream. How can you help and encourage each other in those dreams with your words and actions this week?

When we dream God-sized and God-honoring dreams, God’s glory is displayed, we can experience something “infinitely beyond” our dreams, and the lost see God’s love and power at work. • Pastor Travis said, “God isn’t glorified by God’s people adopting small, safe dreams that we can accomplish without His help. But His glory is put on display when we take bold steps of faith that leave a watching world in awe of God’s faithfulness.” What was your reaction to that statement? Without faith, it’s impossible to please God; therefore, we dream big dreams that could never be accomplished without God’s help. • Ask “How can we pray for you this week?” Invite everyone to share, but don’t force the issue. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. • Close your meeting with prayer.



Let’s Go Deeper Take some time between now and our next meeting to dig into God’s Word. Explore the Bible passages related to this session’s theme on your own. Jot down your reflections in a journal or in this study guide. You may even want to use a Bible website or app to look up commentary on these passages. If you like, share what you learn with the group the next time you meet.


2 Corinthians 12:7-10 • In Corinth, the value of a message was judged by the prominence, reputation, and impressive credentials of the messenger, but Paul refuses to play that game with the Gospel. Instead, he highlights his own weakness. What kinds of weaknesses are mentioned in these verses?

• The exact nature of Paul’s “thorn” is not known; perhaps it was some physical ailment that undermined the traits people looked for in an impressive public speaker. How did Paul feel about this affliction? What was the purpose of this affliction?

• If this affliction is a weakness, where does the power in Paul’s life and message come from? What kind of testimony can Paul give because of his condition?

• What kind of big dreams highlight your inadequacies and make it clear to everyone that all the glory belongs to God?



Ephesians 3:14-21 • In verses 17-19, what does Paul pray that God would grant His people power for?

• What unimaginably big thing does Paul pray that God would enable His people to understand or imagine in verses 18-19?

• What attributes of God are recounted in this prayer that are worthy of all glory?

• Part of Kingdom DNA is dreaming God-sized dreams because we believe God can accomplish them. When you think about how great God’s love and power is, how does that inspire you and give you confidence to dream bigger?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NASB) Respond: What realities that you see tend to overwhelm your faith? Think of what it looks like for you right now to dream based on what you know of God by faith rather than what you know of yourself and your circumstances by sight.

Day 2 ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10 (NASB) Respond: How does this verse’s assurance of God’s presence with you and His being for you as your God comfort and give you courage to dream big? In what part of your life do you need to cling to that assurance right now?



Day 3 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 (ESV) Respond: What is the contrast between a clay pot and a treasure? How does surpassing power at work in the lives of people like us point people to God? Praise God for your weaknesses that highlight His grace and power at work in you!

Day 4 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that ever yone will praise your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 (NLT) Respond: How can you make the light of God’s work in your life prominently visible? How is this different from self-promotion?



Day 5 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:21 (ESV) Respond: How can a dream become an idol? What dreams are you pursuing to gain happiness, success, or fulfillment that might be supplanting God from being your highest goal? Confess these things to God today.

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.





Generosity SESSION 8

MEMORY VERSE Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. — 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NASB)



Welcome back to Kingdom DNA. Before we look at the last strand of Kingdom DNA, what God-sized dreams have you dared to dream this week since we looked at Big Dreams in the previous session?



Let’s Get Started Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to give you insight as you study. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion. The last strand of Kingdom DNA is the core value of Generosity. Love is expressed in giving. God expressed His love for us by giving His Son, and we express God’s love for others by giving as well. • When have you experienced love through something someone gave to you? • What kind of intangible gifts have you received? • Talk about a time when you received a gift that was stingy instead of generous. • Take time in this final session to connect with your spiritual partner. What has God been showing you through these sessions? What positive changes has your partner noticed in you? Check in with each other about the progress you have made in your spiritual growth during this study. Make plans about whether you will continue your relationship after the group has concluded.





Let’s Learn Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided here and on pages 150 - 156 to record key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, have someone read the discussion questions in the Let’s Talk section and direct the discussion among the group. As you go through each of the subsequent sections, ask someone else to read the questions and direct the discussion.



Study Notes Let’s look at our final memory verse. Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NASB) Paul makes it clear in the verses before and after this that sowing bountifully or generously is not about how much people give but about how freely they give. He celebrated when people gave eagerly out of an overflow of joy, not from obligation. He then explains that as we release what’s in our hands, God releases what’s in His. • What is one way you have seen God bless you that you wouldn’t have been able to receive if you had not first released what you had been holding onto? Now let’s dive into what we learned about the last strand of Kingdom DNA from the video.



