BestSellingAuthorof thePurposeDrivenLife

BestSellingAuthorof thePurposeDrivenLife
A Personal Word from Rick .........................................................................
Introduction: Beyond the Bank Account
Why Most Family Wealth Disappears in Three Generations ..............
The Missing Ingredient in Estate Planning ........................................
God’s Dream for Your Family’s Future ...............................................
How to Use This Book for Maximum Impact ...................................
Chapter 1: PURPOSE - Finding Your Family’s Reason for Existing ..........
Why God Created Your Family .........................................................
The P.U.R.P.O.S.E. of Every Family:
• Planned by God for a reason.............................................
• Uniquely gifted with specific strengths..............................
• Responsible for a Kingdom contribution ..........................
• Positioned for multigenerational impact ...........................
• Ordained for a specific time in history ..............................
• Strategically connected to others .......................................
• Equipped with exactly what you need ...............................
Discovering Your Family’s Unique Calling .........................................
How to Write a Family Mission Statement That Actually Works .......
Why Direction Is More Important Than Intention............................
Chapter 2: PICTURE - Creating a Vision for Your Family’s Future .......... What Do You Want Your Family to Look Like in 100 Years?
The V.I.S.I.O.N. Principle for Family Legacy: ...................................
• Values that never change ...................................................
• Identity rooted in Christ ...................................................
• Spiritual foundation first ..................................................
• Intentional design, not default
• Outcome-focused planning ..............................................
• Next generation empowerment .........................................
Drawing Your Family’s Mountain Peak ..............................................
Five Questions Every Family Must Answer Together .........................
Moving from Success to Significance to Legacy
Chapter 3: COMMUNICATE - Building Bridges Across Generations
Why Most Family Conversations Stay Shallow ..................................
The T.A.L.K. Method for Deeper Connection: ..................................
• Time set aside regularly ....................................................
• Attention fully present ......................................................
• Listening more than speaking
• Kindness in every response ...............................................
How to Have the Five Conversations Every Family Needs .................
Creating Safe Spaces for Authentic Sharing .......................................
Healing Words: Resolving Family Conflicts God’s Way .....................
Chapter 4: CELEBRATE - Creating Moments That Matter .......................
The Power of Rituals in Family Identity.............................................
The M.E.M.O.R.Y. Makers Every Family Needs: ..............................
• Milestones marked intentionally .......................................
• Experiences shared together ..............................................
• Meals around the table .....................................................
• Observances of special days ..............................................
• Reunions planned regularly ..............................................
• Yearly traditions established ..............................................
Designing Traditions That Reinforce Your Values ..............................
When to Keep and When to Create New Traditions ..........................
How to Celebrate in Ways That Honor God .....................................
Chapter 5: CHARACTER - Developing Hearts That Last .........................
The Challenge of Character in an Affluent World ..............................
The F.O.R.M.E.D. Path to Family Spiritual Growth:
• Faith nurtured daily ..........................................................
• Obedience practiced together ...........................................
• Resilience built through challenges ...................................
• Mentoring across generations ...........................................
• Examples set by parents
• Devotion to God as priority .............................................
Creating a Discipleship Culture at Home ..........................................
Five Spiritual Habits Every Family Member Needs ............................
Weathering Faith Challenges Together
Chapter 6: COMPETENCE - Building Lives of Excellence .......................
Beyond Financial Literacy: True Preparation for Life .........................
The S.K.I.L.L.S. Every Family Member Needs: .................................
• Self-management abilities
• Knowledge of financial stewardship
• Interpersonal effectiveness.................................................
• Leadership development ...................................................
• Learning as a lifelong pursuit ............................................
• Spiritual discernment
Identifying and Developing Each Person’s Gifts .................................
From Entitlement to Empowerment .................................................
Creating Growth Plans for Every Family Member
Chapter 7: COMPASSION - Making a Difference Together ...................... Why Serving Together Transforms Families .......................................
The S.E.R.V.E. Strategy for Family Ministry:.....................................
• Start with what moves your hearts ....................................
• Engage every family member ............................................
• Regularly commit time together .......................................
• Vary your service experiences
• Evaluate impact, not just activity ......................................
Finding Your Family’s Unique Ministry Fingerprint ..........................
Age-Appropriate Service for Everyone ...............................................
From Writing Checks to Changing Lives ...........................................
Chapter 8: CAPACITY - Managing God’s Resources Well .........................
The Five Capitals Every Family Can Invest ........................................
