Copyright © 2014 for Elijah: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life by Dr. Tony Evans and The Urban Alternative
Published by Lifetogether Ministries, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means -- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise -- except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Copyright and use of the curriculum template is retained by Brett Eastman. Permission for use is given to The Urban Alternative in all forms of distribution.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotes are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 and 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
ISBN : 978-1-940077-11-6 Printed in the United States of America
112 Frequently Asked Questions
A Lesson About Provision
113 OCBF Group Covenant
114 Small Group Calendar
A Lesson About Faith
115 Small Group Roster
116 Spiritual Partners
A Lesson about Commitment
117 Memory Verse Cards (Clip and Review)
118 Prayer and Praise Report
A Lesson about Prayer
A Lesson about Encouragement
120 Hosting an Open House
121 Leading for the First Time
A Lesson About Legacy
122 Leadership Training 124 Session Notes
WELCOME If ever there were a Biblical character deeply connected with God, it was Elijah.
Elijah’s legendary faith grew stronger through the challenges God sent his way. While Elijah sometimes got discouraged, he didn’t give up. He knew that even in the hard times, God was with him. He persevered. He prayed. He trusted even when tested. Elijah serves as a great role model for us.
Over the next six weeks, you’re going to study the life of Elijah in the context of community. You’ll build connections with the people in your group and grow in your faith as you study, learn, pray and even serve together.
When God created the world, the only thing He deemed “not good” was that a person would be alone. You were designed for community, to do life with others. In the context of community, we connect with one another and with God in life-changing ways.
This unique small group curriculum integrates what you are learning in church on the weekends with what you’re studying in your small group, and with your individual times with God. It provides a taste of small groups for those who are new, while still offering a rich and rewarding experience to those who’ve spent years in small groups.
In the context of your small group, you’ll dig deeper into the topics and Scriptures you’ve heard in the weekend messages. In that faith community, you will learn, discuss and grow. On your own between meetings, you’ll be guided through rich devotional times that again integrate with what you’re learning and experiencing at church and in your group.
This study consists of six sessions, each focused on a lesson we can learn from the life of Elijah.
You’ll have a chance to learn together, to discuss and share your own stories in a way that focuses on practical real-life application as you find your story in God’s story.
The study guide also includes sections that you can dig into on your own between meetings.
In addition to the written study, this curriculum includes a DVD with six teaching sessions, one for each lesson. In your discussion, you’ll dig into the Bible but also respond to what you watched on the DVD. Our prayer is that you would experience God in a fresh way as a result of this study.
USING THIS WORKBOOK (Tools to Help You Have a Great Small Group Experience) 1. Notice the Table of Contents is divided into
you think of a better question than the next one
three sections: (1) Sessions; (2) Appendices; and
in the lesson, ask it. Take to heart the insights
(3) Small Group Leader Helps. Familiarize yourself
included in the Frequently Asked Questions
with the Appendices. Some of them will be used
pages and the Small Group Leaders section.
in the sessions themselves. 4. Enjoy your small group experience. 2. If you are facilitating/leading or co-leading a small group, the section Small Group Leaders will
5. Pray before each session—for your group
offer some hard-learned experiences of others
members, for your time together, and for wisdom
that will encourage you and help you avoid
and insights.
many common obstacles to effective small group 6. Read the Outline for Each Session on the next
pages so that you understand how the sessions will flow.
3. Use this workbook as a guide, not a straightjacket. If the group responds to the lesson in an unexpected but honest way, go with that. If
WEEKLY MEMORY VERSES. Each session opens with a Memory Verse that emphasizes an important truth from the session. This is an optional exercise, but memorizing Scripture can be a vital part of filling our minds with God’s will for our lives. We encourage you to give this important habit a try. The verses for our six sessions are also listed in the appendix. SHARE YOUR STORY. The foundation for spiritual growth is an intimate connection with God and His family. You build that connection by sharing your story with a few people who really know you and who earn your trust. This section includes some simple questions to get the group talking—letting you share as much or as little of your story as you feel comfortable doing. An important part of this section is the opportunity to check in with your prayer partner.
HEAR GOD’S STORY. In this section, you’ll read the Bible and listen to teaching—in order to hear God’s story and begin to see how His story aligns with yours. When the study directs you to, you’ll pop in the DVD and watch a short teaching segment. You’ll then have an opportunity to read a passage of Scripture, and discuss both the teaching and the text with your group. You won’t focus on accumulating information but on how you should live in light of the Word of God.
CREATE A NEW STORY. God wants you to be a part of His Kingdom—to weave your story into His. That will mean change. It will require you to go His way rather than your own. This won’t happen overnight, but it should happen steadily. Talking with others who can encourage you and pray for you will help you to grow. The Bible reminds us to “be doers of the Word, not just hearers” (James 1:22). The discussion questions in this section focus on practical application of what you’ve learned in the lesson. This section will also have a question or two that will challenge you to live out your faith by serving others, sharing your faith, and worshiping God. You’ll discuss these during your meeting.
DAILY DEVOTIONS. The Daily Devotions provide short passages to read and reflect on your own, between group meetings. This is a chance to slow down, read just a small portion of Scripture each day, and reflect and pray through it. They are not really “homework” assignments, but a chance to reflect further on what you learned in your group meeting. Use this section to seek God on your own throughout the week. This time at home should begin and end with prayer. Don’t get in a hurry; take enough time to hear God’s direction.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Session ONE A Lesson About Provision Have you ever worried about having enough? Have you ever wondered whether God will provide? Will you be able to pay your bills, feed your family, keep your job, maintain your health? The Bible promises that God will supply all of our needs (Philippians 4:19), and the story of Elijah gives us a compelling picture of provision. God used unlikely means to provide for Elijah, and also for a widow who was nearly at the end of her rope.
Just as God provided for Elijah, He will provide for you. He may do it in ways that seem strange. He may move you to a new place or position in order to provide. But no matter what means of provision God uses, the truth is, He sees you and wants to care for you. He is generous, kind, and fully able to meet your needs. Will you trust His provision?
Weekly Memory Verse You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there. 1 Kings 17:4
Each of us has a story. The events of our life—good, bad, wonderful or challenging—have shaped who we are.