Let’s Talk

Increasing our Generosity looks like: 1. Tithing and giving offerings

Having Generosity as part of our Kingdom DNA requires us to 1. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for key times and opportunities to give 2. Acknowledge Jesus’ Lordship over our lives and all we have 3. Reject scarcity mindset since God’s Kingdom is full of abundant blessings for His people 4. Be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us so that we can invest generously in what He values 5. See giving as a privilege and opportunity, not a begrudging obligation • Which of these do you do most easily? Which is a real struggle? Why? • How does having a scarcity mentality show up in the way a person lives? • Who is one person you look to who seems to be living out of a mindset of Kingdom abundance? What does this look like in his/her life?



2. Loving, forgiving, encouraging, befriending, having patience… all generously 3. Serving other people with our time and talents 4. Practicing hospitality in words, attitudes, and actions • When have you seen or experienced a particularly good example of one of these? • When have you been blessed by doing one of these? • What is one way you personally could take on one of these concrete practices and be more generous with your life this week?

How well we demonstrate the Kingdom DNA of Generosity affects the representation of Christ’s generous love, the church’s reputation in the world, and our experience of divine provision. • Pastor Travis said, “It’s possible to give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? • Does our church more often operate out of an abundance mindset or a scarcity mindset? • How well does our church demonstrate the extravagant, bountiful love of Jesus toward our neighbors? At LCI we believe that generosity is an attribute of Kingdom culture and that giving is not only an expression of love but is in and of itself a privilege that results in greater joy, prosperity, and fulfillment. • As this is the last meeting in this study, take some time to celebrate the work God has done in the lives of group members. Have each person in the group share some step of growth they have noticed in another member. (In other words, no one will talk about himself. Instead, affirm others in the group.) Make sure each person gets affirmed and noticed and celebrated—whether the steps they’ve made are large or small. • If your group still needs to make decisions about continuing to meet after this session, have that discussion now. Talk about what you will study, who will lead, and when you will meet. • Close by praying for your prayer requests, and take a couple of minutes to review the praises you have recorded over the past seven weeks on the Prayer and Praise Report on page 142. Spend some time thanking God for all He’s done in your group during this study.



Let’s Go Deeper Read:

2 Corinthians 9:5-11 • The Corinthians’ previous promise to give generously to support poor believers beyond their community had inspired other churches to generosity. Now Paul is giving them notice that he is on his way to collect what they had pledged so that they will be ready. What does the readiness Paul asks for look like at the level of the givers’ hearts?

• What is the connection between generosity and God’s blessing? Is God’s generosity conditional? How can people make themselves open to receive more from God?

• What is the fruit of generosity?

• What relationship is there between the size of a gift, the attitude with which it is given, and the desired generosity Paul is writing about?

• What does it look like for you to give generously, sacrificially, and cheerfully?



Deuteronomy 26:1-11 • What part of the harvest were the people to give to God? What might be the equivalent in today’s context?

• God commanded His people to recount generations of their history as part of this ceremony. What does their speech say about God’s interactions with His people throughout their history? Why do you think God commanded the people to recount these things in the context of giving their gifts?

• Do you take time to acknowledge and thank God for His long pattern of faithfulness and all the ways He has provided for you each time that you give? If this is already a habit for you, what helps you remember to do this? If this is a habit you would like to adopt, what might help remind you to do this more consistently?



Daily Devotionals Day 1 You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 (NLT) Respond: How did Jesus become poor for you? Take a moment to thank Him for what He was willing to give up in order to share His riches, and focus on the specific ways He has made you rich.

Day 2 As each has received a gift, use it to ser ve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) Respond: Think about the particular set of things God has entrusted to you. How can you honor Him by serving others in the way you handle those gifts?



Day 3 If I were hungr y I would not tell you, for the world is Mine, and all it contains. Psalm 50:12 (NASB) Respond: Have you ever been pressured to give because you felt like God needed something from you? How do you give differently when you recognize that everything already belongs to God, and He doesn’t need anything from you?

Day 4 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 (NASB) Respond: How is hospitality related to generosity? Think of one thing you can do this week to open your heart and prepare your personal spaces to be more welcoming and hospitable.



Day 5 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Proverbs 11:24 (ESV) Respond: Think of an example you have seen (or experienced in your own life) of clinging to something until it lost all value. What are you holding onto that God might be calling you to give freely for His Kingdom purposes to bless others?

Day 6 Use the following space to write any thoughts God has put in your heart and mind about the things we have looked at in this session and during your Daily Devotions time this week.