The S.T.E.W.A.R.D. Approach to Family Resources: .........................
• Surrender ownership to God.............................................
• Teach biblical financial principles
• Establish giving as the priority ..........................................
• Wisely manage what remains ............................................
• Align resources with values ...............................................
• Remember the eternal ROI...............................................
• Develop the next generation of stewards
Creating Intergenerational Giving Strategies......................................
Beyond Charity: Transformational Philanthropy ...............................
Teaching Money Management That Honors God..............................
Chapter 9: CHRONICLE - Telling Your Family’s Story .............................
The Lost Art of Family Storytelling ...................................................
The S.T.O.R.Y. Method for Capturing Family Legacy: ......................
• Significant moments highlighted
• Trials and how God worked through them .......................
• Origins remembered and honored ....................................
• Revelations of God’s faithfulness .......................................
• Yearning for future generations .........................................
Documenting Your Family’s Journey with God..................................
Creative Ways to Preserve Family Wisdom ........................................
Making Your Family History Come Alive ..........................................
Chapter 10: CONVEY - Transferring What Matters Most ......................... The Seven Most Important Things to Pass Down ..............................
The T.R.A.N.S.F.E.R. System for Family Values: ...............................
• Truth communicated clearly .............................................
• Relationships prioritized
• Attitudes that honor God .................................................
• Narratives shared frequently .............................................
• Skills taught intentionally .................................................
• Faith demonstrated daily ..................................................
• Examples set consistently
• Resources managed wisely ................................................
Creating Your Family Values Curriculum ..........................................
Ensuring Reception, Not Just Transmission .......................................
Making Sure Your Legacy Outlives You .............................................
Chapter 11: CALLING - Discovering Your Family’s Assignment ..............
How God Uses Families to Change the World ..................................
The P.L.A.C.E. for Your Family in God’s Plan:
• Passions that move your hearts..........................................
• Learning from your family history ....................................
• Abilities God has given your family ..................................
• Connections God has provided.........................................
• Experiences that have shaped you
Finding Your Family’s Sweet Spot for Impact .....................................
When God Redirects Your Family Mission ........................................
Aligning All Family Members Around a Shared Calling ....................
Chapter 12: COMMITMENT - Launching Your Family Legacy
From Inspiration to Implementation .................................................
The L.A.U.N.C.H. Plan for Your Family Legacy: ..............................
• Lead by example in all areas ..............................................
• Action steps clearly defined ...............................................
• Unify around shared purpose ............................................
• New habits established together ........................................
• Celebrate progress along the way ......................................
• Hold each other accountable with love .............................
Creating Your Family Legacy Activation Plan ....................................
Overcoming the Six Common Legacy Obstacles ...............................
Building Your Family Legacy Support Team ......................................
Conclusion: One More Generation for Jesus
The Hundred-Year Vision ..................................................................
Your Family’s Part in God’s Eternal Story........................................... A Prayer for Your Family’s Legacy ......................................................
What’s Next? Your First Five Steps .....................................................
Appendix A: Family Legacy Assessment Tool .....................................
Appendix B: Family Meeting Guide ..................................................
Appendix C: Legacy Letter Templates ................................................
Appendix D: Family Constitution Framework
Appendix E: Resources for Further Growth .......................................
Dear Friend,
Welcome to Purpose Driven Family Legacy—a journey toward creating a multi-generational impact through intentional family stewardship.
Throughout Scripture, God consistently works through family lines to advance His purposes. From Abraham to David to Jesus himself, we see that family isn’t just a social arrangement—it’s a divine strategy for transmitting faith, values, and resources across generations.
This book emerged from my growing conviction that our greatest stewardship responsibility may be what we pass on to those who come after us. Purpose Driven Family Legacy moves beyond conventional estate planning to address the comprehensive transfer of what matters most: your faith, values, life lessons, and resources.
Throughout these pages, you’ll discover practical frameworks for creating a family legacy that’s aligned with all five purposes God has for your life. You’ll learn how to intentionally cultivate worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission within your family system in ways that can endure for generations.
Whether you’re a young parent just starting your family journey, an empty-nester considering your impact, or a grandparent investing in multiple generations, these principles will help you build a purpose-driven legacy that outlasts your lifetime.
My prayer is that this resource will equip your family to serve God’s purposes for generations to come. May you experience the unique joy that comes from seeing your children and grandchildren walking in God’s truth and participating in His mission.