God knows your story, and He intends to redeem it—to use every struggle and every joy to ultimately bring you to Himself. When we share our stories with others, we give them the opportunity to see God at work. When we share our stories, we realize we are not alone—that we have common experiences and thoughts, and that others can understand what we are going through. Your story can encourage someone else, and telling it can be a path to freedom for you, and for those you share it with.
As you begin, pass around a copy of the Small Group Roster on page ??? or a sheet of paper. Have everyone introduce themselves, then write down their contact information. Ask someone to make copies or type up a list with everyone’s information and email it to the group during the week.
use the following questions and activities to get people talking 1. What do you hope to get out of this group? What drew you here?
2. What strengths do you bring to this group? What do you think you can do for others in the group?
3. Whether your group is new or ongoing, it’s always important to reflect on and review your values together. Take time right now to look at the OCBF Group Covenant on page ??. Read through it together and have each member sign their copy of it. A covenant assures that everyone clearly understands the values of the group and is committed to what will take your group to the next stage of intimacy and spiritual health. If your group is new, welcome newcomers. Introduce everyone—you may even want to have nametags for your first meeting.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
God knows your story, and He intends to redeem it—to use every struggle and every joy to ultimately bring you to Himself. When we share our stories with others, we give them the opportunity to see God at work. When we share our stories, we realize we are not alone—that we have common experiences and thoughts, and that others can understand what we are going through. Your story can encourage someone else, and telling it can be a path to freedom for you, and for those you share it with.
USE THE SMALL GROUP CALENDAR on page ??? to plan who will host and lead each meeting. Take a few minutes to plan hosts and leaders for your remaining meetings. Don’t pass this up! It will revolutionize your group.
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 1 Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, Discuss the teaching and stories you
just experienced, as well as the Bible passage in the next section.
GOD’s STORY God uses stories to guide us. When we read the true stories of Scripture, we learn what God is like, we see His plan unfolding. And we learn principles for our own lives. How can we become a part of God’s story? By aligning our stories with His. By not just understanding what it means to follow Him, but actually doing it—changing our attitudes and actions to live as He would live. Use the following questions to guide your discussion of the teaching and stories you just experienced, as well as the Bible passage below.
READ 1 KINGS 17:1-16 1. What was the cause of the famine in the land? 2. God’s plan to have ravens (an unclean bird to Jewish people) feed Elijah probably seemed strange to a Jewish prophet. Why do you think God used this plan? 3. Imagine yourself as the widow in the story. Have you ever felt desperation the way she did? What happened? 4. If you’d been that widow, how would you have responded to Elijah’s request? Why do you think she responded as she did?
CREATE A NEW STORY God wants you to be a part of His Kingdom—to weave your story into His. That will mean change—to go His way rather than your own. This won’t happen overnight, but it should happen steadily. By starting with small, simple choices, we begin to change our direction. The Holy Spirit helps us along the way—giving us gifts to serve the body, offering us insights into Scripture, and challenging us to love not only those around us but those far from God.
Discuss THESE QUESTION In the video, we heard Dr. Evans say, “When you need God’s provision, don’t lock yourself into what you think should be the method… When God dries up a situation where He has previously provided, it means that He is moving you on to a new scenario of provision. God never stays locked in to one way of provision.”
1. Tell about a time God provided for you in a strange or unexpected way. What did you learn?
2. Where is God “moving you on to a new scenario”?
3. People in the land where Elijah lived worshiped the idol Baal as their provider. While we may not set up altars and worship statues, we often have “idols” in our lives. These idols can be things or values that we put first, or goals and aspirations that we are willing to make sacrifices for, such as career success or looking good. What are some things that could easily become idols in your life?
4. What do you think Dr. Evans meant when he said, “God must be our source”?
5. This week, how will you nurture your connection with God? Will you trust Him as Elijah did, as the widow did? Can you commit to spending time in daily prayer or study of God’s word? (Use the Daily Devotions section to guide you.) Tell the group how you plan to stay in tune with God this week, and then, at your next meeting, talk about your progress and challenges.
TO CLOSE THIS SESSION Spend some time worshiping God together—praying, singing, reading Scripture. Use the Prayer and Praise report on page ? to keep track of how God answers prayer.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1.
Day 2. READ MATTHEW 6:26-27
READ MATTHEW 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
RESPOND: What do you tend to worry about most? How can you replace that worry with faith? Where is God asking you to trust Him for provision of your needs?
RESPOND: What specific situation do you need God’s provision in today? Walk outside and spend just a few moments looking at some birds. While they work hard to gather their food, God provides it. So God’s provision does not mean that we do nothing. Instead we work hard and trust God with the results of provision. Can you think of a situation where your hard work connects with God’s offer of provision? What role does our stewardship of the resources God gives us (money, schooling, job opportunities, etc.) play in His provision of our needs?
The following section is for you to use individually, in between your group meetings. On your own, you’ll go deeper into this week’s topic. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. Ask God to speak to you through His Word. Notice which word or phrase stands out to you. Then take some time to journal your response back to him.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?”
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
RESPOND: Most of us have more than enough clothing to keep us covered, warm and even looking presentable. We don’t worry about going unclothed, but we do spend a lot of time thinking (maybe obsessing) about our appearance. In what way does focus on appearance (looking good, having the right clothes, etc.) distract you from your relationship with God?
RESPOND: When it comes to provision, what do you worry about most? When Jesus tell us “Do not worry,” what is your gut response? Have you ever thought of worry as a sin?
RESPOND: What do you think it means to seek God’s kingdom first? What is one specific step you could take to begin to do that?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Session Two A Lesson About Faith What does it mean to have faith? It’s pretty easy to have faith—to trust God and believe His promises—when everything is going smoothly. It becomes a bit more difficult when we face challenges.
Faith gets tested when we are hit with painful situations, challenging circumstances, trials or tests. But our faith muscles get stronger when we have to push against the powerful weight of those challenges. Elijah had a strong faith, and he challenged the widow of Zarephath to have faith as well— even as she faced dire circumstances. Faith means not giving up on God when things get difficult. What would that look like in your life?
Weekly Memory Verse Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
When we share our stories, we can encourage someone else, and learn. We can experience the presence of God, as He helps us be brave enough to reveal our thoughts and feelings.
OPEN YOUR GROUP WITH PRAYER. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to guide you as you meet, to give you insight and wisdom. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting, or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion.