Like all fun things in life—have a party! A “get to know you” coffee, dinner, or dessert is a great way to launch a new study. You may want to review the Group Agreement (pages 133 -134) and share the names of a few friends you can invite to join you. But most importantly, have fun before your study time begins.


This can be troubling, especially for new groups that have only a few people or for existing groups that lose a few people along the way. We encourage you to pray with your group and then brainstorm a list of people from work, church, your neighborhood, your children’s school, family, the gym, and so forth. Then have each group member invite several of the people on his or her list. Another good strategy is to ask church leaders to make an announcement or allow a bulletin insert. No matter how you find members, it’s vital that you stay on the lookout for new people to join your group. All groups tend to go through healthy attrition—the result of moves, releasing new leaders, ministry opportunities, and so forth—and if the group gets too small, it could be at risk of shutting down. If you and your group stay open, you’ll be amazed at the people God sends your way. The next person just might become a friend for life. You never know!




Most groups meet weekly for at least their first six weeks, but every other week can work as well. We strongly recommend that the group meet for the first six months on a weekly basis if at all possible. This allows for continuity, and if people miss a meeting, they aren’t gone for a whole month. At the end of this study, each group member may decide if he or she wants to continue on for another study. Some groups forge relationships that last for years to come, and others are stepping stones into another group experience. Either way, enjoy the journey.


Absolutely! This may sound crazy, but one of the best ways to do this study is not with a full house but with a few friends. You may choose to gather with another couple who would enjoy some relational time (perhaps going to the movies or having a quiet dinner) and then walk through this study. Jesus will be with you even if there are only two of you (Matthew 18:20).


You’re not alone! This could be the result of a personality conflict, life stage difference, geographical distance, level of spiritual maturity, or any number of things. Relax. Pray for God’s direction, and at the end of this six-week study, decide whether to continue with this group or find another. You don’t typically buy the first car you look at or marry the first person you date, and the same goes



with a group. However, don’t bail out before the six weeks are up—God might have something to teach you. Also, don’t run from conflict or prejudge people before you have given them a chance. God is still working in your life, too!


Most groups have an official leader. But ideally, the group will mature, and members will rotate the leadership of meetings. We have discovered that healthy groups rotate hosts/leaders and homes on a regular basis. This model ensures that all members grow, give their unique contribution, and develop their gifts. This study guide and the Holy Spirit can keep things on track even when you rotate leaders. Christ has promised to be in your midst as you gather. Ultimately, God is your leader each step of the way.


Very carefully. Seriously, this can be a sensitive issue. We suggest that you empower the group to openly brainstorm solutions. You may try one option that works for awhile, and then adjust over time. Our favorite approach is for adults to meet in the living room or dining room and to share the cost of a babysitter (or two) who can watch the kids in a different part of the house. This way, parents don’t have to be away from their children all evening when their children are too young to be left at home. A second option is to use one home for the kids and a second home (close by or a phone call away) for the adults. A third idea is to rotate the responsibility of providing a lesson or care for the children either in the same home or in another home nearby. This can be an incredible blessing for kids. Finally, the most common solution is to decide that you need to have a night to invest in your spiritual lives individually or as a couple and to make your own arrangements for childcare. No matter what decision the group makes, the best approach is to dialogue openly about both the problem and the solution.



Small Group Agreement OUR PURPOSE To provide a predictable environment where participants experience authentic community and spiritual growth.

OUR VALUES Group Attendance

To give priority to the group meeting. We will call or email if we will be late or absent. (Completing the Group Calendar on page 135 will minimize this issue.)

Safe Environment

To help create a safe place where people can be heard and feel loved. (Please, no quick answers, snap judgments, or simple fixes.)

Respect Differences

To be gentle and gracious to fellow group members with different levels of spiritual maturity, personal opinions, temperaments, or “imperfections.� We are all works in progress.


To keep anything that is shared strictly confidential and within the group, and to avoid sharing improper information about those outside the group.

Encouragement for Growth

To be not just takers but givers of life. We want to spiritually multiply our life by serving others with our God-given gifts.



Shared Ownership

To remember that every member is a minister and to ensure that each attender will share a small team role or responsibility over time.

Rotating Hosts/ Leaders and Homes

To encourage different people to host the group in their homes and to rotate the responsibility of facilitating each meeting. (See the Group Calendar on the next page.)





When we will meet (day of week)

Where we will meet (place)

We will begin at (time)

We will do our best to have some or all of us attend a worship service together. Our primary worship service time will be

Date of this agreement

Date we will review this agreement again

Who (other than the leader) will review this agreement at the end of this study


and end at

Group Calendar Planning and calendaring can help ensure the greatest participation at every meeting. At the end of each meeting, review this calendar. Be sure to include a regular rotation of host homes and leaders, and don’t forget birthdays, socials, church events, holidays, and mission/ministry projects.