For such a time as this, Rick Warren
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11
When my wife, Kay, and I first got married, we made a decision that would shape everything about our family’s future. We decided that our family wouldn’t just happen by accident—it would be built around a clear purpose. We didn’t want to merely exist; we wanted to make a difference. We didn’t want to just accumulate stuff; we wanted to leave a legacy.
The truth is, families without purpose simply drift. They get caught up in the current of culture—busy schedules, endless activities, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream. Before they know it, decades have passed, children have grown, and they wonder what it was all for.
But that’s not God’s plan for your family. Not at all.
Your family wasn’t created by accident. God designed your family with specific purposes in mind. Until you understand those purposes, your family will never experience the fulfillment, impact, and legacy God intended. Purpose-driven families outlive wealth-driven families every time.
Point to Remember: Your family exists for a purpose that’s bigger than your family.
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that families are central to God’s design. In Genesis, the very first command God gave humans was to “be fruitful and
increase in number” (Genesis 1:28). Family was God’s idea from the beginning.
But why? Why did God create families in the first place?
God created your family for five primary purposes—the same five purposes He gave the church, and the same five purposes He gave every individual. Your family was made:
1. To worship God together (Worship)
2. To learn and grow together (Discipleship)
3. To love and connect with each other (Fellowship)
4. To serve others together (Ministry)
5. To share God’s love with the world (Evangelism)
The problem is, most families are only partially living out these purposes. They might focus on one or two while neglecting the others. Many families of wealth, for instance, excel at providing education (discipleship) and comfort (fellowship) but neglect worship, ministry, and evangelism entirely.
A purpose-driven family intentionally builds all five purposes into their DNA. They understand that true family success isn’t measured by what they have but by who they are becoming and what difference they’re making.
Point to Remember: True family success is measured by purpose, not possessions.
God designed every family with the same fundamental P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Understanding these seven truths will transform how you see your family’s role in God’s plan:
P - Planned by God for a reason
Your family wasn’t an accident. God specifically planned for your family to exist at this time in history. Psalm 139:16 reminds us, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” This applies not just to individuals but to families as well.
God knew exactly which people would make up your family. He knew your family’s strengths and weaknesses. He knew the resources He would entrust to you. And He has specific assignments that only your family can fulfill.
Question to Consider: Have you ever stopped to ask why God brought your specific family together at this time in history?
U - Uniquely gifted with specific strengths
No two families are exactly alike. Your family has a unique combination of personalities, abilities, experiences, resources, and connections that no other family has. This unique family “thumbprint” is not accidental—it’s essential to your purpose.
Question to Consider: What specific strengths and gifts make your family unique?
- Responsible for a Kingdom contribution
With privilege comes responsibility. If God has blessed your family with resources—whether financial, relational, intellectual, or otherwise—He expects those resources to be used for His Kingdom, not just for your family’s comfort.
Jesus made this clear in Luke 12:48: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” God didn’t bless your family so you could create a comfortable bubble; He blessed you so you could make a difference.
Question to Consider: What Kingdom contribution is your family uniquely positioned to make?
God thinks in terms of generations, not just individuals. Throughout Scripture, we see God working through family lines—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; David’s royal lineage; and countless others. God’s promises often extended to “a thousand generations” (Deuteronomy 7:9).
Your family has the potential for impact that extends far beyond your lifetime. The decisions you make today will affect grandchildren you may never meet and people your family may never know.
Question to Consider: What seeds are you planting today that will bear fruit in generations to come?
Esther was reminded that she had come to her royal position “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). The same is true for your family. God has placed your family in this specific moment in history because there are needs now that your family is uniquely equipped to address.
The challenges and opportunities of our time—technological revolution, unprecedented wealth, global connectivity, spiritual hunger—are not coincidental to your family’s existence. They are the context in which your family’s purpose will be fulfilled.
Question to Consider: What needs in today’s world is your family uniquely positioned to address?
No family is meant to function in isolation. God has strategically connected your family to other people, organizations, and resources that are essential to fulfilling your purpose.
Think about it: your neighborhood, your children’s schools, your business connections, your church community—none of these connections are accidents. They’re divine appointments that create your family’s sphere of influence.
Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” The same is true for families. Your family needs other families, and other families need yours.
Question to Consider: What strategic connections has God given your family, and how might these serve your family’s purpose?
E - Equipped with exactly what you need
Many families worry they don’t have what it takes to make a difference. But God never calls without equipping. If God has given your family a purpose, He has already provided everything you need to fulfill it.