USE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO GET PEOPLE TALKING. 1. Why do some people lose their faith when they face difficult situations? Whose faith do you admire—perhaps a friend or family member? Why do you admire it?
2. Pair up with someone in your group. (We suggest that men partner with men and women with women.) This person will be your prayer partner for the rest of this study—a friend to encourage you to complete the goals you set for yourself during this study, someone who can pray for you and who you can pray for. Take a few moments to talk and pray with your partner. Each of you should answer this question: “In what ways do you want to see God grow your faith in the coming weeks?” Then pray for one another.
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 2 Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on.
GOD’s STORY How can we become a part of God’s story? By aligning our stories with His. Discuss the teaching and stories you just experienced, as well as the Bible passage below.
READ 1 KINGS 17:17-24 1. Elijah had rescued the widow and her son by miraculously providing them with food. She was grateful, but then her circumstances changed. How did she respond to that change? 2. In the video, we heard Dr. Evans say that faith is acting like God is telling the truth. He noted that faith is “acting like it is so, even when it is not so, in order that it might be so, simply because God said so. You measure faith by what you do, not by how you feel.” 3. Based on this definition of faith, how would you describe the faith of the widow? What situation are you facing right now where things are “not so”—where things are not right or not as you wish they were?
In this section, talk together with your group about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned from the teaching and Bible study. Then think about practical steps you can take in the coming week to live out what you’ve learned.
Faith requires that we believe God has our best interest in mind, even as we face situations that pressure us, as the widow did. Think about your life over the last couple of years. Looking back, can you think of a situation that pressed and tested you in the moment, but in the long run actually helped you to grow?
APPLY WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED. Sometimes, we need to have the faith to help others, as Elijah did. Dr. Evans challenged us with the question, “How close are you willing to get to the problem, and be used by God to be the solution?” What problem might God want to use you to be the solution?
The widow’s faith was weak. How did she piggy back on Elijah’s faith? Tell about a time when your faith was weak and you relied on the faith of someone else to get you through that time.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
ONE WAY TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH IS TO TAKE THE STEP TO SHARE YOUR FAITH IN GOD WITH OTHERS. But rather than sharing your faith with complete strangers, it’s easier to share with people you already know, people God has placed in your life. Take a look at the Circles of Life diagram below and write the names of two or three people you know who don’t yet know Christ. Commit to praying for them and praying for an opportunity to talk with them about your faith. Share your lists with the group.
Family (immediate or extended)
(neighbors, kids’ sports teams, school, and so forth)
(gym, hobbies, hangouts)
TO CLOSE YOUR TIME TOGETHER, spend some time worshiping God together—praying, singing, reading Scripture. Close your meeting with prayer. Don’t forget to use the Prayer & Praise report in the appendix.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
ow faith is the assurance of things hoped for the, the conviction of things not seen.
By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.
By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was offering up his only begotten son;”
RESPOND: What are you believing/having faith for that has not yet happened in your life? What is the connection between faith in the promises of God and hope that these promises will come true? How does faith in God help you hold with conviction to “things not seen”?
RESPOND: Faith in God is measured by what you do, not how you feel. Abraham believed God and in faith left his home city to step out into the unknown. Is there something right now that God is calling you to do that requires a step of faith? Are you willing to demonstrate your faith by obeying that call?
RESPOND: Faith in God does not mean our lives are free from testing and trials. This certainly was not the case for the widow of Zarephath or for Abraham. And, it may mean that, like Abraham, God will give us specific trials to reveal the real strength of our faith. What trials or tests of faith have you been through? What trials or tests are you currently going through? How are they impacting your faith?
Use these daily devotions on your own between meetings. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. Ask God to speak to you through His Word. Notice which word or phrase stands out to you. Then take some time to journal your response back to him. You can write whatever’s on your heart. Answer the “respond” question only if it’s helpful. Feel free to go another direction, if you sense God leading you. On the first day, you may want to read over all the verses for the week to get the “big picture” of the passage. But then walk slowly verse by verse. Listen to what God wants to say to you through His Word, and respond to Him as you meditate on the truths of Scripture.
Day 4.
Day 5.
READ: HEBREWS 11:24-26
By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to endure illtreatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.
”By faith they passed through the Red Sea as though they were passing through dry land; and the Egyptians, when they attempted it, were drowned.
RESPOND: Faith often requires us, like Moses, to make tough choices about what we give our time and attention to. This may include giving up “passing pleasures” for the greater riches of Christ (Hebrews 11:26). Are there passing pleasures that in your life that are stumbling blocks in your walk of faith?
RESPOND: Sometimes God will put us in a tough situation, between a rock and a hard place, so that we have to put our faith in His power to do the impossible—like Israel caught between the pursuing Egyptians and the Red Sea. Have you faced an obstacle so big that only God could move it? Are you waiting on God to deliver you from any current “Red Sea” crises?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Session THREE A Lesson About COMMITMENT Have you ever had someone who was deeply committed
We aren’t always willing to be “all in” for our friends, our
to you? Hopefully, if you’re married, your spouse is
family, our church. Commitments get broken, and people
committed to your marriage. A friend may have a deep
get hurt as a result.
commitment to your friendship. Your siblings or parents might be committed to their relationship with you,but that’s not always the case. In our culture, commitment is sometimes hard to find. 42
God is completely committed to you, and He is looking for wholehearted followers who are completely committed to Him. He wants all of you. When you make that commitment, you’ll find that, like Elijah, you’ll be blessed.
Weekly Memory Verse Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing. 1 Kings 18:21
Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to be with you as you meet. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting, or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion.
Telling our personal stories builds deeper connections among group members. BEGIN YOUR TIME TOGETHER by using the following questions and activities to get people talking. Discuss the following questions with your group right now.
1. What are some commitments you’ve made in your life? Perhaps you’re committed to your spouse, to working out, to your employer.
2. Why do you think some people are afraid of or cautious about commitment?
3. Sit with your prayer partner. Share one highlight from your time with God during the past week. How did He speak to you through the Daily Devotions or time in prayer?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 3 Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on.