January 15



Spiritual Partners’ Check-In Briefly check in each week, and write down your personal plans and progress targets for the next week (or even for the next few weeks). This could be done before or after the meeting, on the phone, through an email message, or even in person from time to time.



Memory Verse Cards SESSION ONE

Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” Exodus 33:15-16 (NIV)


Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 (NLT)


For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Hebrews 11:10 (NIV)


Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10 (ESV)


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT)


After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. Revelation 7:9 (NIV)


Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Ephesians 3:20 (TLB)


Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NASB) SMALL GROUP LEADERS


Clip and review the memory verses on the other side of this page.



Small Group Leaders Key resources to help your leadership experience be the best it can be. SMALL GROUP LEADERS


Small Group Roster




Key resources to help your leadership experience be the best it can be.





Prayer and Praise Report

Session 8

Session 7

Session 6

Session 5

Session 4

Session 3

Session 2

Session 1

Prayer Requests



Praise Report

Hosting an Open House If you’re starting a new group, try planning an “open house” before your first formal group meeting. Even if you have only two to four core members, it’s a great way to break the ice and to consider prayerfully who else might be open to joining you over the next few weeks. You can also use this kick-off meeting to hand out study guides, spend some time getting to know each other, discuss each person’s expectations for the group and briefly pray for each other. A simple meal or good desserts always make a kick-off meeting more fun. After people introduce themselves and share how they ended up being at the meeting (you can play a game to see who has the wildest story!), have everyone respond to a few icebreaker questions: • • •

What is your favorite family vacation? What is one thing you love about your church/our community? What are three things about your life growing up that most people here don’t know?

Next, ask everyone to tell what he or she hopes to get out of the study. You might want to review the Small Group Agreement and talk about each person’s expectations and priorities. Finally, set an open chair (maybe two) in the center of your group and explain that it represents someone who would enjoy or benefit from this group but who isn’t here yet. Ask people to pray about inviting someone to join the group over the next few weeks. Hand out postcards and have everyone write an invitation or two. Don’t worry about ending up with too many people; you can always have one discussion circle in the living room and another in the dining room after you watch the lesson. Each group could then report prayer requests and progress at the end of the session. You can skip this kick-off meeting if your time is limited, but you’ll experience a huge benefit if you take the time to connect with each other in this way.



Leading for the First Time •

Sweaty palms are a healthy sign. The Bible says God is gracious to the humble. Remember who is in control; the time to worry is when you’re not worried. Those who are soft in heart (and sweaty palmed) are those whom God is sure to speak through.

Seek support. Ask your leader, co-leader, or close friend to pray for you and prepare with you before the session. Walking through the study will help you anticipate potentially difficult questions and discussion topics.

Bring your uniqueness to the study. Lean into who you are and how God wants you to uniquely lead the study.

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Go through the session several times. If you are using the DVD, listen to the teaching segment and Leadership Lifter. Consider writing in a journal or fasting for a day to prepare yourself for what God wants to do. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare.

Ask for feedback so you can grow. Perhaps in an email or on cards handed out at the study, have everyone write down three things you did well and one thing you could improve on. Don’t get defensive. Instead, show an openness to learn and grow.

Prayerfully consider launching a new group. This doesn’t need to happen overnight, but God’s heart is for this to take place over time. Not all Christians are called to be leaders or teachers, but we are all called to be “shepherds” of a few someday.

Share with your group what God is doing in your heart. God is searching for those whose hearts are fully His. Share your trials and victories. We promise that people will relate.

Prayerfully consider whom you would like to pass the baton to next week. It’s only fair. God is ready for the next member of your group to go on the faith journey you just traveled. Make it fun, and expect God to do the rest.





Leadership Training 101




1. Remember that you are not alone. God knows everything about you, and He knew that you would be asked to lead your group. Remember that it is common for all good leaders to feel that they are not ready to lead. Moses, Solomon, Jeremiah and Timothy were all reluctant to lead. God promises, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Whether you are leading for one evening, for several weeks, or for a lifetime, you will be blessed as you serve. 2. Don’t try to do it alone. Pray right now for God to help you build a healthy leadership team. If you can enlist a co-leader to help you lead the group, you will find your experience to be much richer. This is your chance to involve as many people as you can in building a healthy group. All you have to do is call and ask people to help. You’ll probably be surprised at the response. 3. Just be yourself. If you won’t be you, who will? God wants you to use your unique gifts and temperament. Don’t try to do things exactly like another leader; do them in a way that fits you! Just admit it when you don’t have an answer, and apologize when you make a mistake. Your group will love you for it, and you’ll sleep better at night! 4. Prepare for your meeting ahead of time. Review the session and the leader’s notes, and write down your responses to each question. Pay special attention to exercises that ask group members to do something other than engage in discussion. These exercises will help your group live what the Bible teaches, not just talk about it. Be sure you understand how an exercise works, and bring any necessary supplies (such as paper and pens) to your meeting. If the exercise employs one of the items in the appendix, be sure to look over that item so you’ll know how it works. Finally, review “Outline for Each Session” so you’ll remember the purpose of each section in the study.