Philippians 1:6 assures us, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” God has already placed within your family the seeds of everything you need to fulfill your purpose.
This doesn’t mean it will be easy. Purpose is often fulfilled through challenges that stretch us beyond our comfort zones. But it does mean that God has given you everything essential for your family’s calling.
Question to Consider: What has God already equipped your family with that points to your purpose?
Point to Remember: Your family’s purpose is not something you create; it’s something you discover.
While every family shares the same general purposes, each family has a unique calling—a specific assignment from God that fits your family’s particular design. Discovering this unique calling is one of the most important journeys your family will ever take.
Here are five proven pathways to uncovering your family’s unique calling:
1. Examine your family’s history
God often plants clues to your future purpose in your past experiences. Ask questions like:
• What significant events have shaped our family?
• What challenges have we overcome together?
• What recurring themes appear in our family story?
• Where have we seen God’s hand most clearly?
The family of Moses had a history of courage during oppression. That history prepared Moses for his calling to deliver Israel. Your family’s history contains similar clues to your purpose.
2. Identify your family’s collective passions
When several family members share a similar concern or interest, it often points to a divine calling. Ask:
• What societal issues consistently break our hearts?
• What causes do we find ourselves naturally drawn to?
• What needs do we notice that others might overlook?
• What injustices make us want to take action?
The Clapham Circle families in 19th century England shared a collective passion against slavery that led to its abolition. Your family’s shared passions aren’t coincidental—they’re directional.
3. Assess your family’s unique resources
God entrusts different resources to different families, and these resources often indicate purpose. Consider:
• What financial resources has God entrusted to us?
• What knowledge, skills, and experiences exist within our family?
• What relationships and connections do we have?
• What unique opportunities do these resources create?
In the Bible, Joseph’s family had been entrusted with significant wealth, which positioned them to provide food during a famine. Your family’s resources are similarly meant to serve your purpose.
4. Listen to outside confirmation
God often speaks through others to confirm your family’s calling. Pay attention to:
• What do trusted friends consistently affirm about our family?
• What needs do others naturally look to our family to meet?
• What impact do others say we’ve had on them?
• Where have we received unexpected open doors?
Mordecai’s outside perspective helped Esther recognize her purpose in the Persian palace. Your family similarly needs trusted voices to help discern your calling.
Ultimately, discovering your family’s purpose requires divine revelation. James 1:5 promises, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
Set aside time as a family to:
• Thank God for creating your family with purpose
• Ask for clear direction about your family’s calling
• Listen for God’s voice through Scripture and prayer
• Commit to following wherever He leads
When our family faced major decisions, we always came back to prayer. It wasn’t always immediate, but God always provided clarity when we sincerely sought His guidance.
Point to Remember: Your family’s purpose becomes clear when you seek God together.
Once you’ve begun to discover your family’s purpose, it’s important to capture it in a clear, compelling family mission statement. Unlike corporate mission statements that often gather dust, a good family mission statement becomes a North Star guiding your family’s decisions.
Here’s my simple F.O.C.U.S. process for creating a family mission statement that actually works:
Begin with biblical truth, not personal preference. Ask: What Scriptures
particularly speak to our family? What biblical principles do we want to center our family around?
A mission statement like “The Smith family exists to acquire wealth and enjoy comfort” might reflect personal desire but lacks biblical foundation. Instead, “The Smith family exists to love God, serve others, and steward our resources for Kingdom impact” aligns with biblical purposes.
For a mission statement to guide your family, everyone needs to have input and buy-in. This doesn’t mean young children write the statement, but it does mean everyone’s perspective is valued.
Create age-appropriate ways for each family member to contribute. Ask children, “What do you think makes our family special?” or “How do you think God wants us to help others?” You’ll be amazed at their insights.
The best family mission statements are clear enough to remember and concise enough to recite. If your mission statement requires three pages to explain, it won’t guide daily decisions.
Aim for a statement that can be said in one breath. For example: “We exist to love God completely, serve others joyfully, grow together intentionally, and share Christ’s love globally.”
While biblical principles are universal, your family’s expression of those principles should reflect your unique makeup. Your mission statement should sound like your family, not someone else’s.
Include elements that reflect your family’s unique personality, history, values, and calling. A family with medical professionals might emphasize healing; a family with teachers might focus on education.
A good mission statement isn’t just inspirational; it’s practical. It should help your family evaluate opportunities, set priorities, and make difficult choices.