GOD’s STORY READ 1 KINGS 18:20-40 1. In verse 21, Elijah asks the people to make a commitment—to either God or Baal. But they say nothing. What were they “saying” with their silence? 2. In this passage, we read about a “throw down” of sorts between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. What happened? What surprises you about this encounter? 3. In the video, Dr. Evans said that commitment meant including God in all aspects of our lives, not just in some things. What areas of life do people sometimes want to exclude from God’s influence? 4. What does this passage tell us about God’s power? Why do you think she responded as she did? 5. In the video, Dr. Evans said, “Full commitment is not a loss, it’s an investment. If it is invested in the right thing, the payoff is worth the price.” What is your response to that statement? What are the primary areas in your life that you are investing your time, talents, and financial resources?
A NEW STORY In this section, talk together with your group about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned from the teaching and Bible study. Then think about practical steps you can take in the coming week to live out what you’ve learned. Let’s talk about commitment, not just in theory, but in practical ways. In this section, talk with your group about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned in this session.
ACTION STEPS Let’s talk about commitment, not just in theory, but in practical ways. In this section, talk with your group about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned in this session.
Dr. Evans talked about how some people make God their “spare tire.” What do you think he meant? Have you ever been tempted to see God as your “spare tire”? What did that look like? Dr. Evans challenged us with the question, are you going to go “all in” to see all of Him? What do you think he meant? How would you respond? Where do you want to see more of God? What can you do to make that happen? What is one small step you could take to deepen your commitment to God?
What specific steps will you take this week to cultivate your personal relationship with God? If you’ve focused on prayer in past weeks, maybe you’ll want to direct your attention to Scripture this week. If you’ve been reading God’s Word consistently, perhaps you’ll want to take it deeper and try memorizing a verse. Tell the group which one you plan to try this week, and then, at your next meeting, talk about your progress and challenges.
In the last session you wrote some names in the Circles of Life diagram. Did you pray for them this week? Is there one person on the chart that you might just reach out to build a friendship with? God calls us to love him and love others. Why not simply reach out in friendship to one of the people in your circles? Perhaps you could invite them to lunch or just have coffee. Ask God to guide you.
Groups that connect outside of the regular meeting time build stronger bonds and feel a greater sense of purpose. Why not plan a social outing with group members? As a group, brainstorm about ways that you could do something fun together—enjoy a meal or a night out together?
TO CLOSE YOUR TIME TOGETHER, spend some time worshiping God together—praying, singing, reading Scripture. Close your meeting with prayer. Don’t forget to use the Prayer & Praise report in the appendix.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
RESPOND: How are maturity and commitment connected?
RESPOND: What truth does this verse tell us about God? What promise does it make?
RESPOND: When was a time that your faith was tested? Did it indeed build perseverance in your character?
As you’ve done in prior weeks, use this section to stay connected with Jesus through your week on your own. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. Ask God to speak to you through His word. Notice which word or phrase stands out to you. Then take some time to journal your response back to him. You can write whatever’s on your heart. Answer the “respond” question only if it’s helpful. Feel free to go another direction, if you sense God leading you.
Day 4.
Day 5.
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
RESPOND: Think about a time that you felt tossed about like a wave of the sea. What caused you to doubt?
RESPOND: Dr. Evans talked about double-mindedness, as this verse does. In what areas of your life do you tend to fall into double-mindedness?
Session FOUR A Lesson About Prayer If you love someone, if you have an intimate friendship with them, it’s easy to talk with them. Conversation is not a burden, but something you enjoy and look forward to. Prayer is simply that same kind of intimate conversation with God. He loves you and wants not only to hear from you, but also to speak to you. When you pray, He will guide you and begin to change you into someone who wants what He wants, who understands and actually desires to do His will. Prayer is not just asking God to give us things. Rather, prayer is an opportunity to shape our character and strengthen us spiritually.
Weekly Memory Verse Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
YOUR STORY Open your group with prayer. Open your group with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer, in which you invite God to be with you as you meet. You can pray for specific requests at the end of the meeting or stop momentarily to pray if a particular situation comes up during your discussion.
GETTING STARTED Telling our personal stories builds deeper connections among group members. Begin your time together by using the following questions and activities to get people talking.
1. Have you ever known someone who seemed to be a “prayer warrior” or really connected with God through prayer? How would you describe them?
2. Describe a time when you got an unexpected answer to prayer.
3. Sit with your prayer partner. If you haven’t established your prayer partnership yet, do it now. Share one prayer request and one thing you want to thank God for. Spend some time praying about what you’ve shared.
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 4 Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
GOD’S STORY READ 1 KINGS 18:41-46 1. Dr. Evans said that prayer builds our relationship with God. He noted that God reveals His thoughts and will to our minds when we enter into intimate communication with him. What is your response to that idea? How have you experienced that in your own life?
2. What does it mean to pray specifically? What makes that challenging?
3. In this passage, Elijah squats down to pray. What is he asking God for? Why was he squatting or, as the text says, putting his face between his knees?
CREATE A NEW STORY God wants you to be a part of His Kingdom—to weave your story into His. That will mean change—to go His way rather than your own. This won’t happen overnight—but it should happen steadily. By starting with small, simple choices, we begin to change our direction. The Holy Spirit helps us along the way: giving us gifts to serve the body, offering us insights into Scripture, and challenging us to love not only those around us but those far from God.
Discuss THESE QUESTION In this section, talk about how you will apply the wisdom you’ve learned in this session. In the video, Dr. Evans said that Elijah had such a relationship with God that he sought to please God. He prayed in alignment with God’s will.
1. Would you describe your prayers more as aligned with God, or arguing with God?
2. Elijah prayed seven times for rain. What keeps you from persisting in prayer?
3. What’s one step you could take to build your endurance for laboring in prayer?
4. What is God leading you to pray for? (A person, a situation, a dream?)
5. Often when we pray for the needs of others we may find that God is prodding us to be a part of the answer to that prayer. One way we do this is by serving others. Groups grow closer when they serve together. How could you as a group serve someone in need? You may want to visit a shut-in from your church, provide a meal for a family going through difficulty, or give some other practical help to someone in need. If nothing comes to mind, spend some time as a group praying and asking God to show you who needs your help. Have two or three group members organize a serving project for the group, and then—do it!
TO CLOSE THIS SESSION There are two more sessions in this study. It’s not too soon to think about whether your group will continue after you complete this study. Think and pray about it—you don’t have to decide just yet.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Pray then in this way, ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed by your name.”
Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
RESPOND: We all can get stuck in certain patterns of prayer. How do you pray? Are your prayers primarily focused on solving your problems or meeting your needs? Do you start your prayers with focusing on how big God is (the Father in heaven)? How can you “hallow” (or greatly respect) God’s name through your prayers?
RESPOND: Prayer should help us align our will with God’s will, our requests and needs with His mission. Are the topics you regularly return to and the needs you express aligned with God’s desires, His will for your life?
RESPOND: Sometimes we only push the prayer button as a last resort when we find ourselves in a crisis. What would it look like to pray and thank and trust God for your daily, hourly, and minute by minute needs? Give it a try today.
Use these daily devotions on your own between group meetings. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. Ask God to speak to you through His word. Notice which word or phrase stands out to you. Then take some time to journal your response back to him. You can write whatever’s on your heart. Answer the “respond” question only if it’s helpful. Feel free to go another direction, if you sense God leading you. On the first day of the week, you may want to read through the verses for the week to get the “big picture” of the passage. But then walk slowly verse by verse. Listen to what God wants to say to you through His word, and respond to Him as you meditate on the truths of Scripture.
Day 4.
Day 5.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
RESPOND: In prayer we come before a God who knows us completely, all the good and the bad that is a part of who we are as sinful persons made in the image of God. That means that confession will naturally be a regular part of our prayers. What role does regular confession play in your prayer life? Are there things you need to confess to God now?
RESPOND: Prayer is a primary weapon in the spiritual battle that rages constantly around us with evil (this is often interpreted as the “evil one” meaning the Devil). How aware are you of the constant pull of temptations in this spiritual battle with the world, the flesh and the Devil? What would your prayer life look like if you engaged in this battle as you prayed?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Session FIVE A Lesson about Encouragement Have you ever felt ready to give up? Like you simply
most often, that means other people—to minister to
just wanted to lie down and quit?
us and encourage us. Look around the room at your
The good news is, you’re not alone—everyone gets
small group. God can use these folks to encourage
discouraged sometimes. The even better news is
you, and He might intend for you to encourage them
that God wants to encourage you and help you. His
as well. Be messengers of God’s love to one another.
strength is sufficient when your strength is gone. How does He encourage us? He sends messengers—
Weekly Memory Verse The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.� 1 Kings 19:7
Telling our personal stories builds deeper connections among group members.
Begin your time together by using the following questions and activities to get people talking. Sharing our stories requires us to be honest. We can help one another to be honest and open by creating a safe place: be sure that your group is one where confidentiality is respected, where there’s no such thing as “stupid questions,” where you listen without criticizing one another.
1. Tell about a time you felt that the journey was too much for you, and someone encouraged you.
2. What circumstances cause people to get stuck on this journey and not move forward?
3. Sit with your prayer partner. If your partner is absent or if you are new to the group, join with another pair or someone who doesn’t yet have a partner. Answer this question: how has being in this group impacted your personal relationship with God?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 5 Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on. After watching the video, Discuss the teaching and stories you
just experienced, as well as the Bible passage in the next section.
Use the following questions to guide your discussion of the teaching from the DVD and the Bible passage below.
“How can a man go from the pinnacle to the pit? Because the enemy showed up.”—Dr. Tony Evans READ 1 KINGS 19:1-6 1. What surprises you about this part of Elijah’s story?
2. Elijah had experienced victory and accomplished a lot. Yet, he still became discouraged. Why do you think this happened?
3. How did God care for Elijah in this story? What did Elijah need?
CREATE A NEW STORY God wants you to be a part of His Kingdom—to weave your story into His. That will mean change. It will require you to go His way rather than your own. This won’t happen overnight, but it should happen steadily. By making small, simple choices, we can begin to change our direction. The Holy Spirit helps us along the way, by giving us gifts to serve the body, offering us insights into Scripture, and challenging us to love not only those around us but those far from God.
1. In the video, Dr. Evans said, “When discouragement is unaddressed, it leads to depression. When depression is unaddressed, it leads to despair. When despair is unaddressed, it leads to a decision or desire to want to die.” Do you agree or disagree? How have you seen this progression play out in your life or the life of someone close to you?
2. Who is someone who needs your encouragement, who needs you to be a messenger of God to them right now? What specific action will you take in the next two days to encourage them?
3. Sometimes our physical needs such as hunger or exhaustion can cause us to lose not only our physical energy but our mental and spiritual energy as well—as happened to Elijah. What can you do to take care of yourself physically to protect yourself from Satan’s spiritual attacks?
4. A strong group is made up of people who are all being filled up by God, so that they are empowered to love one another. What specific steps will you take this week to connect with God privately, so that He can “fill you up”? If you’ve focused on prayer in past weeks, maybe you’ll want to direct your attention to Scripture this week. If you’ve been reading God’s Word consistently, perhaps you’ll want to take it deeper and try memorizing a verse. Tell the
TO CLOSE THIS SESSION spend some time worshiping God together—perhaps praying, reading Scripture out loud, or having someone share a worship song by playing it on their phone. Be sure to write prayer requests on your Prayer and Praise Report on page ???.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1. READ: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. RESPOND: Who is someone who builds you up? Who is someone you could do that for?
Day 2.
Day 3.
Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you.
Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
RESPOND: Who supports you and works hard to help you spiritually? Write that person a note to thank them for how they’ve acted as God’s messenger to you.
RESPOND: What’s one step God is prompting you to take in order to live in peace with others?
As you’ve done in previous weeks, use this tool to stay connected with Christ on your own, between your group meetings. This is not “required” but it is an optional tool to keep you thinking about what you discussed in group. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. You may even want to imagine that Jesus is sitting with you, speaking to you. You may want to use a Bible app to look up commentary or another translation of the verses.
Day 4.
Day 5.
And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
RESPOND: Who are the people who need encouragement, according to this verse? Who is someone you can offer encouragement to? Spend some time praying and asking God to bring someone to mind.
RESPOND: This verse urges us not to take revenge. How could choosing not to take revenge encourage someone? How can doing good to others encourage them, even if you don’t say a word?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Session SIX A Lesson about Legacy What does it mean to leave a legacy? Many of us think of
God has entrusted to you? You cannot give away what you
our children and grandchildren, and the notion of leaving
don’t have—do you have a spiritual treasure to pass along
them an inheritance. Others may think of building a
to the next generation?
business, or influencing others. In this final session, we’re going to look at Elijah and his What sort of spiritual inheritance are you leaving to others? legacy and talk about what it means to pass on our own How do you invest in people in order to pass along what
spiritual heritage and history.