5. Pray for your group members by name. Before you begin your session, go around the room in your mind and pray for each member by name. You may want to review the prayer list at least once a week. Ask God to use your time together to touch the heart of every person uniquely. Expect God to lead you to whomever He wants you to encourage or challenge in a special way. If you listen, God will surely lead! 6. When you ask a question, be patient. Someone will eventually respond. Sometimes people need a moment or two of silence to think about the question. Keep in mind, if silence doesn’t bother you, it won’t bother anyone else. After someone responds, affirm the response with a simple “thanks” or “good job.” Then ask, “How about somebody else?” or “Would someone who hasn’t shared like to add anything?” Be sensitive to new people or reluctant members who aren’t ready to say, pray or do anything. If you give them a safe setting, they will blossom over time.

7. Provide transitions between questions. When guiding the discussion, always read aloud the transitional paragraphs and the questions. Ask the group if anyone would like to read the paragraph or Bible passage. Don’t call on anyone, but ask for a volunteer, and then be patient until someone begins. Be sure to thank the person who reads aloud. 8. Break up into smaller groups each week or they won’t stay. If your group has more than seven people, we strongly encourage you to have the group gather sometimes in discussion circles of three or four people during the Hear God’s Story or Change Your Story sections of the study. With a greater opportunity to talk in a small circle, people will connect more with the study, apply more quickly what they’re learning and ultimately get more out of it. A small circle also encourages a quiet person to participate and tends to minimize the effects of a more vocal



or dominant member. It can also help people feel more loved in your group. When you gather again at the end of the section, you can have one person summarize the highlights from each circle. Small circles are also helpful during prayer time. People who are unaccustomed to praying aloud will feel more comfortable trying it with just two or three others. Also, prayer requests won’t take as much time, so circles will have more time to actually pray. When you gather back with the whole group, you can have one person from each circle briefly update everyone on the prayer requests. People are more willing to pray in small circles if they know that the whole group will still hear all the prayer requests. 9. Rotate facilitators weekly. At the end of each meeting, ask the group who should lead the following week. Let the group help select your weekly facilitator. You may be perfectly capable of leading each time, but you will help others grow in their faith and gifts if you give them opportunities to lead. You can use the Small Group Calendar to fill in the names of all meeting leaders at once if you prefer. 10. One final challenge (for new or first time leaders): Before your first opportunity to lead, look up each of the five passages listed below. Read each one as a devotional exercise to help yourself develop a shepherd’s heart. Trust us on this one. If you do this, you will be more than ready for your first meeting.

Matthew 9:36 1 Peter 5:2-4 Psalm 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12
























Everyone in a family comes from the same DNA, but each individual has his own combination that expresses in a unique set of physical traits. When we become Christians, we enter God’s family and get a new spiritual DNA. Just as each person has his own DNA, each gathering of believers (a.k.a. the church) also has a unique strand of Kingdom DNA. In this small group study, we will explore the 8 traits of Kingdom DNA that characterize us at Life Church International: • Jesus and His Presence

• Honor

• Big Dreams

• Lost People

• Excellence

• Generosity

• Forward Thinking

• Diversity

With each of these characteristics we’re going to answer questions like: Why is it important? What will it require of us? What does it look like at LCI and in my own life? And what’s at stake? As we study and embrace our Kingdom DNA through this 8-week series, it will unlock our potential corporately, but it will also make an eternal impact on our lives individually.

Travis Hall serves as the Lead Pastor of Life Church International, a dynamic and diverse congregation in Metro Atlanta. He holds his Bachelors of Science degree in Leadership and Administration and has 14 years of ministry experience, 4 years serving as a Youth Pastor and 10 serving as the Lead Pastor of a thriving multi-cultural congregation. From University Campuses to Local congregations, Travis is a conference speaker who’s passionate about investing in leaders and helping people discover, develop, and protect their God given purpose. He’s currently wrapping up his first book project, 7 Deadly Thoughts, and he engages weekly with a community of growing leaders on his blog Travis resides in Atlanta with his wife Tina and their 4 children.

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