Test your mission statement by applying it to real scenarios: Does this help us decide where to live? How to spend our money? What opportunities
to pursue or decline? If it doesn’t provide guidance, it needs more specificity.
Sample Family Mission Statement:
“The Johnson family exists to know God deeply, love each other faithfully, grow in character daily, serve others generously, and share Christ’s hope globally, using our medical skills and resources to bring healing to underserved communities.”
Notice how this statement includes both universal purposes and specific calling. It’s biblical, memorable, and practical for guiding decisions.
Point to Remember: A clear mission statement transforms family decisions from reactive to purposeful.
Many families have good intentions but lack clear direction. They want to make a difference, but without a defined purpose, they end up making little impact. As the saying goes, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
Consider these contrasts between intention and direction:
Good Intentions:
“We want to be a good family”
“We should give back someday”
“We believe family time is important”
“We want to leave a legacy”
“We care about the next generation”
Clear Direction
“We prioritize these three specific values”
“We commit 10% of our resources to these causes”
“We protect Sundays as our family day”
“We are building these specific traditions”
“We are mentoring these specific young people”
The family with merely good intentions may feel good about their values, but the family with clear direction actually lives them out. Proverbs 29:18 reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). This is especially true for families.
Let me share a personal example. Early in our family’s journey, Kay and I didn’t just say, “We want our kids to have values.” We specifically identified
integrity, service, responsibility, gratitude, and faith as our core family values. Then we created intentional ways to develop these in our children through stories, experiences, and conversations. When our children faced decisions, we could ask, “How does this align with our family’s purpose and values?” This gave us clear direction, not just good intentions.
Point to Remember: Purpose without a plan remains just a wish.
Now it’s your turn. Use these simple steps to begin creating your family purpose statement:
Step 1: Gather your family
Schedule a special time when all family members can be present without distractions. Make it enjoyable—perhaps during a special meal or family retreat. Explain that you’ll be discussing what makes your family special and what difference God wants your family to make.
Step 2: Ask purpose-revealing questions
Have family members respond to questions like: What do you think is special about our family? What do we do well together? How do you think God wants to use our family to help others? What makes you most proud to be part of this family? What difference would you like our family to make in the world?
Step 3: Identify recurring themes
Listen for common threads in your family’s responses. You’ll likely notice patterns that point to your family’s unique calling and values. Write these down where everyone can see them.
Step 4: Craft your statement together
Using the themes you’ve identified, work together to craft a simple statement that captures your family’s purpose. Remember the F.O.C.U.S. principles to make it meaningful and effective.
Step 5: Test and refine
Once you have a draft statement, test it by asking:
• Does this reflect biblical purposes?
• Does this capture what’s unique about our family?
• Will this help us make decisions?
• Can everyone understand and remember this? Be willing to refine your statement until it truly captures your family’s God-given purpose.
Step 6: Display and use your statement
Once finalized, display your family purpose statement prominently in your home. Reference it regularly in family discussions, especially when making important decisions. Make it a living document, not just a nice sentiment. Point to Remember: A family aligned around purpose becomes unstoppable in impact.
1. What evidence do you see that your family was created for a specific purpose?
2. Which of the seven P.U.R.P.O.S.E. principles most resonated with you, and why?
3. What recurring themes about your family’s unique design or calling have you noticed?
4. How might a clear purpose statement change the way your family makes decisions?
5. What obstacles have prevented your family from discovering or fulfilling its purpose?
Use these questions to begin a family conversation about purpose:
1. If someone wrote a book about our family 100 years from now, what would you want it to say?
2. What do you think makes our family different from other families?
3. What are some things our family is really good at?
4. How do you think God wants to use our family to help others?
5. What’s one thing you wish our family would do more of?
Here are five simple ways to begin living with more purpose as a family this week:
1. Share the concept of family purpose with your family members in age-appropriate ways.
2. Pray together for God to reveal your family’s unique calling.
3. Schedule a family purpose discussion using the questions provided.
4. Look for clues to your family’s purpose in your history, passions, and resources.
5. Create a draft family purpose statement and display it where everyone can see it.
Remember: Discovering your family’s purpose isn’t a one-time event but an ongoing journey. The important thing is to begin intentionally seeking God’s design for your family. As you do, He will faithfully guide you into the purpose He’s had for your family all along.
Point to Remember: Your family’s greatest contribution won’t be what you accumulate but what you activate for God’s kingdom.
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” — Ephesians 2:10