Weekly Memory Verse When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. 2 Kings 2:9
As we have said in previous lessons, sharing our personal stories builds deeper connections among group members. Your story may be exactly what another person needs to hear to encourage or strengthen them.
OPEN YOUR GROUP WITH PRAYER. Listening to others’ stories is an act of love and kindness to them—and could very well help them to grow spiritually.
USE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO GET PEOPLE TALKING. 1. What has surprised you most about this group? Where did God meet you over the last six weeks?
2. What comes to mind when you hear the word “legacy”?
3. Take time in this final session to connect with your prayer partner. What has God been showing you through these sessions about what it means to live in community? Check in with each other about the progress you have made in your spiritual growth during this study.
4. Take some time for each person to share about how they’ve done with building friendships with and praying for the people on the Circles of Life. If your group is going to continue on and do another study, who is one person on your Circles that you might want to invite to the group?
5. What specific faith conversations with people in these circles are you praying about for the weeks to come?
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
WATCH NOW: DVD SESSION 6 Watch the DVD for this session now. Use the Notes space provided to record any key thoughts, questions, and things you want to remember or follow up on.
GOD’s STORY Use the following questions to guide your discussion of the teaching you just experienced in the video, as well as the Bible passage below.
READ 2 KINGS 2:1-14 1. What four places did God tell Elijah to go? What was the significance of each of those places? 2. How did Elisha show his loyalty to Elijah? 3. What did Elisha ask for from Elijah as a legacy or inheritance? 4. In the video, Dr. Evans said, “If you have eyes to see the spiritual, then you’ll get more of God.” How can you develop spiritual eyes?
A NEW STORY Discuss the following questions with your group.
How has God changed your story during this six-week study?
What new things is He asking you to do?
What truth has transformed your heart?
Think about specific steps you want to take to live a new story, to walk more closely with God so that you can be a part of His story, engaged in His kingdom.
1. Which of these resonates most deeply with you? How can you move forward in that area when it comes to leaving a legacy?
2. What legacy do you want to give to this group?
3. Elisha saw Elijah’s spiritual depth and connection with God; he longed to have the same thing—or even a double portion of that. Who is someone that you’d say that about? How could you cultivate a relationship with that person
As this is the last meeting in this study, take some time to celebrate the work God has done in the lives of group members. Have each person in the group share some step of growth that they have noticed in another member. (In other words, no one will talk about themselves. Instead, affirm others in the group). Make sure that each person gets affirmed and noticed and celebrated—whether the steps they’ve made are large or small.
If your group still needs to make decisions about continuing to meet after this session, have that discussion now. Talk about what you will study, who will lead, and where and when you will meet.
Review your Group Covenant on page ??? and evaluate how well you met your goals. Discuss any changes you want to make as you move forward. If you plan to continue meeting, and your group starts a new study, this is a great time to take on a new role or change roles of service in your group. What new role will you take on? If you are uncertain, maybe your group members have some ideas for you. Remember you aren’t making a lifetime commitment to the new role; it will only be for a few weeks. Maybe someone would like to share a role with you if you don’t feel ready to serve solo.
TO CLOSE THIS SESSION Start by praying for your prayer requests and take a couple of minutes to review the praises you have recorded over the past five weeks on the Prayer and Praise Report on page ???. Spend some time just worshipping God and thanking Him for all He’s done in your group during this study.
ELIJAH: Putting the Power of the Prophet in Your Life
Ask God to speak to you through His word.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
READ: PSALM 128:3-4
How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways.”
When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children like olive plants around your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD.
RESPOND: Elijah was a man who feared the LORD, so he arranged his life to follow after God (to “walk in His ways”). Elisha observed this and wanted this same legacy. Are you identified by others as one who fears the LORD? Does your life have the quality of pursuing God’s ways even when they conflict with your own plans?
RESPOND: Our legacy is connected to the stewardship of our lives—how we order our life under God so that it is fruitful and productive. What fruit is your life producing? Do you feel at peace with how you are stewarding your life under God?
RESPOND: Your legacy is not just about your fruitfulness, but the flourishing of your family. The way that you treat your family and your discipleship of those under your care is a clear indication of whether someone “fears the LORD.” What are some ways that you are investing in the flourishing of your family?
In this last week, begin to pray about your next step in growing closer to Jesus. Use these devotions on your own to stay connected with Him. Now that you’re done with the study, you may want to use them as a model for how to reflect and read on your own. Each day, read the verse given. Take your time. Walk slowly verse by verse, listening to Jesus and responding to him as you meditate on the truths of Scripture and experience his presence.
Day 4.
Day 5.
The LORD bless you from Zion, and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.
Indeed, may you see your children’s children. Peace be upon Israel!
RESPOND: Leaving a legacy means allowing God to use your gifts to impact your church (Zion) and your community (Jerusalem) for his glory. God’s mission is not just to bless us, but to use us in the advancement of His kingdom. What are some of the gifts and talents God has given you to bless your church? What are some of the gifts and talents God has given you to bless your community? How are you using these gifts for His glory?
RESPOND: Peace in Psalm 128:6 is the Hebrew idea of shalom, which means the well-being and flourishing that can only come from a life surrendered to God. What legacy will you leave to coming generations (your children’s children)? How is your life here and now contributing to their future flourishing and well-being? Will they receive a legacy of faith from you to pass on to their children?
Like all fun things in life—have a party! A “get to know you” coffee, dinner, or dessert is a great way to launch a new study. You will want to review the Group Covenant (pages ???-???) and share the names of a few friends you can invite to join you. But most importantly, have fun before your study time begins.
WHERE DO WE FIND NEW MEMBERS FOR OUR GROUP? This can be troubling, especially for new groups that have only a few people or for existing groups that lose a few people along the way. We encourage you to pray with your group and then brainstorm a list of people from work, church, your neighborhood, your children’s school, family, the gym, and so forth. Then have each group member invite several of the people on his or her list.
HOW LONG WILL THIS GROUP MEET? It’s totally up to the group. Most groups meet weekly, but every other week may work as well. We strongly recommend that the group meet for the first six months on a weekly basis if possible. This allows for continuity, and if people miss a meeting they aren’t gone for a whole month. At the end of this study, each group member will decide if he or she wants to continue on for another study. Some groups launch relationships for years to come, and others are stepping-stones into another group experience. Either way, enjoy the journey. No matter how you find members, it’s vital that you stay on the lookout for new people to join your group. All groups tend to go through healthy attrition—the result of moves, releasing new leaders, ministry opportunities, and so forth—and if the group gets too small, it could be at risk of shutting down. If you and your group stay open, you’ll be amazed at the people God sends your way. The next person just might become a friend for life. You never know!
HOW LONG WILL THIS GROUP MEET? Most groups meet weekly for at least their first 6 weeks, but every other week can work as well after your initial 6 weeks together. We strongly recommend that the group meet for the first six months on a weekly basis if at all possible. This allows for continuity, and if people miss a meeting they aren’t gone for a whole month.
At the end of this study, each group member may decide if he or she wants to continue with the group. Some groups launch relationships for years to come, and others are stepping-stones into another group experience. Either way, enjoy the journey.
You’re not alone! This could be the result of a personality conflict, life stage difference, geographical distance, level of spiritual maturity, or any number of things. Relax. Pray for God’s direction, and at the end of this 6-week study, decide whether to continue with this group or find another. You don’t typically buy the first car you look at or marry the first person you date, and the same goes with a group. However, don’t bail out before the 6 weeks are up—God might have something to teach you. Also, don’t run from conflict or prejudge people before you have given them a chance. God is still working in your life, too!
WHO IS THE LEADER? Most groups have an official host. But ideally, the group will mature and members will share different aspects of leading the group, whether guiding the discussion, opening their home, preparing a snack or meal, leading the group in prayer, or giving encouraging words to fellow group members. Each group member has different gifts they can utilize to help the group grow. This is what the apostle Paul meant when he speaks of the church as the body of Christ made up of different members (body parts), each equipped with different spiritual gifts. We have discovered that healthy groups rotate hosts/leaders and homes on a regular basis. This model ensures that all members grow, give their unique contribution, and develop their gifts. This study guide and the Holy Spirit can keep things on track even when you rotate leaders. Christ has promised to be in your midst as you gather. Ultimately, God is your leader each step of the way.
HOW DO WE HANDLE THE CHILD CARE NEEDS IN OUR GROUP? VVery carefully. Seriously, this can be a sensitive issue. We suggest that you empower the group to openly brainstorm solutions. You may try one option that works for a while and then adjust over time. Our favorite approach is for adults to meet in the living room or dining room and to share the cost of a babysitter (or two) who can watch the kids in a different part of the house. This way, parents don’t have to be away from their children all evening when their children are too young to be left at home. A second option is to use one home for the kids and a second home (close by or a phone call away) for the adults. A third idea is to rotate the responsibility of providing a lesson or care for the children either in the same home or in another home nearby. This can be an incredible blessing for kids. Finally, the most common solution is to decide that you need to have a night to invest in your spiritual lives individually or as a couple and to make your own arrangements for childcare. No matter what decision the group makes, the best approach is to dialogue openly about both the problem and the solution.
GROUP COVENANT THE PURPOSE OF GROUPS OCBF Groups will provide a community experience that includes intentional biblical application in a relational context of accountability and connectivity. We will meet together for the purpose of connecting, growing and serving together. Group Structure: The When? Where? What? of My Commitment 1.
My group will meet on ________________________ (day of the week) for six weeks.
The group sessions will begin at (time) ______________________ and end at ________________________.
We will meet at (location): ______________________________________________________________________.
In our group time we will be studying the following topic/curriculum: __________________________________________________________________________________________.
OUR GROUP VALUES OR GROUND RULES: Attendance: We will make the group meeting a priority by being in attendance at all meetings and arriving on time. If we cannot be in attendance or will run late we will contact our group facilitator in advance of the meeting. Participation: Our group will value the full participation of every group member. This means that we will come prepared to each meeting by studying the lesson prior to our time together. This also means that we will listen attentively to each group member without interrupting them or carrying on separate conversations. Confidentiality: For authentic community to form, we must be able to trust each other in the group. This means that issues discussed within the group will not be shared outside of the group. Connectivity: Our group will value the building of relationships among group members. This means that we will commit to pray for the other group members on a weekly basis, follow-up on needs that are shared within the group, and seek to hold one another accountable to grow in our walk of discipleship. By signing below I commit to uphold the group values reflected in this Group Covenant
Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________
CALENDAR Planning and calendaring can help ensure the greatest participation at every meeting. At the end of each meeting, review this calendar. Be sure to include a regular rotation of host homes and leaders, and don’t forget birthdays, socials, church events, holidays, and mission/ministry projects. Go to for an electronic copy of this form and other ideas for your group to do together.
Monday, January 15
Steve and Laura’s House
Briefly check in each week and write down your personal plans and progress for the next week (or even for the next few weeks). This could be done (before or after the meeting) on the phone, through an email message, or even in person from time to time.
You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each
supply you with food there. (1 Kings 17:4)
other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
SESSION 2 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance
about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” (1 Kings 19:7)
SESSION 3 Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing. (1 Kings 18:21)
SESSION 6 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. (2 Kings 2:9)
OPEN HOUSE If you’re starting a new group, or if this is your first time leading a small group, you should consider planning an “open house” before your first formal group meeting. Even if you only have two to four core members, it’s a great way to break the ice and to consider prayerfully who else might be open to join you over the next few weeks. You can also use this kick-off meeting to hand out study guides, spend some time getting to know each other, discuss each person’s expectations for the group, and briefly pray for each other.
A simple meal or good desserts always make a kick-off meeting more fun. After people introduce themselves and share how they ended up being at the meeting, have everyone respond to a few icebreaker questions, like: “What is your favorite family vacation?” or “What is one thing you love about your church/our community?” or “What are three things about your life growing up that most people here don’t know?” Finally, ask everyone to tell what he or she hopes to get out of the study. You might want to review the Small Group Agreement and talk about each person’s expectations and priorities.
SWEATY PALMS ARE A HEALTHY SIGN. Sweaty palms are a healthy sign. The Bible says God is gracious to the humble. Remember who is in control; the time to worry is when you’re not worried. Those who are soft in heart (and sweaty palmed) are those whom God is sure to speak through. SEEK SUPPORT. Ask your leader, co-leader, or close friend to pray for you and prepare with you before the session. Walking through the study will help you anticipate potentially difficult questions and discussion topics. BRING YOUR UNIQUENESS TO THE STUDY. Bring your uniqueness to the study. Lean into who you are and how God wants you to uniquely lead the study. PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Go through the session several times. If you are using the DVD, listen to the teaching segment and Leadership Lifter. Go to www.lifetogether. com and download pertinent files. Consider writing in a journal or fasting for a day to prepare yourself for what God wants to do. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare. ASK FOR FEEDBACK SO YOU CAN GROW. Ask for feedback so you can grow. Perhaps in an email or on cards handed out at the study, have everyone write down three things you did well and one thing you could improve on. Don’t get defensive. Instead, show an openness to learn and grow. PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER LAUNCHING A NEW GROUP. Prayerfully consider launching a new group. This doesn’t need to happen overnight, but God’s heart is for this to take place over time. Not all Christians are called to be leaders or teachers, but we are all called to be “shepherds” of a few someday. SHARE WITH YOUR GROUP WHAT GOD IS DOING IN YOUR HEART. Share with your group what God is doing in your heart. God is searching for those whose hearts are fully his. Share your trials and victories. We promise that people will relate. PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER WHOM YOU WOULD LIKE TO PASS THE BATON TO NEXT WEEK. Prayerfully consider whom you would like to pass the baton to next week. It’s only fair. God is ready for the next member of your group to go on the faith journey you just traveled. Make it fun, and expect God to do the rest.
LEADERSHIP TRAINING (TOP TEN IDEAS FOR NEW LEADERS) CONGRATULATIONS! You have responded to the call to help shepherd Jesus’ flock. There are few other tasks in the family of God that surpass the contribution you will be making. As you prepare to lead, whether it is one session or the entire series, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind. We encourage you to read these and review them with each new discussion leader before he or she leads.
1. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God knows everything about you, and He knew that you would be asked to lead your group. Remember that it is common for all good leaders to feel that they are not ready to lead. Moses, Solomon, Jeremiah and Timothy were all reluctant to lead. God promises, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Whether you are leading for one evening, for several weeks, or for a lifetime, you will be blessed as you serve. 2. DON’T DO IT ALONE. Pray right now for God to help you build a healthy leadership team. If you can enlist a co-leader to help you lead the group, you will find your experience to be much richer. This is your chance to involve as many people as you can in building a healthy group. All you have to do is call and ask people to help. You’ll probably be surprised at the response. 3. JUST BE YOURSELF. If you won’t be you, who will? God wants you to use your unique gifts and temperament. Don’t try to do things exactly like another leader; do them in a way that fits you! Just admit it when you don’t have an answer, and apologize when you make a mistake. Your group will love you for it, and you’ll sleep better at night! 4. PREPARE FOR YOUR MEETING AHEAD OF TIME. Review the session, and write down your responses to each question. Pay special attention to exercises that ask group members to do something other than engage in discussion. These exercises will help your group live what the Bible teaches, not just talk about it. Be sure you understand how an exercise works, and bring any necessary supplies (such as paper and pens) to your meeting. If the exercise employs one of the items in the appendix, be sure to look over that item so you’ll know how it works. 5. PRAY FOR YOUR GROUP MEMBERS BY NAME. Before you begin your session, go around the room in your mind and pray for each member by name. You may want to review the prayer list at least once a week. Ask God to use your time together to touch the heart of every person uniquely. Expect God to lead you to whomever He wants you to encourage or challenge in a special way. If you listen, God will surely lead!
6. WHEN YOU ASK A QUESTION, BE PATIENT. Someone will eventually respond. Sometimes people need a moment or two of silence to think about the question. Keep in mind, if silence doesn’t bother you, it won’t bother anyone else. After someone responds, affirm the response with a simple “thanks” or “good job.” Then ask, “How about somebody else?” or “Would someone who hasn’t shared like to add anything?” Be sensitive to new people or reluctant members who aren’t ready to say, pray or do anything. If you give them a safe setting, they will blossom over time. 7. PROVIDE TRANSITIONS BETWEEN QUESTIONS. When guiding the discussion, always read aloud the transitional paragraphs and the questions. Ask the group if anyone would like to read the paragraph or Bible passage. Don’t call on anyone, but ask for a volunteer, and then be patient until someone begins. Be sure to thank the person who reads aloud. 8. BREAK UP INTO SMALL GROUPS EACH WEEK OR THEY WON’T STAY. If your group has more than seven people, we strongly encourage you to have the group gather sometimes in discussion circles of three or four people during the Hear God’s Story or Change Your Story sections of the study. With a greater opportunity to talk in a small circle, people will connect more with the study, apply more quickly what they’re learning and ultimately get more out of it. A small circle also encourages a quiet person to participate and tends to minimize the effects of a more vocal or dominant member. It can also help people feel more loved in your group. When you gather again at the end of the section, you can have one person summarize the highlights from each circle. Small circles are also helpful during prayer time. People who are unaccustomed to praying aloud will feel more comfortable trying it with just two or three others. Also, prayer requests won’t take as much time, so circles will have more time to actually pray. When you gather back with the whole group, you can have one person from each circle briefly update everyone on the prayer requests. People are more willing to pray in small circles if they know that the whole group will hear all the prayer requests. 9. ENCOURAGE YOUR GROUP MEMBERS TO FORM PRAYER PARTNERSHIPS. This may be awkward at first, but developing deeper one on one relationships between group members will strengthen the overall bonds of connection in your group. Additionally, the experience of having your specific requests, goals, hopes, and dreams prayed for by someone else in the group will catalyze the spiritual growth of each member. 10. ONE FINAL CHALLENGE (FOR NEW OR FIRST TIME LEADERS): Before your first opportunity to lead, look up each of the five passages listed below. Read each one as a devotional exercise to help equip yourself with a shepherd’s heart. Trust us on this one. If you do this, you will be more than ready for your first meeting. Matthew 9:36 1 Peter 5:2-4 Psalm 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12